12 resultados para temperature sensitivity

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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The potential of 1.3-μm AlGaInAs multiple quantum-well (MQW) laser diodes for uncooled operation in high-speed optical communication systems is experimentally evaluated by characterizing the temperature dependence of key parameters such as the threshold current, transparency current density, optical gain and carrier lifetime. Detailed measurements performed in the 20°C-100°C temperature range indicate a localized T0 value of 68 K at 98°C for a device with a 2.8μm ridge width and 700-μm cavity length. The transparency current density is measured for temperatures from 20°C to 60°C and found to increase at a rate of 7.7 A·cm -2 · °C-1. Optical gain characterizations show that the peak modal gain at threshold is independent of temperature, whereas the differential gain decreases linearly with temperature at a rate of 3 × 10-4 A-1·°C-1. The differential carrier lifetime is determined from electrical impedance measurements and found to decrease with temperature. From the measured carrier lifetime we derive the monomolecular (A), radiative (B), and nonradiative Auger (C) recombination coefficients and determine their temperature dependence in the 20 °C-80 °C range. Our study shows that A is temperature independent, B decreases with temperature, and C exhibits a less pronounced increase with temperature. The experimental observations are discussed and compared with theoretical predictions and measurements performed on other material systems. © 2005 IEEE.


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The design, 3D FEM modelling and measurement results of a novel high temperature, low power SOI CMOS MEMS thermal conductivity gas sensor are presented here. The sensor consists of a circular membrane with an embedded tungsten micro-heater. The high sensing capability is based on the temperature sensitivity of the resistive heating element. The sensor was fabricated at a commercial foundry using a 1 μm process and measures only 1×1 mm 2. The circular membrane has a 600 μm diameter while the heating element has a 320 μm diameter. Measurement results show that for a constant power consumption of 75 mW the heater temperature was 562.4°C in air, 565.9°C in N2, 592.5°C for 1 % H2 in Ar and 599.5°C in Ar. © 2013 IEEE.


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The universal exhaust gas oxygen (UEGO) sensor is a well-established device which was developed for the measurement of relative air fuel ratio in internal combustion engines. There is, however, little information available which allows for the prediction of the UEGO's behaviour when exposed to arbitrary gas mixtures, pressures and temperatures. Here we present a steady-state model for the sensor, based on a solution of the Stefan-Maxwell equation, and which includes a momentum balance. The response of the sensor is dominated by a diffusion barrier, which controls the rate of diffusion of gas species between the exhaust and a cavity. Determination of the diffusion barrier characteristics, especially the mean pore size, porosity and tortuosity, is essential for the purposes of modelling, and a measurement technique based on identification of the sensor pressure giving zero temperature sensitivity is shown to be a convenient method of achieving this. The model, suitably calibrated, is shown to make good predictions of sensor behaviour for large variations of pressure, temperature and gas composition. © 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Design, FEM modelling and characterization of a novel dual mode thermal conductivity and infrared absorption sensor using SOI CMOS technology is reported. The dual mode sensing capability is based on the temperature sensitivity and wideband infrared radiation emission of the resistive heating element. The sensor was fabricated at a commercial foundry using a 1 μm process and measures only 1×1 mm2. Infrared detectors usually use thermopiles in addition to a separate IR source. A single highly responsive dual mode source and sensing element targeting not only low molecular mass gases but also greenhouse gases, while consuming 40 mW power at 700°C in synthetic air, thus makes this sensor particularly viable for battery powered handheld devices. © 2013 IEEE.


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Herein we report on the transport characteristics of rapid pulsed vacuum-arc thermally annealed, individual and network multi-walled carbon nanotubes. Substantially reduced defect densities (by at least an order of magnitude), measured by micro-Raman spectroscopy, and were achieved by partial reconstruction of the bamboo-type defects during thermal pulsing compared with more traditional single-pulse thermal annealing. Rapid pulsed annealed processed networks and individual multi-walled nanotubes showed a consistent increase in conductivity (of over a factor of five at room temperature), attributed to the reduced number density of resistive axial interfaces and, in the case of network samples, the possible formation of structural bonds between crossed nanotubes. Compared to the highly defective as-grown nanotubes, the pulsed annealed samples exhibited reduced temperature sensitivity in their transport characteristics signifying the dominance of scattering events from structural defects. Transport measurements in the annealed multi-walled nanotubes deviated from linear Ohmic, typically metallic, behavior to an increasingly semiconducting-like behavior attributed to thermally induced axial strains. Rapid pulsed annealed networks had an estimated band gap of 11.26 meV (as-grown; 6.17 meV), and this observed band gap enhancement was inherently more pronounced for individual nanotubes compared with the networks most likely attributed to mechanical pinning effect of the probing electrodes which possibly amplifies the strain induced band gap. In all instances the estimated room temperature band gaps increased by a factor of two. The gating performance of back-gated thin-film transistor structures verified that the observed weak semiconductivity (p-type) inferred from the transport characteristic at room temperature. © 2014 Copyright Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.


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This paper describes multiple field-coupled simulations and device characterization of fully CMOS-MEMS-compatible smart gas sensors. The sensor structure is designated for gas/vapour detection at high temperatures (>300 °C) with low power consumption, high sensitivity and competent mechanic robustness employing the silicon-on-insulator (SOI) wafer technology, CMOS process and micromachining techniques. The smart gas sensor features micro-heaters using p-type MOSFETs or polysilicon resistors and differentially transducing circuits for in situ temperature measurement. Physical models and 3D electro-thermo-mechanical simulations of the SOI micro-hotplate induced by Joule, self-heating, mechanic stress and piezoresistive effects are provided. The electro-thermal effect initiates and thus affects electronic and mechanical characteristics of the sensor devices at high temperatures. Experiments on variation and characterization of micro-heater resistance, power consumption, thermal imaging, deformation interferometry and dynamic thermal response of the SOI micro-hotplate have been presented and discussed. The full integration of the smart gas sensor with automatically temperature-reading ICs demonstrates the lowest power consumption of 57 mW at 300 °C and fast thermal response of 10 ms. © 2008 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Recent studies show that carbon nanotubes (CNTs) can be used as temperature sensors, and offer great opportunities towards extreme miniaturization, high sensitivity, low power consumption, and rapid response. Previous CNT based temperature sensors are fabricated by either dielectrophoresis or piece-wise alignment of read-out electronics around randomly dispersed CNTs. We introduce a new deterministic and parallel microsensor fabrication method based on the self-assembly of CNTs into three-dimensional microbridges. We fabricated prototype microbridge sensors on patterned electrodes, and found their sensitivity to be better than -0.1 %/K at temperatures between 300K and 420K. This performance is comparable to previously published CNT based temperature sensors. Importantly, however, our research shows how unique sensor architectures can be made by self-assembly, which can be achieved using batch processing rather than piecewise assembly. ©2010 IEEE.


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A novel method of measuring cylinder gas temperature in an internal combustion engine cylinder is introduced. The physical basis for the technique is that the flow rate through an orifice is a function of the temperature of the gas flowing through the orifice. Using a pressure transducer in the cylinder, and another in a chamber connected to the cylinder via an orifice, it is shown how the cylinder temperature can be determined with useful sensitivity. In this paper the governing equations are derived, which show that the heat transfer characteristics of the chamber are critical to the performance of the system, and that isothermal or adiabatic conditions give the optimum performance. For a typical internal combustion engine, it is found that the pre-compression cylinder temperature is related to the chamber pressure late in the compression process with sensitivity of the order of 0.005 bar/K. Copyright © 2010 SAE International.


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This paper presents for the first time the performance of a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) p-n thermodiode, which can operate in an extremely wide temperature range of 200°C to 700°C while maintaining its linearity. The thermodiode is embedded in a thin dielectric membrane underneath a tungsten microheater, which allows the diode characterization at very high temperature (> 800°C). The effect of the junction area (Aj) on the thermodiode linearity, sensitivity and self-heating is experimentally and theoretically investigated. Results on the long-term diode stability at high temperature are also reported. © 2013 IEEE.


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We report room temperature operation of telecom wavelength single-photon detectors for high bit rate quantum key distribution (QKD). Room temperature operation is achieved using InGaAs avalanche photodiodes integrated with electronics based on the self-differencing technique that increases avalanche discrimination sensitivity. Despite using room temperature detectors, we demonstrate QKD with record secure bit rates over a range of fiber lengths (e.g., 1.26 Mbit/s over 50 km). Furthermore, our results indicate that operating the detectors at room temperature increases the secure bit rate for short distances. © 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.