21 resultados para misfit dislocations

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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A small-strain two-dimensional discrete dislocation plasticity (DDP) framework is developed wherein dislocation motion is caused by climb-assisted glide. The climb motion of the dislocations is assumed to be governed by a drag-type relation similar to the glide-only motion of dislocations: such a relation is valid when vacancy kinetics is either diffusion limited or sink limited. The DDP framework is employed to predict the effect of dislocation climb on the uniaxial tensile and pure bending response of single crystals. Under uniaxial tensile loading conditions, the ability of dislocations to bypass obstacles by climb results in a reduced dislocation density over a wide range of specimen sizes in the climb-assisted glide case compared to when dislocation motion is only by glide. A consequence is that, at least in a single slip situation, size effects due to dislocation starvation are reduced. By contrast, under pure bending loading conditions, the dislocation density is unaffected by dislocation climb as geometrically necessary dislocations (GNDs) dominate. However, climb enables the dislocations to arrange themselves into lower energy configurations which significantly reduces the predicted bending size effect as well as the amount of reverse plasticity observed during unloading. The results indicate that the intrinsic plasticity material length scale associated with GNDs is strongly affected by thermally activated processes and will be a function of temperature. © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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The efficiency of the injection and recombination processes in InGaN/GaN LEDs is governed by the properties of the active region of the devices, which strongly depend on the conditions used for the growth of the epitaxial material. To improve device quality, it is very important to understand how the high temperatures used during the growth process can modify the quality of the epitaxial material. With this paper we present a study of the modifications in the properties of InGaN/GaN LED structures induced by high temperature annealing: thermal stress tests were carried out at 900 °C, in nitrogen atmosphere, on selected samples. The efficiency and the recombination dynamics were evaluated by photoluminescence measurements (both integrated and time-resolved), while the properties of the epitaxial material were studied by Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy (SIMS) and Rutherford Backscattering (RBS) channeling measurements. Results indicate that exposure to high temperatures may lead to: (i) a significant increase in the photoluminescence efficiency of the devices; (ii) a decrease in the parasitic emission bands located between 380 nm and 400 nm; (iii) an increase in carrier lifetime, as detected by time-resolved photoluminescence measurements. The increase in device efficiency is tentatively ascribed to an improvement in the crystallographic quality of the samples. © 2013 SPIE.


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Two solar cells based on an InGaN/GaN p-i-n hetero-junction, but having different dislocation densities, were fabricated and characterized. The structures were grown on c-plane (0001) GaN-on-sapphire templates with different threading dislocation (TD) densities of 5×108 and 5×109 cm-2. Structural characterization revealed the presence of V-defects in the InGaN epilayer. Since each V-defect was associated with a TD, the structural as well as the optical properties worsened with a higher TD density in the GaN/sapphire template. It was also found that additional dislocations were generated in the p-GaN layer over the V-defects in the InGaN layer. Because of its superior structural quality, the peak external quantum efficiency (EQE) of the low TD density sample was three times higher than that of the high TD density sample. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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An experimental study of local orientations around whiskers in deformed metal matrix composites has been used to determine the strain gradients existing in the material following tensile deformation. These strain fields have been represented as arrays of geometrically necessary dislocations, and the material flow stress predicted using a standard dislocation hardening model. Whilst the correlation between this and the measured flow stress is reasonable, the experimentally determined strain gradients are lower by a factor of 5-10 than values obtained in previous estimates made using continuum plasticity finite element models. The local orientations around the whiskers contain a large amount of detailed information about the strain patterns in the material, and a novel approach is made to representing some of this information and to correlating it with microstructural observations. © 1998 Acta Metallurgica Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A study is presented of grain-boundary cavitation produced in Nimonic 80A by cold-deformation and stress-free annealing. The cavities were found to originate either from transverse cracking of carbide particles, or from decohesion of the particle-grain boundary interfaces. This decohesion could occur either during deformation, or during annealing. The cavities were invariably located at or close to the point of impingement of a matrix slip band on the grain boundary, but not all slip bands at a particular boundary were associated with cavitation. Quantitative evidence is presented showing that the mean number of dislocations associated with each slip band increases with macroscopic strain, but there is considerable variation between slip bands. This accounts for the differential ability of slip bands to result in cavity nucleation.


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Cyclic loading of a plane strain mode I crack under small scale yielding is analyzed using discrete dislocation dynamics. The dislocations are all of edge character, and are modeled as line singularities in an elastic solid. At each stage of loading, superposition is used to represent the solution in terms of solutions for edge dislocations in a half-space and a non-singular complementary solution that enforces the boundary conditions, which is obtained from a linear elastic, finite element solution. The lattice resistance to dislocation motion, dislocation nucleation, dislocation interaction with obstacles and dislocation annihilation are incorporated into the formulation through a set of constitutive rules. An irreversible relation between the opening traction and the displacement jump across a cohesive surface ahead of the initial crack tip is also specified, which permits crack growth to emerge naturally. It is found that crack growth can occur under cyclic loading conditions even when the peak stress intensity factor is smaller than the stress intensity required for crack growth under monotonic loading conditions; however below a certain threshold value of ΔKI no crack growth was seen.


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Small scale yielding around a mode I crack is analysed using polycrystalline discrete dislocation plasticity. Plane strain analyses are carried out with the dislocations all of edge character and modelled as line singularities in a linear elastic material. The lattice resistance to dislocation motion, nucleation, interaction with obstacles and annihilation are incorporated through a set of constitutive rules. Grain boundaries are modelled as impenetrable to dislocations. The polycrystalline material is taken to consist of two types of square grains, one of which has a bcc-like orientation and the other an fcc-like orientation. For both orientations there are three active slip systems. Alternating rows, alternating columns and a checker-board-like arrangement of the grains is used to construct the polycrystalline materials. Consistent with the increasing yield strength of the polycrystalline material with decreasing grain size, the calculations predict a decrease in both the plastic zone size and the crack-tip opening displacement for a given applied mode I stress intensity factor. Furthermore, slip-band and kink-band formation is inhibited by all grain arrangements and, with decreasing grain size, the stress and strain distributions more closely resemble the HRR fields with the crack-tip opening approximately inversely proportional to the yield strength of the polycrystalline materials. The calculations predict a reduction in fracture toughness with decreasing grain size associated with the grain boundaries acting as effective barriers to dislocation motion.


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We present a gradient-based motion capture system that robustly tracks a human hand, based on abstracted visual information - silhouettes. Despite the ambiguity in the visual data and despite the vulnerability of gradient-based methods in the face of such ambiguity, we minimise problems related to misfit by using a model of the hand's physiology, which is entirely non-visual, subject-invariant, and assumed to be known a priori. By modelling seven distinct aspects of the hand's physiology we derive prior densities which are incorporated into the tracking system within a Bayesian framework. We demonstrate how the posterior is formed, and how our formulation leads to the extraction of the maximum a posteriori estimate using a gradient-based search. Our results demonstrate an enormous improvement in tracking precision and reliability, while also achieving near real-time performance. © 2009 IEEE.


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The tensile response of single crystal films passivated on two sides is analysed using climb enabled discrete dislocation plasticity. Plastic deformation is modelled through the motion of edge dislocations in an elastic solid with a lattice resistance to dislocation motion, dislocation nucleation, dislocation interaction with obstacles and dislocation annihilation incorporated through a set of constitutive rules. The dislocation motion in the films is by glide-only or by climb-assisted glide whereas in the surface passivation layers dislocation motion occurs by glide-only and penalized by a friction stress. For realistic values of the friction stress, the size dependence of the flow strength of the oxidised films was mainly a geometrical effect resulting from the fact that the ratio of the oxide layer thickness to film thickness increases with decreasing film thickness. However, if the passivation layer was modelled as impenetrable, i.e. an infinite friction stress, the plastic hardening rate of the films increases with decreasing film thickness even for geometrically self-similar specimens. This size dependence is an intrinsic material size effect that occurs because the dislocation pile-up lengths become on the order of the film thickness. Counter-intuitively, the films have a higher flow strength when dislocation motion is driven by climb-assisted glide compared to the case when dislocation motion is glide-only. This occurs because dislocation climb breaks up the dislocation pile-ups that aid dislocations to penetrate the passivation layers. The results also show that the Bauschinger effect in passivated thin films is stronger when dislocation motion is climb-assisted compared to films wherein dislocation motion is by glide-only. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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Analyses of crack growth under cyclic loading conditions are discussed where plastic flow arises from the motion of large numbers of discrete dislocations and the fracture properties are embedded in a cohesive surface constitutive relation. The formulation is the same as used to analyse crack growth under monotonic loading conditions, differing only in the remote loading being a cyclic function of time. Fatigue, i.e. crack growth in cyclic loading at a driving force for which the crack would have arrested under monotonic loading, emerges in the simulations as a consequence of the evolution of internal stresses associated with the irreversibility of the dislocation motion. A fatigue threshold, Paris law behaviour, striations, the accelerated growth of short cracks and the scaling with material properties are outcomes of the calculations. Results for single crystals and polycrystals will be discussed.