221 resultados para 194-1193C
The acid sites in dealuminated HZSM-5 zeolite with crystal sizes down to the nanoscale were firstly characterized by the probe molecule trimethylphosphine (TMP). As evidenced by the combination of P-31 CP/MAS NMR, Al-27 MAS and H-1 --> Al-27 CP/MAS NMR measurements, the Bronsted acid sites of both microsized and nanosized HZSM-5 could be decreased upon the dealumination of zeolitic framework after hydrothermal treatment. At the same time, the appearance of Lewis acid sites was observed. The dealuminated nanosized HZSM-5 is easier to form Lewis acid sites than microsized HZSM-5, and the type of Lewis acid sites in nanosized HSM-5 is more than one. In addition, the origin of Lewis acid sites is mainly associated with the aluminum at ca. 30 ppm, in the Al-27 MAS NMR spectra, and only a part of which in the dealuminated HZSM-5 zeolite acts as Lewis acid sites. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
对贵州省宽阔水自然保护区和黔灵山的多孔菌进行了初步研究,共发现多孔菌35种,其中中国新纪录种6个,贵州新记录种19个。3个分类单位只鉴定到属,它们明显是中国以前未报道的种类,或为新种。松生层孔菌Fomitopsispinicola(Sw :Fr )P Karst ,树舌灵芝Ganodermaapplanatum(pers.)Pat ,粗皮灵芝Ganodermatsunodae(Lloyd)Trott 和平丝硬孔菌Rigidoporuslineatus(Pers :Fr )Ryvarden为树木病原菌。
A bifunctional reagent of 3-(triethoxysilyl)propyl isocyanate (TEPI) was initially adopted as a spacer reagent to prepare the bonded types of chiral stationary phases (CSPs) with cellulose derivatives. The silica-based CSPs were chemically prepared with non-regioselective and regioselective approaches and their chiral resolving capabilities were evaluated in terms of HPLC resolution of test enantiomers. It was observed that the chiral recognition capabilities of the non-regioselectively prepared CSPs were influenced by the amount of TEPI used. And also, the regioselectively prepared CSP generally showed a slightly higher resolution power than the non-regioselectively prepared CSP, while the non-regioselective procedures were highly advantageous to rapid preparation. In addition, chiral recognition of the prepared CSPs was affected by the properties of the used silica matrices. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A novel cellulose membrane was prepared by using amine oxides as the solvent and its mechanical performance was measured. Steady-state permeation rates of carbon dioxide, hydrogen, methane, nitrogen, oxygen, argon and helium in the homogeneous dense cellulose membrane were measured in the temperature range of 298-353 K and under gas pressures up to 1 MPa. The effect of swelling on hydrophilic membrane permeability was studied in some detail on the cellulose membrane. The difference in gas permeability between the "dry" cellulose membrane and the "water-swollen" cellulose membrane was investigated, and the gas permeability between the cellulose membrane and the Cellophane was compared. In this paper, the separation performance Of CO2 over H-2 in a "water-swollen" cellulose membrane is reported for the first time and the separation factor Of CO2/H-2 can be up to 15. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
对青藏高原黄河源区不同退化程度高寒草地的土壤种子库土样用土壤分析筛进行浓缩,并以萌发法分析土壤种子库萌发种子数量和动态.结果表明,孔径0.25~2 mm的土壤分析筛分离土样中萌发种子可达萌发种子总量的85%~97%,而小于0.25 mm的土样中未发现种子.因此,用0.25 mm孔径大小的土壤筛对高寒草地土壤种子库土样进行大规模浓缩是一种方便、可靠的方法.4种不同退化程度高寒草地(A:未退化草甸;B:轻度退化草甸;C:中度退化草甸;D:重度退化草甸)的土壤种子库在实验室条件下萌发的种子数量分别为:A 1 194~3 744粒/m2,平均2 421.3粒/m2;B 5 376~1 0912粒/m2,平均7 786.7粒/m2;C 2 304~1 3216粒/m2,平均8 695.5粒/m2;D 4 768~12 352粒/m2,平均8 125.9粒/m2.除样地A外,其它3个样地的可萌发种子数量差异不大.单子叶植物种子在培养到d 10左右开始萌发,双子叶植物在5~7 d内开始萌发,前者3 wk后基本不再萌发,后者5 wk左右停止萌发.4个样地土壤种子库种子萌发主要集中在第2~3周,并表现出近似单峰型格局.图1表3参39
The behavior of different species during the temperature-programmed surface reaction (TPSR) of methane over various catalysts is traced by an online mass spectrometer, It is demonstrated that the transformation of MoO3 to molybdenum carbide hinders the activation of methane as well as the succeeding aromatization in the TPSR, If this transformation process is done before the reaction, the temperature needed for methane activation and benzene formation will be greatly lowered (760 and 847 K, respectively). On the basis of comparison of the catalytic behavior of molybdenum supported on different zeolites, it is suggested that the initial activation of methane is the rate-determining step of this reaction. For the cobalt catalysts supported on HMCM-22 or Mo catalysts supported on TiO2, no benzene formation could be observed during the TPSR, However, the prohibition of benzene formation is different in nature over these two catalysts: the former lacks the special properties exhibited by molybdenum carbide, which can continuously activate methane even when multiple layers of carbonaceous species are formed on its surface, while the latter cannot accomplish the aromatization reaction since there are no Bronsted acid sites to which the activated intermediates can migrate, although the activation of methane can be achieved on it. Only for the catalysts that possess both of these properties, together with the special channel structure of zeolite, can efficient methane aromatization be accomplished. (C) 2000 Academic Press.
为了解侵蚀环境下植被恢复对土壤活性有机碳及碳库管理指数的影响,以典型侵蚀环境黄土丘陵区纸坊沟流域生态恢复30 a植被长期定位试验点为研究对象,选取坡耕地为参照,分析植被恢复过程中土壤碳库各组分和碳库管理指数的演变特征。结果表明,侵蚀环境下植被恢复后土壤碳库各组分含量都得到显著改善,有机碳、活性有机碳和非活性有机碳含量增幅分别为109%~238%,194%~212%和65%~149%,增加速度非活性有机碳>有机碳>活性有机碳。碳库指数和碳库管理指数较坡耕地明显增加,增幅分别为15%~659%和6.5%~414%,说明土壤经营和管理水平较坡耕地得到了显著改善,土壤系统向着良性方向转变。相关性分析表明有机碳、活性有机碳、非活性有机碳、碳库指数、碳库管理指数与土壤主要肥力因子相关性及其密切,可以作为反映生态恢复过程土壤质量演变的指标。不同植被恢复措施可以显著改善土壤碳库含量,增加土壤碳库管理水平,但改善作用不同,总体来说混交林的效果最好,其次为纯林,最后为荒草地,因此在该地区要通过人工促进生态恢复,应以营造混交林为主,纯林为辅的恢复模式。
为了揭示黄土高原南部地区不同质地类型土壤剖面坚实度的变化及其与土壤含水率的定量关系,以黄墡土、土娄土、裸露在地表的粘化层耕作剖面为研究对象,定位观测其0~45 cm土壤坚实度与含水率的变化。结果表明,黄墡土、土娄土、裸露在地表粘化层耕作剖面的犁底层平均坚实度均大于耕层,犁底层平均坚实度较耕层分别高194.8%,87.3%,10.4%;剖面土壤质地越粘其平均坚实度越大;土壤坚实度与含水率呈负相关关系;土壤坚实度变化速率为0时,以上3种土壤剖面临界含水率分别为0.1712,0.1757,0.1835;质地不同的土壤剖面坚实度时空变化特征有差异,其中黄墡土剖面0~20 cm土层土壤坚实度为350~500 kPa,受土壤含水率变化的影响较小;20~30 cm土层土壤的坚实度为500~1400 kPa,不易受外界环境影响;30 cm以下土层土壤坚实度为700~1600 kPa,受土壤含水率变化影响较大。土娄土剖面0~40 cm土层土壤坚实度为600~1200 kPa,受含水率变化影响较大;40 cm以下土层土壤坚实度稳定在1 800 kPa左右。粘化层剖面0~15 cm土层土壤坚实度在2000 kPa左右,受环境影响较...
侯庆春先生 ,研究员。194 3年出生于吉林省吉林市 ,196 5年毕业于东北林学院林学系 ,同年分配到中国科学院水利部水土保持研究所工作至今。30多年来一直在黄土高原从事森林生态学和造林学方面的研究工作 ,研究领域涉及到黄土高原造林的诸多领域 ,先后对黄土高原林草地土壤水分特征及区域分布、飞机播种造林种草技术 ,抗旱防风集流造林技术 ,区域林业 ,小流域综合治理 ,低产林改造等方面进行了深入系统的研究。先后主持和参加过多项国家科技攻关课题如“神木水蚀、风蚀交错带生态环境整治与试验示范研究”,中国科学院西部行动专项研究“黄土高原植被营造模式与快速绿化技术研究”“黄土高原水土流失区重大共性关键问题研究”和“黄土高原丘陵区中尺度生态农业建设研究”、“束鸡沟水土保持工程与规划”等。中国科学院重点基金项目“黄土高原小老树成因及其改良研究”等多项课题 ,先后获得了省部级科技进步一等奖 2项 ,二等奖 1项和三等奖 2项 ,参编学术专著 4部 ,参与主编《黄土高原地区农林牧业综合发展与合理布局》;参编《黄土高原杏子河流域自然资源与水土保持》、《黄土高原植被建设与持续发展》、《黄土高原水土流失与治理模式》等 ,形成了较为完...
随着Internet上异构应用系统的大量增加和SOA技术的空前发展,Web服务技术变得越来越重要,已经成为了学术界和工业界关注的热点。在Web服务技术中,服务发现为Web服务消费者调用Web服务提供者提供的服务提供了桥梁,起到非常重要的承接作用,成为了Web服务技术中的重点。目前的Web服务发现机制主要有两种,第一种是传统的Web服务发现方式,主要基于UDDI(Universal Description, Discovery and Integration)的纯粹关键字查找;第二种是基于Web服务的语义信息,进行Web服务间的语义匹配。 第一种方法的基础UDDI是国际标准,而且应用也最为广泛,但UDDI中对于Web服务的描述是基于语法的,而且缺乏Web服务所特有的I/O属性和服务质量属性等信息。第二种方法基于Web服务的语义信息,包括Web服务所特有的I/O属性,但因为缺乏灵活有效的Web服务匹配方法和与之对应的Web服务匹配框架,限制了其应用。 基于此,本文在对当前语义Web服务匹配技术分析和研究的基础上,对当前的语义Web服务匹配方法进行了改进,同时提出了基于过滤器(filter)的语义Web服务匹配框架模型。本文的主要工作有: 1)对目前的语义Web服务匹配技术进行了较为全面深入的探讨和综述。 2)对当前的语义Web服务匹配的各个阶段进行了详细的分析,对其中的匹配方法进行了改进。提出了基于向量空间模型(VSM)和TF-IDF(Term Frequency–Inverse Document Frequency)思想的本体权重的计算方法,本体层次关系图中边的权重的计算方法和本体之间相似度的计算方法。 3)提出了基于web服务黑盒属性的语义。 4)语义Web服务匹配框架方面,本文提出了基于filter的语义Web服务匹配框架,并将其延伸到非语义Web服务系统中。