18 resultados para Weathering of buildings
植物老化过程模拟包括物体表观采集技术是如今计算机图形学的热点研究内容,它在理论研究以及实际应用两方面都具有重要意义。本文对此领域中的问题进行了深入研究与探讨,取得了一定的研究成果。 植物的老化模拟和真实感绘制技术一直是图形学中一个富有挑战性的问题,它对于让计算机中真实表现自然物体和场景起着不可或缺的作用。随着研究与应用的深入,植物的真实感仿真程度越来越成为研究者关注的重点。人们力图从几何形状和表观纹理等多方面提高虚拟植物的真实感,以满足应用的要求。本文即针对植物老化过程的模拟方法进行了研究,提出了基于物理模拟的叶子构型,完全老化空间方法,以及合成叶子表观等方面的一系列解决方法。这些方法与技术为自然场景中植物的真实绘制创造了条件,具有很强的实用价值。本文在植物模拟方面的主要工作与贡献如下: 提出一种基于物理模拟的叶子动态构型方法。该方法采用质点弹簧模型来表示叶子的物理结构,本文基于植物学和物理原理,在这里引入了双层结构模型表达叶子的力学结构,很好地模拟了不同种类植物叶子形状的多样性。通过分析叶子形状变化的原因,即在叶子枯萎过程中,叶肉和叶脉由于各自不同的组织结构,导致了收缩比例不同。从而在物理模拟中,建立关于叶子基本结构的双层质点-弹簧模型,并对上下两层的不同参数的合理设置,很好地表现了叶肉和叶脉的不同力学特性。 双层模型的相互作用,决定了叶子的最终变形方式和效果,由此可以得到非常接近真实树叶的各种叶子形态。 提出“完全老化空间”和“老化度”的概念,用来模拟变化过程中的植物表观。该概念的可以非常真实地展现叶子秋季在干枯、老化过程中多种纹理、表观属性的变化。在生成叶子纹理的过程中,有别于以往基于单一材质样本的表观合成技术,本文采集了大量不同叶子样本表面的双向反射分布函数BRDF和双向透射分布函数BTDF,最终从这些数据中得到叶子衰老过程在老化空间中的表达式和完全分布图。结合植物学知识和所得到的老化空间中表达式和分布图,可以很好地指导合成各个季节中不同衰老程度叶子的表观纹理,并能外插合成采样范围之外的叶子纹理样式。本文在生成多种不同种类和衰老程度的植物叶子的过程中验证了这种方法的有效性,得到大量非常接近真实树叶的各种叶子表观和纹理. 提出一种基于随机过程的方法,对一类特征相似的叶子进行模拟,产生大量特征相似但细节不同的叶子模型。这种方法主要是通过基于特征值提取的数学方法来,随机地生成大量几何细节上不同,但主体特征相似的叶子。具体算法主要由二维流型上的拉普拉斯算子特征函数来完成。通过这种方法,可以快速生成几何细节上略有区别的同类叶子模型,大大提高了模型生成和构造的速度,从而使得本文可以生成大量不同的植物叶子。 表观采集技术是为了更加真实地对物体进行绘制而产生的技术。近年来,表观采集技术和表达方法逐渐的成为真实感绘制研究的主要问题,并获得了很大发展,它在高度真实感复杂场景绘制、虚拟现实、科学计算可视化等诸多领域都具有重要应用价值。本文针对基于BRDF和BTDF表达的表观和采样技术及其在实验应用设备进行了研究,主要贡献包括: 提出一种物体表面表观采集设备及其数据采集、处理方法。设备包括:光源移动平台、线性光源、均匀白色面光源、图像采集相机和控制/数据接收单元;通过采集的反射图像序列和透射图像,并对数据进行处理得到物体的双向反射分布函数BRDF数据和双向透射分布函数BTDF数据。本文的方法和设备成本低廉且精度高,而且能够同时采集物体表面的双向反射分布函数BRDF和双向透射分布函数BTDF,具有采集速度快、数据密度大等特点。
Located in the Paleozoic uplift along the southern margin of Tu-Ha basin in eastern Xinjiang, the newly discovered Hongshan Cu-Au deposit occurs in the superimposed Mesozoic volcanic basin upon the north section of later Paleozoic Dananhu-Tousuquan accretionary arc. Kalatage Cu-Au orebelt is controlled by NWW-trend faults, and includes Hongshan and Meiling Cu-Au deposits. The host rocks of Hongshan ore district are mainly rhyolitic-dacitic ignimbrites, whereas Cu-Au mineralization is closely related to quartz porphyry, rhyolitic porphyry and granitic porphyry. Mineralization styles are dominantly veinlet-disseminated and veinlet, occasionally stockwork. The mineral association is chalcopyrite, pyrite, bornite, chalcocite and sphalerite. The hydrothermal alteration consists of silicfication, sericitization, alunitization, pyrophylitization, illitization, hydromuscovitization, and chloritization. Hongshan Cu-Au deposit, on the edge of the desert, is one of the driest areas in eastrn Tianshan. Moreover, the highest temperature has been up to 60℃, and the average rainfall receives only 34.1mm/y. The light rainfall and rapid evaporation in the vicinity of this deposit have allowed the formation of a great variety of water-soluble sulfates. Oxidization zone of this deposit lies on the upper part of primary sulfide orebodies appearing with a depth of 50-60m, which is dominant in sulfate minerals. 1. Based on the field observation, the volcanic and sub-volcanic rock composition, hydrothermal alteration, ore structure and mineralization characteristics, this paper proposed that the Hongshan Cu-Au deposit belongs to a transitional type from high-sulfide epithermal to porphyry Cu-Au deposit, which corresponds with the typical HS-epithermal deposit such as Zijinshan Au-Cu deposit in Fujian Province, SE-China. 2. The Hongshan copper-gold deposit was controlled by the tectonic, stratum, magma activity and volcanic apparatus, whereas Au mineralization is closely related to quartz porphyry, rhyolitic porphyry and fine grained pyritization in hydrothermal activity, and Cu mineralization is closely related to quartz porphyry and hydrothermal explosive breccia. 3. Oxidation zone of Hongshan Cu-Au deposit lies on the upper part of primary sulfide orebodies deposit. 23 sulfate minerals were identified in this work. The results of samples XRD and chemical analysis were furthermore confirmed through thermal, infrared spectrum and mössbauer spectrum analysis. Among those, nine minerals as Ferricopiapite, Cuprocopiapite, Rhomboclase, Parabutlerite, Krausite, Yavapaiite, Metasideronatrite Kroehnkite and Paracoquimbite were founded in China for the first time. And Paracoquimbite was secondly reported in the world (first case reported at 1938 in Chile). 4. EPMA analysis shows that Al impurity in crystal lattice is important to polytype formation of paracoquimbite and coquimbite besides stack fault. 5. Compared with Meiling Cu-Au deposit in the same Kalatage ore belt from the characteristics of δ34S of barite, lithofacies, hydrothermal alteration and homogeneous temperature, Hongshan Cu-Au deposit belongs to the same metallogenic system of HS-epithermal type as Meiling Cu-Au deposit. But Hongshan Cu-Au deposit has less extensive alteration and shallower denudation. 6. Sulfur isotope analyses show that δ34S values of pyrites vary in the range of +1.86‰~+5.69‰, with an average of 3.70‰, mostly in the range of +1.86‰~+3.20‰, and δ34Scp<δ34Spy. Therefore ore-forming fluid of porphyry comes from mantle and was contaminated by the earth’s crust. Sulfur isotope has reached balance in ore-forming process. 7. Sulfur isotope analyses show that δ34S values of sulfates vary in the range of +2.15‰~+6.73‰, with an average of +3.74‰, mostly equals as δ34S values of primary sulfides in Hongshan Cu-Au deposit. So supergene sulfates inherit sulfur of primary sulfide. δ34S values are mostly same in different sulfates. As well as pyrite and chalcopyrite, volcanic hot spring and associated native sulfur underground also provide water medium and sulfur during the formation process of sulfate. 8. According to the EPMA of sample chalcopyrite and pyrite in Hongshan Cu-Au, the value of Cu/Ni is 0.98-34.72, mostly close to the value of 5, which shows that Hongshan deposit is a typical volcanogenic magmaic hypothermal deposit. Au and Ag, Zn, Te and Bi are positive correlation, Cu and Hg, Se, Sb are positive correlation, indicates Au and Cu don’t locate in the factor of mineralization of same mineralization groups. The reasons of gold concentration in the oxidation zone are: 1). Change of redox potential (Eh) makes gold to deposit from the liquid of mineralization zone; 2). PH is one of the most factors of gold’s deposition; 3). Soluble complex and colloid of gold can be adsorbed easily. 9. The biotite and hornblende K-Ar isotopic ages from the wall rock-quartz diorite, biotite granite and monzonite granite are 231.99±3.45Ma, 237.97±2.36Ma and 296.53±6.69Ma respectively. The ore-bearing rhyolitic breccia lava contains breccia of the biotite granite which indicates the volcanism and related Cu-Au mineralization occurred later than the granite, possibly in Mesozoic. K-Ar ages of granitoids in Sanya, Baishiquan and Hongliugou area and Molybdenite Re-Os age of Baishan Mo deposit all are in Triassic. Besides late Paleozoic magmatism, igneous magmatic event of Mesozoic was widespread in eastern Tianshan. 10. The K-Ar age dating indicates that the K-Ar age of Voltaite occurred below surface 1m is 56.02±3.98Ma, K-Ar age of Ferricopiapite occurred below surface 1.5m is 8.62±1.12Ma, K-Ar age of Yavapaiite occurred below surface 14 m is 4.07±0.39Ma, and K-Ar age of Voltaite occurred below surface 10 m is 14.73±1.73Ma. So the age interval of oxidation zone of Hongshan copper-golden bed is between 60 -3.38Ma. Oxidization occurred at Caenozoic era (from 65Ma), which can be identified through comparing with different deposits oxidation zone in other countries. The coupling between global tectonic event and climatic change event which occur from Caenozoic era has some effect on epigeosphere system, which can act on the surface of bed oxidation zone similarly. It induces that the age mentioned above coincide with collision of India-Asia and multistage uplifting of Qinhai-Tibet Plateau happened subsequently. Bed oxidation zone is the effect and record of collision and uplifting of Tibet Plateau. The strong chemical weathering of surface accumulation to which was leaded by PETM event occurred Paleocene and Eocene is the reason of Voltaite sharply rises. On the contrary, Ferricopiapite formed due to the global cold weather. The predecessor did much research through biota, isotopes, susceptibility, but this paper try to use different sulfate mineral instead of climatic change. So the research of sulfate minerals not only indicates a great deal of oxidized zone feature, but also the intergrowth of sulfate minerals may be used to trace paleoenviroment and paleoclimate of oxidation zone. 11. Analysis of the information of alteration and mineralization features of four bore cores, induced activity polarization well logging and Eh-4 geophysical section, deep mineralization anomaly objects of Hongshan ore districts shows low resistance, middle and high polarization, measurements of Eh-4 consecutive conductance section show the existing of concealed porphyry ore body deeper than 450m, on the top of and around rock body there are low resistance body ranged from 100-300Ω•m, this area may be the ore-bearing part. In a word, Hongshan Cu-Au deposit deposit is a combine of upper HS-style epithermal Au deposit and deeper porphyry mineralization system. It has great potential to find large HS-style epithermal-porphyry Au-Cu deposits. This paper consists of seven chapters and twenty seven sections. The geological character of deposit is basic condition in this work. Constitute of oxidation zone, research of sulfate mineral, relation between oxidation and primary zone, K-Ar ages of potassic sulfate are key parts of thesis. Genesis of ore deposit is the further expansion of this research. Analysis of ore-controlling factors is the penetration above basic. Analysis of potential is application of exploration.
Late Cenozoic has witnessed a series of climate-environmental change which ends with a transitional shift from greenhouse to icehouse conditions. In last two decades, scientists began to employ the tectonic uplift and its weathering effect to interpret the climatic changes during the late Cenozoic. However, this endeavor has partly been restricted by the lacking of regional and global chemical weathering data. The loess-red clay deposit in the Loess Plateau may record the weathering features of the detritus material from the wide range upwind of the Loess Plateau. Therefore geochemistry of the loess-plaeosol and red clay sequences may provide insights into the regional chemical weathering regime and the connection between the chemical weathering and the late Cenozoic climate-environmental change Here we selected 319 samples from the Baishui section near the Pingliang City, Gansu Province, and analyzed them with X-ray fluorescence. Based on the result, we reconstruct the chemical weathering history of the Baishui section since 6Ma. We chose CIA as the proxy for chemical weathering intensity. The CIA ratio in soil units is higher than in adjacent loess horizons, but lower than in the red clay, in good agreement with the field observation. The CIA ratios of the Baishui section correlates well with the global ice volume fluctuations, indicating that the global cooling may contribute a lot to the chemical weathering variations in Chinese Loess Plateau. There are at least 3 million-year time scale variations that can be identified in the chemical weathering intensity curve, i.e., between 3.3 to 2.1 Ma, 1.7 to 0.9 Ma and from 0.9Ma. We think these may reflect the combined effect of the tectonic uplift and ice sheets on monsoon intensity. Other time scale variations can be also observed. In the period between 2.4 and 0.8 Ma, the CIA record display the 400,000 years cycle, which may be resulted from the Tibetan uplift during the Pliocene-early Pleistocene which have significantly amplified the monsoon response sensitivity to the orbital-scale variations in insolation. From 1.2 Ma, the 100,000 years period became intensifying, and particularly after 0.8 Ma, the earlier monsoon response at 400,000 year periodicity was overwhelmed by the ice sheet forcing at 100,000 year periodicity. These may indicate that the expansions of the Northern Hemisphere ice sheets may have crossed a threshold, which enforce the monsoon responding at the 100,000 year periodicity.
Terrestrial carbon pool mainly consists of three parts: the active carbon pool of the vegetation,soil carbon pools and the lithosphere carbon pool of less activity. Under natural conditions,vegetation carbon pools,soil carbon exchange with atmospheric carbon pool directly,the lithosphere participate in the global carbon cycle by weathering Our research have coverd the soil organic carbon density,plant biomass (carbon density),plant net primary productivity of past 40 ka,and the magnetic susceptibility,grain size,weathering of silicate carbon consumption of past 140 ka. This study has achieved a number of conclusions as shown below. 1 Silicate weathering CO2 consumption in the long-term fluctuations with a similar deep-sea δ18O record,demonstate that it not only can be used as one of the instructions of terrestrial carbon pool,even can be used as indicators of global environmental change; silicate weathering CO2 consumption and susceptibility shown a clear relationship between lag or lead at different times,it maybe lies on how the climate change. 2 Soil carbon pools in line with the global climate on long-term,but the relationship between soil carbon density and climate change was not obvious in short-term change,generally lags behind the changes in other climatic proxies. 3 Carbon density of vegetation and other proxy indicators of climate have good consistency. In the study period,perform the cycle of glacial and interglacial completely,but because of the ancient vegetation of accurate information is difficult to obtain,it did not reflect rapid response to climate change. 4 Cooling events is conducive to soil organic carbon accumulation but not conducive to weathering and vegetation growth. High temperature environment is not conducive to the accumulation of soil organic carbon. 5 In the deglacial time from the last glacial maximum to the Holocene,weathering carbon consumption seems earlier than vegetation and soil organic carbon in the fluctuant increase.Does it imply that the effects of silicate weathering is an important factor to the global carbon cycle and global climate change? It is worth further research.
The surface of the Earth is continuously undergoing changes as a result of weathering-erosion, plate tectonics and volcanic processes. Continental weathering-erosion with its complex rock-water interactions is the central process of global biochemical cycling of elements, and affects the long-term ocean atmosphere budget of carbon dioxide both through the consumption of carbonic acid during silicate weathering and through changes in the weathering and burial rates of organic carbon. Rates of the weathering-erosion depend on a variety of factors, in particular rock properties and chemical composition, climate (especially rainfall), structure, and elevation. They are quite variable on a regional scale. Thus, environmental changes in a region could be indicated by the history of weathering-erosion in the region. Recent attention has focused on increased silicate weathering of tectonically uplifted areas in the India-Asia collision zone as a possible cause for falling atmospheric CO_2 levels in the Cenozoic era. The wind blown dust deposits in the Loess Plateau is derived from the arid and semiarid regions in northwestern China, in turn, where the deposits have been derived from the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and the high mountains around. Therefore, geochemistry of the wind blown loess-paleosol and red clay sequences may provide insight both to paleoenvironmental changes on the Loess Plateau, and to the uplift and weathering-erosion histories of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. In this paper, uranium-thorium series nuclides and cosmogenic ~(10)Be have been employed as tracers of weathering intensities and histories of the dust sediments in the Loess Plateau. Major elements, such as Na, Al, Fe etc., are also used to estimate degree of chemical alteration of the dust sediments and to rebuild the history of weathering on the Loess Plateau. First of all, using a low-level HPGe γ-ray detector, we measured U and Th series nuclides in 170 loess and paleosol samples from five sites in the Loess Plateau, going back 2.6 Ma. The results show that ~(238)U activities are disequilibrium with its daughter nuclide ~(230)Th in young loess-paleosol sequence, indicating that weathering was happened both in dust deposition site and in dust source regions. Using concentrations of ~(238)U and ~(232)Th in the samples, we estimated the amounts of ~(238)U leached out of from paleosols due to weathering. Further, based on analyses of ~(230)Th in paleosols deposited in the past ca. 140 ka, we determined when the paleosols weathered in the source regions. We conclude that most of the weathering in the dust-source regions may have occurred during the interglacials before dust deposition.
River is a major component of the global surface water and CO2 cycles. The chemistry of river waters reveals the nature of weathering on a basin-wide scale and helps us understand the exogenic cycles of elements in the continent-river-ocean system. In particular, geochemical investigation of large river gives important information on the biogeochemical cycles of the elements, chemical weathering rates, physical erosion rates and CO2 consumption during the weathering of the rocks within the drainage basin. Its importance has led to a number of detailed geochemical studies on some of the world's large and medium-size river systems. Flowing in the south of China, the Xijiang River is the second largest river in the China with respect to its discharge, after the Yangtze River. Its headwaters drain the YunGui Plateau, where altitude is approximately 2000 meters. Geologically, the carbonate rocks are widely spread in the river drainage basin, which covers an area of about 0.17xl06 km2, i.e., 39% of the whole drainage basin. This study focuses on the chemistry of the Xijiang river system and constitutes the first geochemical investigation into major and trace elements concentrations for both suspended and dissolved loads of this river and its main tributaries, and Sr isotopic composition of the dissolved load is also investigated, in order to determine both chemical weathering and mechanical erosion rates. As compared with the other large rivers of the world, the Xijiang River is characterized by higher major element concentration. The dissolved major cations average 1.17, 0.33, 0.15, and 0.04 mmol I"1 for Ca, Mg, Na, and K, respectively. The total cation concentrations (TZ+) in these rivers vary between 2.2 and 4.4 meq I'1. The high concentration of Ca and Mg, high (Ca+Mg)/(Na+K) ratio (7.9), enormous alkalinity and low dissolved SiO2/HCO3 ratio (0.05) in river waters reveal the importance of carbonate weathering and relatively weak silicate weathering over the river drainage basin. The major elements in river water, such as the alkalis and alkaline-earths, are of different origins: from rain water, silicate weathering, carbonate and evaporite weathering. A mixing model based on mass budget equation is used in this study, which allows the proportions of each element derived from the different source to be calculated. The carbonate weathering is the main source of these elements in the Xijiang drainage basin. The contribution of rainwater, especially for Na, reaches to approximately 50% in some tributaries. Dissolved elemental concentration of the river waters are corrected for rain inputs (mainly oceanic salts), the elemental concentrations derived from the different rock weathering are calculated. As a consequence, silicate, carbonate and total rock weathering rates, together with the consumption rates of atmospheric CO2 by weathering of each of these lithologies have been estimated. They provide specific chemical erosion rates varying between 5.1~17.8 t/km2/yr for silicate, 95.5~157.2 t/km2/yr for carbonate, and 100.6-169.1 t/km2/yr for total rock, respectively. CO2 consumptions by silicate and carbonate weathering approach 13><109and 270.5x10 mol/yr. Mechanical denudation rates deduced from the multi-year average of suspended load concentrations range from 92-874 t/km2/yr. The high denudation rates are mainly attributable to high relief and heavy rainfall, and acid rain is very frequent in the drainage basin, may exceed 50% and the pH value of rainwater may be <4.0, result from SO2 pollution in the atmosphere, results in the dissolution of carbonates and aluminosilicates and hence accelerates the chemical erosion rate. The compositions of minerals and elements of suspended particulate matter are also investigated. The most soluble elements (e.g. Ca, Na, Sr, Mg) are strongly depleted in the suspended phase with respect to upper continent crust, which reflects the high intensity of rock weathering in the drainage basin. Some elements (e.g. Pb, Cu, Co, Cr) show positive anomalies, Pb/Th ratios in suspended matter approach 7 times (Liu Jiang) to 10 times (Nanpan Jiang) the crustal value. The enrichment of these elements in suspended matter reflects the intensity both of anthropogenic pollution and adsorption processes onto particles. The contents of the soluble fraction of rare earth elements (REE) in the river are low, and REE mainly reside in particulate phase. In dissolved phase, the PAAS-normalized distribution patterns show significant HREE enrichment with (La/Yb) SN=0.26~0.94 and Ce depletion with (Ce/Ce*) SN=0.31-0.98, and the most pronounced negative Ce anomalies occur in rivers of high pH. In the suspended phase, the rivers have LREE-enriched patterns relative to PAAS, with (La/Yb) SN=1 -00-1 .40. The results suggest that pH is a major factor controlling both the absolute abundances of REE in solution and the fractionation of REE of dissolved phase. Ce depletion in river waters with high pH values results probably from both preferential removal of Ce onto Fe-Mn oxide coating of particles and CeC^ sedimentation. This process is known to occur in the marine environment and may also occur in high pH rivers. Positive correlations are also observed between La/Yb ratio and DOC, HCO3", PO4", suggesting that colloids and (or) adsorption processes play an important role in the control of these elements.
The Grove Mountains, including 64 nunataks, is situated on an area about 3200km2 in the inland ice cap of east Antarctica in Princess Elizabeth land (72o20'-73°101S, 73°50'-75o40'E), between Zhongshan station and Dome A, about 450km away from Zhongshan station (69°22'S, 76°22'E). Many workers thought there was no pedogenesis in the areas because of the less precipitation and extreme lower temperature. However, during the austral summer in 1999-2000, the Chinaer 16 Antarctic expedition teams entered the inland East Antarctica and found three soil spots in the Southern Mount Harding, Grove Mountains, East Antarctica. It is the first case that soils are discovered in the inland in East Antarctica. Interestingly, the soils in this area show clay fraction migration, which is different from other cold desert soils. In addition, several moraine banks are discovered around the Mount Harding. The soil properties are discussed as below. Desert pavement commonly occurs on the three soil site surfaces, which is composed of pebbles and fragments formed slowly in typical desert zone. Many pebbles are subround and variegated. These pebbles are formed by abrasion caused by not only wind and wind selective transportation, but also salt weathering and thaw-freezing action on rocks. The wind blows the boulders and bedrocks with snow grains and small sands. This results in rock disintegration, paved on the soil surface, forming desert pavement, which protects the underground soil from wind-blow. The desert pavement is the typical feature in ice free zone in Antarctica. There developed desert varnish and ventifacts in this area. Rubification is a dominant process in cold desert Antarctic soils. In cold desert soils, rubification results in relatively high concentrations of Fed in soil profile. Stained depth increases progressively with time. The content of Fed is increasing up to surface in each profile. The reddish thin film is observed around the margin of mafic minerals such as biotite, hornblende, and magnetite in parent materials with the microscope analyzing on some soil profiles. So the Fed originates from the weathering of mafic minerals in soils. Accumulations of water-soluble salts, either as discrete horizons or dispersed within the soil, occur in the soil profiles, and the salt encrustations accumulate just beneath surface stones in this area. The results of X-ray diffraction analyses show that the crystalline salts consist of pentahydrite (MgSO4-5H2O), hexahydrite (MgSO4-6H2O), hurlbutite (CaBe2(PO4)2), bloedite (Na2Mg(S04)2-4H2O), et al., being mainly sulfate. The dominant cations in 1:5 soil-water extracts are Mg2+ and Na+, as well as Ca2+ and K+, while the dominant anion is SO42-, then NO3-, Cl- and HCO3-. There are white and yellowish sponge materials covered the stone underside surface, of which the main compounds are quartz (SiO2, 40.75%), rozenite (FeSOKkO, 37.39%), guyanaite (Cr2O3-1.5H2O, 9.30%), and starkeyite (MgSO4-4H2O, 12.56%). 4) The distribution of the clay fraction is related to the maximum content of moisture and salts. Clay fraction migration occurs in the soils, which is different from that of other cold desert soils. X-ray diffraction analyses show that the main clay minerals are illite, smectite, then illite-smectite, little kaolinite and veirniculite. Mica was changed to illite, even to vermiculite by hydration. Illite formed in the initial stage of weathering. The appearance of smectite suggests that it enriched in magnesium, but no strong eluviation, which belongs to cold and arid acid environment. 5) Three soil sites have different moisture. The effect moisture is in the form of little ice in site 1. There is no ice in site 2, and ice-cement horizon is 12 cm below the soil surface in site 3. Salt horizon is 5-10 cm up to the surface in Site 1 and Site 2, while about 26cm in site 3. The differentiation of the active layer and the permafrost are not distinct because of arid climate. The depth of active layer is about 10 cm in this area. Soils and Environment: On the basis of the characteristics of surface rocks, soil colors, horizon differentiation, salt in soils and soil depth, the soils age of the Grove Mountains is 0.5-3.5Ma. No remnants of glaciations are found on the soil sites of Mount Harding, which suggests that the Antarctic glaciations have not reached the soil sites since at least 0.5Ma, and the ice cap was not much higher than present, even during the Last Glacial Maximum. The average altitude of the contact line of level of blue ice and outcrop is 2050m, and the altitude of soil area is 2160m. The relative height deviation is about 110m, so the soils have developed and preserved until today. The parental material of the soils originated from alluvial sedimentary of baserocks nearby. Sporepollen were extracted from the soils, arbor pollen grains are dominant by Pinus and Betula, as well as a small amount Quercus, Juglans, Tilia and Artemisia etc. Judging from the shape and colour, the sporepollen group is likely attributed to Neogene or Pliocene in age. This indicates that there had been a warm period during the Neogene in the Grove Mountains, East Antarctica.
Geochemical analyses have been carried out on the samples taken from the last 250 ka wind-blown loess-paleosol sequences at Huanxian, Xifeng, Changwu, and Lantian in central Chinese Loess Plateau. The result shows: 1) that major changes in chemical composition of the loess-paleoso! sequences are due to leaching and reprecipitation of carbonates, and resulted from dust grain size changes rather than chemical weathering of silicates; 2) that Si/Ti, Si/AI, and Si/Fe ratios can be used as a proxy of dust deposition intensity, and Na/AI ratio can also be used as indicator of climatic changes in genera! rather than of the summer monsoon intensity. Our results show that chemical composition was controlled by dust deposition and weathering, and imply changes of climate and environment in the Loess Plateau during last 250,000 years.