81 resultados para spatial heterogeneity


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The 16S and 18S rRNA genes of planktonic organisms derived from five stations with nutrient gradients in Lake Donghu, China, were studied by PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) fingerprinting, and the relationships between the genetic diversity of the plankton community and biotic/abiotic factors are discussed. The concentrations of total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), NH4-N and As were found to be significantly related (P < 0.05) to morphological composition of the plankton community. Both chemical and morphological analyses suggested that temporal heterogeneity was comparatively higher than spatial heterogeneity in Lake Donghu. Although the morphological composition was not identical to the DGGE fingerprints in characterizing habitat similarity, the two strongest eutrophic stations (I and II) were always initially grouped into one cluster. Canonical correspondence analysis suggested that the factors strongly correlated with the first two ordination axes were seasonally different. The concentrations of TN and TP and the densities of rotifers and crustaceans were generally the main factors related to the DGGE patterns of the plankton communities. The study suggested that genetic diversity as depicted by metagenomic techniques (such as PCR-DGGE fingerprinting) is a promising tool for ecological study of plankton communities and that such techniques are likely to play an increasingly important role in assessing the environmental conditions of aquatic habitats.


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The benthic community structure in Baoan Lake was examined in relation to lake water physicochemical characteristics and biological parameters. Seventy macroinvertebrate taxa were identified, and mollusks constituted the dominant group and accounted for more than 80% of the total abundance. Assemblages were composed mainly of scrapers (81.5%) and collector-gatherers (roughly 10%). Three plant variables (richness, total cover, and total biomass) were strongly correlated with the faunal gradient (p<0.05). Other predicator variables were Cl-, SiO2, and chemical oxygen demand. Because of the importance of macrophytes in structuring benthic assemblage in this lentic system, the spatial heterogeneity of macrophytes also influenced the pattern of macroinvertebrates. Seven lake regions were uniquely characterized according to primary macrophyte composition and biomass. There were significant differences for macroinvertebrate taxa richness, abundance, and biodiversity among the seven macrophyte regions.


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The prediction and estimate of water and soil loss is fundamental important for understanding the effect of the spatial heterogeneity of underlying surfaces and preventing ecological environment deterioration. In this paper, a dynamic model of runoff and sediment yield in small watersheds is established. The proposed model includes three components: runoff generation caused by rainfall, soil erosion on hillslopes by overland flow, and runoff concentration and sediment transport on watersheds. Applying the proposed model, the runoff and sediment yield processes in a typical catchment on the loess plateau was estimated, which exhibited a good agreement between predicted results and observation.


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羊草草原、大针茅草原和草甸草原是内蒙古温带典型草原地区的三种主要植被类型,本文以此为研究对象,应用时空替代、温室、网室、自然降水接移、养分添加等多种方法模拟未来可能发生的气候变化,研究了这些变化对上述草原植物群落和生态系统过程的直接和间接影响。主要研究结果如下: 1. 气候变暖及其诱导的土壤养分释放速率增加对植物群落有明显的影响,表现在种种植物群落在高度、盖度、密度和生物量等都有不同程度的变化。说明我国温带草原生态系统对气候变化反应敏感。 2. 在群落说平上,气候变暖直接或间接使地上生物量提高17%~90%,但在种群水平,不同种群对模拟气候变化的响应具有很强的个性,而不具普遍性,不同种群反应的大小、方向不同。因此由在不同群落进行研究得出的推论只有部分是可能的,并且即使观测到相类似的反应,它们内在的机制也很可能是不同的。 3. 气候变化显著地影响着凋落物的分解特征。但不同的气候变化情景下,凋落物分解过程的响应不同。在温度升高降水变化不大或升高的情景下,凋落物的分解速率将加快;在气温上升,降水明显下降的情景下,凋落物的分解速率将降低。 4. 草甸草原土壤碳素释放过程和氮素矿化过程对气候变暖有明显的响应。气候变暖将促进土壤有机碳的释放,使草甸草原土壤成为碳源,同时加速氮素矿化速率,在一定程度上提高土壤有效养分的浓度。 5. 在中小尺度上,海拔样带所是应用时空替代原理,研究陆地生态系统与气候变化的理想平台,生物量是综合反应气候变化对土壤-植物系统影响的敏感指标。 6. 草原土壤有机碳和氮在2m~3m的小尺度上存在空间自相关性,其空间自相关尺度受人类活动的影响。


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空间异质性的重要性在于其在自然生态系统中的普遍性和它所引起的生态学效应。空间异质性不仅在生态学理论中占有重要位置,而且也是生态系统管理和景观规划等实践中需要解决的基本问题。本文对鄂尔多斯高原(37038,~40052'N,106027'~111028'E)沙地草地的主要景观单元一沙地和风蚀沙化梁地植被与土壤的空间异质性格局与动态进行了定量的描述和实验研究。 在鄂尔多斯高原沙地景观中,通过对两条相互垂直的Skm样线上植被盖度、植物物种数的半方差分析和分形分析,揭示了植被的依赖于空间尺度的自相关特征和等级结构;沙地景观植被结构以小尺度空间变异占优势,植被斑块多集中在5-10 m的尺度上。对植被盖度低于20%的流沙斑点或斑块沿样线分布的空隙度分析表明流沙斑点或斑块呈适度聚集的格局。植被盖度和植物物种数与土壤有机碳和全氮含量的空间异质性之间的关系随空间尺度和生境类型的不同而有所不同。对植物群落内风蚀沙化斑块中的植物再生动态和克隆植物沙鞭的克隆生长观测实验表明,克隆植物的存在有利于风蚀沙化斑块的固定,跨越不同斑块边界的克隆植物的生长导致了斑块间的物质能量流动,从而影响了景观空间异质性的动态。 在风蚀沙化梁地中,梁坡处的土壤最为瘠薄,土壤颗粒组成以中细沙为主,这反映了风沙活动在梁坡处形成的沙粒堆积。相应地,梁坡处是以油蒿为优势种的沙生植物群落,与梁顶的典型草原植物(本氏针茅(Stipa bungeana)+百里香(Thymus serpyllum)+冷蒿(Artemisiafrigida))群落截然不同。从梁顶到梁底,植物群落受控于较大尺度上的与地形有关的环境梯度,因而其在较大尺度上的空间异质性占优势。


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本文以匍匐茎草本绢毛匍匐委陵菜(Potentilla reptans L var. sericophylla)为研究对象,基于实验生态学研究方法和野外调查研究了该植物对异质性环境的生态适应对策。   对落叶松和油松群林下的绢毛匍匐委陵菜的基株特征和种群特征研究表明:在落叶松林下,绢毛匍匐委陵菜克隆分株具有更大叶面积和更长叶柄;在油松林下,绢毛匍匐委陵菜具有更多的匍匐茎和更多的克隆分株。两个生境中的绢毛匍匐委陵菜形成与其生境相适应的克隆形态和克隆生长特征。在两个群落中的绢毛匍匐委陵菜分株种群的密度和地上生物量没有差异。   应用GS+统计软件分析了绢毛匍匐委陵菜分株种群特征及其与所处的土壤基质九个指标(土壤有机质(SOC)、土壤全氮(STN)、土壤全磷(STP)、有效钾(K+)、有效磷(PO43-)、NH4+、NO3-、土壤含水量(SWC)、pH)的空间分布格局的关系,结果显示,绢毛匍匐委陵菜克隆分株种群呈斑块状分布,其克隆分株数的空间自相关尺度为1米;其生长的土壤基质的9个土壤养分及土壤性状指标也都显示了强烈的空间自相关,其自相关尺度(变程)范围在0.24 m ~1.05 m之间,大小顺序为STP>K+>SOC>pH>STN> NO3-> PO43->SWC> NH4+。 其中除STP外,其他8个土壤指标的空间自相关尺度都在0.5 m 左右,NH4+仅为24.4 cm。绢毛匍匐委陵菜野外克隆分株的匍匐茎节间长平均在7 cm 左右。由此表明绢毛匍匐委陵菜克隆分株种群的空间分布尺度大于其所在土壤基质养分及其物理性状的分布尺度,相互联结的克隆分株对异质性土壤资源表现出较大的缓冲能力。其原因之一有可能是克隆生理整合作用使克隆分株局部反应减弱,克隆分株表现趋于一致,克隆分株间实现资源共享,从而高效利用异质性土壤资源。   绢毛对匍匐委陵菜克隆特征的局部特化实验将生长在北京东灵山油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)林林窗和林下的绢毛匍匐委陵菜,进行生境间的交互移植-重植野外生态实验以验证绢毛匍匐委陵菜林窗和林下种群间的行为差异是完全由表型可塑性引起,还是局部分化的结果。研究结果表明,实验植物的叶片长度、叶片宽度、叶柄长度和匍匐茎节间长度等克隆形态特征在两生境间无差异。两个来源的植株,其基株生物量、基株分株数和基株匍匐茎总长度等克隆生长特征在林下生境中都比在林窗生境中小,表现出显著的可塑性。所研究的克隆形态特征和克隆生长特征及其可塑性在不同生境来源的实验植物间没有差异。绢毛匍匐委陵菜克隆形态特征和克隆生长特征及其可塑性在林下和林窗生境间没有发生局部分化,林窗为其较适生境,克隆生长特征的可塑性对绢毛匍匐委陵菜利用生境异质性可能具有主要意义。   绢毛匍匐委陵菜对土壤养分的克隆可塑性共进行了两个实验。实验1 探讨绢毛匍匐委陵菜对8个土壤基质养分梯度(N, P, K)的克隆可塑性。其结果表明,在植株能够生长的土壤基质养分条件下,随着土壤养分浓度增加,基株生物量、匍匐茎数、分株数增加;生物量分配可塑性反应格局为:随着土壤基质养分浓度的增加,对根生物量投资降低,对叶片的生物量投资增加,而对匍匐茎的投资没有改变。匍匐茎节间长、比叶片重没有对土壤养分梯度发生可塑性反应。随着土壤基质养分的增加,植株根冠比和比根重下降,而根系总长和叶片面积增加。实验2 设置与实验1相同的8个土壤养分梯度,分三个时期收获以探讨绢毛匍匐委陵菜不同发育时期对土壤养分梯度的克隆可塑性,其结果表明:随着植株发育年龄的增加,绢毛匍匐委陵菜的克隆可塑性有增强的趋势。生物量分配格局对土壤养分梯度的可塑性反应早于基株总生物量的可塑性反应;叶片面积、根系总长度和比根重在植物生长后期对土壤养分梯度发生可塑性反应;比叶面积在植物生长早期对土壤养分梯度发生可塑性反应,而在后期则没有;匍匐茎比节间重在生长之初和生长后期均对养分梯度发生可塑性反应。   绢毛匍匐委陵菜对局部遮荫的克隆可塑性实验是将采自林窗和林内生境的绢毛匍匐委陵菜“分株对”(即由一匍匐茎节间相连着的两个分株,其一为“目标分株”另一为“相连分株”)在一户外实验中进行全不遮荫、全部遮荫和局部遮荫处理。其结果表明,绢毛匍匐委陵菜基株生物量、匍匐茎总长度、分株数、匍匐茎比节间重、叶柄长、比叶柄重在遮荫条件下较小。匍匐茎节间长度没有对遮荫处理发生反应。在局部遮荫处理,遮荫斑块的分株的叶柄长度由于连着未遮荫斑块中分株而变得更长。这种克隆整合对克隆形态可塑性的修饰作用只在林窗生境来源的实验植物中观察到。其它克隆生长和克隆形态特征的可塑性在不同生境来源的实验植物间没有差异。


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采用位置指数、分异指数、结构复杂性指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数以及Ripley的K-方程,探讨了华南海岸英罗港红树植物木榄种群的分布格局、胸围和树高分异以及冠层结构方面的空间异质性。结果表明,多数木榄种群呈现随机分布,其个体胸围和树高的分异程度较低;而少数木榄种群呈现集群分布,其个体胸围和树高的分异程度明显。采用地理信息系统对木榄种群冠层和空隙斑块进行多种水平和垂直尺度的分析,冠层与空隙斑块之间的镶嵌格局因种群而异,这种格局可基于树冠投影用Shannon-Wiener多样性指数进行定量描述。冠层结构的空问异质性随空间尺度而变化,但这种变化在一定尺度范围内保持相对的稳定。这一尺度范围可作为木榄红树林更新或生态管理单位的参考尺度。 采用多重分形理论和方法对华南海岸北海红树林区红树植物白骨壤幼苗种群的分布格局进行了分析。结果表明,白骨壤幼苗种群的分布格局具有多标量和多重分形行为。随着q值由-2增加到4,Dq值介于1.078-1.997,f(a)值介于0.402-1.678,a(q)值介于0.909-2.480。多重分形的参数值与幼苗种群的集聚强度密切相关。差值(D。-D1)和[f(-1) –D]。是度量格局空间异质性程度的有效指数。海洋水文周期性规律、不同面积大小的裸地、树冠的阻拦作用等是制约白骨壤幼苗种群多重分形格局形成的主要因子。 采用地统计学理论和方法,对北京东灵山落叶松和胡桃楸针阔混交林下的克隆植物绢毛匍匐委陵菜分株种群的统计变量和土壤变量的空间格局进行了分析和比较。结果表明,绢毛匍匐委陵菜分株种群各器官生物量以及分株数和叶数的空间格局具有较高程度的异质性。总生物量以及茎、叶和根生物量的半方差函数曲线为指数模型,叶柄生物量、分株数和叶数的为球状模型,叶片生物量的为线性无基台值模型,而匍匐茎生物量的为纯块金效应模型。除叶片和匍匐茎的生物量外,其它器官生物量以及分株数和叶数由空间自相关引起的空间异质性.SHA主要表现在120-3 50cm的尺度范围内,SHA占总空间异质性的比例在50%以上。生境中,各种土壤变量的空间格局也具有较高程度的异质性。土壤含水量、NO3-、NH4+、有机质、全磷和PO4(3-)的半方差函数曲线为球状模型,而全氮、K+和pH的为指数模型。土壤变量由空间自相关引起的空间异质性SHA主要表现在8-lOOcm的尺度范围内,SHA占总空间异质性的比例在68%以上。绢毛匍匐委陵菜分株种群空间格局的自相关尺度显著大于其生境中土壤变量空间格局的自相关尺度,表明绢毛匍匐委陵菜通过匍匐茎相互联结的克隆分株种群对异质性土壤资源表现出较大的缓冲能力。绢毛匍匐委陵菜分株数的空间格局与土壤的含水量和全氮空间格局之间在几乎所有尺度上的相关性都不显著,但与其它土壤变量空间格局之间都存在不同程度的相关性,其中与NH4+、pH、PO4(3-)和全磷空间格局之间的相关性尺度范围较为明显和较大。通过分株数、叶数和生物量分配的可塑性变化,绢毛匍匐委陵菜分株种群的空间格局与土壤资源的空间格局之间产生相互联系,并随空间尺度的变化会发生改变。


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陆地生态系统是人类赖以生存与持续发展的基础。由于其巨大的碳储存能力陆地生态系统在全球碳循环过程中发挥着重要作用,尤其是在延缓因大气中CO2浓度升高所引起的气候变化方面作用更为突出。作为世界上最广布的植被类型之一,草地生态系统是陆地生态系统的重要组成部分,其面积占到全球陆地面积的五分之一。中国有着世界第二大的草地生态系统,面积为3.55×108 hm2,约占世界草地面积的6%~8%,其碳储量为世界总碳储量的9%~16%。以内蒙古高原为主体的北方草地,面积约占国土总面积的40%左右,是一种重要的可再生的农牧业资源;作为一种重要的绿色生态屏障,北方草地在调节气候,涵养水源,防风固沙,净化空气和美化环境等方面起着重要作用。由于人口的增长和经济发展的需求,许多土地利用方式呈现在北方农牧交错区。地处内蒙古高原南麓的多伦县属于典型的农牧交错区,良好的气候条件和复杂的人文环境决定了多种土地利用方式在这一地区的并存,为开展不 同土地利用方式对草地生态系统影响的研究提供了天然的研究场所。 本研究选择了多伦县境内的6种土地利用方式作为研究对象,即围封禁牧样地、刈割禁牧样地、自由放牧样地、人工(紫花苜蓿)草地、农田(青贮玉米)和弃耕地,主要研究在这几种不同的土地利用方式影响下,土壤碳氮储量、草地生态系统功能(生产力等)和群落结构的变化。通过对土壤碳氮储量变化的研究发现: (1) 不同土地利用方式因其地上净初级生产力的不同而影响了土壤的碳氮储量,但是高的地上初级生产力并不一定能提高土壤的碳氮储量,如青贮玉米地。这主要是因为土壤碳氮储量与根系和凋落的输入相关。 (2) 不同土地利用方式对植被的浅层(0-20 cm)根系影响较大,继而影响了土壤的碳氮储量。这是因为大约80%的根系碳氮和50%的土壤碳氮储量都集中分布在这一层次。而土壤潜在库容的进一步扩大则要依靠深层根系生物量的增加,以提高深层土壤的碳氮含量,如人工(苜蓿)草地。 (3) 在合理利用方式或者科学管理措施下,草地土壤有机碳储量处于8 kg C m-2到10 kg C m-2之间,比过度退化草地的有机碳储量提高了50%。 (4) 经过短期恢复,土壤的库容量会很快增加,表现出较强的储存功能。因此,通过合理的土地利用方式和管理措施,中国北方农牧交错区可以转变成一个巨大的碳汇。 通过对不同利用方式下草地生态系统的功能、群落结构和物种多样性恢复的研究,得到如下实验结果: (1) 与自由放牧相比,短期(5年)禁牧(围封和刈割)提高了草地的地上净初级生产力和物种数目。围封禁牧和刈割禁牧草地的地上净初级生产力分别比自由放牧草地高出107.3%和50%;而物种数目则分别比自由放牧草地增加了14.8%和25.9%。 (2) 围封和刈割禁牧,尤其是后者,主要增加了非禾本科草本植物在群落中所占的比例;而在自由放牧草地,灌木和半灌木种群在群落中占有绝对优势。 (3) 物种多样性和生产力间的关系因外部干扰程度的不同而变化。在轻度干扰(围封禁牧)和中度干扰(刈割禁牧)下,生产力和物种多样性间呈指数正相关关系;而在重度干扰(自由放牧)下,群落地上净初级生产力随着物种多样性的增加呈指数递减的趋势。 通过对不同土地利用(或干扰)方式下,草地生态系统小尺度上的空间属性进行分析后,得到以下研究结果: (1) 群落和物种的地上生物量以及土壤养分均表现出显著的小尺度空间结构特征,并且在不同利用方式影响下,这种空间属性表现出较大的差异。 (2) 禁牧(围封和刈割)草地的土壤有机碳和氮含量比较高。土壤有机碳的变程较小,变化范围为0.83~1.40 m,其在三种类型土地利用的变异系数都维持在18.0%左右;土壤全氮的空间自相关尺度为0.46~14.69m,变异系数为12.10%~30.86%。 (3) 群落地上生物量以禁牧(围封和刈割)草地较高。在围封禁牧和刈割禁牧草地内的变异系数分别为26.48%和19.94%,在自由放牧草地的变异系数为67.47%;其空间自相关尺度为0.74~3.9m。在不同的土地利用方式下,物种、功能群以及多样性指数都表现出显著的空间异质性,并且其空间属性变化各异。 (4) 土壤养分和植被的空间分布相互影响,互为因果关系。这种小尺度的空间格局差异是群落演替的驱动力,而不同的土地利用方式正是通过改变群落内小尺度的空间属性来影响了群落的演替方向。 在不同土地利用方式影响下,草地生态系统不仅在宏观功能,如生态系统生产力、群落结构和土壤的碳氮储量等方面表现出较大的差异,而且在微观结构上,如土壤养分和物种的空间属性等方面也发生了明显了变化,并且宏观和微观上的变化相互促进相互影响,它们的相互作用在很大程度上决定了群落的演替方向和草地生态系统全球变化过程中的具体作用。


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In reciprocal mutualism systems, the exploitation events by exploiters might disrupt the reciprocal mutualism, wherein one exploiter species might even exclude other coexisting exploiter species over an evolutionary time frame. What remains unclear is how such a community is maintained. Niche partitioning, or spatial heterogeneity among the mutualists and exploiters, is generally believed to enable stability within a mutualistic system. However, our examination of a reciprocal mutualism between a fig species (Ficus racemosa) and its pollinator wasp (Ceratosolen fusciceps) shows that spatial niche partitioning does not sufficiently prevent exploiters from overexploiting the common resource (i.e., the female flowers), because of the considerable niche overlap between the mutualists and exploiters. In response to an exploiter, our experiment shows that the fig can (1) abort syconia-containing flowers that have been galled by the exploiter, Apocryptophagus testacea, which oviposits before the pollinators do; and (2) retain syconia-containing flowers galled by Apocryptophagus mayri, which oviposit later than pollinators. However, as a result of (2), there is decreased development of adult non-pollinators or pollinator species in syconia that have not been sufficiently pollinated, but not aborted. Such discriminative abortion of figs or reduction in offspring development of exploiters while rewarding cooperative individuals with higher offspring development by the fig will increase the fitness of cooperative pollinating wasps, but decrease the fitness of exploiters. The fig fig wasp interactions are diffusively coevolved, a case in which fig wasps diversify their genotype, phenotype, or behavior as a result of competition between wasps, while figs diverge their strategies to facilitate the evolution of cooperative fig waps or lessen the detrimental behavior by associated fig wasps. In habitats or syconia that suffer overexploitation, discriminative abortion of figs or reduction in the offspring development of exploiters in syconia that are not or not sufficiently pollinated will decrease exploiter fitness and perhaps even drive the population of exploiters to local extinction, enabling the evolution and maintenance of cooperative pollinators through the movement between habitats or syconia (i.e., the metapopulations).


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Algal bloom phenomenon was defined as "the rapid growth of one or more phytoplankton species which leads to a rapid increase in the biomass of phytoplankton", yet most estimates of temporal coherence are based on yearly or monthly sampling frequencies and little is known of how synchrony varies among phytoplankton or of the causes of temporal coherence during spring algal bloom. In this study, data of chlorophyll a and related environmental parameters were weekly gathered at 15 sampling sites in Xiangxi Bay of Three-Gorges Reservoir (TGR, China) to evaluate patterns of temporal coherence for phytoplankton during spring bloom and test if spatial heterogeneity of nutrient and inorganic suspended particles within a single ecosystem influences synchrony of spring phytoplankton dynamics. There is a clear spatial and temporal variation in chlorophyll a across Xiangxi Bay. The degree of temporal coherence for chlorophyll a between pairs of sites located in Xiangxi Bay ranged from -0.367 to 0.952 with mean and median values of 0.349 and 0.321, respectively. Low levels of temporal coherence were often detected among the three stretches of the bay (Down reach, middle reach and upper reach), while high levels of temporal coherence were often found within the same reach of the bay. The relative difference of DIN between pair sites was the strong predictor of temporal coherence for chlorophyll a in down and middle reach of the bay, while the relative difference in Anorganic Suspended Solids was the important factor regulating temporal coherence in middle and upper reach. Contrary to many studies, these results illustrate that, in a small geographic area (a single reservoir bay of approximately 25 km), spatial heterogeneity influence synchrony of phytoplankton dynamics during spring bloom and local processes may override the effects of regional processes or dispersal.


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Genetic diversity of the plankton community in Lake Xiliang was depicted by polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) fingerprinting. Seventy-seven bands (33 of 16S rDNA and 44 of 18S rDNA) were detected, sixty-two planktonic taxa were identified in six sample stations in November 2007. The most common taxa were Ceratium hirundinella, Bdelloidea, Keratella cochlearis, Polyarthra trigla, and copepod nauplii. Based on environmental factors, taxonomic composition, and PCR-DGGE fingerprinting, unweighted pair-group method using arithmetic averages clustering and principal components analysis were used to analyze habitat similarities. There was distinct spatial heterogeneity in Lake Xiliang, and the genetic diversity of the plankton community was closely related to taxonomic composition and environmental factors.


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Spatiotemporal variations of P species and adsorption behavior in water column, interstitial water, and sediments were investigated in the large shallow eutrophic Lake Chaohu. Orthophosphate (Ortho-P) and total phosphorus (TP) concentrations were significantly higher in the western part than in the eastern part of the lake, due to different nutrient inputs from the surrounding rivers. Moreover, particulate phosphorus (PP) concentration was in a similar spatial pattern to Ortho-P and TIP concentrations, and also showed significantly positive correlation with the biomass of Microcystis, indicating more uptake and store of phosphorus by Microcystis than by other algae. Increase of pH and intensive utilization of P by phytoplankton were the main factors promoting P (especially Fe-P) release from the sediment to interstitial water during the cyanobacterial blooms in Lake Chaohu. Spatial dynamics in TP concentration, P species and adsorption behavior of the sediment, coupled with the statistical analyses, suggested that the spatial heterogeneity of P contents in the sediment was influenced by various factors, e.g. human activities, soil geochemistry and mineral composition. In spite of similar TP contents in the sediments, increase in proportion of Fe-P concentration in the sediment may result in a high risk of P release.


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Horizontal spatial patterns of chlorophyll a in Meiziya Reservoir, Hubei Province, China were analyzed once each month during May, June and July 1997. Two geostatistical techniques, semivariance and fractal analysis, were used to determine variation in chlorophyll a over the whole study area (isotropic) and in different directions (anisotropic). Both techniques provided useful information for detecting and assessing spatial pattern changes of chlorophyll a in freshwater environments. Based on our case study, the distribution of chlorophyll a shifted from aggregated to random distribution in the case of small rainfall event, and then returned to the aggregated distribution after a large rainfall event. On the other hand, the distribution of chlorophyll a became more heterogeneous or random in the direction of water flow (S-N direction) when rainfall events occurred, which was enhanced by rainfall intensity. In contrast, the influence of water flow on the spatial patterns was weak in the E-W direction, and thus the distribution of chlorophyll a remained aggregate with a moderate spatial heterogeneity.