12 resultados para special reason for granting leave to call evidence

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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In this article we call for a new approach to patient safety improvement, one based on the emerging field of evidence-based healthcare risk management (EBHRM). We explore EBHRM in the broader context of the evidence-based healthcare movement, assess the benefits and challenges that might arise in adopting an evidence-based approach, and make recommendations for meeting those challenges and realizing the benefits of a more scientific approach.


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A balloon tethered at an altitude of 20 km could deliver a particulate cloud leading to global cooling. Tethering a balloon at this altitude poses significant problems with respect to vibration and stability, especially in regions of high wind. No-one has ever proposed, yet alone launched, a balloon at an altitude of 20 km tethered to the ground. Owing to wind, the tether needs to be 23 km in length and is to be fixed to a ship at sea or on land in equatorial regions. Whilst the balloon at 20 km is subject to relatively modest wind conditions, at jet stream altitudes (10km) the tether will experience much higher wind loadings, not only because of the high wind speeds of up to 300 km / hr but also because of the high air density. A tether of circular cross section in these high winds will be subject to horizontal and downward drag forces that would bring the aerostat down. For this reason it is advantageous to consider a self-aligning tether of an aerodynamic cross section whereby it is possible to reduce the drag substantially. One disadvantage of a non-circular tether is the possibility of flutter and galloping instabilities. It is reasonably straightforward to model these phenomena for short lengths of aerofoil, but the situation becomes more complex for a 20 km tensioned tether with large deflection and curvature, variable wind speed, variable air density and variable tension. Analysis using models of infinite length are used to establish the stability at a local scale where the tension, aerodynamic and geometric properties are considered constant. Dispersion curve analysis is useful here. But for dynamics on a long-wavelength scale (several km) then a full non-linear analysis is required. This non-linear model can be used to establish the local values of tension appropriate for the dispersion analysis. This keynote presentation will give some insight into these issues.


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A method is given for solving an optimal H2 approximation problem for SISO linear time-invariant stable systems. The method, based on constructive algebra, guarantees that the global optimum is found; it does not involve any gradient-based search, and hence avoids the usual problems of local minima. We examine mostly the case when the model order is reduced by one, and when the original system has distinct poles. This case exhibits special structure which allows us to provide a complete solution. The problem is converted into linear algebra by exhibiting a finite-dimensional basis for a certain space, and can then be solved by eigenvalue calculations, following the methods developed by Stetter and Moeller. The use of Buchberger's algorithm is avoided by writing the first-order optimality conditions in a special form, from which a Groebner basis is immediately available. Compared with our previous work the method presented here has much smaller time and memory requirements, and can therefore be applied to systems of significantly higher McMillan degree. In addition, some hypotheses which were required in the previous work have been removed. Some examples are included.


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An immersed finite element method is presented to compute flows with complex moving boundaries on a fixed Cartesian grid. The viscous, incompressible fluid flow equations are discretized with b-spline basis functions. The two-scale relation for b-splines is used to implement an elegant and efficient technique to satisfy the LBB condition. On non-grid-aligned fluid domains and at moving boundaries, the boundary conditions are enforced with a consistent penalty method as originally proposed by Nitsche. In addition, a special extrapolation technique is employed to prevent the loss of numerical stability in presence of arbitrarily small cut-cells. The versatility and accuracy of the proposed approach is demonstrated by means of convergence studies and comparisons with previous experimental and computational investigations.


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While a large amount of research over the past two decades has focused on discrete abstractions of infinite-state dynamical systems, many structural and algorithmic details of these abstractions remain unknown. To clarify the computational resources needed to perform discrete abstractions, this paper examines the algorithmic properties of an existing method for deriving finite-state systems that are bisimilar to linear discrete-time control systems. We explicitly find the structure of the finite-state system, show that it can be enormous compared to the original linear system, and give conditions to guarantee that the finite-state system is reasonably sized and efficiently computable. Though constructing the finite-state system is generally impractical, we see that special cases could be amenable to satisfiability based verification techniques. ©2009 IEEE.


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We are investigating the use of flywheels for energy storage. Flywheel devices need to be of high efficiency and an important source of losses is the bearings. In addition, the requirement is for the devices to have long lifetimes with minimal or no maintenance. Conventional rolling element bearings can and have been used, but a non-contact bearing, such as a superconducting magnetic bearing, is expected to have a longer lifetime and lower losses. At Cambridge we have constructed a flywheel system. Designed to run in vacuum this incorporates a 40kg flywheel supported on superconducting magnetic bearings. The production device will be a 5kW device storing 5 kWh of retrievable energy at 50,000 rpm. The Cambridge system is being developed in parallel with a similar device supported on a conventional bearing. This will allow direct performance comparisons. Although superconducting bearings are increasingly well understood, of major importance are the cryogenics and special attention is being paid to methods of packaging and insulating the superconductors to cut down radiation losses. The work reported here is part of a three-year program of work supported by the EPSRC. © 1999 IEEE.


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This book shows how to exploit the special structure of such problems to develop efficient numerical algorithms.


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Locomotion is of fundamental importance in understanding adaptive behavior. In this paper we present two case studies of robot locomotion that demonstrate how higher level of behavioral diversity can be achieved while observing the principle of cheap design. More precisely, it is shown that, by exploiting the dynamics of the system-environment interaction, very simple controllers can be designed which is essential to achieve rapid locomotion. Special consideration must be given to the choice of body materials. We conclude with some speculation about the importance of locomotion for understanding cognition. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2004.


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© 2014 Taylor & Francis. The durability of asphalt pavements is strongly impaired by cracks, caused primarily by traffic loads and environmental effects. In this work, fracture behaviour of idealised asphalt mixes is investigated. Experiments on idealised asphalt mixes under pure-tension mode (mode I cracking) were performed and fracture parameters were evaluated. In these three-point bend fracture tests, the test variables were temperature and load rate. The test data were stored in an asphalt materials database and special-purpose tools were implemented to analyse and handle the laboratory data automatically. Fracture mechanism maps were constructed, showing the conditions associated with ductile, brittle and ductile-brittle transition regimes of behaviour. The mechanism maps show the failure response of the material in terms of the stress intensity factor, strain energy release rate and J-integral as a function of the temperature-compensated crack mouth opening strain rate. Fracture behaviour of asphalt mix specimens was simulated by cohesive zone model in conjunction with a novel material constitutive model for asphalt mixes. The finite element model agrees well with the experimental results and provides insights into fracture response of the notched asphalt mix beam specimens.