16 resultados para 2nd cycle of basic education


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Plecoptera constitute a numerically and ecologically significant component in mountain streams all over the world, but little is known of their life cycles in Asia. The life cycle of Nemoura sichuanensis and its relationship to water temperature was investigated during a 4-year study in a headwater stream (known as the Jiuchong torrent) of the Xiangxi River in Central China. Size structure histograms suggest that the life cycle was univoltine, and the relationships between the growth of Nemoura sichuanensis, physiological time, and effective accumulated water temperature were described using logistic regressions. The growth pattern was generally similar within year classes but growth rates did vary between year-classes. Our field data suggest a critical thermal threshold for emergence in Nemoura sichuanensis, that was close to 9 degrees C. The total number of physiological days required for completing larval development was 250 days. The effective accumulated water temperature was 2500 degree-days in the field. Development during the life cycle increased somewhat linearly with the physiological time and the effective accumulated water temperature, but some non-linear relationships were best developed by logistic equations.


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The seasonal population dynamics and maturation cycle of the nematode Camallanus cotti in the posterior intestine of Chinese hooksnout carp Opsariichthys bidens have been studied in the Danjiangkou Reservoir of the Hubei Province in central China from September 2004 to November, 2005. The overall prevalence, mean abundance and intensity of C cotti among fish sampled (n = 700 fish) were 47%, 2.29 +/- 12.38 ( +/- S.D.) and 1-307 (average 4.89 +/- 17.74), respectively. The overall sexual ratio of female to male nematodes (excluding L3 and L4 juveniles) was 1.17:1. Statistical results showed weakly positive correlations betweerl fish length and the number of nematodes per host. The dynamics of infection of the nematode exhibited significant seasonal pattern in changes in mean abundance. A similar pattern was found for changes in nematode prevalence, although this was not statistically significant. Higher levels of infection were observed among fish sampled in summer months and the lower in the winter. Neither the prevalence nor the abundance of the parasite was significantly different between male and female hosts. The pattern of frequency distribution of the parasite in the host was found to be over-dispersed throughout the sampling period. In addition, studies on the development and maturation of the parasite in O. bidens revealed that development (maturation), recruitment of the next generation, and reproduction may be continuous year-round, although reproduction may peak during the winter. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, the relationship between radiosensitivity, cell cycle alteration and the change of apoptosis in different human hepatoma cell lines irradiated by heavy ions were studied with the aim of building up the base data for clinical therapy. Exponentially growing hepatoma cell lines were irradiated by 80.55 MeV/u(12)C(6+) ions at a dose of 0 Gy, 0.5 Gy, 1 Gy, 2 Gy, 4 Gy and 8 Gy. The radiosensitivity was assessed by means of the colony-forming assay. The DNA content, the percentage of each cell-cycle phase and the apoptosis rate were obtained with flow cytometry methods. After the irradiation, the SF2 (survival fraction at 2 gray) of SMMC-7721 cells were evidently lower than that of HepG2 cells. The S phase arrest, G2/M phase arrest delay and the apoptosis in the two hepatoma cell lines varied with the increase of the dose and repair time. The heavy ions could obviously kill the human hepatoma cell lines. Compared to HepG2 cells, SMMC-7721 cells were more radiosensitive to C-12(6+) ions.


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A simple preparation process of alkylamide phase for reversed-phase HPLC (RP-HPLC) is described. The process includes aminopropyltrimethoxysilane firstly reacted with octanoyl chloride, then the intermediate was coupled onto porous silica. The resultant bonded silica has a reproducible ligand surface concentration and homogenous bonded ligand distribution on the porous silica. Characterization of prepared packing was carried out with elemental analysis, solid-state C-13 NMR and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR). Chromatographic evaluations were carried out by using a mixture of organic compounds including acidic, basic and neutral analytes under methanol/water as binary mobile phase. The results showed that the stationary phase have excellent chromatographic properties and can be efficiently used for the separation of basic compounds.


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The effects of oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) on the conformation of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) were studied by spectral method. The results showed that ODN destabilized the protein.


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Porphyra yezoensis Ueda is an important marine aquaculture crop with single-layered gametophytic thalli. In this work, the influences of thallus dehydration level, cold-preservation (freezing) time, and thawing temperature on the photosynthetic recovery of young P. yezoensis thalli were investigated employing an imaging pulse-amplitude-modulation (PAM) fluorometer. The results showed that after 40 d of frozen storage when performing thallus thawing under 10 degrees C, the water content of the thalli showed obvious effects on the photosynthetic recovery of the frozen thalli. The thalli with absolute water content (AWC) of 10%-40% manifested obvious superiority compared to the thalli with other AWCs, while the thalli thawed at 20 degrees C showed very high survival rate (93.10%) and no obvious correlation between thallus AWCs and thallus viabilities. These results indicated that inappropriate thallus water content contributed to the cell damage during the freeze-thaw cycle and that proper thawing temperature is very crucial. Therefore, AWC between 10% and 40% is the suitable thallus water content range for frozen storage, and the thawing process should be as short as possible. However, it is also shown that for short-term cold storage the Porphyra thallus water content also showed no obvious effect on the photosynthetic recovery of the thalli, and the survival rate was extremely high (100%). These results indicated that freezing time is also a paramount contributor of the cell damage during the freeze-thaw cycle. Therefore, the frozen nets should be used as soon as time permits.


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The annual cycle of nutrient-phytoplankton dynamics in Bohai Sea (BS) is simulated using a coupled physical-biological model in this study. By comparison, the modeled seasonal variations of nutrients and primary productivity agree with observations rather well. Although the annual cycles of chlorophyll a and primary production are both characterized by a double-peak configuration, a structural difference is still apparent: the phytoplankton biomass reaches the highest value in spring while summer is characterized by the most productivity in the BS, which can be ascribed to the combined impact of seawater temperature and zooplankton-grazing pressure on the growth of algae. Based on the validated simulations, the annual budgets of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus are estimated, and are about 0.82 mt C surplus, 39 kt N deficit and 12kt P surplus, respectively, implying that the BS ecosystem is somewhat nitrogen limited. The contribution of two external nutrient sources, namely river discharges and resuspended sediments, to the growth of algae is also examined numerically, and it is found that the influence of river-borne nutrients mainly concentrates in estuaries, whereas the reduction of sediment-borne nutrients may significantly inhibit the onset of algae bloom in the whole BS. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In general, competition between buoyancy mechanisms and mixing dynamics largely determines the water column structure in a shelf sea. A three dimensional baroclinic ocean model forced by surface heat fluxes and the 2.5 order Mellor-Yamada turbulence scheme is used to simulate the annual cycle of the temperature in the Bohai Sea. The difference between the sea surface temperature (SST) and sea bottom temperature (SBT) is used to examine the evolution of its vertical stratification. It is found that the water column is well-mixed from October to March and that the seasonal thermocline appears in April, peaks in July and then weakens afterwards, closely following the heat budget. In addition, the Loder parameter based on the topography and tidal current amplitude is also computed in order to examine tidal fronts in the BS, which are evident in summer months when the wind stirring mechanism is weak.


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A novel bonded phase for reversed-phase HPLC was synthesized in two steps. Octylamine was first reacted with beta-(3,4-epoxycyclohexyl)ethyltrimethoxysilane (beta -ECTS) and then the intermediate product was coupled onto porous silica. The prepared packing was characterized by elemental analysis, solid-state C-13 NMR and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR). Chromatographic evaluations were carried out by using a mixture of organic compounds including acidic, basic and neutral analytes and methanol-water as binary mobile phase. The results showed that the stationary phase has excellent chromatographic properties and is resistant to hydrolysis between pH = 2 similar to 8. It can be used efficiently for the separation of basic compounds.