60 resultados para Geo-statistical model


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Transcription factor binding sites (TFBS) play key roles in genebior 6.8 wavelet expression and regulation. They are short sequence segments with de¯nite structure and can be recognized by the corresponding transcription factors correctly. From the viewpoint of statistics, the candidates of TFBS should be quite di®erent from the segments that are randomly combined together by nucleotide. This paper proposes a combined statistical model for ¯nding over- represented short sequence segments in di®erent kinds of data set. While the over-represented short sequence segment is described by position weight matrix, the nucleotide distribution at most sites of the segment should be far from the background nucleotide distribution. The central idea of this approach is to search for such kind of signals. This algorithm is tested on 3 data sets, including binding sites data set of cyclic AMP receptor protein in E.coli, PlantProm DB which is a non-redundant collection of proximal promoter sequences from di®erent species, collection of the intergenic sequences of the whole genome of E.Coli. Even though the complexity of these three data sets is quite di®erent, the results show that this model is rather general and sensible.


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研究了新疆阜康地区森林植被资源与环境的特征和其30年来的变化,利用Arcinfo强大的空间分析功能,对资源、DEM模型、景观指数、环境价值和新疆降水量的地统计学规律进行较全面的分析。本文分为五个部分: 1、新疆阜康地区森林资源与环境空间数据库的建立森林资源与环境空间数据库的建立是它们空问分析的基础。利用多期的遥感图象和该区的地形图,建立森林分类图形和属性库(包括森林和环境自变量集)一体化的GIS空间数据库。为了提高TM遥感图象的分类精度,利用ERDAS图象处理软件,对它进行包括主成分、降噪、去条带和自然色彩变换等增强处理,采用监督分类和人工判读相结合的方法进行分类,采用R2V、ERDAS、Arcview、Arcinfo等软件的集成,使得小班面层与某些线层的无缝联接。成功地形成一套适于西部GIS的森林资源与环境空间数据库的技术路径。此外,对新疆阜康北部地区森林资源动态进行初步分析。 2、新疆阜康地区数字高程模型(DEM)及其粗差检测分析为了提高生态建模的精度,模拟和提取该区的地面特征至关重要。在已建立的森林资源与环境空间数据库的支持下,利用Arcinfo和ERDAS,建立了新疆阜康地区的1:5万数字高程模型(DEM)。通过提取地形的海拔、坡度、坡向特征因子,分析森林植被的垂直分布。通过对DEM的粗差检测分析,分析阜康地区的数字高程模型精度。 3、新疆阜康地区景观格局变化分析在1977年、1987年、1999年森林资源与环境空间数据库的支持下,利用景观分析软件编制三个时段的新疆阜康地区植被景观类型图,并分析了近30年来新疆阜康地区景观动态与景观格局变化。结果表明:①在此期间整个研究区的斑块数减少,斑块平均面积扩大,景观中面积在不同景观要素类型之间的分配更加不均衡,景观面积向少数几种类型聚集。说明了在这期间阜康地区的景观类型有向单一化方向发展的趋势;②农耕地分布呈破碎化的趋势,斑块平均面积变小,斑块间离散程度也更高:这些变化说明人为的经济活动在阜康地区的加剧,③天然林面积减少较多,水域的面积却呈现上升的趋势,冰川及永久积雪的面积呈下降趋势, 4、新疆阜康地区森林生态效益的初步分析从广义森林生态效益定义出发,针对12种森林生态效益因变量不完全独立、且各自的自变量集不完全相同,引入具有多对多特征且整体上相容的似乎不相关广义线性模型。通过构造12种森林生态效益的“有效面积系数”和“市场逼近系数”,在森林资源与环境空间数据库的支持下,对新疆阜康地区两期的森林生态效益进行科学的计量。结果表明:新疆阜康地区的森林生态效益货币量1987年是90673.8万元,1999年是84134.4万元,总体上呈下降趋势。 5、利用新疆气象站资料研究年降雨量的空间分布规律利用ArcGIS地统计学模块,在2000年新疆气候信息空间数据库和新疆DEM模型的支持下,做出了新疆地区的年降水量空间分布图。根据新疆气候资料建立趋势而分析模型、模拟了新疆降水量空间分布的趋势值。采用3种算法(距离权重法、普通Kriging法、协同Kriging方法)计算并比较分析了研究区多年的平均降水量的时空变化。利用模拟产生的精度最优的栅格降水空间数据库,建立的多年平均降水资源信息系统,可快速计算研究区内任一地域单元中降水的总量及其空间变化,可以生成高精度的气候要素空间分布图。


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Fracture owing to the coalescence of numerous microcracks can be described by a simple statistical model, where a coalescence event stochastically occurs as the number density of nucleated microcracks increases. Both numerical simulation and statistical analysis reveal that a microcrack coalescence process may display avalanche behavior and that the final failure is catastrophic. The cumulative distribution of coalescence events in the vicinity of critical fracture follows a power law and the fracture profile has self-affine fractal characteristic. Some macromechanical quantities may be traced back and extracted from the mesoscopic process based on the statistical analysis of coalescence events.


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A statistical model of random wave is developed using Stokes wave theory of water wave dynamics. A new nonlinear probability distribution function of wave height is presented. The results indicate that wave steepness not only could be a parameter of the distribution function of wave height but also could reflect the degree of wave height distribution deviation from the Rayleigh distribution. The new wave height distribution overcomes the problem of Rayleigh distribution that the prediction of big wave is overestimated and the general wave is underestimated. The prediction of small probability wave height value of new distribution is also smaller than that of Rayleigh distribution. Wave height data taken from East China Normal University are used to verify the new distribution. The results indicate that the new distribution fits the measurements much better than the Rayleigh distribution.


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In our studies, 88 human mRNA samples were collected from the Integrated Sequence-Structure database and then the dynamic process in co-transcriptional mRNA folding was simulated using the RNAstructure version 4.1 program. Through statistical analyses of the frequencies of occurrence of hairpins, a group of special folding structures-the 'common hairpins'-were identified. These 'common hairpins' have lower energies and occur in all the subsequent folding units that formed in the dynamic folding process. By applying the formulas (1)-(4) of the 'common hairpins' statistical model, 163 'common hairpins' were found, to make up about 7% of the total of 2286 hairpins. Classified studies further show that the 'common hairpins' that were studied may oscillate in the dynamic folding process. However, the hairpin loops of the 'common hairpins' and stems proximal to those 'common hairpins' loops maintain topologically stable structures, while other loops and stems distal to the 'common hairpins' loops are shown to be alterable structures. Strikingly, further studies indicate that the stable structures of these 'common hairpins' may have unbeknown effects on controlling the formation of protein structures in the translation process (unpublished results). (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A new method, a molecular thermodynamic model based on statistical mechanics, is employed to predict the hydrate dissociation conditions for binary gas mixtures with carbon dioxide, hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen, and hydrocarbons in the presence of aqueous solutions. The statistical associating fluid theory (SAFT) equation of state is employed to characterize the vapor and liquid phases and the statistical model of van der Waals and Platteeuw for the hydrate phase. The predictions of the proposed model were found to be in satisfactory to excellent agreement with the experimental data.


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基于地统计学原理和半变异理论,采用地理信息系统技术定量研究了陕西省水蚀土壤因子指标的空间变异特征。分析比较了反距离权重法、样条函数法与普通克吕格法对陕西省土壤因子指标空间插值的精度。结果表明,研究区土壤抗冲系数具有中等强度的空间相关性,块金系数为32.29%,而稳渗速率、崩解速率、抗剪强度均表现为强烈的空间相关性,块金系数分别为13.19%,11.61%和12.98%。综合考虑平均相对误差、均方差及插值效果,认为普通克吕格法最好,更能反映土壤参数的空间特征并符合区域水土流失模型对数据的要求。对于普通克吕格法,稳渗速率的Lag步长为30 000 m,半方差理论模型为指数模型;抗冲系数、崩解速率、抗剪强度的Lag步长为55 000,半方差理论模型均为高斯模型。在空间分布上,各指标随土壤类型由北到南呈现明显的地带性规律。


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表层土壤水分含量和饱和导水率对深层土壤水分的动态的变化具有重要的决定作用。在黄土高原坡地(50m×360 m)范围内进行网格(10 m×10 m)取样,用地统计学方法研究表层(0~30 cm)土壤饱和导水率和水分含量的空间变异特征。结果表明:1)坡地表层土壤密度变化规律为坡下位大于坡上位,土壤饱和导水率变异系数为0.37,属于中等变异强度;2)饱和导水率和自然对数化的饱和导水率在360 m尺度内均不具备空间结构特征,是纯随机变量,线性有基台模型适用于描述表层土壤水分的分布特征,水分分布存在明显的块金效应,并且随滞后距离的增加半方差变大;3)饱和导水率和水分含量从坡上位到坡下位均呈现波浪式变化,饱和导水率大的采样点土壤水分含量低,反之则高。


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A simple model has been developed within the independent-particle model (IPM) based on the Bohr-Lindhard model and classical statistical model. Cross sections for transfer ionization of helium by ions A(q+) (q = 1-3) are calculated for impact energies between 10 and 6000 keV/u. The calculated cross sections are in good agreement with the experimental data of helium by He(1-2)+ and Li(1-3)+.


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Cross-section ratios sigma(TI)/sigma(SC) of transfer ionization (TI) to single capture (SC) of Cq+- and Oq+-He (q = 1 - 3) collisions in the energy range of 15-440 keV/u (0.8-4.2 v(Bohr)) are experimentally determined. It is shown that sigma(TI)/sigma(SC) strongly depends on the projectile velocity, and there is a maximum for E(keV/u)/q(1/2) approximate to 150. Combining the Bohr-Lindhard model and the statistical model, a theoretical estimate is presented, in reasonable agreement with the experimental data when E(keV/u)/q(1/2) > 35.


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Sm-133 was produced via fusion evaporation in the reaction Ca-40+Ru-96. Its P-delayed proton decay was studied by means of "p-gamma" coincidence in combination with a He-jet tape transport system, including half-lives, proton energy spectra, gamma-transitions following the proton emissions, and the branching ratios to the low-lying states in the grand-daughter nuclei. The possible spins and parities of 133Sm were extracted by fitting the experimental data with a statistical model calculation. The configuration-constrained nuclear potential energy surfaces of Sm-133 were calculated by using the Woods-Saxon Strutinsky method. Comparing the experimental and calculated results, the spins and parities Of Sm-133 were assigned to be 5/2(+) and 1/2(-), which is reconciled with our published simple (EC+beta(+)) decay scheme Of Sm-113 in 2001. In addition, our experimental data on the beta-delayed proton decay of Yb-149 reported in Eur. Phys. J., 2001, A12: 1-4 was also analyzed by using the same method. The spin and parity of Yb-149 was assigned to be 1/2-.