55 resultados para singular potential


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Four types of the fundamental complex potential in antiplane elasticity are introduced: (a) a point dislocation, (b) a concentrated force, (c) a dislocation doublet and (d) a concentrated force doublet. It is proven that if the axis of the concentrated force doublet is perpendicular to the direction of the dislocation doublet, the relevant complex potentials are equivalent. Using the obtained complex potentials, a singular integral equation for the curve crack problem is introduced. Some particular features of the obtained singular integral equation are discussed, and numerical solutions and examples are given.


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Singular value decomposition - least squares (SVDLS), a new method for processing the multiple spectra with multiple wavelengths and multiple components in thin layer spectroelectrochemistry has been developed. The CD spectra of three components, norepinephrine reduced form of norepinephrinechrome and norepinephrinequinone, and their fraction distributions with applied potential were obtained in three redox processes of norepinephrine from 30 experimental CD spectra, which well explains electrochemical mechanism of norepinephrine as well as the changes in the CD spectrum during the electrochemical processes.


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Singular perturbation theory of two-time scale expansions was developed both in inviscid and weak viscous fluids to investigate the motion of single surface standing wave in a liquid-filled circular cylindrical vessel, which is subject to a vertical periodical oscillation. Firstly, it is assumed that the fluid in the circular cylindrical vessel is inviscid, incompressible and the motion is irrotational, a nonlinear evolution equation of slowly varying complex amplitude, which incorporates cubic nonlinear term, external excitation and the influence of surface tension, was derived from solvability condition of high-order approximation. It shows that when forced frequency is low, the effect of surface tension on mode selection of surface wave is not important. However, when forced frequency is high, the influence of surface tension is significant, and can not be neglected. This proved that the surface tension has the function, which causes free surface returning to equilibrium location. Theoretical results much close to experimental results when the surface tension is considered. In fact, the damping will appear in actual physical system due to dissipation of viscosity of fluid. Based upon weakly viscous fluids assumption, the fluid field was divided into an outer potential flow region and an inner boundary layer region. A linear amplitude equation of slowly varying complex amplitude, which incorporates damping term and external excitation, was derived from linearized Navier-Stokes equation. The analytical expression of damping coefficient was determined and the relation between damping and other related parameters (such as viscosity, forced amplitude and depth of fluid) was presented. The nonlinear amplitude equation and a dispersion, which had been derived from the inviscid fluid approximation, were modified by adding linear damping. It was found that the modified results much reasonably close to experimental results. Moreover, the influence both of the surface tension and the weak viscosity on the mode formation was described by comparing theoretical and experimental results. The results show that when the forcing frequency is low, the viscosity of the fluid is prominent for the mode selection. However, when the forcing frequency is high, the surface tension of the fluid is prominent. Finally, instability of the surface wave is analyzed and properties of the solutions of the modified amplitude equation are determined together with phase-plane trajectories. A necessary condition of forming stable surface wave is obtained and unstable regions are illustrated. (c) 2005 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


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The aggregation behaviors of two surfactants with the same hydrophobic tail, sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate (AOT) and sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)phosphate (NaDEHP), have been investigated by the fluorescence technique and z-potential (ζ) measurements. Five fine peaks of the pyrene molecule fluorescence spectroscopy appear in the surfactant solution, and the micropolarity at which pyrene locates is monitored from the intensity ratio of the first (I1) and the third peak (I3). A wide peak around 475 nm, the emission spectra of the excimer of pyrene molecules, is observed in the NaDEHP solution, while this is not found for the AOT system. The value of I1/I3 decreases in a more limited concentration range for the AOT system than for NaDEHP, indicating that small aggregates can be more easily formed by NaDEHP molecules. The z-potential results for the aggregates formed by the two surfactants show that the interaction between AOT and PVP is stronger than that between NaDEHP and PVP.


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In a vertically oscillating circular cylindrical container, singular perturbation theory of two-time scale expansions is developed in weakly viscous fluids to investigate the motion of single free surface standing wave by linearizing the Navier-Stokes equation. The fluid field is divided into an outer potential flow region and an inner boundary layer region. The solutions of both two regions are obtained and a linear amplitude equation incorporating damping term and external excitation is derived. The condition to appear stable surface wave is obtained and the critical curve is determined. In addition, an analytical expression of damping coefficient is determined. Finally, the dispersion relation, which has been derived from the inviscid fluid approximation, is modified by adding linear damping. It is found that the modified results are reasonably closer to experimental results than former theory. Result shows that when forcing frequency is low, the viscosity of the fluid is prominent for the mode selection. However, when forcing frequency is high, the surface tension of the fluid is prominent.


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The nearest-neighbour Lennard-Jones potential from the embedded-atom method is extended to a form that includes more than nearest neighbours. The model has been applied to study melting with molecular dynamics. The calculated melting point, fractional volume change on melting, heat of fusion and linear coefficients of thermal expansion are in good agreement with experimental data. We have found that the second and third neighbours influence the melting point distinctly.


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In the cylindrical coordinate system, a singular perturbation theory of multiple-scale asymptotic expansions was developed to study single standing water wave mode by solving potential equations of water waves in a rigid circular cylinder, which is subjec


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In this paper, wavelet,transform is introduced to study the Lipschitz local singular exponent for characterising the local singularity behavior of fluctuating velocity in wall turbulence. I, is found that the local singular exponent is negative when the ejections and sweeps of coherent structures occur in a turbulent boundary layer.


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It is shown that for the screened Coulomb potential and isotropic harmonic oscillator, there exists an infinite number of closed orbits for suitable angular momentum values. At the aphelion (perihelion) points of classical orbits, an extended Runge-Lenz vector for the screened Coulomb potential and an extended quadrupole tensor for the screened isotropic harmonic oscillator are still conserved. For the screened two-dimensional (2D) Coulomb potential and isotropic harmonic oscillator, the dynamical symmetries SO3 and SU(2) are still preserved at the aphelion (perihelion) points of classical orbits, respectively. For the screened 3D Coulomb potential, the dynamical symmetry SO4 is also preserved at the aphelion (perihelion) points of classical orbits. But for the screened 3D isotropic harmonic oscillator, the dynamical symmetry SU(2) is only preserved at the aphelion (perihelion) points of classical orbits in the eigencoordinate system. For the screened Coulomb potential and isotropic harmonic oscillator, only the energy (but not angular momentum) raising and lowering operators can be constructed from a factorization of the radial Schrodinger equation.


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Singular perturbation theory of two-time-scale expansions was developed in inviscid fluids to investigate patternforming, structure of the single surface standing wave, and its evolution with time in a circular cylindrical vessel subject to a vertical oscillation. A nonlinear slowly varying complex amplitude equation, which involves a cubic nonlinear term, an external excitation and the influence of surface tension, was derived from the potential flow equation. Surface tension was introduced by the boundary condition of the free surface in an ideal and incompressible fluid. The results show that when forced frequency is low, the effect of surface tension on the mode selection of surface waves is not important. However, when the forced frequency is high, the surface tension cannot be neglected. This manifests that the function of surface tension is to cause the free surface to return to its equilibrium configuration. In addition, the effect of surface tension seems to make the theoretical results much closer to experimental results.


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The nonlinear free surface amplitude equation, which has been derived from the inviscid fluid by solving the potential equation of water waves with a singular perturbation theory in a vertically oscillating rigid circular cylinder, is investigated successively in the fourth-order Runge-Kutta approach with an equivalent time-step. Computational results include the evolution of the amplitude with time, the characteristics of phase plane determined by the real and imaginary parts of the amplitude, the single-mode selection rules of the surface waves in different forced frequencies, contours of free surface displacement and corresponding three-dimensional evolution of surface waves, etc. In addition, the comparison of the surface wave modes is made between theoretical calculations and experimental measurements, and the results are reasonable although there are some differences in the forced frequency.


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Two-time scale perturbation expansions were developed in weakly viscous fluids to investigate surface wave motions by linearizing the Navier-Stokes equation in a circular cylindrical vessel which is subject to a vertical oscillation. The fluid field was divided into an outer potential flow region and an inner boundary layer region. A linear amplitude equation of slowly varying complex amplitude, which incorporates a damping term and external excitation, was derived for the weakly viscid fluids. The condition for the appearance of stable surface waves was obtained and the critical curve was determined. In addition, an analytical expression for the damping coefficient was determined and the relationship between damping and other related parameters (such as viscosity, forced amplitude, forced frequency and the depth of fluid, etc.) was presented. Finally, the influence both of the surface tension and the weak viscosity on the mode formation was described by comparing theoretical and experimental results. The results show that when the forcing frequency is low, the viscosity of the fluid is prominent for the mode selection. However, when the forcing frequency is high, the surface tension of the fluid is prominent.


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Based on the sub-region generalized variational principle, a sub-region mixed version of the newly-developed semi-analytical 'finite element method of lines' (FEMOL) is proposed in this paper for accurate and efficient computation of stress intensity factors (SIFs) of two-dimensional notches/cracks. The circular regions surrounding notch/crack tips are taken as the complementary energy region in which a number of leading terms of singular solutions for stresses are used, with the sought SIFs being among the unknown coefficients. The rest of the arbitrary domain is taken as the potential energy region in which FEMOL is applied to obtain approximate displacements. A mixed system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and algebraic equations is derived via the sub-region generalized variational principle. A singularity removal technique that eliminates the stress parameters from the mixed equation system eventually yields a standard FEMOL ODE system, the solution of which is no longer singular and is simply and efficiently obtained using a standard general-purpose ODE solver. A number of numerical examples, including bi-material notches/cracks in anti-plane and plane elasticity, are given to show the generally excellent performance of the proposed method.


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Based on the embedded atom method (EAM) proposed by Daw and Baskes and Johnson's model, this paper constructs a new N-body potential for bcc crystal Mo. The procedure of constructing the new N-body potential can be applied to other metals. The dislocation emission from a crack tip has been simulated successfully using molecular dynamics method, the result is in good agreement with the elastic solution.


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In this paper, by use of the boundary integral equation method and the techniques of Green basic solution and singularity analysis, the dynamic problem of antiplane is investigated. The problem is reduced to solving a Cauchy singular integral equation in Laplace transform space. This equation is strictly proved to be equivalent to the dual integral equations obtained by Sih [Mechanics of Fracture, Vol. 4. Noordhoff, Leyden (1977)]. On this basis, the dynamic influence between two parallel cracks is also investigated. By use of the high precision numerical method for the singular integral equation and Laplace numerical inversion, the dynamic stress intensity factors of several typical problems are calculated in this paper. The related numerical results are compared to be consistent with those of Sih. It shows that the method of this paper is successful and can be used to solve more complicated problems. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd