76 resultados para interleukin 17
Five models for human interleukin-7 (HIL-7), HIL-9, HIL-13, HIL-15 and HIL-17 have been generated by SYBYL software package. The primary models were optimized using molecular dynamics and molecular mechanics methods. The final models were optimized using a steepest descent algorithm and a subsequent conjugate gradient method. The complexes with these interleukins and the common gamma chain of interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2R) were constructed and subjected to energy minimization. We found residues, such as Gln127 and Tyr103, of the common gamma chain of IL-2R are very important. Other residues, e.g. Lys70, Asn128 and Glu162, are also significant. Four hydrophobic grooves and two hydrophilic sites converge at the active site triad of the gamma chain. The binding sites of these interleukins interaction with the common gamma chain exist in the first helical and/or the fourth helical domains. Therefore, we conclude that these interleukins binds to the common gamma chain of IL-2R by the first and the fourth helix domain. Especially at the binding sites of some residues (lysine, arginine, asparagine, glutamic acid and aspartic acid), with a discontinuous region of the common gamma chain of IL-2R, termed the interleukins binding sites (103-210). The study of these sites can be important for the development of new drugs. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
本文介绍了爆炸烧结Sm_2Fe_(17)N_7永磁体的试验及其结果.试验时,在外加磁场下把Sm_2Fe__(17)N_y磁粉取向压制成形后装人金属包套内并抽真空,炸药装在包套外的纸筒内,雷管引爆炸药后,在爆轰压力作用下,磁粉被压实而烧结成磁体。试验结束后,取出磁体测量密度及磁性参数。烧结磁体密度在理论密度6的85%~96%范围内,磁能积大于88 KJ?m~(-3)。它表明,爆炸烧结工艺是制备Sm_2Fe_(17)Ny永磁体的有效工艺。
<正> 自从1990年初Coey和孙弘发现R_2Fe_(17)N,化合物以来,人们对R_2Fe_(17)N,的内禀磁性和永磁性进行了大量的研究。Sm_2Fe_(17)N_y(y>2)由于具有优良的内禀磁性(居里
<正> Ⅰ.概况 国际气体放电会议(ICPIG)每两年举行一次,主要交流在气体放电领域中有关的研究和发展情况。ICPIG-17由匈牙利Roland Etvs物理学会和物理中心研究所组织,匈牙利科学院赞助,在布达佩斯技术大学举行。会期1985年7月8—12日。到会代表360人,其中我国1人。邀请报告共31篇,其中11篇在大会上宣读。张贴论文共394篇。
We have developed a two-stage Ti:sapphire amplifier system which can produce 17-TW/23-fs pulses at a repetition rate 10 MHz. A birefringent plate is used in the regenerative amplifier to alleviate gain narrowing, while an all-reflective cylindrical-mirror-based pulse stretcher and an acousto-optic programmable dispersive filter (AOPDF) are used to compensate for the higher order dispersion of the system.
BACKGROUND: Effects of 17beta-estradiol and progesterone on rhesus monkey oocyte maturation in vitro were evaluated by embryo development subsequent to IVF. METHODS AND RESULTS: In experiment 1, immature cumulus-oocyte complexes collected from unstimulated adult females during the non-breeding season were matured in modified medium CMRL-1066 containing various combinations of gonadotrophins (FSH + LH), estradiol and/or progesterone. Formation of morulae and blastocysts was greatest in oocytes matured in medium containing estradiol and/or progesterone, with or without gonadotrophins (morula 38-46%, blastocyst 14-20%) than in control oocytes matured without estradiol or progesterone (morula 14%, blastocyst 0%). In experiment 2, cumulus-oocyte complexes from unstimulated prepubertal female monkeys were matured in medium with gonadotrophins, estradiol or progesterone. The best development to the morula stage was obtained with oocytes matured with gonadotrophins and estradiol or gonadotrophins and progesterone (43 and 25 morulae, respectively), while control oocytes matured with gonadotrophins but without steroid hormones gave the poorest morula developmental response (12%). However, there was no difference in blastocyst development across all groups (0-3%). CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate that during rhesus monkey oocyte maturation in vitro: (i) estradiol or progesterone can improve oocyte developmental competence; (ii) immature oocytes from prepubertal versus adult females have differential responses to challenge with estradiol or progesterone.
放射免疫和生物测定法表明3只大熊猫在发情高峰期均出现雌二醇和促黄体素高峰; LH峰值出现在E_(2)峰值以后。根据雌兽在发情期血清和尿液中这二种激素的变化可为选择人工授精最佳时间提供可靠的理论依据。图2表2参15
该文报道了雀形目鶲科画眉亚科17种鸟类核型, 臂间倒位和小染色体缺失在该亚科进化中起重要作用. 在核型比较基础上结合古地理以及生态资料对该类群的起源和进化作了初步探讨。