49 resultados para Trento, Concilio de, 1545-1563
In order to investigate the influence of the vertical vibration loading on the liquefaction of saturated sand, one dimensional model for the saturated sand with a vertical vibration is presented based on the two phase continuous media theory. The development of the liquefaction and the liquefaction region are analyzed. It is shown that the vertical vibration loading could induce liquefaction. The rate of the liquefaction increases with the increase of the initial limit strain or initial porosity or amplitude and frequency of loading, and increases with the decrease of the permeability or initial modulus. It is shown also that there is a phase lag in the sand column. When the sand permeability distribution is non-uniform, the pore pressure and the strain will rise sharply where the permeability is the smallest, and fracture might be induced. With the development of liquefaction, the strength of the soil foundation becomes smaller and smaller. In the limiting case, landslides or debris flows could occur.
Gravity may influence the velocity and temperature distributions, bouyancy may induce Rayleigh instability and the instability may be excited due to the change of free surface shape associating with gravity in the thermocapillary convection. These effects have been studied in the present paper. The results show that gravity may have an important effect in thermocapillary oscillatory convection even for the cases of small Bond number experiments either on the ground or in space.
We propose a simple single-layer magnetic microtrap configuration which can trap an array of magnetically-trapped Bose-Einstein condensate. The configuration consists of two series of parallel wires perpendicular to each other and all of the crossing points are cut off for maintaining the uniformity of the current. We analyse the trapping potential, the position of trapping centres and the uniformity of the array of the traps. The trapping depth and trapping frequency with different parameters are also calculated. Lastly, the effect of the cut-off crossing points, dissipate power, chip production are introduced concisely.
Cloning and characterization of an RNase-related protein gene preferentially expressed in rice stems
为了研究开垦和放牧对内蒙古半干旱草原生态系统蒸发散的影响,我们以内蒙古锡林郭勒盟多伦县的草地和农田以及锡林浩特围封草地和退化草地为实验样地,利用涡度协方差技术对四个样地2006-2007年的蒸发散和微气象因子进行连续测定,探讨开垦和放牧对内蒙古半干旱草原生态系统蒸发散的影响及其驱动机制。同时利用稳定同位素技术区分多伦半干旱草原生态系统蒸发散的组分,初步探讨生态系统蒸发散各组分的变化特征及其驱动因子。 在观测的两年里,四个生态系统的年蒸发散接近或超过了年降雨量。在较湿润年份(2006年)的生长季(5-9月),开垦使得半干旱草原的蒸发散降低了15%,而在较干旱年份(2007年)降低了7%。放牧在2006年生长季期间使草原生态系统蒸发散降低了13%,而在2007年生长季里,围封草地和退化草地的蒸发散没有显著性差异。开垦和放牧造成的土壤含水量显著下降是生态系统蒸发散降低的最主要的原因。此外,农田开垦改变了植被的种类和物候特征,缩短了植物的生长期(农作物的生长期主要是6-8月,而草地的生长季一般为5-9月),是造成农田整个生长季的蒸发散比草地低的另一个原因。干旱年份降雨量少、土壤含水量低,限制了植被的生长,降低了冠层导度,从而导致了植物蒸腾的下降。另一方面,在干旱年份,开垦和放牧增加了草原生态系统蒸发散对土壤含水量变化的敏感性,表明未来降雨格局的变化不仅直接通过影响土壤含水量来改变蒸发散,而且会影响蒸发散和土壤含水量之间的相关性。 通过研究生态系统对不同强度和不同时间降雨的响应表明,> 3 mm的降雨会增加内蒙古半干旱草原生态系统的土壤含水量和蒸发散,对内蒙古半干旱草原生态系统关键过程有效。雨后1-2天蒸发散达到峰值,之后下降。多数大的降雨事件后,农田和退化草地蒸发散峰值比相对应的草地高,之后下降的也快,这与植被的生长状况、凋落物的量和地面的裸露程度有关。雨后土壤含水量和蒸发散的变化与降雨事件的大小呈正相关的关系,并且蒸发散的变化与土壤含水量的变化有显著的线性相关性,说明了土壤含水量是影响蒸发散变化的主要因子。土壤含水量初始值和干旱期的长短会影响内蒙古半干旱草原生态系统蒸发散对降雨的响应。土壤含水量初始值低会增强蒸发散对降雨的响应,而土壤含水量初始值高时,蒸发散对降雨的响应会下降。干旱期长会增强蒸发散对降雨的瞬时响应。围封草地由于有凋落物的缓冲和保水作用,未来降雨强度的增加会促进围封草原植被的生长;而退化草地地表裸露,对大的降雨事件缓冲作用小,地表径流和土壤蒸发强烈,不利于保水和植被的生长。因此,未来极端降雨事件频率的增加和干旱期的延长势必会对半干旱草原生态系统产生影响,尤其对退化草地产生不利影响。 为了进一步了解蒸发散组分的变化规律及其驱动因子,我们利用稳定同位素与微气象技术相结合的方法,区分半干旱草原生态系统蒸发散的组分。区分结果表明,在2006年和2007年整个生长季期间,植物蒸腾均为蒸发散的主要形式,在2006年和2007年生长季期间植物蒸腾占蒸发散的比例分别为88%和73%。影响植物蒸腾的因子主要是净辐射、大气相对湿度、土壤含水量和叶面积指数;影响蒸发的因子主要是大气相对湿度、土壤含水量和风速;而影响蒸发散的因子主要是净辐射、大气相对湿度、土壤含水量和风速,说明了这些水分流失过程受到不同环境因子的驱动。此外,我们根据一个简单的模型把同位素方法区分的蒸发散组分外推到整个生长季,结果表明,在2006年和2007年整个生长季蒸腾与蒸发散的比例高,并且蒸腾与降雨量的比例高,由此说明,半干旱草原生态系统植被能够有效地利用水分,雨水利用效率高。生态系统总初级生产力(GPP)与植物蒸腾(T)存在明显的正相关关系,从5-8月,生态系统水分利用效率(GPP/T)逐渐升高。 我们的研究结果表明:人类的活动如开垦和放牧通过改变植被类型、土壤持水能力和蒸发散对土壤含水量的响应,降低了草原生态系统的蒸发散,增加了生态系统蒸发散对降雨响应的敏感性,不利于土壤的保水和植被对水分的利用。半干旱草原生态系统蒸发散组分的稳定同位素技术区分,为进一步从新的角度探讨土地利用方式的改变对草原生态系统蒸发散影响的生理机制提供了可能。
人类活动能显著地改变生态系统的属性和功能。这些变化不仅发生在容易观察的局部层面上,如土壤沙化、植被退化等;还能更深刻地影响到微生物控制的温室气体释放,进而影响大尺度上气候的变化。本论文根据2 年田间试验结果报告了人类干扰(草地退耕和施肥)和降水增加30%对中国北部农牧交错区(内蒙古多伦县)半干旱草地生态系统生产力和温室气体排放的影响。 本研究发现氮是影响该区草地和弃耕地生产力的最重要因子,即使低量的氮肥应用(5 g N y-1)也能使该区草地地上净初级生产力(ANPP)增加36-46%。然而氮对草地生产力影响主要集中在地上部分,对地下净初级生产力(BNPP) 影响比较微弱。单独使用磷肥对ANPP 和BNPP 均无显著影响,氮磷混施对ANPP 有显著正交互作用。增加的降水对草地和弃耕地ANPP 和BNPP 有弱的正效应,增加30%降水使草地对照ANPP 增加9-25%,BNPP 增加12%-17%,弃耕地对照ANPP 增加7%-37%,BNPP 增加36%-37% 。草地和弃耕地对照ANPP 并无显著差别,由于高于弃耕地1-3 倍的BNPP,总体上草地比弃耕地有更高的固碳能力。这个结果也说明草地能更有效地把植物地上部分固定的碳转移到地下,这与草地长期发育积累的丰富地下根系和高根冠比物种组成有关。 水肥处理及土地利用方式也深刻改变了温室气体排放。温带草地和弃耕地CO2 排放(系统呼吸:Re)存在显著季节变化,温度、水分和地上生物量是控制这些变化的主要因子。在气候温暖的6-9 月份,生物量和土壤水分是决定系统呼吸季节变化主要因子,而与温度无明显相关。随着氮肥使用,草地和弃耕地呼吸速率加大,其温度敏感系数Q10 也明显升高,这主要与氮肥使用后增加的地上生物量有关。由于水分促进作用和生物量的弱增长,增加的降水也加大了草地和弃耕地CO2 排放。低的地下生物量和有机碳氮并没有导致弃耕地低的CO2 排放,显示了农垦后土壤结构破坏导致的有机碳分解增加不会在农业弃耕后短期内(5-6 年)停止。 除了对生物量的不敏感性外,中国北部半干旱生态系统N2O 排放表现出与CO2 排放类似的变化规律:水分和温度是N2O 季节变化的主导因子;氮肥使用和降水增加都增加了N2O 排放;N2O 排放在草地对照和弃耕地对照之间没有显著差别。更少的根系对无机氮的竞争导致了弃耕地比草地有更高的N2O 释放因子(单位氮添加所引起N2O 释放)。低的土壤水分(<70% WFPS )和无机氮都是限制反硝化发生的重要条件,因此硝化可能是草地和弃耕地N2O 的最主要来源。半干旱草地生态系统N2O 排放与CO2 排放之间存在着显著线性关系。 中国北部半干旱草地和弃耕地都起着CH4 汇的生态功能。水分是控制CH4 吸收季节变异的主导变量,土壤空隙水含量(WFPS)与CH4 指数递减方程能解释其变异的64%-83% 。增加的降水导致了土壤水分增加,从而引起甲烷氧化菌所需基质(CH4 和O2)扩散受阻,减小了土壤CH4 吸收功能。施肥并没有抑制CH4 吸收,相反由于施肥后植物速生对土壤水的抽干作用,施肥增加了植物速生期时的CH4 吸收。CH4 吸收对农垦引起的土壤微生物生境结构破坏非常敏感,在农业措施停止5-6 年后的弃耕地,CH4 吸收仍比草地低24%。 本研究初步分析了影响中国北部农牧交错区草地生态系统生产力及温室气体排放的自然环境因子和人为因子,给出了它们之间的定性、定量关系,为科学地管理中国北部草地,充分发挥其生态和经济效益功能提供了有效信息。
:本文以野生猕猴为实验对象,以血清皮质 醇含量为指标,研究了野生猕猴 被捕获与给予氯丙嗪、Vc等药物后上述指标的变化。结果 表明:(1)野生猕猴在被捕获 后的1~2周内,血清皮质醇一直维持在一个高水平状态(24.7 8±0.20μg/dl,24.88 ±0.58μg/dl);(2)氯丙嗪可使动物行为处于一种安静状态, 但 并不降低血清皮质醇水 平(28.73±6.16μg/dl),(3)Vc可改善动物的精神状态,使血清 皮质醇略低(21.00 ±2.90μg/dl)(P>0.05),(4)氯丙嗪和Vc合用后,血清皮质 醇与单独使用氯丙嗪无明显 差异(28.07±4.45μg/dl)。
Continuous gradient elution chromatography (CGEC) was employed to purify and separate enzymes and polysaccharides from the sap of Rhus vernicifera Chinese lacquer tree. There are three different molecules with laccase enzyme activity. Two are enzymes of each other (L1, and L2), whereas the third (RL) is an entirely separate entity. Two polysaccharides (GP1 and GP2) were also found. The Rhus laccase (RL), and isoenzymes L1 and L2, have peak molecular masses of 109,100, 120,000, 103,000 respectively; each has four copper atoms per molecule, and the pI values were 8.2, 8.6, and 9.1, respectively. The structure of the laccases was studied by Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) and Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry. The typical amide I (1646 cm(-1)) and amide II (1545 cm(-1)) bands were observed. The results from MALDI-TOF were similar to those from CGEC, but the molecular mass from the MALDI-TOF was significantly different from that obtained from sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this study, by the use of partial least squares (PLS) method and 26 quantum chemical descriptors computed by PM3 Hamiltonian, a quantitative structure-property relationship (QSPR) model was developed for reductive dehalogenation rate constants of 13 halogenated aliphatic compounds in sediment slurry under anaerobic conditions. The model can be used to explain the dehalogenation mechanism. Halogenated aliphatic compounds with great energy of the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (E-lumo), total energy (TE), electronic energy (EE), the smallest bond order of the carbon-halogen bonds (BO) and the most positive net atomic charges on an atom of the molecule (q(+)) values tend to be reductively dehalogenated slow, whereas halogenated aliphatic compounds with high values of molecular weight (Mw), average molecular polarizability (a) and core-core repulsion energy (CCR) values tend to be reductively dehalogenated fastest. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
A computer program, QtUCP, has been developed based on several well-established algorithms using GCC 4.0 and Qt (R) 4.0 (Open Source Edition) under Debian GNU/Linux 4.0r0. it can determine the unit-cell parameters from an electron diffraction tilt series obtained from both double-tilt and rotation-tilt holders. In this approach, two or more primitive cells of the reciprocal lattice are determined from experimental data, in the meantime, the measurement errors of the tilt angles are checked and minimized. Subsequently, the derived primitive cells are converted into the reduced form and then transformed into the reduced direct primitive cell. Finally all the patterns are indexed and the least-squares refinement is employed to obtain the optimized results of the lattice parameters. Finally, two examples are given to show the application of the program, one is based on the experiment, the other is from the simulation. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Resonant tunnelling diodes with different structures were grown. Their photoluminescence spectra were investigated. By contrast, the luminescence in the quantum well is separated from that of other epilayers. The result is obtained that the exciton of the luminescence in the quantum well is partly come from the cap layer in the experiment. So the photoluminescence spectrum is closely related to the electron transport in the resonant tunnelling diode structure. This offers a method by which the important performance of resonant tunnelling diode could be forecast by analysing the integrated photoluminescence intensities.
Modes in square resonators are analyzed and classified according to the irreducible representations of the point group C-4v. If the mode numbers p and q that denote the number of wave nodes in the directions of two orthogonal square sides are unequal and have the same even-odd characteristics, the corresponding double modes are accidentally degenerate and can be combined into two new distributions with definite parities relative to the square diagonal mirror planes. The distributions with odd parities belong to the whispering-gallery-like modes in square resonators. The mode frequencies and quality factors are also calculated by the finite-difference time-domain technique and Pade approximation method. The numerically calculated mode frequencies agree with the theoretical ones very well and the whispering-gallery-like modes have quality factors much higher than other modes, including their accidentally degenerate counterparts in square resonators.