36 resultados para 312.27
<正> 会议于1984年11月2—7日在杭州举行,由中国宇航学会、中国航空学会和中国力学学会共同主办,全国科研、设计、生产部门和大专院校13个学院87个单位的221名代表参加了会议,大会收到学术报告312篇,接受了182篇,会前即预印了论文集,120篇论文分别在材料工艺、性能测试与应用、静动态力学性能、结构设计分析以及金属基复合材料五个组
Table of Contents
1 | Introduction | 1 |
1.1 | What is an Adiabatic Shear Band? | 1 |
1.2 | The Importance of Adiabatic Shear Bands | 6 |
1.3 | Where Adiabatic Shear Bands Occur | 10 |
1.4 | Historical Aspects of Shear Bands | 11 |
1.5 | Adiabatic Shear Bands and Fracture Maps | 14 |
1.6 | Scope of the Book | 20 |
2 | Characteristic Aspects of Adiabatic Shear Bands | 24 |
2.1 | General Features | 24 |
2.2 | Deformed Bands | 27 |
2.3 | Transformed Bands | 28 |
2.4 | Variables Relevant to Adiabatic Shear Banding | 35 |
2.5 | Adiabatic Shear Bands in Non-Metals | 44 |
3 | Fracture and Damage Related to Adiabatic Shear Bands | 54 |
3.1 | Adiabatic Shear Band Induced Fracture | 54 |
3.2 | Microscopic Damage in Adiabatic Shear Bands | 57 |
3.3 | Metallurgical Implications | 69 |
3.4 | Effects of Stress State | 73 |
4 | Testing Methods | 76 |
4.1 | General Requirements and Remarks | 76 |
4.2 | Dynamic Torsion Tests | 80 |
4.3 | Dynamic Compression Tests | 91 |
4.4 | Contained Cylinder Tests | 95 |
4.5 | Transient Measurements | 98 |
5 | Constitutive Equations | 104 |
5.1 | Effect of Strain Rate on Stress-Strain Behaviour | 104 |
5.2 | Strain-Rate History Effects | 110 |
5.3 | Effect of Temperature on Stress-Strain Behaviour | 114 |
5.4 | Constitutive Equations for Non-Metals | 124 |
6 | Occurrence of Adiabatic Shear Bands | 125 |
6.1 | Empirical Criteria | 125 |
6.2 | One-Dimensional Equations and Linear Instability Analysis | 134 |
6.3 | Localization Analysis | 140 |
6.4 | Experimental Verification | 146 |
7 | Formation and Evolution of Shear Bands | 155 |
7.1 | Post-Instability Phenomena | 156 |
7.2 | Scaling and Approximations | 162 |
7.3 | Wave Trapping and Viscous Dissipation | 167 |
7.4 | The Intermediate Stage and the Formation of Adiabatic Shear Bands | 171 |
7.5 | Late Stage Behaviour and Post-Mortem Morphology | 179 |
7.6 | Adiabatic Shear Bands in Multi-Dimensional Stress States | 187 |
8 | Numerical Studies of Adiabatic Shear Bands | 194 |
8.1 | Objects, Problems and Techniques Involved in Numerical Simulations | 194 |
8.2 | One-Dimensional Simulation of Adiabatic Shear Banding | 199 |
8.3 | Simulation with Adaptive Finite Element Methods | 213 |
8.4 | Adiabatic Shear Bands in the Plane Strain Stress State | 218 |
9 | Selected Topics in Impact Dynamics | 229 |
9.1 | Planar Impact | 230 |
9.2 | Fragmentation | 237 |
9.3 | Penetration | 244 |
9.4 | Erosion | 255 |
9.5 | Ignition of Explosives | 261 |
9.6 | Explosive Welding | 268 |
10 | Selected Topics in Metalworking | 273 |
10.1 | Classification of Processes | 273 |
10.2 | Upsetting | 276 |
10.3 | Metalcutting | 286 |
10.4 | Blanking | 293 |
Appendices | 297 | |
A | Quick Reference | 298 |
B | Specific Heat and Thermal Conductivity | 301 |
C | Thermal Softening and Related Temperature Dependence | 312 |
D | Materials Showing Adiabatic Shear Bands | 335 |
E | Specification of Selected Materials Showing Adiabatic Shear Bands | 341 |
F | Conversion Factors | 357 |
References | 358 | |
Author Index | 369 | |
Subject Index | 375 |
采用复合垂直流人工湿地系统,研究了人工湿地处理养殖废水过程中,湿地基质空隙中TSS(Total Suspended Solids)的动态变化及去除规律。中试实验结果表明,系统对TSS有良好的净化效果,平均去除率达到70%。循环养殖废水在复合垂直流人工湿地流动时,TSS的去除主要发生在下行池单元上层区域,沿水流方向,随着距离的延长,TSS的降解速率呈现先快后慢的趋势,同时根据动态变化曲线形式,建立了该实验条件下TSS在湿地床内沿程动态变化模型:CL=C0exp(2.967×10-4L2-0.04316L),
艾滋病的流行严重威胁着人类健康和全球经济的发展,在某些国家已经造成 严重的经济问题和社会问题。由于尚无安全有效的艾滋病疫苗问世,药物治疗仍 是目前防治艾滋病的主要途径。二十多种抗HIV 药物的临床使用以及HAART 疗 法的应用,艾滋病患者的死亡率呈一定的下降趋势。然而,目前使用的抗HIV 药物能够抑制患者体内病毒的复制,但不能完全清除病毒。耐药病毒株的出现和 流行更降低了药物治疗的成功率。为此需要不断研究开发作用于新靶点或具有不 同作用机制的药物。 药物筛选是药物开发中的重要环节,其关键在于建立适合的药物筛选方法。 传统药物筛选费时费力,近年来逐渐被高通量药物筛选方法所代替。本研究中, 我们在大肠杆菌中表达并纯化了HIV-1 蛋白酶,获得了纯度和活性较高的蛋白 酶。利用荧光标记的蛋白酶底物在体外检测化合物对蛋白酶活性的影响,建立了 适于高通量筛选蛋白酶抑制剂的体外筛选方法。通过对大量样本的筛选,发现一 些具有蛋白酶抑制活性的化合物和粗提物。本研究还表达纯化了HIV-1 核衣壳蛋 白NCp7。利用锌离子特异性的荧光染料,建立了相应的高通量筛选方法。该方 法能够筛选出通过逐出NCp7 结合的锌离子而抑制该蛋白功能的化合物。这两种 体外筛选方法的建立大大提高了药物筛选的效率,降低了工作强度,为进一步的 研究打下了基础。 在药物开发过程中,常常通过对已知有效的化合物进行结构修饰以提高药物 活性并降低细胞毒性,改善药物疗效。在先前的药物筛选中,我们发现从高等真 菌中提取的β-咔啉类化合物flazin, 具有一定的抗HIV 活性。通过对flazin 的结 构修饰, 我们发现了治疗指数更高的化合物。本研究对其中两个, dehydroxymethylflazinamide 和flazinamide,进行了更深入的抗HIV 活性研究。 dehydroxymethylflazinamide 和flazinamide 抑制HIV-1IIIB 感染诱导的合胞体形 成的EC50 分别为0.31 μM 和 0.38 μM。 与flazin(EC50 为2.37 μM)相比较, 抗HIV 活性提高了约6-7 倍。这两个化合物对C8166 细胞的半致死浓度(CC50) 分别为27.34μM和118.64μM。Dehydroxymethylflazinamide 的细胞毒性与flazin (CC50 为28.71μM)相似,而flazinamide 的细胞毒性降低了约4 倍左右。与flazin 相比,通过结构修饰,Dehydroxymethylflazinamide 治疗指数从12.1 提高到 88.19,而flazinamide 治疗指数从12.1 提高到312.2。研究还发现,这两个化 合物对临床分离株HIV-1KM018 以及实验株HIV-2ROD、HIV-2CBL-20 也有良好的抑 制效果。 我们对dehydroxymethylflazinamide 和flazinamide 的作用机制也进行了初 步探讨。二者均能有效抑制HIV-1IIIB, HIV-2ROD and HIV-2CBL-20 病毒的细胞间传 播,而不能抑制HIV-1IIB 慢性感染的H9 细胞中病毒复制,说明该化合物可能主 要作用于病毒生活周期的早期阶段; 进一步的研究表明, dehydroxymethylflazinamide 对HIV-1IIIB 进入阶段有很强的抑制活性,说明进入 阶段是该化合物的主要作用靶点;而flazinamide 对直接杀病毒、病毒吸附及进 入均没有显著的抑制效果,该化合物的作用机制还需进一步研究。对酶靶点作用 研究表明,两个化合物对HIV-1 逆转录酶仅有微弱抑制活性说明该酶可能不是作 用靶点;dehydroxymethylflazinamide 对HIV-1 蛋白酶有抑制活性但半效浓度 (EC50)较高,说明该酶可能是化合物的次要靶点。而flazinamide 在体外与重组 的整合酶有较强的结合活性,暗示该化合物可能对整合酶有一定的抑制作用。以 上结果还说明,虽然两个化合物具有类似的结构,但它们可能是通过完全不同的 机制来抑制HIV 的复制.
采用LP-MOCVD和LPE相结合,成功地研制出了吸收型部分增益耦合MQW-DFB激光器。扫描显微镜照片显示了清晰的被掩埋的吸收型增益耦合光栅,表明光栅掩埋生长前升温过程磷烷的保护是成功的。宽接触(broad area)脉冲电流大范围单纵模工作,条型器件室温连续直流工作阈电流为22mA至35mA,单模成品率高,边模抑制比(SMSR)超过37dB,没有观察到饱和吸收现象。
土壤微生物(Soil microbes)是生态系统的重要组成部分,它参与土壤中复杂有机物质的分解和再合成,也参与C、N、S、P等的循环。土壤酶(Soil enzyme)是土壤中具有生物活性的蛋白质,它与微生物一起推动着土壤的生物化学过程,并在树木营养物质的转化中起着重要的作用。鉴于土壤微生物和土壤酶对环境变化的敏感性,它们在CO2浓度和温度升高时的反应将在很大程度上影响森林生态系统的结构和功能。因此,要全面评价大气CO2浓度和温度升高对整个生态系统的影响,有必要对CO2浓度和温度升高条件下的土壤微生物的反应进行深入的研究与探讨。本文应用自控、封闭、独立的生长室系统,研究了川西亚高山岷江冷杉(Abies faxoniana)根际、非根际土壤微生物数量,红桦(Betula albosinensis)根际微生物数量以及根际、非根际土壤酶活性对大气CO2浓度(环境CO2浓度+350±25μmol·mol-1,EC)和温度(环境温度+2.0±0.5℃,ET)升高及两者同时升高(ECT)的响应。结果表明: 1) EC和ET显著增加岷江冷杉根际微生物数量,但不同微生物种类对EC和ET的反应有所差异。6、8和10月,岷江冷杉根际微生物数量与对照(CK)相比,EC处理的根际细菌数量分别增加了35%、164%和312%,ET处理增加了30%、115%和209%;EC和ET处理对根际放线菌和根际真菌数量影响不显著。ECT处理的根际放线菌数量分别增加了49%、50%和96%,根际真菌数量增加了151%、57%和48%;而ECT对根际细菌数量影响不显著。EC、ET和ECT处理对岷江冷杉土壤微生物总数的根际效应明显,其R/S值分别为1.93、1.37和1.46(CK的R/S值为0.81)。 2) 红桦根际微生物数量对EC、ET和ECT的响应不同。生长季节(5~10月),高密度的红桦根际细菌数量与CK 相比,EC的根际细菌数量分别增加28%、33%、423%、65%、43%和79%,而低密度的红桦根际细菌数量增加不显著。ET能显著增加根际细菌数量(7~10月),其中高密度的根际细菌数量分别增加了377%、107%、35%、22%,而低密度的根际细菌数量分别增加了27%、27%、64%、48%;ECT对两个密度水平下根际细菌数量均未产生有显著的影响。高、低密度的红桦根际放线菌和根际真菌数量与 CK 相比,EC显著增加了低密度的红桦根际放线菌数量,而对高密度的根际放线菌数量无显著影响;ET和ECT对高低密度的红桦根际放线菌数量均未产生显著影响。EC和ET对高低密度的根际真菌数量也无显著影响,而ECT却显著增加了高低密度的根际真菌数量。 3) EC、ET和ECT处理的低密度红桦根际微生物(细菌、放线菌和真菌)数量没有显著高于或低于高密度根际微生物数量,表明短期内密度对红桦根际微生物数量不产生影响。 4) 不同种类的氧化还原酶对EC、ET和ECT的响应不同。5~10月,EC的红桦根际过氧化氢酶活性是CK 的1.44、1.06、1.11、1.10、1.12和1.24倍,差异显著(6月除外);ET和ECT处理根际过氧化氢酶活性无显著增加。EC的红桦根际多酚氧化酶活性比CK显著增加;ET的根际多酚氧化酶活性显著高于CK(8月除外)。ECT的根际多酚氧化酶活性高于CK,差异不显著。EC的根际脱氢酶活性分别增加了46%、40%、133%、48%、17%和26%,差异显著。5~7月,ET和ECT的根际脱氢酶活性高于CK的脱氢酶活性,而8~9月则相反,差异性均不显著。 5) EC、ET和ECT对不同种类的水解酶的影响不同。EC能显著增加红桦根际脲酶活性,5~10月分别增加了29%、42%,、70%、67%、59%和57%。ET和ECT 对根际脲酶活性未产生显著影响。EC显著提高根际转化酶活性,5、6和9月EC的根际转化酶活性分别比CK高51%、42%和40%。5和10月,ET的根际转化酶活性低于CK,而其余月份却高于CK,但均具有显著性差异。ECT的根际转化酶活性与CK的根际转化酶活性有显著性差异(9月除外),5、6和7月的根际转化酶活性分别提高了94%、198%和67%。 6) 与CK相比,EC、ET和ECT的非根际土壤微生物数量以及非根际土壤酶活性均无显著提高。EC、ET和ECT的过氧化氢酶、脲酶的根际效应明显,而多酚氧化酶和脱氢酶根际效应不明显。EC和ECT的转化酶根际效应明显,而ET的转化酶根际效应不明显。 It is well known that atmospheric CO2 concentration and temperature are increasing as a consequence of human activities. In past decades, considerable efforts had been put into investigating the effects of climate change on processes of forest ecological system. In general, studies had been mainly focused on the effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on plant physiology and development, litter quality, and soil microorganisms. Studies showed that there was variation in the responses of root development and below-ground processes to climate between different plant communities. Since the concentration of CO2 in soil was much higher (10~50 times) than in the atmosphere, increasing levels of atmospheric CO2 may not directly in fluence below ground processes. Betula albosinensis and Abies faxoniana, as the dominated tree species of subalpine dark coniferous forest in the western Sichuan province, which play an important role in the structure and function of this kind of forest ecosystem. In our study, effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration (350±25μmol·mol-1), increased temperature (2.0±0.5℃) and both of the two on the number of rhizospheric microbe and rhizospheric enzyme activity were studied by the independent and enclosed-top chamber’ system under high-frigid conditions. Responses of rhizospheric bacteria, actinomycetes and fungi number of Betula albosinensis and Abies faxoniana under different densities(high density with 84 stems·m-2, low density with 28 stems·m-2 ), and rhizospheric enzyme activity of Betula albo-sinensis to elevated CO2 concentration and increased temperature were analyzed and discussed. The results are as the following, 1) In comparion with the control, the numbers of rhizospheric bacteria of Abies faxoniana were increased by 35%, 164% and 312% significantly in June, August and October respectively of EC, and were increased by 30%, 115% and 209% respectively of ET.However the effect of EC and ET on rhizospheric actinomycetes and fungi was not significant. The number of rhizospheric actinomycetes of ECT were increased significantly by 49%, 50% and 96% respectively, and the increment of rhizospheric fungi were 151%, 57% and 48% respectively .The effect of ECT on rhizospheric bacteria was not significant. Rhizospheric effect of soil microbe for all treatments was significant, with the R/S of 1.93, 1.27 and 1.46 for EC, ET and ECT, respectively. 2) Treatment EC improved the number of rhizospheric bacteria of Betula albosinensis under high density significantly in comparison with the control, over the growing season, the greatest increment of rhizospheric bacteria was from July. However, EC had no effect on the number of rhizospheric bacteria under low density. Except May and June, treatment ET improved the number of rhizospheric signifcantly. The effect of treatment ECT on the number of rhizospheric bacteria under different densities was not significant. Of treatment EC, the number of rhizospheric actinomycetes of Betula albosinensis under low density were increased significantly, however, treatment EC did not stimulate the number of rhizospheric actinomycetes under high density. Simultaneously, treatment ET and ECT did not stimulate the number of rhizospheric actinomycetes. Finally, in treatment ECT, the number of rhizospheric fungi under high density were increased significantly, however treatment EC and ET did not stimulate the number of rhizospheric fungi under different densities. 3) Of treatment EC, ET and ECT, the number of rhizospheric microbe of Betula albosinensis under low density were not more or fewer than that of microbe under hign density along the growing season, which showed that plant density had no effect on the nmber of microbe. 4) From May to October, 2004,rhizospheric catalase activity of Betula albosinensis of treatment EC was 1.44, 1.06, 1.11, 1.10, 1.12 and 1.24 times as treatment CK respectively, and the difference was statistically significant(except June). Treatment ET and ECT did not increase rhizospheric catalase activity significantly. In treatment EC, the rhizospheric pohyphenol oxidase activity was higher than treatment CK significantly. The rhizospheric pohyphenol oxidase activity of treatment ET was higher than CK significantly (except August). The rhizospheric pohyphenol oxidase activity of treatment ECT was higher than CK, but the difference was not statistically significant. Over the growing period, the rhizospheric dehydrogenase activity were increased 46%, 40%, 133%, 48%, 17% and 26% respectively by treatment EC, and the difference was statistically significant. From May to July, the rhizospheric dehydrogenase activity in treatment ET and ECT was higher than CK, but from August to October, the rhizospheric dehydrogenase activity was lower than CK, the difference was not significant. 5) Treatment EC increased rhizospheric urease activity significantly, from May to October, rhizospheric urease activity were increased 29%, 42%, 70%, 67%, 59% and 57% respectively by EC. Treatment ET and ECT had no effect on rhizospheric urease activity. Treatment EC improved rhizospheric invertase activity significantly, in May, June and September, the rhizospheric invertase activity of treatment EC were increased 51%, 42% and 40% in comparison with the control. Except May and October, the rhizospheric invertase activity of treatment ET was markly higher than CK. The rhizospheric invertase activity of treatment ECT was significantly different from CK (except September), in May, June and July treatment ECT increased rhizospheric invertase activity by 94%, 198% and 67% respectively. 6) In comparison with the control, treatment EC, ET, and ECT had no effect on the number of non-rhizospheric microbe and non-rhizospheric enzyme activity. Rhizospheric effect of catalase and urease for all treatments was significant, but rhizospheric effect of pohyphenol oxidase and dehydrogenase was not significant. Rhizospheric effect of invertase of EC and ECT was significant, but rhizospheric effect of invertase of ET was not significant.