361 resultados para plateau pika
A total of 449 plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae Hudgson) individuals were sampled with rattraps from 21 plots (size 1 ha) randomly scattered over the area of the species distribution at the altitude 3275-4807 in a.s.l. in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (West China). Two main ectoparasite species Hypoderma satyrus Brauer and Ixodes crenulatus Neumann of plateau pika were surveyed, and the relations between host sex and parasitism were analyzed. The results were: (i) although not significantly, the infection rate of female young was close to zero and lower than that of male young (6%), while the infection rate of female sub-adults (19%) was contrarily - higher than that of male sub-adults (11%); adult females had significantly higher (41%) infection rate than that of males (18%) (P<0.001); (ii) the parasite infection rates for both males and females increased with increasing age, but female age-groups had obviously steeper slope. We suggested that the differences of body mass, growth rate and home range between males and females had mainly caused the sex-biased parasitism (SBP) of plateau pika at each age stage. Also, due to the higher increases of body mass and maybe as well as of the home range differences between consecutive age-groups, the parasite infections of females became more sensitive to the influences of age than that of males.
Hypoxia-inducible factor I is a transcription factor composed of HIF-1alpha and HIF-1beta. It plays an important role in the signal transduction of cell response to hypoxia. Plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) is a high hypoxia-tolerant and cold adaptation species livin only at 3000-5000m above sea level on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. In this study, HIF-1alpha cDNA of plateau pika was cloned and its expression in various tissues was studied. The results indicated that plateau pika HIF-1alpha cDNA was highly identical to those of the human (82%), bovine (89%), mouse (82%), and Norway rat (77%). The deduced amino acid sequence (822 bp) showed 90%, 92%, 86%, and 86% identities with those of the human, bovine, house mouse, and Norway rat, respectively. Northern blot analyses detected two isoforms named pLHIF-1alpha and pSHIF-1alpha. The HIF-1alpha mRNA was highly expressed in the brain and kidney, and much less in the heart, lung, liver, muscle, and spleen, which was quite different from the expression pattern of mouse mRNA. Meanwhile, a new variant of plateau pika HIF-1alpha mRNA was identified by RT-PCR and characterized. The deduced protein, composed of 536 amino acids, lacks a part of the oxygen-dependent degradation domain (ODD), both transactivation domains (TADs), and the nuclear localization signal motif (NLS). Our results suggest that HIF-1alpha may play an important role in the pika's adaptation to hypoxia, especially in brain and kidney, and pika HIF-1alpha function pattern may be different from that of mouse HIF-1alpha. Further-more, for the high ratio of HIF-1alpha homology among the animals, the HIF-1alpha gene may be a good phylogenetic performer in recovering the true phylogenetic relationships among taxa. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Benefits and costs of dispersal and philopatry of the social plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) were studied on the Tibetan plateau for 3 years. Although short-lived, plateau pikas live in cohesive family groups that occupy burrow systems in sedge meadow habitat Most (57.8%) plateau pikas were philopatric, and dispersal movements were extremely restricted. No juvenile females or adult pikas moved more than two family ranges between years; the greatest observed dispersal distances were by two juvenile males that moved five family ranges from the family of their birth. Traversing unfamiliar habitat was not a cost of pika dispersal because most dispersers settled in families that they could easily visit before dispersal. Dispersal movements appeared to result in equalization of density among pika families, an expected result if competition for environmental resources influenced dispersal. Males did not disperse to gain advantages in competition for mates, as evidenced by their moving to families with significantly fewer females. Females, however, moved to families with significantly more males. Males provide abundant paternal care, and significantly more offspring per female survived to become adults from families with more adult males per adult female. Evidence concerning the influence of inbreeding avoidance on natal dispersal was indirect. Some males exhibited natal philopatry; thus some families had opportunity for close inbreeding. Males and females that dispersed had no opposite-sex relatives in their new families. Philopatric pikas may have benefited by remaining in families that exhibited low local densities, and philopatric females might have benefited from social cooperation with relatives.
1. Plateau pikas Ochotona curzoniae are considered a pest species on the Tibetan Plateau because they compete with livestock for forage and their burrowing could contribute to soil erosion. The effectiveness of pest control programmes in Tibet has not been measured, and it is not known whether changes in livestock management have exacerbated problems with plateau pikas or compromised their control. This study measured the impact of control programmes and livestock management for forage conservation on populations of plateau pikas in alpine meadow in Naqu District, central Tibet, during 2004 and 2005.2. Current techniques for controlling plateau pikas in spring cause large reductions in abundance, but high density-dependent rates of increase result in no differences between treated and untreated populations by the following autumn. Rates of increase from spring to autumn are not influenced by standing plant biomass or concurrent grazing by yaks Bos grunniens and Tibetan sheep Ovis aries.3. In autumn there was significantly lower biomass outside fenced areas with year-round livestock grazing compared with inside fenced areas with equivalent or higher numbers of plateau pikas but predominantly winter grazing by livestock. Inside fenced areas, control of plateau pikas in spring produced no detectable effect on standing plant biomass at the end of the following summer compared with uncontrolled populations of plateau pikas.4. Regardless of their initial density, populations of plateau pikas declined rapidly over winter outside fenced areas where there was very low standing plant biomass in autumn. However, inside fenced areas with higher plant biomass in autumn, low-density populations of plateau pikas declined more slowly than high-density populations.5. Synthesis and applications. Current control programmes have limited effect because populations of plateau pikas can recover in one breeding season. There was no apparent increase in forage production in areas where plateau pikas were controlled. However, plateau pikas appear to benefit from changes in grazing management, with low-density populations declining less over winter inside fenced areas than elsewhere. It was not evident that control programmes are warranted or that they will improve the livelihoods of Tibetan herders.
The mixture of the feces and urine of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes Linnaeus) was used to increase the perception of predation risk of plateau pikas (Ochotona curzoniae Hodgson) in the field. The influence of the predation risk on the reproduction and behavior of plateau pikas was examined through comparing reproductive characteristics and five different kinds of behavior between treatment and control plots. The results showed that 1) the body weight of the pikas was not significantly different between treatment and control plots. 2) The reproductive period of the pikas extended from March to later August in both treatment and control plots. The pregnant ratio, developed testes ratio, reproductive success and sex ratio of the pikas were not significantly different between the treatment and control plots. 3) The pikas increased their observing and calling frequencies and decreased their moving and feeding frequencies when exposed to red fox's feces and urine. 4) The increased red fox's feces and urine had no influence on the behavior of the pikas when the number of their natural enemies increased; the pikas obviously increased the observing frequencies and sharply decreased the calling frequency so as to decrease the direct predation risk. 5) There were no significantly behavioral differences between males and females as well as between adults and young. 6) The results reject the hypothesis 1 that the red fox's feces and urine as indirect predation risk suppresses the reproduction of the pikas and support the hypothesis 2 that the pikas can make decision by changing behavior to avoid the predation risk they encountered whenever.
Changes in photoperiod, ambient temperature and food availability trigger seasonal acclimatization in physiology and behavior of many animals. In the present study, seasonal adjustments in body mass and in several physiological, hormonal, and biochemical markers were examined in wild-captured plateau pikas (Ochotona curzoniae) from the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. Our results showed that plateau pikas maintained a relatively constant body mass throughout the year and showed no seasonal changes in body fat mass and circulating levels of serum leptin. However, nonshivering thermogenesis, cytochrome c oxidase activity, and mitochondrial uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) contents in brown adipose tissues were significantly enhanced in winter. Further, serum leptin levels were positively correlated with body mass and body fat mass while negatively correlated with UCP1 contents. Together, these data suggest that plateau pikas mainly depend on increasing thermogenic capacities, rather than decreasing body mass, to cope with cold, and leptin may play a potential role in their thermogenesis and body mass regulation.
Leptin, an adipocyte-derived hormone, plays all important role in body energy homeostasis. Plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae), an endemic and keystone species living only at 3000-5000 in above sea level oil Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, is a typically high hypoxia and low temperature tolerant mammal with high resting metabolic rate (RMR), non-shivering thermogenesis (NST), and high ratio of oxygen utilization to cope with harsh plateau environment. To explore the molecular mechanism of ecological acclimation in plateau pika, we first cloned pika leptin cDNA and compared its mRNA expression in different altitudes (3200 and 3900 in) using real-time RTPCR (Taqman probe) technology. The full-length pika leptin cDNA was 3015 with 504 bp open-reading frame encoding the precursor peptide of 167 amino acids including 21 residues of signal peptide. Pika leptin was 70-72% homologous to that of other species and was of similarly structural characteristics with other species. The pika-specific genetic diversity in leptin sequence occurred at twenty sites. With the increase in attitude, there were larger fat store and high level of ob gene expression in plateau pika. Our results indicated that leptin is sensitive to cold and hypoxia plateau environment and may play one of important roles in pika's ecological adaptation to harsh plateau environment. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The effects of hypoxia on the levels of essential macroelements and trace elements (K, Na, Ca, Mg, Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn) in the heart muscles of Wistar rats and plateau pikas (Ochotona curzoniae) were studied by atomic absorption spectrometry. Unlike the rat, the plateau pika is tolerant to hypoxia. The levels of K, Na, and the trace element Mn were not significantly changed in rat or pika hearts after exposure to hypoxia for 1, 10, or 25 d at simulated altitudes of 5000 and 7000 m. Other minerals (Ca, Mg, Cu, Zn, and Fe) were significantly affected by hypoxia and the levels followed different time-courses under different hypoxic regimes in these two animals. There were marked differences between the rat and pika in myocardial accumulation of essential elements such as Ca, which was increased to high levels in the rat but not affected in the pika. The results suggest that hypoxia affects animal physiological mechanisms by regulating the levels of essential elements.
We measured the stable carbon isotope ratios for muscle of the upland buzzards (Buteo hemilasius), plateau pika (Ochotoma curzoniae), root vole (Microtus oeconomus), plateau zokor (Myospalax fontanierii) and passerine bird species at the Haibei Alpine Meadow Ecosystem Research Station (HAMERS), and provided diet information of upland buzzards with the measurement of stable carbon isotopes in tissues of these consumers. The results showed that δ~(13)C values of small mammals and passerine bird species ranged from -25.57‰ to -25.78‰ (n = 12), and from -24.81‰ to -22.51% (n = 43), respectively, δ~(13)C values of the upland buzzards ranged from -22.60‰ to -23.10‰ when food was not available. The difference in δ~(13)C values (2.88‰±0.31‰) between upland buzzards and small mammals was much larger than the differences reported previously, 1‰-2‰, and showed significant difference, while 1.31‰±0.34‰ between upland buzzard and passerine bird species did not differ from the previously reported trophic fractionation difference of 1‰-2‰. Estimation of trophic position indicated that upland buzzards stand at trophic position 4.23, far from that of small mammals, i.e., upland buzzards scarcely captured small mammals as food at the duration of food shortage. According to isotope mass balance model, small mammals contributed 7.89% to 35.04% of carbon to the food source of the upland buzzards, while passerine bird species contributed 64.96% to 92.11%. Upland buzzards turned to passerine bird species as food during times of shortage of small mammals. δ~(13)C value, a useful indicator of diet, indicates that the upland buzzards feed mainly on passerine bird species rather than small mammals due to "you are what you eat" when small mammal preys are becoming scarce.
A nnual changes of the rep roduct ive act ivity in adult male p lateau p ika (Ochotona curzoniae) , a small endemic mammal in Q inghai2T ibet P lateau, w ere invest igated from J anuary to December, 1991. A ll of the animals w ere k illed and decap itated during the nigh t (23:00~ 24:00) and the p lasma, p ineal glands, testes ep ididym is, sem inal vesicles, deferent ducts were co llected and used for biochemical, and histo logical studies. Significant changes associated with seasonal cycles were found. (1) In February~ early April, the restoration phase, the weights of testes, epididym ides and deferent ducts were increased; the process of sperm atogenesis was strengthened and testo sterone level in plasma was increased, but the pineal weight and its melatonin content were decreased. (2) During the middle of April~ late May, the sexually active phase, a significant elevation of gonadal activity was observed. In this period, gonadalw eights were increased, spermatogenesis was completed, pineal weights were decreased and melatonin contents were fluctuated at alow level. These results suggested the increasing in sexual activity as well as in the ability of testo sterone secretion. (3) A striking reduction of test icular activity appears in June~A ugust. In this inhibition phase, gonada lweight, process of sperm atogenesis, plasma testo sterone level were decreased while the pineal weight and pineal melatonin content were increased. (4) During Sep tember~ J anuary, the sexually quiescent phase, declining in weights of testes and epididymides, arrest of spermatogenesis, decreasing of plasma testo sterone concent ration, fluctuating in pineal weights and increasing in pinealmelatonin level were observed. Our findings indicated that the male pikas under natural conditions exhibited an annual rep roductive cycle. A possible relationship between pineal activity and reproductive function was also suggested.
Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of single tissues or whole bodies were analyzed to establish trophic positions of main consumers living at the alpine meadow ecosystem in the Tibetan Plateau. The results demonstrated that delta C-13 and delta N-15 values of vertebrates showed great variations and ranged from -26.83 to -22.51 parts per thousand and from 2.33 to 8.44 parts per thousand, respectively. Plateau pika, root vole, plateau hare, infants of rodents and hatchlings of passerine bird species had the lowest delta C-13 and delta N-15 values. delta C-13 and delta N-15 values of omnivorous and insectivorous birds and amphibians showed intermediate. Carnivorous species, steppe polecat and Upland buzzard, and omnivorous Robin accentor and White wagtail possessed extremely higher VC and delta N-15 values. Omnivorous birds captured in earlier year had significantly less negative delta C-13 and greater delta N-15 values than those captured later. Based on steady angular enrichment between trophic levels, an "alpha and vector model" combing delta C-13 and delta N-15 values was introduced to reveal trophic positions, the results indicated that Tibetan sheep, Tibetan yak, plateau pika, root vole, plateau hare, infants of small rodents showed the lowest trophic positions (TP 1.81-2.38). While omnivorous and insectivorous birds, their hatchlings and amphibians showed intermediate trophic positions (TP 2.06-2.89), carnivorous species steppe polecat and Upland buzzard, migrant birds possessed extremely higher trophic positions (TP 2.89-3.05). The isotopic investigation of organisms and the introduced "alpha and vector model" successfully demonstrated the same trophic positions and diet prediction of consumers as nitrogen enrichment model at the alpine meadow ecosystem. Besides of this information, the "alpha and vector model" can also be incorporated into multiple isotope signatures to infer trophic relationships. This angular enrichment model has the potential to address basic ecological questions, such as trophic structure, trophic dynamics, and energy flow in other terrestrial ecosystems of properly handled. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
本文研究了栖息在高寒地区的高原鼠兔(Ochotona curzoniae)的体温、热代谢和肩胛部BAT随个体发育的变化,讨论了高原鼠兔热代谢发育特征及发育策略。结果表明新生个体具有初步的热调节能力,但环境温度变化时,还不能维持稳定的体温。体重为12.5克的幼体(约1-3日龄),其最低代谢离为3.028(mlO_2/g·h),相对于Kleiber期望值的百分率为167%,热传导率为0.518(mlO_2/g·h· ℃),相对于Bradley-Deavers期望值的百分率为200%,热中性区下临界温度为32.7 ℃。随着个体的发育,最低代谢率趋于下降,但其相对于Kleiber期望值的百分率在体重增长到大约90克前,趋于增加,其后才略有下降,热传导率及其相对于Bradley-Deavers期望值的百分率和热中性区的下临界温度随个体的发育趋于降低。所以在各环境温度下,高原鼠兔的体温随着个体发育表现出上升的变化。高原鼠兔BAT在整个发育时期都存在。刚出生时BAT发达,相对重量高,结构成熟,BAT细胞充满小而多的脂肪滴,线粒分布致密。随着个体发育,BAT相对重量和水分含量均迅速降低,结构呈退化趋势。高原鼠兔幼体主要利用小气候环境和BAT产热抵抗低温压力,高原鼠兔热调节发育的特征和对小气候环境的利用有利于减少体温调节耗能,促进生长发育。而发育到成体时,最低代谢率和热传导率对其期望值的偏离反映出高原鼠兔对西息环境的适应。另外,高原鼠兔通过行为热调节对生理调节加以补充。
On the Qinghai-Tibet plateau increased livestock numbers have resulted in degradation of the grasslands with potential impacts on native biodiversity. Concurrently, perceived increases in populations of native small mammals such as plateau pikas (Ochotona curzoniae) have led to poisoning programs, with uncertain impacts on species such as ground-nesting birds. We explored the relationships between the local seasonal abundance of small birds and (1) the density of pika burrows; (2) livestock grazing practices; and (3) local poisoning of pikas. Around Naqu prefecture, central Tibet, we used a nested experimental design to collect data from areas rested from grazing over summer, nearby areas with year-round grazing and areas subjected to pika poisoning. Additional data were collected from a site where grazing had not occurred for at least 4 years prior to the study. Poisoning pikas in spring had no detectable effect on the local abundance of birds the following autumn. However, two ground-nesting species, white-rumped and rufous-necked snowfinches, showed positive associations with the density of pika burrows, indicating that long-term 'pika poisoning could reduce the density of these species by reducing the density of pika burrows. Rufous-necked snowfinches and non ground-nesting species including horned larks and common hoopoes showed positive responses to reduced grazing pressure from livestock, particularly in the long-rested site, indicating current grazing levels could be having a negative impact on these species. Conservation of small passerine biodiversity in this system will require changed management practices for livestock and pikas that consider the complex three-way interaction between livestock grazing, pikas and small birds. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.