18 resultados para kinetic energy

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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The statistical behaviour of turbulent kinetic energy transport in turbulent premixed flames is analysed using data from three-dimensional Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) of freely propagating turbulent premixed flames under decaying turbulence. For flames within the corrugated flamelets regime, it is observed that turbulent kinetic energy is generated within the flame brush. By contrast, for flames within the thin reaction zones regime it has been found that the turbulent kinetic energy decays monotonically through the flame brush. Similar trends are observed also for the dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy. Within the corrugated flamelets regime, it is demonstrated that the effects of the mean pressure gradient and pressure dilatation within the flame are sufficient to overcome the effects of viscous dissipation and are responsible for the observed augmentation of turbulent kinetic energy in the flame brush. In the thin reaction zones regime, the effects of the mean pressure gradient and pressure dilatation terms are relatively much weaker than those of viscous dissipation, resulting in a monotonic decay of turbulent kinetic energy across the flame brush. The modelling of the various unclosed terms of the turbulent kinetic energy transport equation has been analysed in detail. The predictions of existing models are compared with corresponding quantities extracted from DNS data. Based on this a-priori DNS assessment, either appropriate models are identified or new models are proposed where necessary. It is shown that the turbulent flux of turbulent kinetic energy exhibits counter-gradient (gradient) transport wherever the turbulent scalar flux is counter-gradient (gradient) in nature. A new model has been proposed for the turbulent flux of turbulent kinetic energy, and is found to capture the qualitative and quantitative behaviour obtained from DNS data for both the corrugated flamelets and thin reaction zones regimes without the need to adjust any of the model constants. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.


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There is potential to extract energy from wastewater in a number of ways, including: kinetic energy using micro-hydro systems, chemical energy through the incineration of sludge, biomass energy from the biogas produced after anaerobic sludge digestion, and thermal energy as heat. This paper considers the last option and asks how much heat could be recovered under UK climatic conditions and can this heat be used effectively by wastewater treatment plants to reduce their carbon footprint? Four wastewater treatment sites in southern England are investigated and the available heat that can be recovered at those sites is quantified. Issues relating to the environmental, economic and practical constraints on how energy can be realistically recovered and utilised are discussed .The results show there is a definite possibility for thermal energy recovery with potential savings at some sites of up to 35,000 tonnes of total long-cycle carbon equivalent (fossil fuel) emissions per year being achievable. The paper also shows that the financial feasibility of three options for using the heat (either for district heating, sludge drying or thermophilic heating in sludge digestion processes) is highly dependant upon the current shadow price of carbon. Without the inclusion of the cost of carbon, the financial feasibility is significantly limited. An environmental constraint for the allowable discharge temperature of effluent after heat-extraction was found to be the major limitation to the amount of energy available for recovery. The paper establishes the true potential of thermal energy recovery from wastewater in English conditions and the economic feasibility of reducing the carbon footprint of wastewater treatment operations using this approach.


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Various vortex generators which include ramp, split-ramp and a new hybrid concept "ramped-vane" are investigated under normal shock conditions with a diffuser at Mach number of 1.3. The dimensions of the computational domain were designed using Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes studies to be representative of the flow in an external-compression supersonic inlet. Using this flow geometry, various vortex generator concepts were studied with Implicit Large Eddy Simulation. In general, the ramped-vane provided increased vorticity compared to the other devices and reduced the separation length downstream of the device centerline. In addition, the size, edge gap and streamwise position respect to the shock were studied for the ramped-vane and it was found that a height of about half the boundary thickness and a large trailing edge gap yielded a fully attached flow downstream of the device. This ramped-vane also provided the largest reduction in the turbulent kinetic energy and pressure fluctuations. Additional benefits include negligible drag while the reductions in boundary layer displacement thickness and shape factor were seen compared to other devices. © 2010 by Sang Lee.


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Various vortex generators which include ramp, split-ramp and a new hybrid concept "ramped-vane" are investigated under normal shock conditions with a diffuser at Mach number of 1.3. The dimensions of the computational domain were designed using Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes studies to be representative of the flow in an external-compression supersonic inlet. Using this flow geometry, various vortex generator concepts were studied with Implicit Large Eddy Simulation. In general, the ramped-vane provided increased vorticity compared to the other devices and reduced the separation length downstream of the device centerline. In addition, the size, edge gap and streamwise position respect to the shock were studied for the ramped-vane and it was found that a height of about half the boundary thickness and a large trailing edge gap yielded a fully attached flow downstream of the device. This ramped-vane also provided the largest reduction in the turbulent kinetic energy and pressure fluctuations. Additional benefits include negligible drag while the reductions in boundary layer displacement thickness and shape factor were seen compared to other devices. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.


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This paper presents two-dimensional LDA measurements of the convection of a wake through a low-pressure (LP) turbine cascade. Previous studies have shown the wake convection to be kinematic but have not provided details of the turbulent field. The spatial resolution of these measurements has facilitated the calculation of the production of turbulent kinetic energy and this has revealed a mechanism for turbulence production as the wake converts through the bladerow. The measured ensemble-averaged velocity field confirmed the previously reported kinematics of wake convection while the measurements of the turbulence quantities showed the wake fluid to be characterised by elevated levels of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) and to have an anisotropic structure. Based on the measured mean and turbulence quantities, the production of turbulent kinetic energy was calculated. This highlighted a TKE production mechanism that resulted in increased levels of turbulence over the rear suction surface where boundary layer transition occurs. The turbulence production mechanism within the bladerow was also observed to produce more nearly isotropic turbulence. Production occurs when the principal stresses within the wake are aligned with the mean strains. This coincides with the maximum distortion of the wake within the blade passage and provides a mechanism for the production of turbulence outside of the boundary layer.


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Detached-eddy simulation of transonic flow past a thin section of a fan blade has been carried out. The inflow Mach number is 1.03, and a bow shock forms upstream of the blade. The shock (corresponding to an adjacent blade) impinges on the suction-side boundary layer which causes separation and rapid transition to turbulence. The boundary layer later re-attaches near the trailing edge. The pressure-side boundary layer transitions near the leading edge and remains attached. Mean surface pressure shows basic agreement with a steady RANS calculation; strong shock motion in the DES is the major cause of discrepancy. Surface pressure spectra are investigated, and low-frequency two-dimensional disturbances associated with the shock motion are dominant. Removing the two-dimensional component from the spectra, the pressure-side three-dimensional spectra reproduce the spectral shape given by a correlation for flat-plate boundary layer wall-pressure spectra developed by Goody. 1 The suction-side disturbances produce similar high- and intermediate-frequency scalings despite substantially different boundary layer development. Near-wake results show that disturbance kinetic energy peaks at the suction-side inflection point of the mean profile, and that the energy is concentrated at low frequencies relative to the near-trailing edge surface pressure. Copyright © 2009 by the authors.


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In this paper, the effect of seal clearance on the efficiency of a turbine with a shrouded rotor is compared with the effect of the tip clearance when the same turbine has an unshrouded rotor. The shrouded versus unshrouded comparison was undertaken for two turbine stage designs one having 50% reaction the other having 24% reaction. Measurements for a range of clearances, including very small clearances, showed three important phenomena. Firstly, as the clearance is reduced, there is a "break-even clearance" at which both the shrouded turbine and the unshrouded turbine have the same efficiency. If the clearance is reduced further, the unshrouded turbine performs better than the shrouded turbine, with the difference at zero clearance termed the "offset loss". This is contrary to the traditional assumption that both shrouded and unshrouded turbines have the same efficiency at zero clearance. The physics of the break-even clearance and the offset loss are discussed. Secondly, the use of a lower reaction had the effect of reducing the tip leakage efficiency penalty for both the shrouded and the unshrouded turbines. In order to understand the effect of reaction on the tip leakage, an analytical model was used and it was found that the tip leakage efficiency penalty should be understood as the dissipated kinetic energy rather than either the tip leakage mass flow rate or the tip leakage loss coefficient. Thirdly, it was also observed that, at a fixed flow coefficient, the fractional change in the output power with clearance was approximately twice the fractional change in efficiency with clearance. This was explained by using an analytical model. © 2010 by ASME.


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An analysis is given of velocity and pressure-dependent sliding flow of a thin layer of damp granular material in a spinning cone. Integral momentum equations for steady state, axisymmetric flow are derived using a boundary layer approximation. These reduce to two coupled first-order differential equations for the radial and circumferential sliding velocities. The influence of viscosity and friction coefficients and inlet boundary conditions is explored by presentation of a range of numerical results. In the absence of any interfacial shear traction the flow would, with increasing radial and circumferential slip, follow a trajectory from inlet according to conservation of angular momentum and kinetic energy. Increasing viscosity or friction reduces circumferential slip and, in general, increases the residence time of a particle in the cone. The residence time is practically insensitive to the inlet velocity. However, if the cone angle is very close to the friction angle then the residence time is extremely sensitive to the relative magnitude of these angles. © 2011 Authors.


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We present measurements of grid turbulence using 2D particle image velocimetry taken immediately downstream from the grid at a Reynolds number of Re M = 16500 where M is the rod spacing. A long field of view of 14M x 4M in the down- and cross-stream directions was achieved by stitching multiple cameras together. Two uniform biplanar grids were selected to have the same M and pressure drop but different rod diameter D and crosssection. A large data set (10 4 vector fields) was obtained to ensure good convergence of second-order statistics. Estimations of the dissipation rate ε of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) were found to be sensitive to the number of meansquared velocity gradient terms included and not whether the turbulence was assumed to adhere to isotropy or axisymmetry. The resolution dependency of different turbulence statistics was assessed with a procedure that does not rely on the dissipation scale η. The streamwise evolution of the TKE components and ε was found to collapse across grids when the rod diameter was included in the normalisation. We argue that this should be the case between all regular grids when the other relevant dimensionless quantities are matched and the flow has become homogeneous across the stream. Two-point space correlation functions at x/M = 1 show evidence of complex wake interactions which exhibit a strong Reynolds number dependence. However, these changes in initial conditions disappear indicating rapid cross-stream homogenisation. On the other hand, isotropy was, as expected, not found to be established by x/M = 12 for any case studied. © Springer-Verlag 2012.


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It is shown that a new mixed nonlinear/eddy viscosity LES model reproduces profiles better than a number of competing nonlinear and mixed models for plane channel flow. The objective is an LES method that produces a fully resolved turbulent boundary layer and could be applied to a variety of aerospace problems that are currently studied with RANS, RANS-LES, or DES methods that lack a true turbulent boundary layer. There are two components to the new model. One an eddy viscosity based upon the advected subgrid scale energy and a relatively small coefficient. Second, filtered nonlinear terms based upon the Leray regularization. Coefficients for the eddy viscosity and nonlinear terms come from LES tests in decaying, isotropic turbulence. Using these coefficients, the velocity profile matches measurements data at Reτ ≈ 1000 exactly. Profiles of the components of kinetic energy have the same shape as in the experiment, but the magnitudes differ by about 25%. None of the competing LES gets the shape correct. This method does not require extra operations at the transition between the boundary layer and the interior flow.


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The information provided by the in-cylinder pressure signal is of great importance for modern engine management systems. The obtained information is implemented to improve the control and diagnostics of the combustion process in order to meet the stringent emission regulations and to improve vehicle reliability and drivability. The work presented in this paper covers the experimental study and proposes a comprehensive and practical solution for the estimation of the in-cylinder pressure from the crankshaft speed fluctuation. Also, the paper emphasizes the feasibility and practicality aspects of the estimation techniques, for the real-time online application. In this study an engine dynamics model based estimation method is proposed. A discrete-time transformed form of a rigid-body crankshaft dynamics model is constructed based on the kinetic energy theorem, as the basis expression for total torque estimation. The major difficulties, including load torque estimation and separation of pressure profile from adjacent-firing cylinders, are addressed in this work and solutions to each problem are given respectively. The experimental results conducted on a multi-cylinder diesel engine have shown that the proposed method successfully estimate a more accurate cylinder pressure over a wider range of crankshaft angles. Copyright © 2012 SAE International.


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This study develops a single-stream jet noise prediction model for a family of chevron nozzles. An original equation is proposed for the fourth-order space-time cross-correlations. They are expressed in flow parameters such as streamwise circulation and turbulent kinetic energy. The cross-correlations based on a Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) flowfield showed a good agreement with those based on a Large Eddy Simulation (LES) flowfield. This proves that the proposed equation describes the cross-correlations accurately. With this novel source description, there is an excellent agreement between our model's far-field noise predictions and measurements1 for a wide range of frequencies and radiation angles. Our model captures the spectral shape, amplitude and peak frequency very well. This establishes that our model holds good for a family of chevron nozzles. As our model provides quick and accurate predictions, a parametric study was performed to understand the effects of a chevron nozzle geometry on jet noise and thrust loss. Chevron penetration is the underpinning factor for jet noise reduction. The reduction of jet noise per unit thrust loss decreases linearly with chevron penetration. The number of chevrons also has a considerable effect on jet noise.


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We propose new scaling laws for the properties of planetary dynamos. In particular, the Rossby number, the magnetic Reynolds number, the ratio of magnetic to kinetic energy, the Ohmic dissipation timescale and the characteristic aspect ratio of the columnar convection cells are all predicted to be power-law functions of two observable quantities: the magnetic dipole moment and the planetary rotation rate. The resulting scaling laws constitute a somewhat modified version of the scalings proposed by Christensen and Aubert. The main difference is that, in view of the small value of the Rossby number in planetary cores, we insist that the non-linear inertial term, uu, is negligible. This changes the exponents in the power-laws which relate the various properties of the fluid dynamo to the planetary dipole moment and rotation rate. Our scaling laws are consistent with the available numerical evidence. © The Authors 2013 Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Royal Astronomical Society.