22 resultados para voluntary internal control assurance (ICAR)

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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Guided self-organization can be regarded as a paradigm proposed to understand how to guide a self-organizing system towards desirable behaviors, while maintaining its non-deterministic dynamics with emergent features. It is, however, not a trivial problem to guide the self-organizing behavior of physically embodied systems like robots, as the behavioral dynamics are results of interactions among their controller, mechanical dynamics of the body, and the environment. This paper presents a guided self-organization approach for dynamic robots based on a coupling between the system mechanical dynamics with an internal control structure known as the attractor selection mechanism. The mechanism enables the robot to gracefully shift between random and deterministic behaviors, represented by a number of attractors, depending on internally generated stochastic perturbation and sensory input. The robot used in this paper is a simulated curved beam hopping robot: a system with a variety of mechanical dynamics which depends on its actuation frequencies. Despite the simplicity of the approach, it will be shown how the approach regulates the probability of the robot to reach a goal through the interplay among the sensory input, the level of inherent stochastic perturbation, i.e., noise, and the mechanical dynamics. © 2014 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.


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This study investigated the neuromuscular mechanisms underlying the initial stage of adaptation to novel dynamics. A destabilizing velocity-dependent force field (VF) was introduced for sets of three consecutive trials. Between sets a random number of 4-8 null field trials were interposed, where the VF was inactivated. This prevented subjects from learning the novel dynamics, making it possible to repeatedly recreate the initial adaptive response. We were able to investigate detailed changes in neural control between the first, second and third VF trials. We identified two feedforward control mechanisms, which were initiated on the second VF trial and resulted in a 50% reduction in the hand path error. Responses to disturbances encountered on the first VF trial were feedback in nature, i.e. reflexes and voluntary correction of errors. However, on the second VF trial, muscle activation patterns were modified in anticipation of the effects of the force field. Feedforward cocontraction of all muscles was used to increase the viscoelastic impedance of the arm. While stiffening the arm, subjects also exerted a lateral force to counteract the perturbing effect of the force field. These anticipatory actions indicate that the central nervous system responds rapidly to counteract hitherto unfamiliar disturbances by a combination of increased viscoelastic impedance and formation of a crude internal dynamics model.


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On a daily basis, humans interact with a vast range of objects and tools. A class of tasks, which can pose a serious challenge to our motor skills, are those that involve manipulating objects with internal degrees of freedom, such as when folding laundry or using a lasso. Here, we use the framework of optimal feedback control to make predictions of how humans should interact with such objects. We confirm the predictions experimentally in a two-dimensional object manipulation task, in which subjects learned to control six different objects with complex dynamics. We show that the non-intuitive behavior observed when controlling objects with internal degrees of freedom can be accounted for by a simple cost function representing a trade-off between effort and accuracy. In addition to using a simple linear, point-mass optimal control model, we also used an optimal control model, which considers the non-linear dynamics of the human arm. We find that the more realistic optimal control model captures aspects of the data that cannot be accounted for by the linear model or other previous theories of motor control. The results suggest that our everyday interactions with objects can be understood by optimality principles and advocate the use of more realistic optimal control models for the study of human motor neuroscience.


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Human sensorimotor control has been predominantly studied using fixed tasks performed under laboratory conditions. This approach has greatly advanced our understanding of the mechanisms that integrate sensory information and generate motor commands during voluntary movement. However, experimental tasks necessarily restrict the range of behaviors that are studied. Moreover, the processes studied in the laboratory may not be the same processes that subjects call upon during their everyday lives. Naturalistic approaches thus provide an important adjunct to traditional laboratory-based studies. For example, wearable self-contained tracking systems can allow subjects to be monitored outside the laboratory, where they engage spontaneously in natural everyday behavior. Similarly, advances in virtual reality technology allow laboratory-based tasks to be made more naturalistic. Here, we review naturalistic approaches, including perspectives from psychology and visual neuroscience, as well as studies and technological advances in the field of sensorimotor control.


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Uncertainty is ubiquitous in our sensorimotor interactions, arising from factors such as sensory and motor noise and ambiguity about the environment. Setting it apart from previous theories, a quintessential property of the Bayesian framework for making inference about the state of world so as to select actions, is the requirement to represent the uncertainty associated with inferences in the form of probability distributions. In the context of sensorimotor control and learning, the Bayesian framework suggests that to respond optimally to environmental stimuli the central nervous system needs to construct estimates of the sensorimotor transformations, in the form of internal models, as well as represent the structure of the uncertainty in the inputs, outputs and in the transformations themselves. Here we review Bayesian inference and learning models that have been successful in demonstrating the sensitivity of the sensorimotor system to different forms of uncertainty as well as recent studies aimed at characterizing the representation of the uncertainty at different computational levels.


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This review will focus on the possibility that the cerebellum contains an internal model or models of the motor apparatus. Inverse internal models can provide the neural command necessary to achieve some desired trajectory. First, we review the necessity of such a model and the evidence, based on the ocular following response, that inverse models are found within the cerebellar circuitry. Forward internal models predict the consequences of actions and can be used to overcome time delays associated with feedback control. Secondly, we review the evidence that the cerebellum generates predictions using such a forward model. Finally, we review a computational model that includes multiple paired forward and inverse models and show how such an arrangement can be advantageous for motor learning and control.


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The goal of this work was to investigate stability in relation to the magnitude and direction of forces applied by the hand. The endpoint stiffness and joint stiffness of the arm were measured during a postural task in which subjects exerted up to 30% maximum voluntary force in each of four directions while controlling the position of the hand. All four coefficients of the joint stiffness matrix were found to vary linearly with both elbow and shoulder torque. This contrasts with the results of a previous study, which employed a force control task and concluded that the joint stiffness coefficients varied linearly with either shoulder or elbow torque but not both. Joint stiffness was transformed into endpoint stiffness to compare the effect on stability as endpoint force increased. When the joint stiffness coefficients were modeled as varying with the net torque at only one joint, as in the previous study, we found that hand position became unstable if endpoint force exceeded about 22 N in a specific direction. This did not occur when the joint stiffness coefficients were modeled as varying with the net torque at both joints, as in the present study. Rather, hand position became increasingly more stable as endpoint force increased for all directions of applied force. Our analysis suggests that co-contraction of biarticular muscles was primarily responsible for the increased stability. This clearly demonstrates how the central nervous system can selectively adapt the impedance of the arm in a specific direction to stabilize hand position when the force applied by the hand has a destabilizing effect in that direction.