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em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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The mechanical amplification effect of parametric resonance has the potential to outperform direct resonance by over an order of magnitude in terms of power output. However, the excitation must first overcome the damping-dependent initiation threshold amplitude prior to accessing this more profitable region. In addition to activating the principal (1st order) parametric resonance at twice the natural frequency ω0, higher orders of parametric resonance may be accessed when the excitation frequency is in the vicinity of 2ω0/n for integer n. Together with the passive design approaches previously developed to reduce the initiation threshold to access the principal parametric resonance, vacuum packaging (< 10 torr) is employed to further reduce the threshold and unveil the higher orders. A vacuum packaged MEMS electrostatic harvester (0.278 mm3) exhibited 4 and 5 parametric resonance peaks at room pressure and vacuum respectively when scanned up to 10 g. At 5.1 ms-2, a peak power output of 20.8 nW and 166 nW is recorded for direct and principal parametric resonance respectively at atmospheric pressure; while a peak power output of 60.9 nW and 324 nW is observed for the respective resonant peaks in vacuum. Additionally, unlike direct resonance, the operational frequency bandwidth of parametric resonance broadens with lower damping. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.


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A useful insight into managerial decision making can be found from simulation of business systems, but existing work on simulation of supply chain behaviour has largely considered non-competitive chains. Where competitive agents have been examined, they have generally had a simple structure and been used for fundamental examination of stability and equilibria rather than providing practical guidance to managers. In this paper, a new agent for the study of competitive supply chain network dynamics is proposed. The novel features of the agent include the ability to select between competing vendors, distribute orders preferentially among many customers, manage production and inventory, and determine price based on competitive behaviour. The structure of the agent is related to existing business models and sufficient details are provided to allow implementation. The agent is tested to demonstrate that it recreates the main results of the existing modelling and management literature on supply chain dynamics. A brief exploration of competitive dynamics is given to confirm that the proposed agent can respond to competition. The results demonstrate that overall profitability for a supply chain network is maximised when businesses operate collectively. It is possible for an individual business to achieve higher profits by adopting a more competitive stance, but the consequence of this is that the overall profitability of the network is reduced. The agent will be of use for a broad range of studies on the long-run effect of management decisions on their network of suppliers and customers.


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We use vibration localization as a sensitive means of detecting small perturbations in stiffness in a pair of weakly coupled micromechanical resonators. For the first time, the variation in the eigenstates is studied by electrostatically coupling nearly identical resonators to allow for stronger localization of vibrational energy due to perturbations in stiffness. Eigenstate variations that are orders of magnitude greater than corresponding shifts in resonant frequency for an induced stiffness perturbation are experimentally demonstrated. Such high, voltagetunable parametric sensitivities together with the added advantage of intrinsic common mode rejection pave the way to a new paradigm of mechanical sensing. ©2009 IEEE.


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We measure the effects of phonon confinement on the Raman spectra of silicon nanowires (SiNWs). We show how previous reports of phonon confinement in SiNWs and nanostructures are actually inconsistent with phonon confinement, but are due to the intense local heating caused by the laser power used for Raman measurements. This is peculiar to nanostructures, and would require orders of magnitude higher power in bulk Si. By varying the temperature, power and excitation energy, we identify the contributions of pure confinement, heating and carrier photo-excitation. After eliminating laser-related effects, the Raman spectra show confinement signatures typical of quantum wires. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We measure the effects of phonon confinement on the Raman spectra of silicon nanowires. We show how previous spectra were inconsistent with phonon confinement, but were due to intense local heating caused by the laser. This is peculiar to nanostructures, and would require orders of magnitude more power in bulk Si. By working at very low laser powers, we identify the contribution of pure confinement typical of quantum wires.


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This paper describes results obtained using the modified Kanerva model to perform word recognition in continuous speech after being trained on the multi-speaker Alvey 'Hotel' speech corpus. Theoretical discoveries have recently enabled us to increase the speed of execution of part of the model by two orders of magnitude over that previously reported by Prager & Fallside. The memory required for the operation of the model has been similarly reduced. The recognition accuracy reaches 95% without syntactic constraints when tested on different data from seven trained speakers. Real time simulation of a model with 9,734 active units is now possible in both training and recognition modes using the Alvey PARSIFAL transputer array. The modified Kanerva model is a static network consisting of a fixed nonlinear mapping (location matching) followed by a single layer of conventional adaptive links. A section of preprocessed speech is transformed by the non-linear mapping to a high dimensional representation. From this intermediate representation a simple linear mapping is able to perform complex pattern discrimination to form the output, indicating the nature of the speech features present in the input window.


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Nanoindentation is a popular technique for measuring the intrinsic mechanical response of bone and has been used to measure a single-valued elastic modulus. However, bone is a composite material with 20-80 nm hydroxyapatite plates embedded in a collagen matrix, and modern instrumentation allows for measurements at these small length scales. The present study examines the indentation response of bone and artificial gelatin-apatite nanocomposite materials across three orders of magnitude of lengthscale, from nanometers to micrometers, to isolate the composite phase contributions to the overall response. The load-displacement responses were variable and deviated from the quadratic response of homogeneous materials at small depths. The distribution of apparent elastic modulus values narrowed substantially with increasing indentation load. Indentation of particulate nanocomposites was simulated using finite element analysis. Modeling results replicated the convergence in effective modulus seen in the experiments. It appears that the apatite particles are acting as the continuous ("matrix") phase in bone and nanocomposites. Copyright © 2004 by ASME.


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We investigated the dynamics and relaxation of 90° domains in 60-nm-thick lead-zirconium titanate (PbZr0.3 T0.7 O3) films, with enhanced piezoresponse force microscopy. We show that under opposite electric fie ld, ferroelectric domains are reversibly switched while ferroelastic domains reorganize in a nonreversible way. Moreover, we show that the relaxation-time constant of 90° domains is two orders of magnitude shorter than for the previously reported 180° domains relaxation. Furthermore, we demonstrate the influence of geometry and scale on the relaxation process. Finally, we propose a relaxation mechanism for ferroelastic-ferroelectric systems, with implications for devices based on these materials. © 2010 The American Physical Society.


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Turbomachinery flows are inherently unsteady. Until now during the design process, unsteadiness has been neglected, with resort merely to steady numerical simulations. Despite the assumption involved, the results obtained with steady simulations have been used with success. One of the questions arising in recent years is can unsteady simulations be used to improve the design of turbomachines? In this work the numerical simulation of a multi-stage axial compressor is carried out. Comparison of Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) and unsteady Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) calculation shows that the unsteadiness affects pressure losses and the prediction of stall limit. The unsteady inflow due to the wake passing mainly modifies the losses and whirl angle near the endwalls. The computational cost of the fully unsteady compared with a steady simulation is about four times in terms of mesh dimension and two orders of magnitude as number of iterations. A mixed RANS-URANS solution has been proposed to give the designer the possibility to simulate an unsteady stage embedded in a steady-state simulation. This method has been applied to the simulation of a four-stage axial compressor rig. The mixed RANS-URANS approach has been developed using sliding and mixing planes as interface conditions. The rotor-stator interaction has been captured physically while reducing the computational time and mesh size.


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Ferroic-order parameters are useful as state variables in non-volatile information storage media because they show a hysteretic dependence on their electric or magnetic field. Coupling ferroics with quantum-mechanical tunnelling allows a simple and fast readout of the stored information through the influence of ferroic orders on the tunnel current. For example, data in magnetic random-access memories are stored in the relative alignment of two ferromagnetic electrodes separated by a non-magnetic tunnel barrier, and data readout is accomplished by a tunnel current measurement. However, such devices based on tunnel magnetoresistance typically exhibit OFF/ON ratios of less than 4, and require high powers for write operations (>1 × 10(6) A cm(-2)). Here, we report non-volatile memories with OFF/ON ratios as high as 100 and write powers as low as ∼1 × 10(4) A cm(-2) at room temperature by storing data in the electric polarization direction of a ferroelectric tunnel barrier. The junctions show large, stable, reproducible and reliable tunnel electroresistance, with resistance switching occurring at the coercive voltage of ferroelectric switching. These ferroelectric devices emerge as an alternative to other resistive memories, and have the advantage of not being based on voltage-induced migration of matter at the nanoscale, but on a purely electronic mechanism.


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We demonstrate a fast-switching (sub-millisecond) phase grating based upon a polymer stabilized short-pitch chiral nematic liquid crystal that is electrically addressed using in-plane electric fields. The combination of the short-pitch and the polymer stabilization enables the diffraction pattern to be switched “on” and “off” reversibly in 600 µs. Results are presented on the far-field diffraction pattern along with the intensity of the diffraction orders as a function of the applied electric field and the response times.


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We demonstrate high count rate single photon detection at telecom wavelengths using a thermoelectrically-cooled semiconductor diode. Our device consists of a single InGaAs avalanche photodiode driven by a 2 GHz gating frequency signal and coupled to a tuneable self-differencing circuit for enhanced detection sensitivity. We find the count rate is linear with the photon flux in the single photon detection regime over approximately four orders of magnitude, and saturates at 1 gigacount/s at high photon fluxes. This result highlights promising potential for APDs in high bit rate quantum information applications.


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We demonstrate a fast-switching (sub-millisecond) phase grating based upon a polymer stabilized short-pitch chiral nematic liquid crystal that is electrically addressed using in-plane electric fields. The combination of the short-pitch and the polymer stabilization enables the diffraction pattern to be switched on and off reversibly in 600 μs. Results are presented on the far-field diffraction pattern along with the intensity of the diffraction orders as a function of the applied electric field and the response times. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.


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Ferroic-order parameters are useful as state variables in non-volatile information storage media because they show a hysteretic dependence on their electric or magnetic field. Coupling ferroics with quantum-mechanical tunnelling allows a simple and fast readout of the stored information through the influence of ferroic orders on the tunnel current. For example, data in magnetic random-access memories are stored in the relative alignment of two ferromagnetic electrodes separated by a non-magnetic tunnel barrier, and data readout is accomplished by a tunnel current measurement. However, such devices based on tunnel magnetoresistance typically exhibit OFF/ON ratios of less than 4, and require high powers for write operations (>1 × 10 6 A cm -2). Here, we report non-volatile memories with OFF/ON ratios as high as 100 and write powers as low as ∼1 × 10 4A cm -2 at room temperature by storing data in the electric polarization direction of a ferroelectric tunnel barrier. The junctions show large, stable, reproducible and reliable tunnel electroresistance, with resistance switching occurring at the coercive voltage of ferroelectric switching. These ferroelectric devices emerge as an alternative to other resistive memories, and have the advantage of not being based on voltage-induced migration of matter at the nanoscale, but on a purely electronic mechanism. © 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.