148 resultados para Self-consistent field theory


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By using a combinatorial screening method based on the self-consistent field theory (SCFT) for polymer systems, the micro-phase morphologies of the H-shaped (AC)B(CA) ternary block copolymer system are studied in three-dimensional (3D) space. By systematically varying the volume fractions of the components A, B, and C, six triangle phase diagrams of this H-shaped (AC)B(CA) ternary block copolymer system with equal interaction energies among the three components are constructed from the weaker segregation regime to the strong segregation regime, In this study, thirteen 3D micro-phase morphologies for this H-shaped ternary block copolymer system are identified to be stable and seven 3D microphase morphologies are found to be metastable.


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The effect of the hydrophobic properties of blocks B and C on the aggregate morphologies formed by ABC linear triblock copolymers in selective solvent was studied through the self-consistent field theory. Five typical micelles, such as core-shell-corona, hamburger-like, segmented-wormlike, were obtained by changing the hydrophobic properties of blocks B and C. The simulation results indicate that the shape and size of micelle are basically controlled by the hydrophobic degree of the middle block B, whereas the type of micelle is mainly determined by the hydrophobic degree of the end block C.


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By using a combinatorial screening method based on the self-consistent field theory, we investigate the equilibrium morphologies of linear ABCBA and H-shaped (AB)(2)C(BA)(2) block copolymers in two dimensions. The triangle phase diagrams of both block copolymers are constructed by systematically varying the volume fractions of blocks A, B, and C. In this study, the interaction energies between species A, B, and C are set to be equal. Four different equilibrium morphologies are identified, i.e., the lamellar phase (LAM), the hexagonal lattice phase (HEX), the core-shell hexagonal lattice phase (CSH), and the two interpenetrating tetragonal lattice phase (TET2). For the linear ABCBA block copolymer, the reflection symmetry is observed in the phase diagram except for some special grid points, and most of grid points are occupied by LAM morphology. However, for the H-shaped (AB)(2)C(BA)(2) block copolymer, most of the grid points in the triangle phase diagram are occupied by CSH morphology, which is ascribed to the different chain architectures of the two block copolymers. These results may help in the design of block copolymers with different microstructures.


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The self-assembly of symmetric coil-rod-coil ABA-type triblock copolymer melts is studied by applying self-consistent field lattice techniques in a three-dimensional space. The self-assembled ordered structures differ significantly with the variation of the volume fraction of the rod component, which include lamellar, wave lamellar, gyroid, perforated lamellar, cylindrical, and spherical-like phases. To understand the physical essence of these phases and the regimes of occurrence, we construct the phase diagram, which matches qualitatively with the existing experimental results. Compared with the coil-rod AB diblock copolymer, our results revealed that the interfacial grafting density of the separating rod and coil segments shows important influence on the self-assembly behaviors of symmetric coil-rod-coil ABA triblock copolymer melts. We found that the order-disorder transition point changes from f(rod)=0.5 for AB diblock copolymers to f(rod)=0.6 for ABA triblock copolymers. Our results also show that the spherical-like and cylindrical phases occupy most of the region in the phase diagram, and the lamellar phase is found stable only at the high volume fraction of the rod.


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We develop a self-consistent-field lattice model for block copolymers and propose a novel and general method to solve the self-consistent-field equations. The approach involves describing the polymer chains in a lattice and employing a two-stage relaxation procedure to evolve a system as rapidly as possible to a free-energy minimum. In order to test the validity of this approach, we use the method to study the microphases of rod-coil diblock copolymers. In addition to the lamellar and cylindrical morphologies, micellar, perforated lamellar, gyroid, and zigzag structures have been identified without any prior assumption of the microphase symmetry. Furthermore, this approach can also give the possible orientation of the rods in different structures.


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A new continuous configuration time-dependent self-consistent field method has been developed to study polyatomic dynamical problems by using the discrete variable representation for the reaction system, and applied to a reaction system coupled to a bath. The method is very efficient because the equations involved are as simple as those in the traditional single configuration approach, and can account for the correlations between the reaction system and bath modes rather well. (C) American Institute of Physics.


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Real-space self-consistent field theory (SCFT) is employed to study the effect of solvent molecular size on the self-assembly of amphiphilic diblock copolymer in selective solvent. The phase diagrams in wide ranges of interaction parameters and solvent molecular size were obtained in present study. The results indicate that the solvent molecular size is a key factor that determines the self-assembly of amphiphilic diblock copolymer. The self-assembled morphology changes from circle-like micelle to line-like micelle, then to loop-like micelle by decreasing the solvent molecular size in a wide range of solvent selectivity. We analyze and discuss this change in terms of the solvent solubility and the entropy contribution.


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By incorporating self-consistent field theory with lattice Boltzmann method, a model for polymer melts is proposed. Compared with models based on Ginzburg-Landau free energy, our model does not employ phenomenological free energies to describe systems and can consider the chain topological details of polymers. We use this model to study the effects of hydrodynamic interactions on the dynamics of microphase separation for block copolymers. In the early stage of phase separation, an exponential growth predicted by Cahn-Hilliard treatment is found. Simulation results also show that the effect of hydrodynamic interactions can be neglected in the early stage.


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The phase behaviors of comblike block copolymer A(m+1)B(m)/homopolymer A mixtures are studied by using the random phase approximation method and real-space self-consistent field theory. From the spinodals of macrophase separation and microphase separation, we can find that the number of graft and the length of the homopolymer A have great effects on the phase behavior of the blend. For a given composition of comblike block copolymer, increasing the number of graft does not change the macrophase separation spinodal curve but decreases the microphase separation region. The addition of a small quantity of long-chain homopolymer A increases the microphase separation of comblike block copolymer/homopolymer A mixture.


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The effects of hydrodynamic interactions on the lamellar ordering process for two-dimensional quenched block copolymers in the presence of extended defects and the topological defect evolutions in lamellar ordering process are numerically investigated by means of a model based on lattice Boltzmann method and self-consistent field theory. By observing the evolution of the average size of domains, it is found that the domain growth is faster with stronger hydrodynamic effects. The morphological patterns formed also appear different. To study the defect evolution, a defect density is defined and is used to explore the defect evolutions in lamellar ordering process. Our simulation results show that the hydrodynamics effects can reduce the density of defects. With our model, the relations between the Flory-Huggins interaction parameter chi, the length of the polymer chains N, and the defect evolutions are studied.


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In order to understand the coarsening of microdomains in symmetric diblock copolymers at the late stage, a model for block copolymers is proposed. By incorporating the self consistent field theory with the free energy approach Lattice Boltzmann model, hydrodynamic interactions can be considered. Compared with models based on Ginzburg-Landau free energy, this model does not employ phenomenological free energies to describe systems. The model is verified by comparing the simulation results obtained using this method with those of a dynamical version of the self consistent mean field theory. After that,the growth exponents of the characteristic domain size for symmetric block copolymers at late stage are studied. It is found that the viscosity of the system affects the growth exponents greatly, although the growth exponents are all less than 1/3 Furthermore, the relations between the growth exponent, the interaction parameter and the chain length are studied.


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We study the interplay between microphase assembly and macrophase separation in A/B/AB ternary polymer blends by examining the free energy of localized fluctuation structures (micelles or droplets), with emphasis on the thermodynamic relationship between swollen micelles (microemulsion) and the macrophase-separated state, using self-consistent field theory and an extended capillary model. Upon introducing homopolymer B into a micelle-forming binary polymer blend A/AB, micelles can be swollen by B. A small amount of component B (below the A-rich binodal of macrophase coexistence) will not affect the stability of the swollen micelles. A large excess of homopolymer, B, will induce a microemulsion failure and lead to a macrophase separation.


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By using a combinatorial screening method based on the self-consistent field theory (SCFT) for polymers, we have investigated the morphology of H-shaped ABC block copolymers (A(2)BC(2)) and compared them with those of the linear ABC block copolymers. By changing the ratios of the volume fractions of two A arms and two C arms, one can obtain block copolymers with different architectures ranging from linear block copolymer to H-shaped block copolymer. By systematically varying the volume fractions of block A, B, and C, the triangle phase diagrams of the H-shaped ABC block copolymer with equal interactions among the three species are constructed. In this study, we find four different morphologies ( lamellar phase ( LAM), hexagonal lattice phase ( HEX), core-shell hexagonal lattice phase (CSH), and two interpenetrating tetragonal lattice (TET2)). Furthermore, the order-order transitions driven by architectural change are discussed.