136 resultados para propyl gallate(PG)


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本文报告了丝状真菌单宁酶发酵五倍子及有机溶剂中酶法合成没食子酸丙酯的研究。利用单宁和/或五倍子诱导丝状真菌产生单宁 酶的原理,借助二级发酵程序,对从天然源得到的75株菌进行了生物转化实验研究。选择出既能水解单宁或五倍子成没食子酸,又 能把没食子酸和丙醇合成没食子酸丙酯,而且生物催化活性都较高的1株菌,这株菌经初步鉴定为黑曲霉(Aspergillus niger No.17)。随后对它开展了产酶条件和参数优化实验,得出了最佳培养条件。立足于参数优化实验方案的基础上,经由液体培养发酵 制备单宁酶制剂,并把该酶通过化学手段共价结合到一种新型载体—聚乙烯醇和戊二醛反应生成的缩醛上,制备得到固定化单宁酶 。这种固定化生物催化剂在两种有机介质体系中都具有逆向催化合成没食子酸丙酯的能力。最后建立起来一条有效可行的微生物酶 法制备没食子酸的技术途径,没食子酸产率达到70%。对这种物质进行元素 分析:含C,49.45%;含H,3.63%。它的熔点为237℃~243 ℃,三种溶剂系统的TLC均只给出一个斑点。这些数据都与标准品一致。有机溶剂中酶法合成没食子酸丙酯的技术途径已经建立。 水溶性单宁酶在潜溶剂体系中也能催化上述酯化反应,反应混合物中的PG浓度为16.4mmol/L,制备薄层被用于分离反应混合物所含 的PG,这种产物被红外、质谱及三种溶剂系统的TLC等方法鉴定,确证为目标产物。在这一学位论文的实验研究过程中,还包括一 些生化分析方法的建立和应用,这些方法用于鉴定底物和产物及测定它们的浓度,其内容主要包括TLC定性/半定量分析、元素分析 、质谱、红外等手段的综合运用。本工作为开发我国特有的天然产物资源—五倍子的生物化工加工技术及非水相生物催化技术的开 发,提供了有用的基础数据资料,具有应用基础研究工作的重要性。In this thesis, the studies on the fermentation of Chinese gallotannin by filamentous fungi with tannase activity and enzymatic synthesis of propyl gallate(PG) in organic solvents were described through these biocatalysts. Based on the principles of induction enzyme, the tannase produced from filamentous fungi by adding tannic acid(TA) and/or Chinese gallotannin into media was investigated, and the screening experiments of bioconversion were done with 75 strains by means of a two-stage fermentation procedure. These strains were isolated with the enrichment culture technique from natural sources. Hence we selected one strain (Aspergillus niger No.17) that can not only catalyze the hydrolyses of TA and/or Chinese gallotannin into gallic acid(GA) in the liquid cultures, but also be used to synthesize PG from propanol and GA in the non-aqueous media. At the same time both of its biocatalytical activities were higher. This strain was calssified to be Aspergillus niger by the primary identification. Then optimum conditions for production of the tannase and its parameters were examined. In this way, one set of optimum culture conditions was selected. Making use of the optimum proposal, the tanase was prepared through a liquid fermentation procedure. The enzyme was convalently coupled to a new type of carrier which was made chemically from polyvinyl alcohol(PVA)and glutaraldehyde. The immobilized enzymes were able to synthesize PG reversely in two organic media. Finally, an effective enzymatic technique for production of GA was developed. The yield of GA products was up to 70%。Element analysis for this substance: calce: C, 49.42%; H, 3.56%; found: C, 49.45%, H, 3.63%. Its melting point was 237℃~ 243℃ and TLCs on three solvent systems gave only one spot respectively. These data were identical with theauthentic GA. The enzymatic synthesis of PG in organic solvents was extablished with reverse route of tannase catalytical hydrolysis. Aqueous enzyme perparation also catalyzed above esterification in a buffer system. The PG concentration in the reaction mixture was 16.4mmol/L. The reparative-scale TLC was used to isolate PG from the reaction mixture. This product separated was identified by IR, MS and TLC on three solvent systems. In this study of thesis, some biochemical analytical mehtods were developed and used to identify substrates and products, and to determinate their concentration. These methods, including TLC qualitative/half quantitative analysis, element analysis, MS, IR and so on, were useful, available and performable. This work provided basic data and information for developing the biochemical engineering and bio-processing of Chinese gallotannin-a special natural resource in China and the non-aqueous phase biocatalysis. Thus, this study possesses importance in the applied and basic research work.


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Lipophilic extracts from 16 species of seaweeds collected along the Qingdao coastline were screened and evaluated for their antioxidant activities (AA) using the beta-carotene-linoleate assay system. The diethyl ether soluble extracts of all selected seaweeds exhibited various degrees of antioxidative efficacy in each screen. The highest antioxidant capacities among the tested samples were observed for Rhodomela confervoides and Symphyocladia latiuscula and were comparable with that of the well-known antioxidant butylated hydroxytoluene and greater than that of propyl gallate. The lipophilic content of all 16 samples and the chemical composition of 4 selected seaweeds, R. confervoides and S. latiuscula, which had higher AA, Laminaria japonica, which had intermediate AA, and Plocamium telfairiae, which had lower AA, were analyzed by gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, respectively. Fatty acids and alkanes were found. The present data indicated an increase in antioxidative property with increasing content of unsaturated fatty acid. The result of this study suggests that seaweeds can be considered as a potential source for the extraction of lipophilic antioxidants, which might be used as dietary supplements or in production in the food industry. This is the first report on the antioxidant activities of lipophilic extracts from seaweeds.


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Microcantilever-based biosensors have been found increasing applications in physical, chemical, and biological fields in recent years. When biosensors are used in those fields, surface stress and mass variations due to bio-molecular binding can cause the microcantilever deform or the shift of frequency. These simple biosensors allow biologists to study surface biochemistry on a micro or nano scale and offer new opportunities in developing microscopic biomedical analysis with unique characteristics. To compare and illustrate the influence of the surface stress on the frequency and avoid unnecessary and complicated numerical solution of the resonance frequency, some dimensionless numbers are derived in this paper by making governing equations dimensionless. Meanwhile, in order to analyze the influence of the general surface stress on the frequency, a new model is put forward, and the frequency of the microcantilever is calculated by using the subspace iteration method and the Rayleigh method. The sensitivity of microcantilever is also discussed. (19 refs.)


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We measured spectroscopic and laser action properties of a novel 8-position substituted pyrromethene-BF2, namely 1,3,5,7-tetramethyl-2,6-diethyl-8-n-propyl pyrromethene-BF2 complex. The laser action was performed with the corresponding dye solution in ethanol, which was placed in a Littman-type laser cavity pumped by the second harmonic of a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser. The spectroscopic measurements clearly indicated that the corresponding dye solution in ethanol exhibited intense absorption in the visible spectral region with large fluorescence quantum yield. It possesses rather low triplet-triplet absorption in the spectral region 460-550 nm and almost negligible triplet-triplet absorption in the lasing spectral region. As a consequence, it lases nearly as efficiently as commercially available benchmark laser dyes such as Rhodamine-6G and outperformed them in wavelength tunability in our laser cavity and pump geometry. (C) 2002 Optical Society of America.


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An erratum is presented to correct the propagation loss of the freestanding optical fibers fabricated in glass chip. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.


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本研究以成熟的番茄果实为材料,以其中提取总RNA,通过O1igo(dT)纤维素亲合层析,获得了mRNA。以该mRNA为模板,以Oligo(dT)为引物合成了相应的cDNA,将其克隆到载体入gtll中,构建了一个滴度(titer)为7×105pfu,重组率高于90%的番茄果实的cDNA文库。与此同时,利用PCR技术,以上述cONA为模板,扩增到了一个含有全部阅读框架的PG cDNA片段,将该片段克隆到质粒pBluescript中,该克隆的酶切分析和部分序列分析与Grieson等发表的完全一致,表明扩增到的片段确系PG的cDNA。由于上述片段不含PG的3'非编码区,因此以上述PCR片段的部分序列为探针,对cONA文库进行筛选。通过两轮噬菌斑原位杂交,获得了11个阳性克隆,利用PCR将它们从入gtli中亚克隆到质粒pBlusoript上,对其中一个1.0kb的片段进行部分序列分析,表明其5,末端缺少800bp,3'端完整,含有一个I3个A的多聚A尾。将找们测得的序列与国外发表的比较,没有发现因PCR技术产生的错误,证明PCR是一种克隆基因的可靠方法。目前已将PCR扩增的含有全部阅读框架的1.5kb片段以反方向插入到pBl121的衍生质粒pBin437中构建表达反义RNA的双元载体中,正在对其重组子进一步鉴定。


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磷脂酰甘油(PG)是植物类囊体膜中唯一的磷脂,在它的sn-2位上总是连着一个棕榈酸(16:0)或反式十六碳烯酸(16:1 trans)。由于PG的分子结构独特,对它的功能已有了很多研究,目前认为PG在维持类囊体膜的结构与功能方面具有非常重要的作用。缺磷胁迫下,蓝藻、衣藻及拟南芥、大麦等物种中均检测到了PG含量的下降。对这一现象的常见解释是缺磷导致了PG生物合成受阻,从而引起了其含量的降低。但迄今为止尚没有试验证据支持。本研究比较了缺磷对不同叶龄的小麦与烟草叶片中PG含量与PG水解酶的活性的影响,同时对缺磷叶片酶粗提液水解外源PG后的主要产物、几种磷脂酶抑制剂对上述酶反应的影响等进行了研究,以阐明缺磷条件下叶片中PG含量下降的主要原 因。 缺磷小麦第一叶完全展开时,PG含量与PG水解酶活性均与对照相似;而第三叶完全展开时,尽管缺磷第三叶中PG水解酶活性也与对照相似,但其PG含量低于对照。这一结果表明,在小麦叶片完全展开之前,缺磷条件未影响叶片中的PG水解酶活性,第三叶中较低的PG含量应由PG的生物合成受阻引起。并且,由于缺磷植株第一叶完全展开时PG含量未受影响而第三叶中却表现出了轻微降低,可以推测叶片萌发越晚,PG生物合成受到的抑制就会越严重。 为了研究叶片衰老过程中PG含量下降的原因,我们比较了6,10,14与18日龄时缺磷与对照小麦植株第一叶中PG的相对含量与PG水解酶活性。研究发现:6日龄时,刚刚完全展开的缺磷和对照小麦第一叶中无论是PG含量还是PG水解酶活性都较为相似;而随着叶片的逐渐衰老,缺磷植株第一叶中PG含量大幅度下降,同时伴随着PG水解酶活性的急剧上升。18日龄时,缺磷小麦第一叶中的PG含量较对照降低了69.1%,其PG水解酶活性也远高于对照,37ºC下温育30min后,缺磷叶片的酶粗提液使外源PG含量降低了74.16%,而对照中只降低了13.7%。上述结果表明,缺磷条件下,小麦叶片中PG含量降低的程度与PG水解酶活性的强弱密切相关,PG水解加剧是导致老叶中PG含量降低的一个重要原因。 磷脂酶是水解磷脂的主要酶类。目前在植物体中发现的磷脂酶种类主要有磷脂酶D(PLD)、磷脂酶C(PLC)与磷脂酶A(PLA)。通过薄层层析(TLC),我们发现缺磷小麦叶片的酶粗提液水解外源PG后的主要产物是磷脂酸(PA)、二脂酰甘油(DAG)与游离脂肪酸(FFA)。将n-丁醇加入到缺磷小麦叶片的体外酶反应体系中后,观察到PA、DAG与FFA的生成量均表现出一定程度的降低。由于n-丁醇是PA经PLD途径生成的抑制剂,因此,上述结果表明PLD参与了缺磷条件下小麦叶片中PG的水解。硫酸新霉素是PLC的非特异性抑制剂,低浓度的硫酸新霉素(100μM 和 200μM )加入到缺磷小麦叶片的体外酶反应体系后,三种产物的生成受到了严重抑制,表明PLC也与缺磷叶片中PG的降解密切相关。 为了进一步分析缺磷导致PG含量降低的原因,我们以烟草为试验材料,检测了缺磷胁迫对烟草嫩叶和老叶中的PG含量、PG水解酶活性、与PG降解相关的酶的种类及PLC、PLDα、PLDβ与PAT-1基因在mRNA上表达水平的的影响。结果表明,缺磷烟草叶片中PG含量的降低由PG生物合成受阻与PG降解加剧共同导致,PLC和PLD活性与烟草叶片中PG的降解有关。缺磷植株老叶中PG水解酶活性及PLC、PLDα、PLDβ基因在mRNA水平上的表达量均高于对照,表明在磷胁迫条件下,老叶中PG水解酶活性可能受到转录水平上的调节, PLC、PLDα、PLDβ转录活性的增强导致了PLC、PLD活性加强,从而引起PG降解的加剧,最终导致了PG含量的降低。与PLC、PLDα和PLDβ不同,缺磷胁迫对patatin蛋白(表现PLA2活性)的编码基因PAT-1在转录水平上的表达无影响,TLC分析PG的水解产物也未检测到溶血磷脂酰甘油(LPG)的生成。由此可见,PLA活性可能与缺磷条件下PG的降解无关。