13 resultados para translational energy distribution

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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It has been previously observed that thin film transistors (TFTs) utilizing an amorphous indium gallium zinc oxide (a-IGZO) semiconducting channel suffer from a threshold voltage shift when subjected to a negative gate bias and light illumination simultaneously. In this work, a thermalization energy analysis has been applied to previously published data on negative bias under illumination stress (NBIS) in a-IGZO TFTs. A barrier to defect conversion of 0.65-0.75 eV is extracted, which is consistent with reported energies of oxygen vacancy migration. The attempt-to-escape frequency is extracted to be 10 6-107 s-1, which suggests a weak localization of carriers in band tail states over a 20-40 nm distance. Models for the NBIS mechanism based on charge trapping are reviewed and a defect pool model is proposed in which two distinct distributions of defect states exist in the a-IGZO band gap: these are associated with states that are formed as neutrally charged and 2+ charged oxygen vacancies at the time of film formation. In this model, threshold voltage shift is not due to a defect creation process, but to a change in the energy distribution of states in the band gap upon defect migration as this allows a state formed as a neutrally charged vacancy to be converted into one formed as a 2+ charged vacancy and vice versa. Carrier localization close to the defect migration site is necessary for the conversion process to take place, and such defect migration sites are associated with conduction and valence band tail states. Under negative gate bias stressing, the conduction band tail is depleted of carriers, but the bias is insufficient to accumulate holes in the valence band tail states, and so no threshold voltage shift results. It is only under illumination that the quasi Fermi level for holes is sufficiently lowered to allow occupation of valence band tail states. The resulting charge localization then allows a negative threshold voltage shift, but only under conditions of simultaneous negative gate bias and illumination, as observed experimentally as the NBIS effect. © 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Kolmogorov's two-thirds, ((Δv) 2) ∼ e 2/ 3r 2/ 3, and five-thirds, E ∼ e 2/ 3k -5/ 3, laws are formally equivalent in the limit of vanishing viscosity, v → 0. However, for most Reynolds numbers encountered in laboratory scale experiments, or numerical simulations, it is invariably easier to observe the five-thirds law. By creating artificial fields of isotropic turbulence composed of a random sea of Gaussian eddies whose size and energy distribution can be controlled, we show why this is the case. The energy of eddies of scale, s, is shown to vary as s 2/ 3, in accordance with Kolmogorov's 1941 law, and we vary the range of scales, γ = s max/s min, in any one realisation from γ = 25 to γ = 800. This is equivalent to varying the Reynolds number in an experiment from R λ = 60 to R λ = 600. While there is some evidence of a five-thirds law for g > 50 (R λ > 100), the two-thirds law only starts to become apparent when g approaches 200 (R λ ∼ 240). The reason for this discrepancy is that the second-order structure function is a poor filter, mixing information about energy and enstrophy, and from scales larger and smaller than r. In particular, in the inertial range, ((Δv) 2) takes the form of a mixed power-law, a 1+a 2r 2+a 3r 2/ 3, where a 2r 2 tracks the variation in enstrophy and a 3r 2/ 3 the variation in energy. These findings are shown to be consistent with experimental data where the polution of the r 2/ 3 law by the enstrophy contribution, a 2r 2, is clearly evident. We show that higherorder structure functions (of even order) suffer from a similar deficiency.


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We present electronically controlled field emission characteristics of arrays of individually ballasted carbon nanotubes synthesized by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition on silicon-on-insulator substrates. By adjusting the source-drain potential we have demonstrated the ability to controllable limit the emission current density by more than 1 order of magnitude. Dynamic control over both the turn-on electric field and field enhancement factor have been noted. A hot electron model is presented. The ballasted nanotubes are populated with hot electrons due to the highly crystalline Si channel and the high local electric field at the nanotube base. This positively shifts the Fermi level and results in a broad energy distribution about this mean, compared to the narrow spread, lower energy thermalized electron population in standard metallic emitters. The proposed vertically aligned carbon nanotube field-emitting electron source offers a viable platform for X-ray emitters and displays applications that require accurate and highly stable control over the emission characteristics.


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In this study, we investigated non-ideal characteristics of a diamond Schottky barrier diode with Molybdenum (Mo) Schottky metal fabricated by Microwave Plasma Chemical Vapour Deposition (MPCVD) technique. Extraction from forward bias I-V and reverse bias C- 2-V measurements yields ideality factor of 1.3, Schottky barrier height of 1.872 eV, and on-resistance of 32.63 mö·cm2. The deviation of extracted Schottky barrier height from an ideal value of 2.24 eV (considering Mo workfunction of 4.53 eV) indicates Fermi level pinning at the interface. We attributed such non-ideal behavior to the existence of thin interfacial layer and interface states between metal and diamond which forms Metal-Interfacial layer-Semiconductor (MIS) structure. Oxygen surface treatment during fabrication process might have induced them. From forward bias C-V characteristics, the minimum thickness of the interfacial layer is approximately 0.248 nm. Energy distribution profile of the interface state density is then evaluated from the forward bias I-V characteristics based on the MIS model. The interface state density is found to be uniformly distributed with values around 1013 eV - 1·cm- 2. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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There is growing interest in the use of 242mAm as a nuclear fuel. Because of its very high thermal fission cross section and its large number of neutrons released per fission, it can be used for various unique applications, such as space propulsion, medical applications, and compact energy sources. Since the thermal absorption cross section of 242mAm is very high, the best way to obtain 242mAm is by the capture of fast or epithermal neutrons in 241Am. However, fast spectrum reactors are not readily available. In this paper, we explore the possibility of producing 242mAm in existing pressurized water reactors (PWRs) with minimal interference in reactor performance. As suggested in previous studies on the subject, the 242mAm breeding targets are shielded with strong thermal absorbers in order to suppress the thermal neutron flux that causes 242mAm destruction. Since 242mAm enrichment within the Am target mainly depends on the neutron energy distribution, which in turn depends on the Am target thickness and on the neutron filter cutoff energy (thermal absorber type), this unique Am target design was developed. In our study, Cd, Sm, and Gd were considered as thermal neutron filters, as suggested by Cesana et al. The most favorable results were obtained by irradiating Am targets covered either with Gd or Cd. In these cases, up to 8.65% enrichment of 242mAm is obtained after 4.5 yr (three successive PWR fuel cycles) of irradiation. It was also found that significant quantities [up to 1.3 kg/GW (electric)-yr] of 242mAm can be obtained in PWR reactors without notable interference with reactor performance. However, in order to maintain the original fuel cycle length, the enrichment of the driver (UO2) fuel must be increased by ∼1%, raised from the conventional 4.5 to 5.5%, depending on the thermal neutron filter used. The most important reactivity feedback coefficients for fuel assemblies containing the 242mAm breeding targets were evaluated and found to be close to those of a standard PWR. Another product of neutron capture in the 241Am reaction is 238Pu. It was found that in a typical 1000 MW (electric) PWR core with one-third of the fuel assemblies containing 241Am targets, up to 15.1 kg of 238Pu enriched to 80% can be produced per year.


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Side by side with the great advantages of plasmonics in nanoscale light confinement, the inevitable ohmic loss results in significant joule heating in plasmonic devices. Therefore, understanding optical-induced heat generation and heat transport in integrated on-chip plasmonic devices is of major importance. Specifically, there is a need for in situ visualization of electromagnetic induced thermal energy distribution with high spatial resolution. This paper studies the heat distribution in silicon plasmonic nanotips. Light is coupled to the plasmonic nanotips from a silicon nanowaveguide that is integrated with the tip on chip. Heat is generated by light absorption in the metal surrounding the silicon nanotip. The steady-state thermal distribution is studied numerically and measured experimentally using the approach of scanning thermal microscopy. It is shown that following the nanoscale heat generation by a 10 mW light source within a silicon photonic waveguide the temperature in the region of the nanotip is increased by ∼ 15 °C compared with the ambient temperature. Furthermore, we also perform a numerical study of the dynamics of the heat transport. Given the nanoscale dimensions of the structure, significant heating is expected to occur within the time frame of picoseconds. The capability of measuring temperature distribution of plasmonic structures at the nanoscale is shown to be a powerful tool and may be used in future applications related to thermal plasmonic applications such as control heating of liquids, thermal photovoltaic, nanochemistry, medicine, heat-assisted magnetic memories, and nanolithography.


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Water service providers (WSPs) in the UK have statutory obligations to supply drinking water to all customers that complies with increasingly stringent water quality regulations and minimum flow and pressure criteria. At the same time, the industry is required by regulators and investors to demonstrate increasing operational efficiency and to meet a wide range of performance criteria that are expected to improve year-on-year. Most WSPs have an ideal for improving the operation of their water supply systems based on increased knowledge and understanding of their assets and a shift to proactive management followed by steadily increasing degrees of system monitoring, automation and optimisation. The fundamental mission is, however, to ensure security of supply, with no interruptions and water quality of the highest standard at the tap. Unfortunately, advanced technologies required to fully understand, manage and automate water supply system operation either do not yet exist, are only partially evolved, or have not yet been reliably proven for live water distribution systems. It is this deficiency that the project NEPTUNE seeks to address by carrying out research into 3 main areas; these are: data and knowledge management; pressure management (including energy management); and the associated complex decision support systems on which to base interventions. The 3-year project started in April of 2007 and has already resulted in a number of research findings under the three main research priority areas (RPA). The paper summarises in greater detail the overall project objectives, the RPA activities and the areas of research innovation that are being undertaken in this major, UK collaborative study. Copyright 2009 ASCE.


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Power consumption of a multi-GHz local clock driver is reduced by returning energy stored in the clock-tree load capacitance back to the on-chip power-distribution grid. We call this type of return energy recycling. To achieve a nearly square clock waveform, the energy is transferred in a non-resonant way using an on-chip inductor in a configuration resembling a full-bridge DC-DC converter. A zero-voltage switching technique is implemented in the clock driver to reduce dynamic power loss associated with the high switching frequencies. A prototype implemented in 90 nm CMOS shows a power savings of 35% at 4 GHz. The area needed for the inductor in this new clock driver is about 6% of a local clock region. © 2006 IEEE.


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The diversity of non-domestic buildings at urban scale poses a number of difficulties to develop models for large scale analysis of the stock. This research proposes a probabilistic, engineering-based, bottom-up model to address these issues. In a recent study we classified London's non-domestic buildings based on the service they provide, such as offices, retail premise, and schools, and proposed the creation of one probabilistic representational model per building type. This paper investigates techniques for the development of such models. The representational model is a statistical surrogate of a dynamic energy simulation (ES) model. We first identify the main parameters affecting energy consumption in a particular building sector/type by using sampling-based global sensitivity analysis methods, and then generate statistical surrogate models of the dynamic ES model within the dominant model parameters. Given a sample of actual energy consumption for that sector, we use the surrogate model to infer the distribution of model parameters by inverse analysis. The inferred distributions of input parameters are able to quantify the relative benefits of alternative energy saving measures on an entire building sector with requisite quantification of uncertainties. Secondary school buildings are used for illustrating the application of this probabilistic method. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper is concerned with the probability density function of the energy of a random dynamical system subjected to harmonic excitation. It is shown that if the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the system conform to the Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble, then under common types of loading the distribution of the energy of the response is approximately lognormal, providing the modal overlap factor is high (typically greater than two). In contrast, it is shown that the response of a system with Poisson natural frequencies is not approximately lognormal. Numerical simulations are conducted on a plate system to validate the theoretical findings and good agreement is obtained. Simulations are also conducted on a system made from two plates connected with rotational springs to demonstrate that the theoretical findings can be extended to a built-up system. The work provides a theoretical justification of the commonly used empirical practice of assuming that the energy response of a random system is lognormal.


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In this paper, we extract density of localized tail states from measurements of low temperature conductance in amorphous oxide transistors. At low temperatures, trap-limited conduction prevails, allowing extraction of the trapped carrier distribution with energy. Using a test device with a-InGaZnO channel layer, the extracted tail state energy and density at the conduction band minima are 20 meV and 2 × 10 19 cm -3 eV -1, respectively, which are consistent with values reported in the literature. Also, the field-effect mobility as a function of temperature from 77 K to 300 K is retrieved for different gate voltages, yielding the activation energy and the percolation threshold. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.