291 resultados para COULOMB DISSOCIATION


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The Coulomb dissociation of the proton-rich nuclei Cl-31 was studied experimentally using Cl-31 beams at 58 MeV/nucleon with a lead target. The relative energy between the reaction products, S-30 and proton, was obtained. The first excited state in Cl-31 was observed which is relevant to the resonant capture of stellar S-30(p, gamma)Cl-31 reaction


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Experiments of Al-23 and Mg-22 radioactive beams bombarding a C-12 target at an energy of 60 similar to 70 A MeV have been performed at the projectile fragment separator beamline (RIPS) in the RIKEN Ring Cyclotron Facility to study the two-proton emission from Al-23 and Mg-22 excited states, respectively. The trajectorie of the decay products, namely Na-21 + p + p from Al-23 and Ne-20 + p + p from Mg-22, are clean identified. The relative momentum and opening angle between two protons in the rest frame of three body decay channels are obtained by relativistic-kinematics reconstruction. The results demonstrate that there are some di-proton emission components from He-2 cluster for the excited Al-23 and Mg-22.


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An experiment of Mg-22 and Ne-20 beams bombarding on a C-12 target at an energy of 60 similar to 70 A MeV has been performed at the RIKEN projectile fragment separator (RIPS)in the RIKEN Ring Cyclotron Facility to study the two-proton correlated emission from Mg-22 and Ne-20 excited states. The two-protons momentum correlation functions have been obtained for Mg-22 and Ne-20, respectively. The trajectories of the Mg-22 decayed products (Ne-20 + p + p) were also measured to get the angular correlations between the two protons in Center of Mass of decaying system by relativistic-kinematics reconstruction. The results exhibit that Mg-22 has the features of He-2 cluster decay mechanism.


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对太阳中微子问题,即在地球上观测到的太阳中微子通量同标准太阳模型理论预言之间的巨大差异的解释,依赖于~7Be(p,γ)~8B反应在低能区的反应截面,即S_(17)因子,而目前测量结果中过大的不确定性(>20%),使得有必要对这一因子重新给予精确的测定。作为对直接质子俘获截面测量的替代,库仓离解方法被利用以获取S_(17)因子。采用入射能量E(~8B) = 254MeV/u的放射性~8B次级束流,并利用其大接收度磁谱仪KaoS,我们在GSI进行的实验通过对反应事例的逐个鉴别和不变质量分析,得到对应于S_(17)因子的质子俘获反应~7Be(p,γ)~8B的时间反演过程~8B(p,γ)~7Be的反应总截面σ_(CD) = 287 ± 15mb,以及作为反应碎片间相对动能函数的微分反应截面(dσ_(CD))/(dE_(rel))(E_(rel))。通过对微分反应截面中各种多级跃迁成份的分离,并经由细致平衡原理,我们计算得到了S_(17)因子,并在理论计算的帮助下,将其外推到太阳能区:S_(17)(0) = 21.2 ± 0.9eV·b及S_(17)(20KeV) = 20.6 ±0.9eV·b。


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Mechano-chemical coupling is a common phenomenon that exists in various biological processes at different physiological levels. Bone tissue remodeling strongly depends on the local mechanical load. Leukocytes are sheared to form the transient aggregates with platelets or other leukocytes in the circulation. Flow pattern affects the signal transduction pathways in endothelial cells. Receptor/ligand interactions are important to cell adhesion since they supply the physical linkages...


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Selectin-ligand interactions are crucial to such biological processes as inflammatory cascade or tumor metastasis. How transient formation and dissociation of selectin-ligand bonds in blood flow are coupled to molecular conformation at atomic level, however, has not been well understood. In this study, steered molecular dynamics (SMD) simulations were used to elucidate the intramolecular and intermolecular conformational evolutions involved in forced dissociation of three selectin-ligand systems: the construct consisting of P-selectin lectin (Lec) and epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like domains (P-LE) interacting with synthesized sulfoglycopeptide or SGP-3, P-LE with sialyl Lewis X (sLeX), and E-LE with sLeX. SMD simulations were based on newly built-up force field parameters including carbohydrate units and sulfated tyrosine(s) using an analogy approach. The simulations demonstrated that the complex dissociation was coupled to the molecular extension. While the intramolecular unraveling in P-LESGP-3 system mainly resulted from the destroy of the two anti-parallel sheets of EGF domain and the breakage of hydrogen-bond cluster at the Lec-EGF interface, the intermolecular dissociation was mainly determined by separation of fucose (FUC) from Ca2+ ion in all three systems. Conformational changes during forced dissociations depended on pulling velocities and forces, as well as on how the force was applied. This work provides an insight into better understanding of conformational changes and adhesive functionality of selectin-ligand interactions under external forces.


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It is shown that for the screened Coulomb potential and isotropic harmonic oscillator, there exists an infinite number of closed orbits for suitable angular momentum values. At the aphelion (perihelion) points of classical orbits, an extended Runge-Lenz vector for the screened Coulomb potential and an extended quadrupole tensor for the screened isotropic harmonic oscillator are still conserved. For the screened two-dimensional (2D) Coulomb potential and isotropic harmonic oscillator, the dynamical symmetries SO3 and SU(2) are still preserved at the aphelion (perihelion) points of classical orbits, respectively. For the screened 3D Coulomb potential, the dynamical symmetry SO4 is also preserved at the aphelion (perihelion) points of classical orbits. But for the screened 3D isotropic harmonic oscillator, the dynamical symmetry SU(2) is only preserved at the aphelion (perihelion) points of classical orbits in the eigencoordinate system. For the screened Coulomb potential and isotropic harmonic oscillator, only the energy (but not angular momentum) raising and lowering operators can be constructed from a factorization of the radial Schrodinger equation.


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Cell adhesion is crucial to many pathophysiological processes, such as inflammatory reaction and tumor metastasis. It is mediated by specific interactions between receptors and ligands, and provides the physical linkages among cells. For example, interactions between selectins and glycoconjugate ligands mediate leukocyte initially tethering to and subsequently rolling on vascular surfaces in sites of inflammation or injury, which is determined by their fast kinetic rates. To mediate cell adhesion, the interacting receptors and ligands must anchor to apposing surfaces of two cells or a cell and the substratum, i.e. , the so-called two-dimensional (2D) binding, which differs from interactions in the fluid phase, i.e. , the three-dimensional (3D) binding. How structural variations and surface environments of interacting molecules affect their 2D kinetics, and how external forces manipulate their dissociation has little been known quantitatively, and nowadays attracts more and more attentions.


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Protons with very high kinetic energy of about 10keV and the saturation effect of proton energy for laser intensity have been observed in the interaction of an ultrashort intense laser pulse with large-sized hydrogen clusters. Including the cluster-size distribution as well as the laser-intensity distribution on the focus spot, the theoretical calculations based on a simplified Coulomb explosion model have been compared with our experimental measurements, which are in good agreement with each other.


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The simulations of three-dimensional particle dynamics show that when irradiated by an ultrashort intense laser pulse, the deuterated methane cluster expands and the majority of deuterons overrun the more slowly expanding carbon ions, resulting in the creation of two separated subclusters. The enhanced deuteron kinetic energy and a narrow peak around the energy maximum in the deuteron energy distribution make a considerable contribution to the efficiency of nuclear fusion compared with the case of homonuclear deuterium clusters. With the intense laser irradiation, the nuclear fusion yield increases with the increase of the cluster size, so that deuterated heteronuclear clusters with larger sizes are required to achieve a greater neutron yield.


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The interaction of a linearly polarized intense laser pulse with an ultrathin nanometer plasma layer is investigated to understand the physics of the ion acceleration. It is shown by the computer simulation that the plasma response to the laser pulse comprises two steps. First, due to the vxB effect, electrons in the plasma layer are extracted and periodic ultrashort relativistic electron bunches are generated every half of a laser period. Second, strongly asymmetric Coulomb explosion of ions in the foil occurs due to the strong electrostatic charge separation, once the foil is burnt through. Followed by the laser accelerated electron bunch, the ion expansion in the forward direction occurs along the laser beam that is much stronger as compared to the backward direction. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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We theoretically study the influence of Coulomb potential for photoionization of hydrogen atoms in an intense laser field with elliptical polarization. The total ionization rates, photoelectron energy spectra, and photoelectron angular distributions are calculated with the Coulomb-Volkov wave functions in the velocity gauge and compared with those calculated in the length gauge as well as those calculated with the Volkov wave functions. By comparing the results obtained by the Coulomb-Volkov and Volkov wave functions, we find that for linear polarization the influence of Coulomb potential is obvious for low-energy photoelectrons, and as the photoelectron energy and/or the laser intensity increase, its influence becomes smaller. This trend, however, is not so clear for the case of elliptical polarization. We also find that the twofold symmetry in the photoelectron angular distributions for elliptical polarization is caused by the cooperation of Coulomb potential and interference of multiple transition channels. About the gauge issue, we show that the difference in the photoelectron angular distributions obtained by the velocity and length gauges becomes rather obvious for elliptical polarization, while the difference is generally smaller for linear polarization.


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The pure Coulomb explosions of the methane clusters (CA(4))(n), (light atom A = H or D) have been investigated by a simplified electrostatic model for both a single cluster and an ensemble of clusters with a given cluster size distribution. The dependence of the energy of ions produced from the explosions on cluster size and the charge state of the carbon ions has been analysed. It is found that, unlike the average proton energy which increases with the charge q of the carbon ions, the average deuteron energy tends to saturate as q becomes larger than 4. This implies that when the laser intensity is sufficiently high for the (CD4)(n) to be ionized to a charge state of (C4+D4+)(n), the neutron yield from a table-top laser-driven Coulomb explosion of deuterated methane clusters (CD4)(n) could be increased significantly by increasing the interaction volume rather than by increasing the laser intensity to produce the higher charge state (C6+D4+)(n). The flight-time spectra of the carbon ions and the light ions have also been studied.


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This paper reports that Coulomb explosions taken place in the experiment of heteronuclear deuterated methane clusters ((CD4)(n)) in a gas jet subjected to intense femtosecond laser pulses (170 mJ, 70 fs) have led to table-top laser driven DD nuclear fusion. The clusters produced in supersonic expansion had an average energies of deuterons produced in the laser-cluster interaction were 60 and 1.5 KeV, respectively. From DD collisons of energetic deuterons, a yield of 2.5(+/-0.4)x10(4) fusion neutrons of 2.45 MeV per shot was realized, giving rise to a neutron production efficiency of about 1.5 x 10(5) per joule of incident laser pulse energy. Theoretical calculations were performed and a fairly good agreement of the calculated neutron yield with that obtained from the present experiment was found.