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In the present paper is reported the method for the isolation and extraction of total flavonoids of Epimedium Koreanum Nakai by means of supercritical fluid extraction (SFE). By examining pressure, temperature. amounts of modifier and extraction time, the optimized condition of SFE is confirmed as 30 MPa and 60 degreesC. with 70% ethanol as the modifier. The samples were statically extracted for 30 min, followed by dynamic extraction for 120 min at a flow rate of 6 mL/min. The quantitative analysis of total flavonoids was performed by UV-Vis spectrophotometry. Compared with the conventional method, the SFE method is more efficient. more rapid and more friendly environmentally.


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Supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) was used to extract homoisoflavonoids from Ophiopogon japonicus (Thunb.) Ker-Gawler. The optimization of parameters was carried out using an orthogonal test L-9 (3)(4) including pressure, temperature, dynamic extraction time and the amount of modifier. The process was then scaled up by 100 times with a preparative SFE system under the optimized conditions of 25 MPa, 55 degrees C, 4.0 h and 25% methanol as a modifier. Then crude extracts were separated and purified by high-speed counter-current chromatography (HSCCC) with a two-phase solvent system composed of n-hexane/ethyl acetate/methanol/ACN/water (1.8:1.0:1.0:1.2:1.0 v/v). There three homoisoflavonoidal compounds including methylophiopogonanone A 6-aldehydo-isoophiopogonone A, and 6-formyl-isoophiopogonanone A, were successfully isolated and purified in one step. The collected fractions were analyzed by HPLC. In each operation, 140 mg crude extracts was separated and yielded 15.3 mg of methylophiopogonanone A (96.9% purity), 4.1 mg of 6-aldehydo-isoophiopogonone A (98.3% purity) and 13.5 mg of 6-formyl-isoophiopogonanone A (97.3% purity) respectively. The chemical structure of the three homoisoflavonoids are identified by means of ESI-MS and NMR analysis.


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This short communication presents our recent studies to implement numerical simulations for multi-phase flows on top-ranked supercomputer systems with distributed memory architecture. The numerical model is designed so as to make full use of the capacity of the hardware. Satisfactory scalability in terms of both the parallel speed-up rate and the size of the problem has been obtained on two high rank systems with massively parallel processors, the Earth Simulator (Earth simulator research center, Yokohama Kanagawa, Japan) and the TSUBAME (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan) supercomputers.


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Characteristic burtsing behavior is observed in a driven, two-dimensional viscous flow, confined to a square domain and subject to no-slip boundaries. Passing a critical parameter value, an existing chaotic attractor undergoes a crisis, after which the flow initially enters a transient bursting regime. Bursting is caused by ejections from and return to a limited subdomain of the phase space, whereas the precrisis chaotic set forms the asymptotic attractor of the flow. For increasing values of the control parameter the length of the bursting regime increases progressively. Passing another critical parameter value, a second crisis leads to the appearance of a secondary type of bursting, of very large dynamical range. Within the bursting regime the flow then switches in irregular intervals from the primary to the secondary type of bursting. Peak enstrophy levels for both types of bursting are associated to the collapse of a primary vortex into a quadrupolar state.


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An optical diagnostic system consisting of Michelson interferometer with image processor has been developed for study of the kinetics of thermal capillary convection and buoyancy convection. This optical interferometer has been used to observe and measure surface deformation and surface wave of capillary convection and buoyancy convection in a rectangular cavity with different temperature’s sidewalls. Fourier transformation is used to image processing. The quantitative results of surface deformation and surface wave have been calculated from the interference fringe pattern. With the increasing of temperature gradient, the liquid surface slant gradually. It’s deformation has been calculated, which is related directly with temperature gradient. This is one of the characters introducing convection. Another interesting phenomenon is the inclining direction, which is different when the liquid layer is thin or thick. When the liquid layer is thin, convection is mainly controlled by thermocapillary effect. However, When the liquid layer is thick, convection is mainly controlled by buoyancy effect. Surface deformation in the present experiment are more and more declining in this process. The present experiment proved that surface deformation appears before the appearance of surface wave on fluid convection, it is related with temperature gradient, and the height of liquid layer, and lies on capillary convection and buoyancy convection. The present experiment also demonstrates that the amplitude of surface wave of thermocapillary-buoyancy convection is much smaller than surface deformation, the wave is covered by deformation.


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The effect of space velocity on reaction performance and coke deposition over 6Mo/MCM-22 catalyst in methane dehydro-aromatization (MDA) with CO2 were studied. The characterization of catalysts reacted at different space velocity after the same amount of methane feed by TG, TPO and Benzene/NH3-TPD techniques suggested that the inert coke maybe responsible for the deactivation of catalyst because of its blockage effect for pore system.


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The oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane (ODE) with CO2 to C2H4 has been studied over a series of Cr-based catalysts using SiO2, Al2O3, (MCM-41 zeolite) MCM-41, MgO and Silicate-2 (Si-2) as the supports. TPR, NH3-TPD, and EPR characterizations of catalysts were carried out to investigate the reduction property of Cr species on different supports, the acidities of catalysts and Cr species of 6Cr/SiO2 catalysts, respectively.


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In this paper, a new process is proposed to recover rare earths from nitric acid leaching of apatite without interfering with the normal route for fertilizer production using solvent extraction with dimethyl heptyl methyl phosphonate CH3P(O)(OC8H17)(2) (P-350, B). In the present work, the leaching conditions are studied. In selected condition, apatite was dissolved in 20% (v/v) nitric acid solution at 60-70 degrees C while agitating. The most suitable acidity for extraction is 0.4 M HNO3. More than 98% of rare earths in apatite can be recovered using countercurrent extraction process with six stages when phase ratio = 0.5, and defluorination is unnecessary. The influences of phase ratio, stage number, acidity and salting-out agent on extractabilities Of P-350 are studied. The results show that rare earths can be separated with P-350 from Ca, P, Fe and other impurities. Mixed rare earth oxides (REO) of which purity is more than 95% with yield over 98% can be obtained.


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Studies have been made on the kinetics of ytterbium(III) with bis-(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl) phosphinic acid (Cyanex 272, HA) in n-heptane using a constant interfacial cell with laminar flow. The stiochiometry and the equilibrium constant of the extracted complex formation reaction between Yb3+ and Cyanex 272 are determined. The extraction rate is dependent of the stirring rate. This fact together with the Ea value suggests that the mass transfer process is a mixed chemical reaction-diffusion controlled at lower temperature, whereas it is entirely diffusion controlled at higher temperature. The rate equations for the ytterbium extraction with Cyanex 272 have been obtained. The rate-determining step is also made by predictions derived from interfacial reaction models, and through the approximate solutions of the flux equation, diffusion parameters and thickness of the diffusion film have been calculated.


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The yttrium(III) extraction kinetics and mechanism with bis-(2,4,4-trimethyl-pentyl) phosphinic acid (Cyanex 272, HA) dissolved in heptane have been investigated by constant interfacial cell with laminar flow. The data has been analyzed in terms of pseudo-first order constants. Studies on the effects of stirring rate, temperature, acidity in aqueous phase, and extractant concentration on the extraction rate show that the extraction regime is dependent on the extraction conditions. The plot of interfacial area on the rate has shown a linear relationship. This fact together with the strong surface activity of Cyanex 272 at heptane-water interfaces has made the interface the most probable location for the chemical reactions. The forward, reverse rate equations and extraction rate constant for the yttrium extraction with Cyanex 272 have been obtained under the experimental conditions. The rate-determining step has been also predicted from interfacial reaction models. The predictions have been found to be in good agreement with the rate equations obtained from experimental data, confirming the basic assumption that the chemical reaction is located at the liquid-liquid interface.