8 resultados para ligament

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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This paper presents results from experimental measurements on radiative transfer in FeCrAlY (a steel based high temperature alloy) foams having high porosity (95%) and different cell sizes, manufactured at low cost from the sintering route. The spectral transmittance and reflectance are measured at different infrared wavelengths ranging from 2.5 to 50 μm, which are subsequently used to determine the extinction coefficient and foam emissivity. The results show that the spectral quantities are strongly dependent on the wavelength, particularly in the short wavelength regime (<25 μm). Whilst the extinction coefficient decreases with increasing cell size, the effect of cell size on foam reflectance is not significant. When the temperature is increased, the total extinction coefficient increases but the total reflectance decreases. An analytical model based on geometric optics laws, diffraction theory and metal foam morphology is developed to predict the radiative transfer, with cell size (or cell ligament diameter) and porosity identified as the two key parameters that dictate the foam radiative properties. Close agreement between the predicted effective foam conductivity due to radiation alone and that measured is observed. At fixed porosity, the radiative conductivity of the metal foam increases with increasing cell size and temperature. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.


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High speed photographic images of jets formed from dilute solutions of polystyrene in diethyl phthalate ejected from a piezoelectric drop-on-demand inkjet head have been analyzed in order to study the formation and distribution of drops as the ligament collapses. Particular attention has been paid to satellite drops, and their relative separation and sizes. The effect of polymer concentration was investigated. The distribution of nearest-neighbour centre spacing between the drops formed from the ligament is better described by a 2-parameter modified gamma distribution than by a Gaussian distribution. There are (at least) two different populations of satellite size relative to the main drop size formed at normal jetting velocities, with ratios of about three between the diameters of the main drop and the successive satellite sizes. The distribution of the differences in drop size between neighbouring drops is close to Gaussian, with a small non-zero mean for low polymer concentrations, which is associated with the conical shape of the ligament prior to its collapse and the formation of satellites. Higher polymer concentrations result in slower jets for the same driving impulse, and also a tendency to form ligaments with a near-constant width. Under these conditions the mean of the distribution of differences in nearest-neighbour drop size was zero.


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A previous 1-D model for the shortening of an unbroken drop-on-demand ink-jet ligament has been extended to the case of an arbitrary attached tail mass, and can also include extensional viscosity (which has ∼ 2% effect) as well as linear elasticity in the fluid. Predictions from the improved model are shown to be very similar to results from 2-D axisymmetric numerical simulations of DoD ink-jet ligaments and also to the results of recent experiments on Newtonian fluids jetted without satellite formation.


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The jetting of dilute polymer solutions in drop-on-demand printing is investigated. A quantitative model is presented which predicts three different regimes of behaviour depending upon the jet Weissenberg number Wi and extensibility of the polymer molecules. In regime I (Wi < ½) the polymer chains are relaxed and the fluid behaves in a Newtonian manner. In regime II (½ < Wi < L) where L is the extensibility of the polymer chain the fluid is viscoelastic, but the polymer do not reach their extensibility limit. In regime III (Wi > L) the chains remain fully extended in the thinning ligament. The maximum polymer concentration at which a jet of a certain speed can be formed scales with molecular weight to the power of (1-3ν), (1-6ν) and -2ν in the three regimes respectively, where ν is the solvent quality coefficient. Experimental data obtained with solutions of mono-disperse polystyrene in diethyl phthalate with molecular weights between 24 - 488 kDa, previous numerical simulations of this system, and previously published data for this and another linear polymer in a variety of “good” solvents, all show good agreement with the scaling predictions of the model.


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Satellite droplets are unwanted in inkjet printing and various approaches have been suggested for their reduction. Low jetting speeds limit applications of the process. Added surfactants for wetting and conductivity enhancement may help but dynamic surface tension effects may counteract improvements. A higher fluid viscosity delays ligament break-up, but also leads to slower jets, while viscoelasticity reduces satellite formation only in certain cases. We show here that aqueous solutions of PEDOT:PSS (1:2.5 by weight) are strongly shear-thinning. They exhibit low viscosity within the printing nozzle over a wide range of jet speeds, yet rapidly (<100 μs) recover a higher viscosity at the low shear rates applicable once the jet has formed, which give the benefit of delayed satellite formation. The delay over a 0.8 mm stand-off distance can be sufficient to completely suppress satellites, which is significant for many printing applications. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fluid assessment methods, requiring small volumes and avoiding the need for jetting, are particularly useful in the design of functional fluids for inkjet printing applications. With the increasing use of complex (rather than Newtonian) fluids for manufacturing, single frequency fluid characterisation cannot reliably predict good jetting behaviour, owing to the range of shearing and extensional flow rates involved. However, the scope of inkjet fluid assessments (beyond achievement of a nominal viscosity within the print head design specification) is usually focused on the final application rather than the jetting processes. The experimental demonstration of the clear insufficiency of such approaches shows that fluid jetting can readily discriminate between fluids assessed as having similar LVE characterisation (within a factor of 2) for typical commercial rheometer measurements at shearing rates reaching 104rads-1.Jetting behaviour of weakly elastic dilute linear polystyrene solutions, for molecular weights of 110-488. kDa, recorded using high speed video was compared with recent results from numerical modelling and capillary thinning studies of the same solutions.The jetting images show behaviour ranging from near-Newtonian to "beads-on-a-string". The inkjet printing behaviour does not correlate simply with the measured extensional relaxation times or Zimm times, but may be consistent with non-linear extensibility L and the production of fully extended polymer molecules in the thinning jet ligament.Fluid test methods allowing a more complete characterisation of NLVE parameters are needed to assess inkjet printing feasibility prior to directly jetting complex fluids. At the present time, directly jetting such fluids may prove to be the only alternative. © 2014 The Authors.