148 resultados para resonant frequency

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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There is much to gain from providing walking machines with passive dynamics, e.g. by including compliant elements in the structure. These elements can offer interesting properties such as self-stabilization, energy efficiency and simplified control. However, there is still no general design strategy for such robots and their controllers. In particular, the calibration of control parameters is often complicated because of the highly nonlinear behavior of the interactions between passive components and the environment. In this article, we propose an approach in which the calibration of a key parameter of a walking controller, namely its intrinsic frequency, is done automatically. The approach uses adaptive frequency oscillators to automatically tune the intrinsic frequency of the oscillators to the resonant frequency of a compliant quadruped robot The tuning goes beyond simple synchronization and the learned frequency stays in the controller when the robot is put to halt. The controller is model free, robust and simple. Results are presented illustrating how the controller can robustly tune itself to the robot, as well as readapt when the mass of the robot is changed. We also provide an analysis of the convergence of the frequency adaptation for a linearized plant, and show how that analysis is useful for determining which type of sensory feedback must be used for stable convergence. This approach is expected to explain some aspects of developmental processes in biological and artificial adaptive systems that "develop" through the embodied system-environment interactions. © 2006 IEEE.


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This paper details a bulk acoustic mode resonator fabricated in single-crystal silicon with a quality factor of 15 000 in air, and over a million below 10 mTorr at a resonant frequency of 2.18 MHz. The resonator is a square plate that is excited in the square-extensional mode and has been fabricated in a commercial foundry silicon-on-insulator (SOI) MEMS process through MEMSCAP. This paper also presents a simple method of extracting resonator parameters from raw measurements heavily buried in electrical feedthrough. Its accuracy has been demonstrated through a comparison between extracted motional resistance values measured at different voltage biases and those predicted from an analytical model. Finally, a method of substantially cancelling electrical feedthrough through system-level electronic implementation is also introduced. © 2008 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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This paper presents a method for the fast and direct extraction of model parameters for capacitive MEMS resonators from their measured transmission response such as quality factor, resonant frequency, and motional resistance. We show that these parameters may be extracted without having to first de-embed the resonator motional current from the feedthrough. The series and parallel resonances from the measured electrical transmission are used to determine the MEMS resonator circuit parameters. The theoretical basis for the method is elucidated by using both the Nyquist and susceptance frequency response plots, and applicable in the limit where CF > CmQ; commonly the case when characterizing MEMS resonators at RF. The method is then applied to the measured electrical transmission for capacitively transduced MEMS resonators, and compared against parameters obtained using a Lorentzian fit to the measured response. Close agreement between the two methods is reported herein. © 2010 IEEE.


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We use vibration localization as a sensitive means of detecting small perturbations in stiffness in a pair of weakly coupled micromechanical resonators. For the first time, the variation in the eigenstates is studied by electrostatically coupling nearly identical resonators to allow for stronger localization of vibrational energy due to perturbations in stiffness. Eigenstate variations that are orders of magnitude greater than corresponding shifts in resonant frequency for an induced stiffness perturbation are experimentally demonstrated. Such high, voltagetunable parametric sensitivities together with the added advantage of intrinsic common mode rejection pave the way to a new paradigm of mechanical sensing. ©2009 IEEE.


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Capacitive parasitic feedthrough is an impediment that is inherent to all electrically interfaced micron scale resonant devices, resulting in increased challenges to their integration in more complex circuits, particularly as devices are scaled to operate at higher frequencies for RF applications. In this paper, a technique to cancel the undesirable effects of capacitive feedthrough that was previously proposed is here developed for an on-chip implementation. The method reported in this paper benefits from the simplicity of its implementation, and its effectiveness is demonstrated in this paper. This technique is demonstrated for two disk-plate resonators that have been excited in the wine glass mode at 5.4 MHz, though applicable to almost any electrically interfaced resonator. Measurements of the electrical transmission from these resonators show that the magnitude of the frequency response of the system is enhanced by up to 19 dB, while the phase is found to shift through a full 180° about the resonant frequency. This method is proposed as a useful addition to other techniques for enhancing the measured response of electrostatic micromechanical resonators. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper reports the design and electrical characterization of a micromechanical disk resonator fabricated in single crystal silicon using a foundry SOI micromachining process. The microresonator has been selectively excited in the radial extensional and the wine glass modes by reversing the polarity of the DC bias voltage applied on selected drive electrodes around the resonant structure. The quality factor of the resonator vibrating in the radial contour mode was 8000 at a resonant frequency of 6.34 MHz at pressure below 10 mTorr vacuum. The highest measured quality factor of the resonator in the wine glass resonant mode was 1.9 × 106 using a DC bias voltage of 20 V at about the same pressure in vacuum; the resonant frequency was 5.43 MHz and the lowest motional resistance measured was approximately 17 kΩ using a DC bias voltage of 60 V applied across 2.7 μm actuation gaps. This corresponds to a resonant frequency-quality factor (f-Q) product of 1.02 × 1013, among the highest reported for single crystal silicon microresonators, and on par with the best quartz crystal resonators. The quality factor for the wine glass mode in air was approximately 10,000. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present a technique for independently exciting two resonant modes of vibration in a single-crystal silicon bulk mode microresonator using the same electrode configuration through control of the polarity of the DC actuation voltage. Applications of this technique may include built-in temperature compensation by the simultaneous selective excitation of two closely spaced modes that may have different temperature coefficients of resonant frequency. The technique is simple and requires minimum circuit overhead for implementation. The technique is implemented on square plate resonators with quality factors as high as 3.06 × 106. Copyright © 2008 by ASME.


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This paper reports on the design and electrical characterization of a single crystal silicon micromechanical square-plate resonator. The microresonator has been excited in the anti-symmetrical wine glass mode at a resonant frequency of 5.166 MHz and exhibits an impressive quality factor (Q) of 3.7 × 106 at a pressure of 33 mtorr. The device has been fabricated in a commercial foundry process. An associated motional resistance of approximately 50 kΩ using a dc bias voltage of 60 V is measured for a transduction gap of 2 νm due to the ultra-high Q of the resonator. This result corresponds to a frequency-Q product of 1.9 × 1013, the highest reported for a fundamental mode single-crystal silicon resonator and on par with some of the best quartz crystal resonators. The results are indicative of the superior performance of silicon as a mechanical material, and show that the wine glass resonant mode is beneficial for achieving high quality factors allowed by the material limit. © 2009 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Abstract-This paper reports a single-crystal silicon mass sensor based on a square-plate resonant structure excited in the wine glass bulk acoustic mode at a resonant frequency of 2.065 MHz and an impressive quality factor of 4 million at 12 mtorr pressure. Mass loading on the resonator results in a linear downshift in the resonant frequency of this device, wherein the measured sensitivity is found to be 175 Hz cm2/μg. The silicon resonator is embedded in an oscillator feedback loop, which has a short-term frequency stability of 3 mHz (approximately 1.5 ppb) at an operating pressure of 3.2 mtorr, corresponding to an equivalent mass noise floor of 17 pg/cm2. Possible applications of this device include thin film monitoring and gas sensing, with the potential added benefits of scalability and integration with CMOS technology. © 2008 IEEE.


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This paper presents a method for fast and accurate determination of parameters relevant to the characterization of capacitive MEMS resonators like quality factor (Q), resonant frequency (fn), and equivalent circuit parameters such as the motional capacitance (Cm). In the presence of a parasitic feedthrough capacitor (CF) appearing across the input and output ports, the transmission characteristic is marked by two resonances: series (S) and parallel (P). Close approximations of these circuit parameters are obtained without having to first de-embed the resonator motional current typically buried in feedthrough by using the series and parallel resonances. While previous methods with the same objective are well known, we show that these are limited to the condition where CF ≪ CmQ. In contrast, this work focuses on moderate capacitive feedthrough levels where CF > CmQ, which are more common in MEMS resonators. The method is applied to data obtained from the measured electrical transmission of fabricated SOI MEMS resonators. Parameter values deduced via direct extraction are then compared against those obtained by a full extraction procedure where de-embedding is first performed and followed by a Lorentzian fit to the data based on the classical transfer function associated with a generic LRC series resonant circuit. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Piezoelectric systems are viewed as a promising approach to energy harvesting from environmental vibrations. The energy harvested from real vibration sources is usually difficult to estimate analytically. Therefore, it is hard to optimise the associated energy harvesting system. This work investigates the optimisation of a piezoelectric cantilever system using a genetic algorithm based approach with numerical simulations. The genetic algorithm globally considers the effects of each parameter to produce an optimal frequency response to scavenge more energy from the real vibrations while the conventional sinusoidal based method can only optimise the resistive load for a given resonant frequency. Experimental acceleration data from the vibrations of a vehicle-excited manhole cover demonstrates that the optimised harvester automatically selects the right frequency and also synchronously optimises the damper and the resistive load. This method shows great potential for optimizing the energy harvesting systems with real vibration data. ©2009 IEEE.


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In this paper, we present experimental results describing enhanced readout of the vibratory response of a doubly clamped zinc oxide (ZnO) nanowire employing a purely electrical actuation and detection scheme. The measured response suggests that the piezoelectric and semiconducting properties of ZnO effectively enhance the motional current for electromechanical transduction. For a doubly clamped ZnO nanowire resonator with radius ~10 nm and length ~1.91 µm, a resonant frequency around 21.4 MHz is observed with a quality factor (Q) of ~358 in vacuum. A comparison with the Q obtained in air (~242) shows that these nano-scale devices may be operated in fluid as viscous damping is less significant at these length scales. Additionally, the suspended nanowire bridges show field effect transistor (FET) characteristics when the underlying silicon substrate is used as a gate electrode or using a lithographically patterned in-plane gate electrode. Moreover, the Young's modulus of ZnO nanowires is extracted from a static bending test performed on a nanowire cantilever using an AFM and the value is compared to that obtained from resonant frequency measurements of electrically addressed clamped–clamped beam nanowire resonators.


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ZnO thin film bulk acoustic resonators (FBARs) with resonant frequency of ∼1.5 GHz have been fabricated to function as an odorant biosensor. Physical adsorption of an odorant binding protein (AaegOBP22 from Aedes aegypti) resulted in frequency down shift. N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide (DEET) has been selected as a ligand to the odorant binding protein (OBP). Alternate exposure of the bare FBARs to nitrogen flow with and without DEET vapor did not cause any noticeable frequency change. However, frequency drop was detected when exposing the OBP loaded FBAR sensors to the nitrogen flow containing DEET vapor against nitrogen flow alone (control) and the extent of frequency shift was proportional to the amount of the protein immobilized on the FBAR surface, indicating a linear response to DEET binding. These findings demonstrate the potential of binding protein functionalized FBARs as odorant biosensors. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report the construction of a new class of micromachined displacement sensors that employ the phenomenon of vibration-mode localization for monitoring minute inertial displacements. It is demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally that the eigenstate-shifted output signal of such mode-localized displacement sensors may be as high as 1000 times greater than corresponding resonant-frequency variations that serve as the output in the more traditional vibratory resonant micromechanical displacement/motion sensors. The high parametric sensitivities attainable in such mode-localized displacement sensors, together with their inherent advantages of improved environmental robustness and electrical tunability, suggest an alternative approach in achieving improved sensitivity and stability in high-resolution displacement transduction. © 1992-2012 IEEE.


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In this paper the global flame dynamics of a model annular gas turbine combustor undergoing strong self-excited circumferential instabilities is presented. The combustor consisted of either 12, 15 or 18 turbulent premixed bluff-body flames arranged around an annulus of fixed circumference so that the effect of flame separation distance, S, on the global heat release dynamics could be investigated. Reducing S was found to produce both an increase in the resonant frequency and the limit-cycle amplitudes of pressure and heat release for the same equivalence ratio. The phase-averaged global heat release, obtained from high-speed OH- chemiluminescence imaging from above, showed that these changes are caused by large-scale modifications to the flame structure around the annulus. For the largest S studied (12 flame configuration) the azimuthal instability produced a helical-like global heat release structure for each flame. When S was decreased, large-scale merging or linking between adjacent flames occurred spanning approximately half of the annulus with the peak heat release concentrated at the outer annular wall. The circumferential nature of the instability was evident from both the pressure measurements and the phase-averaged OH- chemiluminescence showing the phase of the heat release on either side of the annulus to be ≈180°apart and spinning in the counter clockwise direction. Both spinning and standing modes were found but only spinning modes are considered in this paper. To the best of the authors knowledge, these are the first experiments to provide a phase-averaged picture of self-excited azimuthal instabilities in a laboratory-scale annular combustor relevant to gas turbines. © 2012 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.