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建立了柔性杆件在非均匀流作用下的涡激振动响应预测模型, 考虑了涡激振动锁频阶段流体附加质量的变化, 以及振动响应和来流简缩速度的非线性关系. 该模型通过经验公式结合迭代求解的方式, 计算方便、速度快, 避免了数值计算(CFD)的繁琐, 较为适合于海洋工程实际应用. 与试验和数值结果的比较表明采用该文提出的计算模型, 可以更合理、准确地给出结构涡激振动响应. 最后, 结合实际平台参数, 进行了柔性立管在非均匀流场的作用下的涡激振动响应分析, 并研究了立管的预张力、流场分布等参数的影响. 分析结果表明: 随着立管张力和流场分布的改变, 各阶模态锁频区域发生了变化, 从而改变了结构的总体响应
Abstract A state-of-the-art high energy heavy ion microbeam irradiation system is constructed at the Institute of Modern Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. This microbeam system operates in both full current intensity mode and single ion mode. It delivers a predefined number of ions to preselected targets for research in biology and material science. The characteristic of this microbeam system is high energy and vertical irradiation. A quadrupole focusing system, in combination with a series of slits, has been designed to optimize the spatial resolution. A symmetrically achromatic system leads the beam downwards and serves simultaneously as an energy analyzer. A high gradient quadrupole triplet finally focuses a C6+ ion beam to 1 µm in the vacuum chamber within the energy range from 10 MeV/u to 100 MeV/u. In this paper, the IMP microbeam system is described in detail. A systematic investigation of the ion beam optics of this microbeam system is presented together with the associated aberrations. Comparison is made between the IMP microbeam system and the other existing systems to further discuss the performance of this microbeam. Then the optimized initial beam parameters are given for high resolution and high hitting efficiency. At last, the experiment platform is briefly introduced.
主要介绍了合成和鉴别107号元素的新同位素265Bh的实验装置、实验方法以及实验结果.目标核265Bh是由能量为135MeV的26Mg离子轰击243Am靶,通过融合蒸发反应而产生.反应产物首先由He jet系统传输到装有数个探测器对的转轮收集测量系统,然后依靠母子核遗传关系通过观察新同位素和它们已知子核261Db和257Lr之间的α衰变的关联,来实现对新核素的鉴别.实验测得265Bh的α衰变能量为(9.24±0.05)MeV, 半衰期为0.94+0.70-0.31s.从该实验得出的265Bh的α衰变能量和半寿命能够与理论预言一致.
利用兰州重离子加速器提供的26Mg离子束轰击243Am靶, 产生了新同位素265Bh. 实验中用氦喷技术对产物进行传输, 并用一套具有数对探测器组的转轮收集探测系统对产物进行收集和测量. 通过观测265Bh与它的衰变子核261Db及257Lr之间的α衰变的关联, 实现了对新核素的鉴别. 实验测得265Bh的α衰变能量为(9. 24±0. 05)MeV, 半衰期为 0. 94+0. 70 0. 31 s.
研究了原子与分子混合共振相互作用过程中准∧型四能级系统的量子干涉效应 ,特别对在驱动激光场作用下钠原子、钠分子和氩气组成的混合系统中出现量子干涉现象的机理作了分析 ,提出缀饰态能级有交叠区 ,并依据相应的理论计算 ,解释了原子光谱中的量子干涉增强效应。