73 resultados para Band 3


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The effect of lanthanum ions on the activity of the cytoplasmic domain of human erythrocyte band 3 (CDB3), which was measured according to the inhibition to aldolase, was studied. In the presence of low concentration of lanthanum ions, the function of CDB3 to inhibit aldolase activity decreased significantly. It indicated that lanthanum ions in the erythrocyte would change the conformation of CDB3 and influence the control on aldolase activity.


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稀土在农业和医学中的广泛应用使人们日益关心稀土的安全性问题。本论文以红细胞为研究对象,围绕稀土对红细胞形态的影响,稀土能否进入红细胞以及稀土对红细胞带3蛋白胞质片段结构和功能的影响三方面开展研究工作,主要研究成果如下:首先,在宏观上通过超高倍光学显微镜观察了稀土阳离子及其络阴离子对正常人红细胞形态的影响。结果表明当红细胞与硝酸悯作用后其体积发生膨胀,表面出现棘状凸起,细胞间发生聚集。而以往被人们认为毒性较小的柠檬酸悯则使红细胞呈现囊泡状凸起,随着与稀土作用时间的延长多数囊泡状结构可脱落。EDTA的加入可使部分在低浓度(10~(-7)M)稀土离子条件下变形的红细胞恢复原状,说明细胞形态变化主要是由环境中稀土的存在引起的。其次,根据稀土离子跨膜研究中存在的一些问题,在总结前人工作的基础上,建立一种方法测定了体外温育和静脉注射条件下红细胞中稀土含量。进一步证实文献报道含有络合剂的洗涤缓冲液能够将进入细胞内部的稀土带出,影响测定结果的准确性。本论文中应用不含络合剂的洗涤缓冲液洗涤与稀土温育后的红细胞,在10mMTris-HCl印H7.0)低渗缓冲液中溶胀,ICP-MS测定结果显示无论是稀土阳离子还是稀土络阴离子均可以跨膜,且稀土络阴离子跨膜速度较快。耳静脉注射稀土后仅在兔血浆及红细胞膜上检测到稀土,说明在短期静脉注射条件下存在于血浆中的稀土不能进入兔红细胞。最后,应用基因工程技术克隆、表达、纯化了带3蛋白胞质片段及其融合蛋白。计算机结构模拟、荧光光谱以及生物活性的测定证实重组带3蛋白胞质片段与天然蛋白具有相似的空间结构和生物活性。稀土离子对醛缩酶、醛缩酶与带3蛋白胞质片段相互作用的影响表现为:0-10μMLa~(3+) 对醛缩酶活性有促进作用,当体系中L~(3+)浓度达到6μM时,带3蛋白胞质片段基本完全失去对醛缩酶活性的抑制作用。蛋白质内源荧光和同步荧光光谱研究结果表明,La~(3+)对带3蛋白胞质片段与醛缩酶结构均具有一定影响。本论文实验结果表明,低浓度稀土可导致调节细胞内糖酵解速率的带3蛋白胞质片段失去活性,使糖酵解速率无序增强。由于红细胞主要碳源来自于血糖,糖酵解速率的加快很可能会引起生物体血糖浓度的降低。


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The characteristics of inorganic carbon assimilation by photosynthesis were investigated in male and female gametophytes and juvenile sporophytes of Undaria pinnatifida. Gametophytes and sporophytes have detectable extracellular and intracellular carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity, and the CA inhibitor, acetazolamide (AZ), significantly inhibited their photosynthesis O-2 evolution. In pH-drift experiments, it was found that gametophytes did not raise the final pH of seawater above 9.00 (CO2 concentrations of about 2.2 mu M), indicating a low ability to utilize inorganic carbon. In contrast, sporophytes rapidly raised pH to over 9.53 and depleted the free CO2 Concentration to less than 0.16 mu M. The apparent photosynthetic affinity for CO2 was almost the same for gametophytes and sporophytes, whereas gametophytes had a much lower affinity for HCO3- than sporophytes. Two inhibitors of band 3 anion exchange protein (DIDS and SITS) inhibited the photosynthesis of gametophytes but not that of sporophytes. It was indicated that both gametophytes and sporophytes were capable of using HCO3-, which involved the external CA activity, and a direct HCO3- use also occurred in the former, but the latter showed a greater capacity of HCO3- use than the former. In addition, male and female gametophytes did not show great differences in the inorganic carbon uptake mechanism underlying photosynthesis.


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A 3(rd) order complex band-pass filter (BPF) with auto-tuning architecture is proposed in this paper. It is implemented in 0.18um standard CMOS technology. The complex filter is centered at 4.092MHz with bandwidth of 2.4MHz. The in-band 3(rd) order harmonic input intercept point (IIP3) is larger than 16.2dBm, with 50 Omega as the source impedance. The input referred noise is about 80uV(rms). The RC tuning is based on Binary Search Algorithm (BSA) with tuning accuracy of 3%. The chip area of the tuning system is 0.28 x 0.22 mm(2), less than 1/8 of that of the main-filter which is 0.92 x 0.59 mm(2). After tuning is completed, the tuning system will be turned off automatically to save power and to avoid interference. The complex filter consumes 2.6mA with a 1.8V power supply.


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A 3(rd) order complex band-pass filter (BPF) with auto-tuning architecture is proposed in this paper. It is implemented in 0.18 mu m standard CMOS technology. The complex filter is centered at 4.092MHz with bandwidth of 2.4MHz. The in-band 3(rd) order harmonic input intercept point (IIP3) is larger than 19dBm, with 50 Omega as the source impedance. The input referred noise is about 80 mu V-rms. The RC tuning is based on Binary Search Algorithm (BSA) with tuning accuracy of 3%. The chip area of the tuning system is 0.28x0.22mm(2), less than 1/8 of that of the main-filter which is 0.92x0.59mm(2). After tuning is completed, the tuning system will be turned off automatically to save power and to avoid interference. The complex filter consumes 2.6mA with a 1.8V power supply.


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Silica glass samples were implanted with 1.157 GeV Fe-56 and 1.755 GeV Xe-136 ions to fluences range from 1 x 10(11) to 3.8 x 10(12) ions/cm(2). Virgin and irradiated samples were investigated by ultraviolet (UV) absorption from 3 to 6.4 eV and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. The UV absorption investigation reveals the presence of various color centers (E' center, non-bridging oxygen hole center (NBOHC) and ODC(II)) appearing in the irradiated samples. It is found that the concentration of all color centers increase with the increase of fluence and tend to saturation at high fluence. Furthermore the concentration of E' center and that of NBOHC is approximately equal and both scale better with the energy deposition through processes of electronic stopping, indicating that E' center and NBOHC are mainly produced simultaneously from the scission of strained Si-O-Si bond by electronic excitation effects in heavy ion irradiated silica glass. The PL measurement shows three emissions peaked at about 4.28 eV (alpha band), 3.2 eV (beta band) and 2.67 eV (gamma band) when excited at 5 eV. The intensities of alpha and gamma bands increase with the increase of fluence and tend to saturation at high fluence. The intensity of beta band is at its maximum in virgin silica glass and it is reduced on increasing the ions fluence. It is further confirmed that nuclear energy loss processes determine the production of alpha and gamma bands and electronic energy loss processes determine the bleaching of beta band in heavy ion irradiated silica glass. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report on the room-temperature continuous-wave (CW) operation of a Ho:YAlO3 laser that is resonantly end pumped at 1.94 mu m by a diode-pumped thulium-doped laser in the same host. Through the use of a 1 at % Ho3+-doped 20-mm-long YAlO3 crystal (b cut), the Ho:YAlO3 laser generated 1 W of linearly polarized (E//c) output at 2118 nm and 0.55 W of E//a output at 2128.5 nm for an incident pump power of 5 W, with an output coupler transmission of 14 and 3%, respectively. An optical-to-optical conversion efficiency of 20% and a slope efficiency of 33% were achieved at 2118 nm corresponding to an incident pump power.


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In this paper, the effect of particle size on the formation of adiabatic shear band in 2024 All matrix composites reinforced with 15% volume fraction of 3.5, 10 and 20 mum SiC particles was investigated by making use of split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB). The results have demonstrated that the onset of adiabatic shear banding in the composites strongly depends on the particle size and adiabatic shear banding is more readily observed in the composite reinforced with small particles than that in the composite with large particles. This size dependency phenomenon can be characterized by the strain gradient effect. Instability analysis reveals that high strain gradient is a strong driving force for the formation of adiabatic shear banding in particle reinforced metal matrix composites (MMCp).


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We report on cooperative downconversion in Yb3+-RE3+ (RE = Tm or Pr) codoped lanthanum borogermanate glasses (LBG), which are capable of splitting a visible photon absorbed by Tm3+ or Pr3+ ions into two near-infrared photons. The results indicate that Pr3+-Yb3+ is a more efficient ion couple than Tm3+-Yb3+ in terms of cooperative downconversion. We have obtained a highest quantum yield of 165% and 138% for Pr3+-Yb3+ and Tm3+-Yb3+ codoped LBG glasses under 468 nm excitation, respectively. However, ultraviolet light excitation to the charge transfer band of Yb3+ does not result in quantum splitting as rapid relaxation from the charge transfer band to 4f(13) levels of Yb3+ dominates. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America


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Tin oxide doped beta-Ga2O3 single crystals are recognized as transparent conductive oxides (TCOs) materials. They have a larger band gap (4.8 eV) than any other TCOs, thus can be transparent in UV region. This property shows that they have the potential to make the optoelectronic device used in even shorter wavelength than usual TCOs. beta-Ga2O3 single crystals doped with different Sn4+ concentrations were grown by the floating zone technique. Their optical properties and electrical conductivities were systematically studied. It has been found that their conductivities and optical properties were influenced by the Sn4+ concentrations and annealing. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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