291 resultados para COULOMB DISSOCIATION


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Using the measured capacitance- voltage curves of Ni Schottky contacts with different areas on strained AlGaN/ GaN heterostructures and the current- voltage characteristics for the AlGaN/ GaN heterostructure field- effect transistors at low drain- source voltage, we found that the two- dimensional electron gas (2DEG) electron mobility increased as the Ni Schottky contact area increased. When the gate bias increased from negative to positive, the 2DEG electron mobility for the samples increased monotonically except for the sample with the largest Ni Schottky contact area. A new scattering mechanism is proposed, which is based on the polarization Coulomb field scattering related to the strain variation of the AlGaN barrier layer. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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Based on our recent work on quantum transport [X. Q. Li , Phys. Rev. B 71, 205304 (2005)], we show how an efficient calculation can be performed for the current noise spectrum. Compared to the classical rate equation or the quantum trajectory method, the proposed approach is capable of tackling both the many-body Coulomb interaction and quantum coherence on an equal footing. The practical applications are illustrated by transport through quantum dots. We find that this alternative approach is in a certain sense simpler and more straightforward than the well-known Landauer-Buttiker scattering matrix theory.


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Compared to conjugated polymer poly[2-methoxy-5- (3',7'-dimethyloctyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene] (MDMO-PPV) solar cells, bulk heterojunction solar cells composed of zinc oxide (ZnO) nanocrystals and MDMO-PPV have a better energy conversion efficiency, However, ultraviolet (UV) light deteriorates the performance of solar cells composed of ZnO and MDMO-PPV. We propose a model to explain the effect of UV illumination on these ZnO:MDMO-PPV solar cells. According to this model, the degradation from UV illumination is due to a decrease of exciton dissociation efficiency, Our model is based on the experimental results such as the measurements of current density versus voltage, photoluminescence, and photocurrent.


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We study theoretically the charge-density and spin-density excitations in a two-dimensional electron gas in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field and a Rashba type spin-orbit coupling. The dispersion and the corresponding intensity of excitations in the vicinity of cyclotron resonance frequency are calculated within the framework of random phase approximation. The dependence of excitation dispersion on various system parameters, i.e., the Rashba spin-orbit interaction strength, the electron density, the Zeeman spin splitting, and the Coulomb interaction strength is investigated.


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The spectrum of differential tunneling conductance in Si-doped GaAs/AlAs superlattice is measured at low electric fields. The conductance spectra feature a zero-bias peak and a low-bias dip at low temperatures. By taking into account the quantum interference between tunneling paths via superlattice miniband and via Coulomb blockade levels of impurities, we theoretically show that such a peak-dip structure is attributed to a Fano resonance where the peak always appears at the zero bias and the line shape is essentially described by a new function \xi\/\xi\+1 with the asymmetry parameter q approximate to 0. As the temperature increases, the peak-dip structure fades out due to thermal fluctuations. Good agreement between experiment and theory enables us to distinguish the zero-bias resonance from the usual Kondo resonance.


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We have studied the equilibrium and nonequilibrium electronic transports through a double quantum dot coupled to leads in a symmetrical parallel configuration in the presence of both the inter- and the intradot Coulomb interactions. The influences of the interdot interaction and the difference between dot levels on the local density of states (LDOS) and the differential conductance are paid special attention. We find an interesting zero-bias maximum of the differential conductance induced by the interdot interaction, which can be interpreted in terms of the LDOS of the two dots. Due to the presence of the interdot interaction, the LDOS peaks around the dot levels epsilon(i) are split, and as a result, the most active energy level which supports the transport is shifted near to the Fermi level of the leads in the equilibrium situation. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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The recombination property of nitrogen (N)-related acceptor-bound states in ZnO has been investigated by photoluminescence (PL), time-resolved PL, and selective PL. Several possible recombination processes were discussed by analyzing the relaxation and recombination properties under large Coulomb interaction. It is strongly suggested that bound exciton emission dominates the recombination process related to the N acceptor. The recombination lifetime is 750 ps and the binding energy is 67 meV for N-acceptor-bound exciton at low temperature. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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In this paper we report the applicability of the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) approach to the cylindrical single wall carbon nanotube (SWCN) for the purpose of its correlation effect. By applying the DMRG approach to the t+U+V model, with t and V being the hopping and Coulomb energies between the nearest neighboring sites, respectively, and U the on-site Coulomb energy, we calculate the phase diagram for the SWCN with chiral numbers (n(1)=3, n(2)=2), which reflects the competition between the correlation energy U and V. Within reasonable parameter ranges, we investigate possible correlated ground states, the lowest excitations, and the corresponding correlation functions in which the connection with the excitonic insulator is particularly addressed.


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We study the oscillator strengths of the optical transitions of the vertically stacked self-assembled InAs quantum discs. The oscillator strengths change evidently when the two quantum discs are far apart from each other. A vertically applied electric held affects the oscillator strengths severely, while the oscillator strengths change slowly as the radius of one disc increases. We also studied the excitonic energy of the system, including the Coulomb interaction. The excitonic energy increases with the increasing radius of one disc, but decreases as a vertically applied electric field increases.


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The spin interaction and the effective g factor of a magnetic exciton (ME) are investigated theoretically in a diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS) quantum dot (QD), including the Coulomb interaction and the sp-d exchange interaction. At low magnetic field, the ME energy decreases rapidly with increasing magnetic field and saturates at high magnetic field for high Mn concentration. The ground state of the ME exhibits an interesting crossing behavior between sigma(+)-ME and sigma(-)-ME for low Mn concentration. The g(ex) factor of the ME in a DMS QD displays a monotonic decrease with increasing magnetic field and can be tuned to zero by an external magnetic field. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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The optical constants epsilon(E)=epsilon(1)(E)+iepsilon(2)(E) of unintentionally doped cubic GaN grown on GaAs(001) have been measured at 300 K using spectral ellipsometry in the range of 1.5-5.0 eV. The epsilon(E) spectra display a structure, associated with the critical point at E-0 (direct gap) and some contribution mainly coming from the E-1 critical point. The experimental data over the entire measured spectral range (after oxide removal) has been fit using the Holden-Munoz model dielectric function [M. Munoz et al., J. Appl. Phys. 92, 5878 (2002)]. This model is based on the electronic energy-band structure near critical points plus excitonic and band-to-band Coulomb-enhancement effects at E-0, E-0 + Delta(0) and the E-1, E-1 + Delta(1), doublet. In addition to evaluating the energy of the E-0 critical point, the binding energy (R-1) of the two-dimensional exciton related to the E-1 critical point was estimated using the effective mass/k.p theory. The line, shape of the imaginary part of the cubic-GaN dielectric function shows excitonic effects at room temperature not withstanding that the exciton was not resolved. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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The magnetoexciton polaron (MP) is investigated theoretically in a diluted magnetic semiconductor quantum dot (QD), with the Coulomb interaction and the sp-d exchange interaction included. The MP energy decreases rapidly with increasing magnetic field at low magnetic field and saturates at high magnetic field for small QDs, and the dependences of the MP energy on magnetic field are quite different for different QD radii due to the different carrier-induced magnetic fields B-MP. The competition between the sp-d exchange interaction and the band gap shrinkage results in there being a maximum exhibited by the MP energy With increasing temperature. Our numerical results are in good agreement with experiment (Maksimov A A, Bacher G, MacDonald A, Kulakovskii V D, Forchel A, Becker C R, Landwehr G and Molenkamp L W 2000 Phys. Rev. B 62 R7767).


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The electronic structure of quantum rings is studied in the framework of the effective-mass theory and the two dimensional hard wall approximation. In cases of both the absence and presence of a magnetic field the electron momenta of confined states and the Coulomb energies of two electrons are given as functions of the angular momentum, inner radius, and magnetic-field strength. By comparing with experiments it is found that the width of the real confinement potential is 14 nm, much smaller than the phenomenal width. The Coulomb energy of two electrons is calculated as 11.1 meV. The quantum waveguide transport properties of Aharonov-Bohm (AB) rings are studied complementarily, and it is found that the correspondence of the positions of resonant peaks in AB rings and the momentum of confined states in closed rings is good for thin rings, representing a type of resonant tunneling.


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The full spectra of magnetoplasmons and single-particle excitations are obtained of coupled one-dimensional electron gases in parallel semiconductor quantum wires with tunneling. We show the effects of the interwire Coulomb interaction and the tunneling, as well as the magnetic-field-induced localization on the elementary excitations in symmetric and asymmetric coulped quantum wire structures. The interacton and resonance between the plasmon and the intersubband single-particle excitations are found in magnetic fields.


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Tungsten wires were introduced into a plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) system as a catalyzer: we name this technique 'hot-wire-assisted PECVD' (HW-PECVD). Under constant deposition pressure (p(g)), gas flow ratio and catalyzer position, the effects of the hot wire temperature (T-f) on the structural properties of the poly-Si films have been characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman scattering and Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Compared with conventional PECVD, the grain size, crystalline volume fraction (X-e) and deposition rate were all enhanced when a high T-f was used. The best poly-Si film exhibits a preferential (220) orientation, with a full width at half-maximum (FWHM) of 0.2 degrees. The Si-Si TO peak of the Raman scattering spectrum is located at 519.8 cm(-1) with a FWHM of 7.1 cm(-1). The X-c is 0.93. These improvements are mainly the result of promotion of the dissociation of SiH4 and an increase in the atomic H concentration in the gas phase. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.