143 resultados para 610.7631


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尼龙-610除具备一般聚酰胺的优良特点外,与尼龙-6、尼-66等大批量生产的工程塑料相比,还有其独特的优良特性,即尼龙-610吸水性较小,尺寸比较稳定。因而它广泛应用于制造日用、机械、电器及航空等工业制品。尽管尼龙-610 性能优良,但对一些使用温度和尺寸精度要求高的产品而言,还不够理想。如果将尼龙-610经γ-射线辐照,分子间形成空间网络,可能使产品的尺寸更稳定,使用温度更高,使用领域更为扩展。作为高分子材料,尼龙-610的结构和性能方面的研究很少进行,经γ-射线辐照交联后产物的结构与性能的研究则更为少见。这在一定程度上限制了尼龙-610的加工和使用。本文用DSC示差扫描量热仪,广角X-射线衍射仪等手段研究尼龙-610本身的热性能和结构特性,以及辐照后尼龙-610的热性能。采用对尼龙-610样品进行部分湿度扫描、变更升、降温速度及变更等温结晶温度的方法研究了尼龙-610的熔融、结晶行为。发现在等速升温过程中,均有多重熔融峰出现,它们对升温速率、降温速率及等温结晶的湿度分另有没程度的依赖性。高温熔融峰几科不受升温速度、降温速度及等温结晶温度影响,它主要是在扫描过程中试样原有结晶不完善部分在低温下熔化和再结晶或重排而形成的介稳态α-型晶体的熔化,或在玻璃化变温度Tg以上冷结晶形成的介稳态结晶的重组和重排而形成晶体的熔化。低温熔融峰受升温速率、降温速度及等温结晶的温度影响很大,是由热历史造成的结晶的熔融。多重熔融峰不是来自于不同晶型,实验发现尼龙-610在等速降温和等温结晶过程中产生的结晶均为α-型三斜晶系。采用Tm与Tc作图外推的方法,估得尼龙-610样品的平衡熔融温度为。Tm°= 518.1 K。此值与Van krevelen的报导值516K相近。利用聚合物熔化热和与其对应比容Vsp外推的方法,求得尼龙-610的平衡熔融热为:△Hm°= 51.8 cal/gram。用DSC-RC示差扫描量热 仪研究了室温、真空气氛下,经60 ℃ γ射线辐照的尼龙-610的热行为及辐效应。发现随辐照剂量增加,熔融峰湿度向低温方向移动,从熔体等速降温时,只有单一结晶峰出现,随辐照剂量增加,结晶峰变宽,结晶温度下降,且熔融热与结晶热也随剂量增加而减小。尼龙-610样品在400-700Mrad之间的剂量辐照时,第二次等速升温的熔融谱图上,有冷结晶峰出现,此冷结晶峰随热历史及辐照剂量变化。它主要是尚未形成完整间网络和技化的尼龙-610大分子的贡献。辐照尼龙-610也符合charlesby-Pinner无规交联议程。用Charlesby-pinner方程算得尼龙-610样品的辐照交联G(CL)= 0.57。选择适当的等温结晶温度,用DSC-RC示差扫描是热仪研究了辐照尼龙-610榈的等温结晶动力学。动力学计算由3600TADS计算机所带部分面积程序给出。实验出现,随辐照剂量增加,尼龙-610的Avrami指数n减小。结晶表面自由能σ_e随辐照剂量加而增大,在同一结晶条件下,辐照剂量愈大,球晶数目愈多,结晶愈不完整,说明尼龙-610经γ-射线辐照交联后可能由均相三维无热成核变为异相单维无热成核。且化学交联点,可能充当结晶的成核中心。


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Using dimensional analysis and finite element calculations we derive several scaling relationships for conical indentation into elastic-perfectly plastic solids. These scaling relationships provide new insights into the shape of indentation curves and form the basis for understanding indentation measurements, including nano- and micro-indentation techniques. They are also helpful as a guide to numerical and finite element calculations of conical indentation problems. Finally, the scaling relationships are used to reveal the general relationships between hardness, contact area, initial unloading slope, and mechanical properties of solids.


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<正> 星系螺旋结构的密度波理论受到人们广泛的重视。考虑到波的有限群速度,以及星系激波的耗散,需要解决密度波的长期维持。不少工作采用线性密度波的不稳定模式来补偿波能的耗散,线性波还存在共转奇异性,有必要分析密度波的非线性增长。另一方面,数值试验都发现,在适当物理条件下的螺旋密度波是不稳定的。人们还讨论了非线性星


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An investigation has been made into the effect of microstructural parameters on the propensity for forming shear localization produced during high speed torsional testing by split Hopkinson bar with different average rates of 610, 650 and 1500 s(-1) in low carbon steels. These steels received the quenched, quenched and tempered as well as normalized treatments that provide wide microstructural parameters and mechanical properties. The results indicate that the occurrence of the shear localization is susceptible to the strength of the steels. In other words, the tendency of the quenched steel to form a shear band is higher than that of the other two steels. It is also found that there is a critical strain at which the shear localization occurs in the steels. The critical strain value is strongly dependent on the strength of the steels. Before arriving at this point, the material undergoes a slow work-hardening. After this point, the material suffers work-softening, corresponding to a process during which the deformation is gradually localized and eventually becomes spatially correlated to form a macroscopic shear band. Examinations by SEM reveal that the shear localization within the band involves a series of sequential crystallographic and non-crystallographic events including the change in crystal orientation, misorientation, generation and even perhaps damage in microstructures such as the initiation, growth and coalescence of the microcracks. It is expected that the sharp drop in the load-carrying capacity is associated with the growth and coalescence of the microcracks rather than the occurrence of the shear localization, but the shear localization is seen to accelerate the growth and coalescence of the microcracks. The thin foil observations by TEM reveal that the density of dislocations in the band is extremely high and the tangled arrangement and cell structure of dislocations tends to align along the shear direction. The multiplication and interaction of dislocations seems to be responsible for work-hardening of the steels. The avalanche of the dislocation cells corresponds to the sharp drop in shear stress at which the deformed specimen is broken. Double shear bands and kink bands are also observed in the present study. The principal band develops first and its width is narrower than that of the secondary band.


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Mechanical spectroscopy measurement is performed to study the internal friction of nanocrystalline ( NC) nickel with an average grain size of 23 nm from room temperature to 610 K. An internal friction peak is observed at about 550 K, which corresponds to the Curie transition process of the NC nickel according to the result of magnetization test. Moreover, the fact that the Curie temperature of NC nickel is lower than that of coarse-grained nickel is explained by an analytical model based on the weakening of cohesive energy.


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The authors report the measurement of the angularly resolved spectrum of the third harmonic generated in a femtosecond filament in air and its evolution with increasing pump power. Pumped by a focused infrared ultrashort pulse with a carrier wavelength of 1270 nm, a pulse duration of similar to 20 fs, and pulse energy up to 487 mu J, the generated third harmonic is composed of an on-axis emission and a conical ring emission. When the pump power is sufficiently high, angularly resolved spectra with significant X-like feature could be observed, indicating the formation of nonlinear X wave at third harmonic. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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A planar waveguide ring resonator was fabricated by organic-inorganic hybrid sol-gel materials; its sensitivity to ethanol vapor was experimentally investigated. It was found that dips in the transmission spectrum of the device shifted to longer wavelengths with increasing the ethanol concentration, and its sensitivity showed a linear relation with the ethanol concentration, showing a coefficient of 1.13 pm/ppm. In addition, the transmission loss of the ring resonator decreased with increasing the ethanol concentration. The measured characteristics suggest that the device may be considered as one of the candidates of alcohol vapor sensors. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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提出一种精确检测光刻机激光干涉仪测量系统非正交性的新方法。将对准标记曝光到硅片表面并进行显影;利用光学对准系统测量曝光到硅片上的对准标记理论曝光位置与实际读取位置的偏差;由推导的位置偏差与非正交因子、坐标轴尺度比例、过程引入误差的线性模型,根据最小二乘原理计算出干涉仪测量系统的非正交性。实验结果表明,利用该方法使用同一硅片在不同旋转角下进行测量,干涉仪测量系统非正交因子的测量重复精度优于0.01 μrad,坐标轴尺度比例的测量重复精度优于0.7×10-6。使用不同的硅片进行测量,非正交因子的测量再现性优于


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By generalization of the methods presented in Part I of the study [J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 12, 600 (1994)] to the four-dimensional (4D) Riemannian manifold case, the time-dependent behavior of light transmitting in a medium is investigated theoretically by the geodesic equation and curvature in a 4D manifold. In addition, the field equation is restudied, and the 4D conserved current of the optical fluid and its conservation equation are derived and applied to deduce the time-dependent general refractive index. On this basis the forces acting on the fluid are dynamically analyzed and the self-consistency analysis is given.


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Raman spectroscopy was used to study the molecular structure of a series of selected rare earth (RE) silicate crystals including Y2SiO5 (YSO), LU2SiO5 (LSO), (Lu0.5Y0.5)(2)SiO5 (LYSO) and their ytterbium-doped samples. Raman spectra show resolved bands below 500 cm(-1) region assigned to the modes of SiO4 and oxygen vibrations. Multiple bands indicate the nonequivalence of the RE-O bonds and the lifting of the degeneracy of the RE ion vibration. Low intensity bands below 500 cm(-1) are an indication of impurities. The (SiO4)(4-) tetrahedra are characterized by bands near 200 cm(-1) which show a separation of the components of nu(4) and nu(2), in the 500-700 cm(-1) region which are attributed to the distorting bending vibration and in the 880-1000 cm(-1) region which are attributed to the symmetric and antisymmetric stretching vibrational modes. The majority of the bands in the 300-610 cm(-1) region of Re2SiO5 were found to arise from vibrations involving both Si and RE ions, indicating that there is considerable mixing of Si displacements with Si-O bending modes and RE-0 stretching modes. The Raman spectra of RE silicate crystals were analyzed in terms of the molecular structure of the crystals, which enabled separation of the bands attributed to distinct vibrational units. Copyright (C) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.