20 resultados para low threshold pumping

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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Dense arrays of high aspect ratio Si micro-pyramids have been formed by cumulative high intensity laser irradiation of doped Si wafers in an SF6 environment. A comparative study using nanosecond (XeCl, 308 nm) and femtosecond (Ti: Sapphire, 800 nm and KrF, 248 nm) laser pulses has been performed in this work. The influence of pulse duration and ambient gas pressure (SF6) is also presented. Scanning electron microscopy has shown that upon laser irradiation conical features appear on the Si surface in a rather homogenous distribution and with a spontaneous self alignment into arrays. Their lowest tip diameter is 800 nm; while their height reaches up to 90 mum. Secondary tip decoration appears on the surface of the formed spikes. Areas of 2 X 2 mm(2) covered with Si cones have been tested as cold cathode field emitters. After several conditioning cycles, the field emission threshold for the studied Si tips is as low as 2 V/mum, with an emission current of 10(-3) A/cm(2) at 4 V/mum. Even though these structures have smaller aspect ratios than good quality carbon nanotubes, their field emission properties are similar. The simple and direct formation of field emission Si arrays over small pre-selected areas by laser irradiation could lead to a novel approach for the development of electron sources. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Herein we report a low-threshold organic laser device based on semiconducting poly(9, 9′ -dioctylfluoren-2,7-diyl-alt-benzothiadiazole) (F8BT) encapsulated in a mechanically stretchable polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) matrix. We take advantage of the natural flexibility of PDMS to alter the periodicity of the distributed feedback grating which in turn tunes the gain wavelength at which the resonant feedback is obtained. This way, we demonstrate that low-threshold lasing [6.1 μJ cm-2 (5.3 nJ)] is maintained over a large stretching range of 0%-7% which translates into a tuning range of about 20 nm. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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In order to understand how the performance of a liquid-crystal laser depends on the physical properties of the low molar mass nematic host, we have studied the energy threshold and slope efficiency of ten optically pumped liquid-crystal lasers based on different hosts. Specifically, this leads to a variation in the birefringence, the orientational order parameter, and the order parameter of the transition dipole moment of the dye. It is found that low threshold energies and high slope efficiencies correlate with high order parameters and large birefringences. To a first approximation this can be understood by considering analytical expressions for the threshold and slope efficiency, which are derived from the space-independent rate equations for a two-level system, in terms of the macroscopic liquid crystal properties.


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In this study we have fabricated eight different liquid-crystal lasers using the same gain medium but different homologues from the bimesogenic series alpha-(2',4-difluorobiphenyl-4'-yloxy)-omega-(4-cyanobiphenyl-4'-yloxy)alkanes, whereby the number of methylene units in the spacer chain varied from n=5 to n=12. To quantify the performance of these lasers, the threshold energy and the slope efficiency were extracted from the input-output characteristics of each laser. A clear odd-even effect was observed when both the excitation threshold and the slope efficiency were plotted as a function of the number of methylene units in the spacer chain. In all cases, the bimesogen lasers for which n is even exhibit lower threshold energies and higher slope efficiencies than those for which n is odd. These results are then interpreted in terms of the macroscopic physical properties of the liquid-crystalline compounds. In accordance with a previous study [S. M. Morris, A. D. Ford, M. N. Pivnenko, O. Hadeler, and H. J. Coles, Phys. Rev. E. 74, 061709 (2006)], a combination of a large birefringence and high order parameters are found, in the most part, to correlate with low-threshold energy and high slope efficiency. This indicates that the threshold and slope efficiency are dominated by the host macroscopic properties as opposed to intermolecular interactions between the dye and the liquid crystal. However, certain differences in the slope efficiency could not be explained by the birefringence and order parameter values alone. Instead, we find that the slope efficiency is further increased by increasing the elastic constants of the liquid-crystal host so as to decrease the scattering losses incurred by local distortions in the director field under high-energy optical excitation.


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The self-organization of the helical structure of chiral nematic liquid crystals combined with their sensitivity to electric fields makes them particularly interesting for low-threshold, wavelength tunable laser devices. We have studied these organic lasers in detail, ranging from the influence specific macroscopic properties, such as birefringence and order parameter, have on the output characteristics, to practical systems in the form of two-dimensional arrays, double-pass geometries and paintable lasers. Furthermore, even though chiral nematics are responsive to electric fields there is no facile means by which the helix periodicity can be adjusted, thereby allowing laser wavelength tuning, without adversely affecting the optical quality of the resonator. Therefore, in addition to studying the liquid crystal lasers, we have focused on finding a novel method with which to alter the periodicity of a chiral nematic using electric fields without inducing defects and degrading the optical quality factor of the resonator. This paper presents an overview of our research, describing (i) the correlation between laser output and material properties,(ii) the importance of the gain medium,(iii) multicolor laser arrays, and (iv) high slope efficiency (>60%) silicon back-plane devices. Overall we conclude that these materials have great potential for use in versatile organic laser systems.


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This paper examines the possibility of using a background gas medium to enhance the current available from low threshold carbon cathodes. The field emission current is used to initiate a plasma in the gas medium, and thereby achieve a current multiplication effect. Results on the variation of anode current as a function of electric field and gas pressure are presented. These are compared with model calculations to verify the principles of operation. The influence of ion bombardment on the long term performance thin film carbon cathodes is examined for He and Ar multiplication plasmas. A measure of the influence of current multiplication on display quality is presented by examining light output from two standard low voltage phosphors. Also studied are the influence of doping the carbon with N to lower the threshold voltage for emission as well as the consequent impact on anode current from the plasma.


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Triisopropylsilylethynyl-pentacene (TIPS-PEN) has proven to be one of the most promising small molecules in the field of molecular electronics, due to its unique features in terms of stability, performance and ease of processing. Among a wide variety of well-established techniques for the deposition of TIPS-PEN, blade-metered methods have recently gained great interest towards the formation of uniform crystalline films over a large area. Following this rationale, we herein designed a versatile approach based on blade-coating, which overcomes the problem of anisotropic crystal formation by manipulating the solvent evaporation behaviour, in a way that brings about a preferential degree of crystal orientation. The applicability of this method was evaluated by fabricating field-effect transistors on glass as well as on silicon dioxide/silicon (SiO2/Si) substrates. Interestingly, in an attempt to improve the rheological and wetting behaviour of the liquid films on the SiO2/Si substrates, we introduced a polymeric interlayer of polystyrene (PS) or polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) which concurrently acts as passivation and crystallization assisting layer. In this case, the synergistic effects of the highly-ordered crystalline structure and the oxide surface modification were thoroughly investigated. The overall performance of the fabricated devices revealed excellent electrical characteristics, with high saturation mobilities up to 0.72 cm2 V-1 s-1 (on glass with polymeric dielectric), on/off current ratio >104 and low threshold voltage values (<-5 V). This journal is © the Partner Organisations 2014.


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Placing a gene of interest under the control of an inducible promoter greatly aids the purification, localization and functional analysis of proteins but usually requires the sub-cloning of the gene of interest into an appropriate expression vector. Here, we describe an alternative approach employing in vitro transposition of Tn Omega P(BAD) to place the highly regulable, arabinose inducible P(BAD) promoter upstream of the gene to be expressed. The method is rapid, simple and facilitates the optimization of expression by producing constructs with variable distances between the P(BAD) promoter and the gene. To illustrate the use of this approach, we describe the construction of a strain of Escherichia coli in which growth at low temperatures on solid media is dependent on threshold levels of arabinose. Other uses of the transposable promoter are also discussed.


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Nanocluster carbon films grown using a cathodic arc process at room temperature in the presence of background gases such as helium are found to be good electron emitters. The variation in the surface morphology and the corresponding emission characteristics of the films with change in helium partial pressure (5×10-4 to 50 Torr) during film growth are reported. The effect of helium partial pressure on clustering was studied for films grown at nitrogen partial pressures of 10-4 and 10-3 Torr. The surface morphology of the films varied from smooth through clusters (with sizes 50-200 nm) to fibrous films. The threshold field varied from 1 to 10 V/μm for an emission current density 1 μA/cm2.