47 resultados para Communication usin chaos,


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We suggest a local pinning feedback control for stabilizing periodic pattern in spatially extended systems. Analytical and numerical investigations of this method for a system described by the one-dimensional complex Ginzburg-Landau equation are carried out. We found that it is possible to suppress spatiotemporal chaos by using a few pinning signals in the presence of a large gradient force. Our analytical predictions well coincide with numerical observations.


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The transition process from steady convection to chaos is experimentally studied in thermocapillary convections of floating half zone. The onset of temperature oscillations in the liquid bridge of floating half zone and further transitions of the temporal convective behaviour are detected by measuring the temperature in the liquid bridge. The fast Fourier transform reveals the frequency and amplitude characteristics of the flow transition. The experimental results indicate the existence of a sequence of period-doubling bifurcations that culminate in chaos. The measured Feigenbaum numbers are delta(2) = 4.69 and delta(4) = 4.6, which are comparable with the theoretical asymptotic value delta = 4.669.


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Synchronous chaos is investigated in the coupled system of two Logistic maps. Although the diffusive coupling admits all synchronized motions, the stabilities of their configurations are dependent on the transverse Lyapunov exponents while independent of the longitudinal Lyapunov exponents. It is shown that synchronous chaos is structurally stable with respect to the system parameters. The mean motion is the pseudo-orbit of an individual local map so that its dynamics can be described by the local map. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Free surface waves in a cylinder of liquid under vertical excitation with slowly modulated amplitude are investigated in the current paper. It is shown by both theoretical analysis and numerical simulation that chaos may occur even for a single mode with modulation which can be used to explain Gollub and Meyer's experiment. The implied resonant mechanism accounting for this phenomenon is further elucidated.


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The systems with some system parameters perturbed are investigated. These systems might exist in nature or be obtained by perturbation or truncation theory. Chaos might be suppressed or induced. Some of these dynamical systems exhibit extraordinary long transients, which makes the temporal structure seem sensitively dependent on initial conditions in finite observation time interval.


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A coupled map lattices with convective nonlinearity or, for short, Convective Coupled Map (CCM) is proposed in this paper to simulate spatiotemporal chaos in fluid hows. It is found that the parameter region of spatiotemporal chaos can be determined by the maximal Liapunov exponent of its complexity time series. This simple model implies a similar physical mechanism for turbulence such that the route to spatiotemporal chaos in fluid hows can be envisaged.


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We propose here a local exponential divergence plot which is capable of providing an alternative means of characterizing a complex time series. The suggested plot defines a time-dependent exponent and a ''plus'' exponent. Based on their changes with the embedding dimension and delay time, a criterion for estimating simultaneously the minimal acceptable embedding dimension, the proper delay time, and the largest Lyapunov exponent has been obtained. When redefining the time-dependent exponent LAMBDA(k) curves on a series of shells, we have found that whether a linear envelope to the LAMBDA(k) curves exists can serve as a direct dynamical method of distinguishing chaos from noise.


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We present a direct and dynamical method to distinguish low-dimensional deterministic chaos from noise. We define a series of time-dependent curves which are closely related to the largest Lyapunov exponent. For a chaotic time series, there exists an envelope to the time-dependent curves, while for a white noise or a noise with the same power spectrum as that of a chaotic time series, the envelope cannot be defined. When a noise is added to a chaotic time series, the envelope is eventually destroyed with the increasing of the amplitude of the noise.


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In this paper, the gamma-gamma probability distribution is used to model turbulent channels. The bit error rate (BER) performance of free space optical (FSO) communication systems employing on-off keying (OOK) or subcarrier binary phase-shift keying (BPSK) modulation format is derived. A tip-tilt adaptive optics system is also incorporated with a FSO system using the above modulation formats. The tip-tilt compensation can alleviate effects of atmospheric turbulence and thereby improve the BER performance. The improvement is different for different turbulence strengths and modulation formats. In addition, the BER performance of communication systems employing subcarrier BPSK modulation is much better than that of compatible systems employing OOK modulation with or without tip-tilt compensation.


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The frame of a laser diode transmitter for intersatellite communication is concisely introduced. A simple, novel and visual method for measuring the diffraction-limited wavefront of the transmitter by a Jamin double-shearing interferometer is proposed. To verify the validity of the measurement, the far-field divergence of beam is additionally rigorously analysed in terms of the Fraunhofer diffraction. The measurement, the necessary analyses and discussion are given in detail. By directly measuring the fringe widths and quantitatively interpreting the interference fringes, the minimum detectable wavefront height (DWH) of the wavefront is only 0.2 gimel (the distance between the perfect plane wavefront and the actual wavefront at the transmitting aperture) and the corresponding divergence is only 65.84 mu rad. This indicates that the wavefront approaches the diffraction-limited condition. The results show that this interferometer is a powerful tool for testing the semiconductor laser beam's wavefront, especially the diffraction-limited wavefront.


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We propose a novel communication technique which utilizes a set of mutually distinguishable optical patterns instead of convergent facula to transmit information. The communication capacity is increased by exploiting the optical spatial bandwidth resources. An optimum detector for this communication is proposed based on maximum-likelihood decision. The fundamental rule of designing signal spatial pattern is formulated from analysis of the probability of error decision. Finally, we present a typical electro-optical system scheme of the proposed communication. (c) 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Far-field spot compression without energy loss in main lob is of great significance to wireless laser communication. In this letter, we propose two schemes to obtain far-field spot compression without energy loss in main lob. One scheme is based on the simulated annealing (SA) algorithm. Using SA algorithm, we design the phase profile of the diffractive phase element (DPE). Using the designed DPE, far-field spot compression without energy loss in main lob is achieved. The other scheme is based on YG algorithm. By means of YG algorithm, we appropriately designed the DPE in the emitting plane. Using the DPE, far-field spot compression without energy loss in main lob is obtained. (c) 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Coupling a single-mode laser diode with 200 mW to a single-mode fiber (SMF) through an orthonormal aspherical cylindrical lens and a GRIN lens for the intersatellite optical communication system is proposed and demonstrated. We experimentally studied how the coupling efficiency changes with the SMF's position displacement and axial angle variation, and obtained 80 mW output power at the end of the SMF, which shows that the coupling units have satisfied the designed request. (c) 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Dependence of performances of non-line-of-sight (NLOS) solar-blind ultraviolet (UV) communication systems on atmosphere visibility is investigated numerically by correlating the propagation of UV radiation with the visibility. A simplified solar-blind UV atmospheric propagation model is introduced, and the NLOS UV communication system model is constituted based on the single scattering assumption. Using the model, numerical simulation is conducted for two typical geometry configurations and different modulation formats. The results indicate that the performance of the NLOS UV communication system is insensitive to variation of visibility in quite a large range, and deteriorates significantly only in very low-visibility weather, and is also dependent on the geometry configuration of the system. The results also show that the pulse position modulation (PPM) is preferable due to its high-power efficiency to improve the system performance. (c) 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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An optical communication scheme of 2-D pattern transfer based on imaging optics for submarine laser uplink communication (SLUC) is suggested. Unlike the methods aiming at avoiding neighboring crosstalk used in traditional multi-channel optical beam transferring, we make full use of the overlapping of each spreading beam other than controlling divergence effect of each beam to avoid interference noise. The apparent parameters have been introduced to simplify theoretical analysis of optical pattern transfer problem involving underwater condition, with the help of which the complex beam propagation inside two kinds of mediums can be easily reduced to brief beam transfer only inside air medium. In this paper, optical transmission path and receiver terminal optics geometry have been described in detail. The link range equation and system uplink performance analysis have also been given. At last, results of a proof-of-concept experiment indicate good feasibility of the proposed SLUC model. © 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.