106 resultados para fracture rate

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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The fracture behavior of thin films of bitumen in double cantilever beam (DCB) specimens was investigated over a wide range of temperature and loading rate conditions using finite-element analysis. The model includes a phenomenological model for the mechanical behavior of bitumen, implemented into a special-purpose finite-element user material subroutine, combined with a cohesive zone model (CZM) for simulating the fracture process. The finite-element model is validated against experimental results from laboratory tests of DCB specimens by comparing measured and predicted load-line deflection histories and fracture energy release rates. Computer simulation results agreed well with experimental data of DCB joints containing bitumen films in terms of peak stress, fracture toughness, and stress-strain history response. The predicted "normalized toughness," G=2h, was found to increase in a power-law manner with effective temperaturecompensated strain rate in the ductile region as previously observed experimentally. In the brittle regime, G=2h is virtually constant. The model successfully captured the ductile and brittle failure behavior of bitumen films in opening mode (tension) for stable crack growth conditions. © 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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The fracture and time-dependent properties of cornea are very important for the development of corneal scaffolds and prostheses. However, there has been no systematic study of cornea fracture; time-dependent behavior of cornea has never been investigated in a fracture context. In this work, fracture toughness of cornea was characterized by trouser tear tests, and time-dependent properties of cornea were examined by stress-relaxation and uniaxial tensile tests. Control experiments were performed on a photoelastic rubber sheet. Corneal fracture resistance was found to be strain-rate dependent, with values ranging from 3.39±0.57 to 5.40±0.48kJm(-2) over strain rates from 3 to 300mmmin(-1). Results from stress-relaxation tests confirmed that cornea is a nonlinear viscoelastic material. The cornea behaved closer to a viscous fluid at small strain but became relatively more elastic at larger strain. Although cornea properties are greatly dependent on time, the stress-strain responses of cornea were found to be insensitive to the strain rate when subjected to tensile loading.


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© 2014 Taylor & Francis. The durability of asphalt pavements is strongly impaired by cracks, caused primarily by traffic loads and environmental effects. In this work, fracture behaviour of idealised asphalt mixes is investigated. Experiments on idealised asphalt mixes under pure-tension mode (mode I cracking) were performed and fracture parameters were evaluated. In these three-point bend fracture tests, the test variables were temperature and load rate. The test data were stored in an asphalt materials database and special-purpose tools were implemented to analyse and handle the laboratory data automatically. Fracture mechanism maps were constructed, showing the conditions associated with ductile, brittle and ductile-brittle transition regimes of behaviour. The mechanism maps show the failure response of the material in terms of the stress intensity factor, strain energy release rate and J-integral as a function of the temperature-compensated crack mouth opening strain rate. Fracture behaviour of asphalt mix specimens was simulated by cohesive zone model in conjunction with a novel material constitutive model for asphalt mixes. The finite element model agrees well with the experimental results and provides insights into fracture response of the notched asphalt mix beam specimens.


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Bacteria of the species Salmonella enterica cause a range of life-threatening diseases in humans and animals worldwide. The within-host quantitative, spatial, and temporal dynamics of S. enterica interactions are key to understanding how immunity acts on these infections and how bacteria evade immune surveillance. In this study, we test hypotheses generated from mathematical models of in vivo dynamics of Salmonella infections with experimental observation of bacteria at the single-cell level in infected mouse organs to improve our understanding of the dynamic interactions between host and bacterial mechanisms that determine net growth rates of S. enterica within the host. We show that both bacterial and host factors determine the numerical distributions of bacteria within host cells and thus the level of dispersiveness of the infection.