11 resultados para extremidade inferior

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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To explore the neural mechanisms related to representation of the manipulation dynamics of objects, we performed whole-brain fMRI while subjects balanced an object in stable and highly unstable states and while they balanced a rigid object and a flexible object in the same unstable state, in all cases without vision. In this way, we varied the extent to which an internal model of the manipulation dynamics was required in the moment-to-moment control of the object's orientation. We hypothesized that activity in primary motor cortex would reflect the amount of muscle activation under each condition. In contrast, we hypothesized that cerebellar activity would be more strongly related to the stability and complexity of the manipulation dynamics because the cerebellum has been implicated in internal model-based control. As hypothesized, the dynamics-related activation of the cerebellum was quite different from that of the primary motor cortex. Changes in cerebellar activity were much greater than would have been predicted from differences in muscle activation when the stability and complexity of the manipulation dynamics were contrasted. On the other hand, the activity of the primary motor cortex more closely resembled the mean motor output necessary to execute the task. We also discovered a small region near the anterior edge of the ipsilateral (right) inferior parietal lobule where activity was modulated with the complexity of the manipulation dynamics. We suggest that this is related to imagining the location and motion of an object with complex manipulation dynamics.


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Perceptual learning improves perception through training. Perceptual learning improves with most stimulus types but fails when . certain stimulus types are mixed during training (roving). This result is surprising because classical supervised and unsupervised neural network models can cope easily with roving conditions. What makes humans so inferior compared to these models? As experimental and conceptual work has shown, human perceptual learning is neither supervised nor unsupervised but reward-based learning. Reward-based learning suffers from the so-called unsupervised bias, i.e., to prevent synaptic " drift" , the . average reward has to be exactly estimated. However, this is impossible when two or more stimulus types with different rewards are presented during training (and the reward is estimated by a running average). For this reason, we propose no learning occurs in roving conditions. However, roving hinders perceptual learning only for combinations of similar stimulus types but not for dissimilar ones. In this latter case, we propose that a critic can estimate the reward for each stimulus type separately. One implication of our analysis is that the critic cannot be located in the visual system. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.


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In the design of high-speed low-power electrical generators for unmanned aircraft and spacecraft, maximization of specific output (power/weight) is of prime importance. Several magnetic circuit configurations (radial-field, axial-field, flux-squeezing, homopolar) have been proposed, and in this paper the relative merits of these configurations are subjected to a quantitative investigation over the speed range 10 000–100000 rev/min and power range 250 W-10 kW. The advantages of incorporating new high energy-density magnetic materials are described. Part I deals with establishing an equivalent circuit for permanent-magnet generators. For each configuration the equivalent circuit parameters are related to the physical dimensions of the generator components and an optimization procedure produces a minimum volume design at discrete output powers and operating speeds. The technique is illustrated by a quantitative comparison of the specific outputs of conventional radial-field generators with samarium cobalt and alnico magnets. In Part II the specific outputs of conventional, flux-squeezing, and claw-rotor magnetic circuit configurations are compared. The flux-squeezing configuration is shown to produce the highest specific output for small sizes whereas the conventional configuration is best at large sizes. For all sizes the claw-rotor configuration is significantly inferior. In Part III the power densities available from axial-field and flux-switching magnetic circuit configurations are maximized, over the power range 0.25-10 kW and speed range 10 000–100000 rpm, and compared to the results of Parts I & II. For the axial-field configuration the power density is always less than that of the conventional and flux-squeezing radial-field configurations. For the flux-switching generator, which is able to withstand relatively high mechanical forces in the rotor, the power density is again inferior to the radial-field types, but the difference is less apparent for small (low power, high speed) generator sizes. From the combined results it can be concluded that the flux-squeezing and conventional radial-field magnetic circuit configurations yield designs with minimum volume over the power and speed ranges considered. © 1985, IEEE. All rights reserved.


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The paper presents hydraulic conductivity, unconfined compression strength (UCS) and triaxial test results of an 11 year old slag-cement-bentonite (CB) cut-off wall material and identifies factors affecting their long-term performance. The laboratory tests were performed on three types of CB samples ranging from contaminated block field samples to uncontaminated laboratory cast samples. The results showed that hydraulic conductivity reduces till 3 years and UCS increases till 90 days, but there after it remains constant till 11 years of age. The mean hydraulic conductivity and UCS values of block field samples are inferior and have large variability than laboratory cured samples. Such variations are mainly because of heterogeneity caused by aggressive environment and impurities within the specimen. Consolidated undrained triaxial test found that under an effective confining pressure of less than 200 kPa, tension failure occurred since the minor principal stress dropped to zero value at failure. The research outcome is useful for understanding future liability of CB wall and improving their design. © 2009 IOS Press.


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In economic decision making, outcomes are described in terms of risk (uncertain outcomes with certain probabilities) and ambiguity (uncertain outcomes with uncertain probabilities). Humans are more averse to ambiguity than to risk, with a distinct neural system suggested as mediating this effect. However, there has been no clear disambiguation of activity related to decisions themselves from perceptual processing of ambiguity. In a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experiment, we contrasted ambiguity, defined as a lack of information about outcome probabilities, to risk, where outcome probabilities are known, or ignorance, where outcomes are completely unknown and unknowable. We modified previously learned pavlovian CS+ stimuli such that they became an ambiguous cue and contrasted evoked brain activity both with an unmodified predictive CS+ (risky cue), and a cue that conveyed no information about outcome probabilities (ignorance cue). Compared with risk, ambiguous cues elicited activity in posterior inferior frontal gyrus and posterior parietal cortex during outcome anticipation. Furthermore, a similar set of regions was activated when ambiguous cues were compared with ignorance cues. Thus, regions previously shown to be engaged by decisions about ambiguous rewarding outcomes are also engaged by ambiguous outcome prediction in the context of aversive outcomes. Moreover, activation in these regions was seen even when no actual decision is made. Our findings suggest that these regions subserve a general function of contextual analysis when search for hidden information during outcome anticipation is both necessary and meaningful.


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Psychological factors play a major role in exacerbating chronic pain. Effective self-management of pain is often hindered by inaccurate beliefs about the nature of pain which lead to a high degree of emotional reactivity. Probabilistic models of perception state that greater confidence (certainty) in beliefs increases their influence on perception and behavior. In this study, we treat confidence as a metacognitive process dissociable from the content of belief. We hypothesized that confidence is associated with anticipatory activation of areas of the pain matrix involved with top-down modulation of pain. Healthy volunteers rated their beliefs about the emotional distress that experimental pain would cause, and separately rated their level of confidence in this belief. Confidence predicted the influence of anticipation cues on experienced pain. We measured brain activity during anticipation of pain using high-density EEG and used electromagnetic tomography to determine neural substrates of this effect. Confidence correlated with activity in right anterior insula, posterior midcingulate and inferior parietal cortices during the anticipation of pain. Activity in the right anterior insula predicted a greater influence of anticipation cues on pain perception, whereas activity in right inferior parietal cortex predicted a decreased influence of anticipatory cues. The results support probabilistic models of pain perception and suggest that confidence in beliefs is an important determinant of expectancy effects on pain perception.


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Expectations about the magnitude of impending pain exert a substantial effect on subsequent perception. However, the neural mechanisms that underlie the predictive processes that modulate pain are poorly understood. In a combined behavioral and high-density electrophysiological study we measured anticipatory neural responses to heat stimuli to determine how predictions of pain intensity, and certainty about those predictions, modulate brain activity and subjective pain ratings. Prior to receiving randomized laser heat stimuli at different intensities (low, medium or high) subjects (n=15) viewed cues that either accurately informed them of forthcoming intensity (certain expectation) or not (uncertain expectation). Pain ratings were biased towards prior expectations of either high or low intensity. Anticipatory neural responses increased with expectations of painful vs. non-painful heat intensity, suggesting the presence of neural responses that represent predicted heat stimulus intensity. These anticipatory responses also correlated with the amplitude of the Laser-Evoked Potential (LEP) response to painful stimuli when the intensity was predictable. Source analysis (LORETA) revealed that uncertainty about expected heat intensity involves an anticipatory cortical network commonly associated with attention (left dorsolateral prefrontal, posterior cingulate and bilateral inferior parietal cortices). Relative certainty, however, involves cortical areas previously associated with semantic and prospective memory (left inferior frontal and inferior temporal cortex, and right anterior prefrontal cortex). This suggests that biasing of pain reports and LEPs by expectation involves temporally precise activity in specific cortical networks.


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Carbon fibre reinforced polymers (CFRP) are well-known for the excellent combination of mechanical and thermal properties with light weight. However, their tribological properties are still largely uncovered. In this work an experimental study of friction between two CFRP at weak normal load (inferior to 20 N) was performed. Two effects were scrutinuously studied during the experiments: fibre volume friction and fibre orientation. In addition to this experimental work, a modelling of a contact between two FRP was realized. It is supposed that the real area of contact consists of a multitude of microcontacts of three types: fibre-fibre, fibre-matrix and matrix-matrix. The experimental work has shown a small rise in friction coefficient with the change of fibre orientation of two composites from parallel to perpendicular relative to the sliding direction. In parallel, the proposed analytical model predicts a independence of this angle. Regarding the influence of the fibre volume fraction, Vf, the experiments reveal a decrease in friction coefficient of 50% with a change of Vf from 0% to 62%. This observation corresponds to the qualitative dependence depicted with the model. © 2012 EDP Sciences.


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Approximately 40% of annual demand for steel worldwide is used to replace products that have failed. With this percentage set to rise, extending the lifespan of steel in products presents a significant opportunity to reduce demand and thus decrease carbon dioxide emissions from steel production. This article presents a new, simplified framework with which to analyse product failure. When applied to the products that dominate steel use, this framework reveals that they are often replaced because a component/sub-assembly becomes degraded, inferior, unsuitable or worthless. In light of this, four products, which are representative of high steel content products in general, are analysed at the component level, determining steel mass and cost profiles over the lifespan of each product. The results show that the majority of the steel components are underexploited - still functioning when the product is discarded; in particular, the potential lifespan of the steel-rich structure is typically much greater than its actual lifespan. Twelve case studies, in which product or component life has been increased, are then presented. The resulting evidence is used to tailor life-extension strategies to each reason for product failure and to identify the economic motivations for implementing these strategies. The results suggest that a product template in which the long-lived structure accounts for a relatively high share of costs while short-lived components can be easily replaced (offering profit to the producer and enhanced utility to owners) encourages product life extension. © 2013 The Author.


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Polymer composites comprising ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHWMPE) fibers in a compliant matrix are now widely used in ballistic applications with varying levels of success. This is primarily due to a poor understanding of the mechanics of penetration of these composites in ballistic protection systems. In this study, we report experimental observations of the penetration mechanisms in four model systems impacted by a 12.7 mm diameter spherical steel projectile. The four model targets designed to highlight different penetration mechanisms in Dyneema® UHWMPE composites were: (i) a bare aluminum plate; (ii) the same plate fully encased in a 5.9 mm thick casing of Dyneema®; (iii) the fully encased plate with a portion of the Dyneema® removed from the front face so that the projectile impacts directly the Al plate; and (iv) the fully encased plate with a portion of the Dyneema® removed from the rear face so that the projectile can exit the Al plate without again interacting with the Dyneema®. A combination of synchronized high speed photography with three cameras, together with post-test examination of the targets via X-ray tomography and optical microscopy was used to elucidate the deformation and perforation mechanisms. The measurements show that the ballistic resistance of these targets increases in the order: bare Al plate, rear face cutout target, fully encased target and front face cutout target. These findings are explained based on the following key findings: (a) the ballistic performance of Dyneema® plates supported on a foundation is inferior to Dyneema® plates supported along their edges; (b) the apparent ballistic resistance of Dyneema® plates increases if the plates are given an initial velocity prior to the impact by the projectile, thereby reducing the relative velocity between the Dyneema® plate and projectile; and (c) when the projectile is fragmented prior to impact, the spatially and temporally distributed loading enhances the ballistic resistance of the Dyneema®. The simple model targets designed here have elucidated mechanisms by which Dyneema® functions in multi-material structures. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.


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In the present work we compare the performance of organic solar cells, based on the bulk heterojunction system of P3HT:PCBM when adequate silver nanoparticles (NPs) are incorporated in two distinct places among the device structure. Introduction of NPs on top of the transparent anode revealed better overall performance with an increased efficiency of 17%. Alternatively, placing the NPs on top of the active photovoltaic layer resulted to 25% higher photo-current generation albeit with inferior electrical characteristics (i.e series and shunt resistance). Our findings suggest that enhanced scattering to non-specular directions from NPs site is maximized when penetrating light meets the particles after the polymer blend, but even this mechanism is not sufficient enough to explain the enhanced short circuit current observed. A second mechanism should be feasible; that is plasmon enhancement which is more efficient in the case where NPs are in direct contact with the polymer blend. J-V characteristics measured in the dark showed that NPs placed on top of the ITO film act as enhanced hole conducting sites, as evident by the lower series resistance values in these cells, suggesting this mechanism as more significant in this case. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.