72 resultados para 12C6
Purpose: To estimate the biological risks to the immune system of the type of space radiation, 12C6+, encountered by cosmonauts during long-term travel in space. Materials and methods: The Kun-Ming strain mice were whole-body irradiated by 12C6+ ion with 0, 0.01, 0.05, 0.075, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.75, 1 or 2 Gy, at a dose rate of 1 Gy/min. At 35 days after irradiation, the thymus and spleen weights were measured, the natural killer (NK) cells activity of spleen was determined by 3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2, 5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT), and the interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) levels in serum and thymus were detected with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). Results: The results showed that the thymus weight, IFN-gamma levels in serum and the activity of splenic NK-cells had significantly increased at a dose of 0.05 Gy. With further dose increase, the weight of spleen continued to increase but the weight of thymus, IFN-gamma level and NK-cells activity declined. Conclusions: These results suggest that the dose of 0.05 Gy irradiation has a stimulatory effect on mouse immunity; this effect declined with increasing dose.
DNARNADNATTAGGGhTR, TEPlhTERThTERT Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou,HIRFL31MeV/u 12C6+ HL7702SMMC77211Gy2Gy3Gy4Gy-PCR- telomeric repeat amplification protocolTRAP-PCR1050 HL-77021Gy23Gy4GySMMC-772113Gy4Gy13Gyp<0.05DNADNALET
85%14%1%Xlinear energy transfer, LETrelative biological effectiveness, RBE 1 2NAC 3 1 X12C6+NAC1200mg/kgNACDNAMTT3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2, 5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromideNKnatural killerNKInterferon-IFN-ELISA(Surperoxide dismutase SOD 2 X12C6+H1299A549Western-blot A549 P53 1XG0/G112C6+SXG2/MIFN-NK0.05GyNK 2DNANKIFN-SODNAC12C6+DNANKIFN-SOD 3 XH1299G2/MX12C6+A549G2/MA549P53 1DNAX0.05Gy 2 200mg/kg NAC 3 H1299A549A549P53
MMCDNADNAp53MMCDNAp53BRCA1H2AX 1. 12C6+HeLaDNAHeLa12C6+ DNAp53HeLa4Gy 12C6+ 0h3h6h12hDNA0.5Gy1Gy2Gy4Gy 12C6+ 0hDNAHeLa0Gy0.5Gy1Gy 12C6+ AO/EB248mmol/LcaffeineATMATR20mol/LwortmanninATMDNA-PKHeLa1Gy 12C6+ western blotp5312C6+ HeLaDNAHeLap53caffeinewortmanninp5312C6+ HeLaDNAp53ATM 2. MMCDNAp53MMCDNAMMCDNAp53 BRCA1FANCD2-H2AXMMCDNAICLinterstrand cross-linkICLFA(Fanconi Anemia)FANCD2FADNAICLATR-H2AXBRCA1BRCA1caffeineATRMMCMMC caffeineHCC1937(BRCA1)MCF7BRCA1Western blotMMCHCC1937-H2AXMMCcaffeineHCC1937caffeineMMC+caffeineMMCcaffeineMCF7MMC+caffeinecaffeineMMCHCC1937-H2AXFANCD2-H2AXH2AXBRCA1BRCA1ATRFANCD2
AdCMV-p53, 2040 MOI AdCMV-p5312C6+ H1299, p53. , AdCMV-p53p5390%, AdCMV-p53 p53. AdCMV-p53G0/G1, G2/M . AdCMV-p53 (RBE) 30%~60%, AdCMV-p53 20%~130%, AdCMV-p53 30%~70%. : p53 AdCMV-p53 .
In order to investigate the effect of carbon ion irradiation on apoptosis and Bax/Bcl-2 expression inhuman tongue carcinoma cells, exponentially growing human tongue carcinoma cells (Tb) cultured in vitro were irradiated with 0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 or 4.0 Gy of 12C6+ ions respectively. Survival rate of irradiated cells at various doses were measured by MTT assay. The nucleus changes of apoptosis and necrosis of cells stained by Hochest/PI were observed through fluorescence microscope. The cell cycle changes were detected by flow cytometry (FCM). The expressions of Bax and Bcl-2 were detected by Western blot analysis. The results show that the viability of Tb cells decreases gradually with increment of irradiation doses of carbon ions. The proportions of apoptosis cells in the irradiated groups are significantly higher than those in the control group. There is a positive correlation between irradiation doses and retardation strength in G2 /M phase at 24 h after irradiation (P<0.05). And the expressions of Bax and bcl-2 are significantly up-regulated and down-regulated respectively by 12C6+ ion irradiation. It can be concluded from above that cell apoptosis induced by heavy ion with high-LET may be mediated through the Bax/Bcl-2 expression pathway. TbBax/Bcl- Gy Tb MTT Hoechst33258/PI Tb Western-blot Bax/Bcl-2 Tb12C6+TbG2/M P0.05 Western-blot Bax 4 Gy Bcl-2 Gy Tb Bax/Bcl-2
HeLa12C6+DNA,p53,HeLa4Gy 12C6+03612hDNA,0.5124Gy 12C6+DNAHeLa00.51Gy 12C6+,AO/EB24h,8mmol/L[ATM(ataxia-telangiectasia,mutated)ATR(ATM and Rad3-related kinase)]20mol/Lwortmannin[ATMDNA-PK(DNA-dependent protein kinase)]HeLa1Gy 12C6+,westernblotp53,12C6+HeLaDNA,,HeLa;p5312C6+HeLaDNA,p53,ATM
TbBax/Bcl-,MTT,,Hoechst 33258/PITb,Western-blotBax/Bcl-2,Tb12C6+,;Tb,;G2/M(P<0.05)Western-blotBax,4Gy,Bcl-,Bax/Bcl-2