204 resultados para 190-1173
利用能量为 1 6 7— 1 75MeV的35Cl束流 ,通过16 0 Gd(35Cl,5n)熔合蒸发反应研究了190 Tl的高自旋态能级结构 .实验建立了190 Tl基于πh9/2 νi13/2 组态的转动带 .在束测量结果和194 Biα衰变的α γ测量结果确定地指定了190 Tl的πh9/2 νi13/2 转动带的自旋值 .基于自旋指定 ,发现了190 Tl的πh9/2 νi13/2 扁椭球转动带在低自旋时旋称反转 .这是首次在基于πh9/2 νi13/2 组态的扁椭球转动带中观测到旋称反转 .考虑了质子 -中子剩余相互作用的粒子 -转子模型能够解释πh9/2 νi13/2 扁椭球转动带的低自旋旋称反转 .
The level structure of Pt-190 has been studied experimentally using the Yb-176 (O-18, 4n) reaction at beam energies of 88 and 95 MeV. gamma-gamma-t coincidence measurements were carried out. Based on the analysis of gamma-gamma coincidence relationships, the level scheme of Pt-190 is extended to high-spin states. A new structure built on the 3413.6 keV 14(+) state has been observed, and the vi(13/2)(-2) vh(9/2)(-1) vj (j = p(3/2) or f(5/2)) configuration is tentatively assigned to it.
A shape phase transition is demonstrated to occur in W-190 by applying the projected shell model, which goes beyond the usual mean-field approximation. Rotation alignment of neutrons in the high-j, i(13/2) orbital drives the yrast sequence of the system, changing suddenly from prolate to oblate shape at angular momentum 10h. We propose observables to test the picture.
A new crystal of aluminophosphate, AIPO(4)(.)H(2)O, is synthesized from two-batch aqueous solution under hydrothermal conditions. Three types of the crystal habits, i.e. the tetragonal double pyramid, the tetragonal prism and the plate-type tetragonal prism, are found from batch-A solution. Two types of the crystal habits, i.e. the hexagonal pyramid and the strip-type tetragonal prism, are found from batch-B solution. The change of crystal morphology is originated from the fluctuation of the synthesis conditions, such as the supersaturation, the temperature and the impurity content. It causes change of the step energies, the defect density and the step roughness, and further, change of the growth rates. Since the crystal morphology is sensitive to the mass transport mechanism, the crystal habits could be changed under the microgravity.
本文给出了一种模拟海底管道沉降的有限元分析方法.在该方法中,海床土体采用弹塑性帽盖本构模型进行模拟;管土接触面采用‘接触对'(contact pair)算法进行处理,解决了管道嵌入海床的动边界接触问题.数值模拟显示,随着管道水下重量的增大,管道下方土体的塑性区域逐渐扩展,相应的管道沉降量也逐渐增大,并明显高于弹性模型的计算值.通过参量分析,还探讨了土体和管道特性对管道沉降量的影响.
Direct numerical simulation (DNS) is used to study flow characteristics after interaction of a planar shock with a spherical media interface in each side of which the density is different. This interfacial instability is known as the Richtmyer-Meshkov (R-M) instability. The compressible Navier-Stoke equations are discretized with group velocity control (GVC) modified fourth order accurate compact difference scheme. Three-dimensional numerical simulations are performed for R-M instability installed passing a shock through a spherical interface. Based on numerical results the characteristics of 3D R-M instability are analysed. The evaluation for distortion of the interface, the deformation of the incident shock wave and effects of refraction, reflection and diffraction are presented. The effects of the interfacial instability on produced vorticity and mixing is discussed.
<正> 一般激光器采用的内管都是笔直、光滑的。当用光栅做波长选择器时,未被选取的波长将以近90°的入射角射到内管内壁上,在某种特定的条件下,将会构成谐振腔而产生振荡。这样就不易得到单一的频率和模式,也不易得到稳定的功率输出。
<正> 分层介质中阿尔文波的传播特征已有研究,我们讨论分层介质中的快磁声波,对于一维问题,假设基态为在直角坐标系中列出磁流体力学方程组为
<正> 在太阳活动区以及许多其它天体物理问题中,需要讨论重力、压力梯度、电磁力与运动之间的相互关系。对于轴对称问题,在柱坐标下可由磁场无源条件定义标量磁势ψ,它满足
本文是文[1]的继续,除了核实文[1]中的结论外,新的结果有: (1)若电场E的势场-φ按满足规范,则a为常数的必要充分条件是:式中A、B和V分别为磁矢势、磁场和气体速度。 (2)得到控制a变化的基本方程,电阻是a从非常数演化到常数的因素。
<正> 由于数学上的复杂性,要在满足全部方程和边界条件的情况下来决定扁壳振动的固有频率是有很大困难的。因此一般采用了法等各种近似解法。但在应用这些近似解法时,也还需要满足一定的条件,因而往往也会出现不少困难。本文给出了一个计算扁壳固有频率更一般的近似解法,并对建筑部门常见的对边簡支对边固定和三边簡支一边固定这两组边界条件的矩形底球面扁壳的基本固有频率进行了计算。计算过程表
n the authors' previous paper, the Strain Energy Density Ratio (SEDR) criterion was proposed. As an example of applications, it was used to predict cracking direction of mixed-mode fracture in a random short fibre laminated composite.