307 resultados para LI-1-XHXIO3
Chemical bond parameters and the linear and nonlinear optical (NLO) properties of all constituent chemical bonds in Li1-xHxIOx [x (the amount of hydrogen) = 0.0, 0.28, and 0.34] (LHIO) type complex crystals have been investigated from the chemical bond viewpoint, At the same time, the relationship between the crystal structure and its optical properties has been obtained, based on the calculated results of LiIO3, Li0.72H0.28IO3, and Li0.66H0.34IO3. The nonlinear optical properties of LHIO single crystals are found to be particularly sensitive to the H+ impurity concentration. (C) 1998 Academic Press.
Anhydrous SmCl3 reacts with two equal of Li(1-3-(Bu2C5H3)-Bu-t) to give a complex (1,3-(Bu2C5H3)-Bu-t)(2) Sm(mu -Cl)(2)Li(THF)(2) (C34H58Cl2LiO2Sm, M-r = 726.99), monoclinic, space group P2(1)/n, a = 10.615(2), b = 21.037(4), c = 17.166(3) Angstrom, beta = 93.60(3)degrees, V = 3825.7 (13) Angstrom (3), Z = 4, D-c = 1.262 Mg/m(3), mu = 1.699 mm(-1) and F(000) = 1508, final R = 0.0387 and wR = 0.0741 for 5320 observed[I greater than or equal to2 sigma (I)] reflections. The average Sm - C distance is 2.73 Angstrom. Sm - Cl1 and Sm - Cl2 distances are 2.719 (2) and 2. 697 (2) Angstrom, respectively. Two 1, 3-(Bu2C5H3)-Bu-t-ring centroids and two mu (2)-bridging chloride atoms around Sm atom form a distorted tetrahedron.
Al-Li合金是近年发展起来的新型航空材料,具有低密度、高强度的特点。目前世界上正就如何进一步提高其断裂韧性,使Al-Li合金尽早走出实验室,获得实际用进行广泛,深入的研究。熔盐电解法就是在这种情况下发展起来的。虽然此法现在尚处于研究的初级阶段,但已以其能够在较简单的设备上制备低Na高纯Al-Li合金的特点受到广泛的重视,是一种很有前途的发展方向。针对我国的技术、设备现状,在参考国外研究结果的基础上,采用熔盐电解法制备Al-Li母合金 → 应用合金的制备方法是可以尽快赶上世界发步伐的有效途径。因此,本文作为整个熔盐电解制备Al-Li合金系统研究的一部分,针对目前在此领域中很多应用基础问题,诸如:作为新的电解体系正在探索中的LiCl-KCl-LiF三元相图,Li在液体Al阴极中的扩散系数,利用熔盐电解法制备低Na高纯Al-Li合金的热力学基础及如何克服LiCl强烈的吸水性给电解工艺带来的种种不便等均未得到系统研究的现状,设计完成了一系列有关熔盐电化学和热力学实验,填补了本领域的一些研究空白,并为进一步系统研究工艺条件提供了重要的参考数据。1.用NH_4Cl氯化Li_2CO_3的研究 根据热力学从理论上论证了在200 ℃左右下述氯化反应:Li_2CO_3 + 2NN_4Cl = 2LiCl + 2NH_3~↑ + H_2O~↑ + CO_2~↑可以进行完全。利用DSC方法测定反应产物LiCl的纯度,并用离子色谱法分析反应产物中CO_3~=的含量,结果均证明:在Li_2CO_3:NH_4Cl = 1:4 (mol)时,Li_2CO_3可以定量转化为LiCl,剩余的NH_4Cl完全分解。根据热重分析结果推测NH_4Cl氯化Li_2CO_3的反应历程为:Li_2CO_3 + 2NH_4Cl = 2LiCl + 2NH_3~↑ + H_2O~↑ + CO_2~↑ NH_4Cl = HCl~↑ + NH_3~↑ 而并非是想像中的:NH_4Cl = HCl~↑ + NH_3~↑ 2HCl + Li_2CO_3 = 2LiCl + H2O~↑ + CO_2~↑利用X-射线衍射方法分析产物,结果亦说明氯化可以成功。将1:4(mol)= Li_2CO_3:NH_4Cl混合样品在差热分析反应炉中直接加热测定反应产物LiCl的溶点,并与纯LiCl样品熔点的测定结果相比较,二者完全一致。以上结果说明:不仅可用此氯化反应产物代替LiCl应用于熔盐电解制备Al-Li合金中,而且还可将其应用于LiCl体系的相图测定中。因Li_2CO_3,NH_4Cl均不吸水,极易处理,因此以上研究结果无论对于Al-Li合金的工艺研究还是其他有关LiCl体系的基础研究都是很有价值的。2.直接氯化法制备LiCl-KCl-LiF三元相图的研究。LiCl-KCl-LiF三元相图是研究此体系电解机制的重要基础。为将以上直接氯化法应用于差热分析中制作此三元体系相图,首先用直接氯化法测定了三个已知二元LiCl体系相图:LiCl-KCl;LiCl-LiF;LiCl-NaCl。与文献结果吻合很好。说明将此法应用于差热分析中制作LiCl体系相图结果是可靠的。在LiCl-KCl-LiF三元相图的测定中共做出七个垂直截面,在各截面上读出等温条件下的相界点投影到浓度三角形中,得到等温投影图。结果说明LiCl-KCl-LiF是固态完全不互溶的三元共晶体系,共有三个液-固两相区;三个液-固-固三相区;一个液-固-固-固四相区,(三元共晶平面)和一个固-固-固三相区。四相点温度为348 ℃,其组成在三相平衡线的交点处,在实验上测出近似等于:41.4KCl + 57.3LiCl + 1.3LiF (mol)。3.氯化物体系中Li~+, Na~+析出电位的比较及其去极化作用的研究。在正常电化序中,Li~+应先于Na~+析出。但在以Al作阴极电解LiCl体系时,则由于Li~+在Al上有较强的去极化作用而提前析出。这是熔盐电解法可以制备低Na,高纯Al-Li合金的基础。本文在理论上对此问题进行了较深入的研究。具体内容包括(1)。测定Li~+, Na~+在二元氯化物体系中的析出电位。通过在Al阴极,Mo阴极上二离子析出电位的比较,确认了Li~+在Al阴极上产生很强的去极化作用是能利用电解法制备低Na高纯Al-Li合金的根本原因。并为在工艺研究中选择合适的电流密度提供了参考依据。(2).根据热力学理论推导出合金化反应产生的自由焓变化与去极化作用的关系:ΔG_x + ΔG_m = -nFΔE。揭示了产生去极化作用的原因。并根据ΔG_x(偏摩尔过剩自由焓)与合金结构的关系提出可以利用二元合金相图推测极化类型及极化大小。并根据动力学原理对温度对极化的影响提出了自己的看法。(3).求出合金化反应的热效应,认为在一定条件下亦可利用此值作为判断去极化作用大小的标准。(4).测定Li~+, Na~+在Al-Cu, -Al-RE合金上的析出电位。结果表明Cu,RE的存在均可加强Li~+在阴极上的去极化作用,进一步加大了Li~+, Na~+析出电位之间的差别,有利于制备更纯的Al-Li 使金。为直接生产Al-Cu-Li, Al-RE-Li三元母合金奠定了基础。(5)测定Li~+在不同组成配比的LiCl-KCl熔体中,在Al阴极上的析出电位,并求出LiCl的离子平均活度系数γ=0.71 (T = 740 ℃), 熔体对理想状态产生负偏离。4.利用阳极计时电位法测定T=720 ℃时Li在液体Al中的扩散系数D_(Li/Al) = 4.94 * 10~(-5)cm~2·s~(-1),与利用Stocks-Einstan公式计算出的理论值D_(Li/Al) = 4.85 * 10~(-5)cm~2·s~(-1)吻合较好。5.在上述理论研究的基础之上进行了工艺初探,所得初步结论有:(1).加入LiF可以提高电效。(2).采用电流密度为1 A/cm~2时,不加搅拌亦可制备出成份均匀,含Li量为10%(w.f)的Al-Li合金。(3).根据实验结果提出 Li在熔体中的熔解可能是影响电流效果的主要原因。
液/液界面通常被看作是人工膜和生物膜的简单模型,液界面电分析化学的主要研究对象是界面上的电荷(电子和离子)转移反应以及伴随发生的相关化学反应。本论文简要回顾了液/液界面电分析化学的发展历程,介绍了液/液界面上电分析化学的基本理论。目前,应用扫描电化学显微镜结合微、纳米电极技术研究液/液界面上的电荷转移反应是电分析化学领域的研究热点之一。本文在本实验室以往研究工作的基础上,将扫描电化学显微镜、微、纳米管技术和各种电化学方法相结合,一方面进一步深入研究了在可极化液/液界面上、高驱动力作用下的加速离子转移反应的动力学,另一方面探讨了支持电解质浓度对简单及加速离子在低离子强度溶液相间的转移反应的影响。主要结果如下:1.通过选择适当的研究模型(二苯基18冠6加速Na+、Li+在水1/2-二氯乙烷界面上的转移反应)、实验条件及将三电极系统、纳米管与扫描电化学显微镜相结合,进一步研究了加速离子转移反应的驱动力与异相反应速率常数之间的关系。由实验得到,加速离子转移反应的速率常数匆与反应驱动力直接相关。在低驱动力区,Inkf与驱动力的关系遵循经典的Butier~Voh“方程;高马时力区,反应的动力学逐渐进入Marcus翻转区,即反应的速率常数随驱动力的增加而减小,此与Marcus 理论相一致。本实验是第一次在加速离子转移反应中观察到Marcus翻转现象。2.应用循环伏安法、方波法、计时安培法和微/纳米管技术研究了加速钾离子从水相向高阻抗有泪毛相转移的反应。同时系统讨论了低浓度电解质对水相及有机相TMA~+简单离子转移反应的影响。实验中绷门发现纳米管可被用子有机相无外加支持电解质的加速离子转移反应的研究。而在含少量或不含电解质的两相间的TMA+离子转移反应中,可以清楚的观察到迁移在TMA+转移过程中所起的作用。另外也较详细讨论了简单离子在界面转移的机理。
本文对熔盐电解法制备铝锂母合金的熔盐电化学基础和工艺条件进行了系统的研究。确究了锂和稀土元素离子在液态铝阴极上的析出电位和电极过程;测定了锂和稀土元素在熔体和液态阴极中的扩散系数。首次研究了氯化物溶体中Li(1) RE(111)在液态铝铜阴极上的共电沉积的条件;并对氯化物熔体中电解制备Al-Li母合金的电解工艺进行了系统的研究。长周期实验结果表明,该电解工艺可应用于大规模条件下的生产。该工艺在对原料纯度要求较低的情况下,可生产出高纯度的Al-Li母合金,该工艺具有高的时空产率和较低的比能量消耗;与传统铝锂合金工艺相比,降低了成本,提高了产品纯度。
A simple model has been developed within the independent-particle model (IPM) based on the Bohr-Lindhard model and classical statistical model. Cross sections for transfer ionization of helium by ions A(q+) (q = 1-3) are calculated for impact energies between 10 and 6000 keV/u. The calculated cross sections are in good agreement with the experimental data of helium by He(1-2)+ and Li(1-3)+.
(C5H9C5H4)(3)NdBrLi(THF)(4)(1)(C5H9=cyclopentyl) was obtained from the reaction of NdCl3 with C5H9C5H4Na and LiBr (Nd:Na:Li=1:2:1 molar ratio) in THE X-ray crystallography showed that the ten-coordinated neodymium atom is bonded to three cyclopentylcyclopentadienyl(eta(5)) rings and a single bromine atom bridging a lithium which is bonded to three THF molecules. Complex 1 is triclinic, P1 space group with unit dimensions of a= 12.048(2), b= 13.498(3), c= 13.831(3)Angstrom, a = 104.16(3), beta = 104.07(3), gamma =95.96(3)degrees, V=2083.3(7)Angstrom(3), Z=2, D-c=1.35Mg/m(3) and F(000)=874. (C5H9C5H4)(3)SmTHF (2) was synthesized by reaction of anhydrous SmCl3 with C5H9C5H4Na at a molar ratio of 1:3. The structure was determined by X-ray crystallography. The ten-coordinated samarium atom is bonded to three cycloperrtylcyclopentadienyl rings and one oxygen of THF molecule to form a pseudo-tetrahedron. Complex 2 is orthorhombic, Fdd2 space group with unit cell dimensions of a =28.175(5)Angstrom, b =46.24(2) Angstrom, c =9.167(4) Angstrom(3), V=11943(8)Angstrom(3), Z= 16, D-c = 1.38Mg/m(3) and F(000)=5136.
The crystal of complex [Li(THF)(4)][Fe(S2C2B10H10)(2)(THF)] 3 belongs to monoclinic, space group P2(1) with a = 11.964(2), b = 16.527(3), c = 12.554(3) Angstrom,beta = 108.70(3)degrees, V= 2351.3(8) Angstrom(3), Z = 2, M-r = 835.95, D-c = 1.181 g/cm(3), mu (MoKalpha) = 5.30 cm(-1), f(000) = '874, R = 0.0622 and Rw 0.1538 for 1641 observed reflections with I > 2sigma(I). The ionic complex,of 3 contains the square pyramidal anion of [Fe(S2C2B10H10)(2)(THF)](-) and the tetrahedral cation of [Li(THF)(4)](+). The iron is 5-coordinated and located in the square pyramidal configuration. The iron atom and the four sulfur atoms are almost coplanar. The Lithium atom is coordinated with four oxygen atoms of four THF molecules and located in a tetrahedral configuration.
The phase diagram of the dodecyl dimethyl ammonium hydroxyl propyl sulfonate(DDAHPS)/1-pentanol(C5H11OH)/water ternary system has been established. It contains two isotropic monophase regions (L-1 and L-2) and a liquid crystalline region (L.C.). The isotropic phase regions have been investigated by means of Raman spectroscopy and conductivity.
Investigations on the aging hardening behavior of four Al-Li-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys were carried out using differential scanning calorimetry, transmission electron microscopy and hardness measurement. It is shown that the addition of Li inhibits the formation of Zn-rich G.P. zones in Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys. The dominant aging hardening precipitates is delta'(Al3Li) phase. Coarse T ((AlZn)(49)Mg-32) phase, instead of MgZn2, precipitates primarily on grain boundaries, and provides little strengthening. The multi-stop aging involving plastic deformation introduces in the matrix a high concentration of structural defects. These defects play different role on the nucleation of Zn-rich G.P. zones in different alloys. For the Li free alloy, structural defects act as vacancy sinks and tend to suppress the homogeneous precipitation of G.P. zones, while for the Li containing alloys, these defects promote the heterogeneous nucleation of G.P. zones and metastable MgZn2. A significant aging hardening effect is attained in deformed Li containing alloys due to the extra precipitation of fine MgZn2 in the matrix combined with deformation hardening.
The phase behavior of liquid crystalline in the ternary system of dodecyl dimethyl ammonium hydroxyl propyl sulfonate(DDAHPS)/1-pentanol(C5H11OH)/water deuteron (D2O) has been investigated by polarizing optical microscopy, H-2 NMR spectroscopy methods. The results indicate that two kinds of liquid crystals (the lamellar, and the hexagonal) exist in the liquid crystalline phase region. In this paper, we also use the polarized Raman spectroscopy method to measure the values of the order/disorder parameters and the values of the environment polarity parameters for the samples selected from the liquid crystalline phase region, and compare these two parameters of the samples with those of solid state DDAHPS and liquid state pentan-1-ol.
The microstructural evolution in localized shear deformation was investigated in an 8090 Al-Li alloy by split Hopkinson pressure bar (strain rate of approximately 10(3) s(-1)) at ambient temperature and 77 K. The alloy was tested in the peak-, over-, under-, and natural-aged conditions, that provide a wide range of microstructural parameters and mechanical properties. Two types of localized shear bands were distinguished by optical microscopy: the deformed shear band and the white-etching shear band. They form at different stages of deformation during localization. There are critical strains for the occurrence of deformed and white-etching localized shear deformation, at the imposed strain rate. Observations by transmission electron microscopy reveal that the white-etching bands contain fine equiaxed grains; it is proposed that they are the result of recrystallization occurring during localization. The deformed-type bands are observed after testing at 77 K in all heat treatment conditions, but they are not as well defined as those developed at ambient temperature. Cracking often occurs along the localized shear at ambient temperature. The decrement in temperature is favorable for the nucleation, growth and coalescence of the microcracks along the shear bands, inducing fracture.
This study was designed to comprehensively analyze the differential expression of proteins from human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) exposed to tumor conditioned medium (TCM) and to identify the key regulator in the cell cycle progression. The HUVECs were exposed to TCM from breast carcinoma cell line MDA-MB-231, then their cell cycle distribution was measured by flow cytometer (FCM). The role of protein in cell cycle progression was detected via two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2-DE) and western blotting. Following the stimulation of TCM, HUVECs showed a more cells in the S phase than did the negative control group (ECGF-free medium with 20% FBS), but the HUVECs' level was similar to the positive control group (medium with 25 mug/ml ECGF and 20% FBS). Increased expression of cyclin D-1/E and some changes in other related proteins occurred after incubation with TCM. From our results, we can conclude that breast carcinoma cell line MDA-MB-231 may secrete soluble pro-angiogenic factors that induce the HUVEC angiogenic switch, during which the expression of cell cycle regulator cyclin D-1/E increases and related proteins play an important role in this process.