9 resultados para energy deposited

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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With the emergence of transparent electronics, there has been considerable advancement in n-type transparent semiconducting oxide (TSO) materials, such as ZnO, InGaZnO, and InSnO. Comparatively, the availability of p-type TSO materials is more scarce and the available materials are less mature. The development of p-type semiconductors is one of the key technologies needed to push transparent electronics and systems to the next frontier, particularly for implementing p-n junctions for solar cells and p-type transistors for complementary logic/circuits applications. Cuprous oxide (Cu2O) is one of the most promising candidates for p-type TSO materials. This paper reports the deposition of Cu2O thin films without substrate heating using a high deposition rate reactive sputtering technique, called high target utilisation sputtering (HiTUS). This technique allows independent control of the remote plasma density and the ion energy, thus providing finer control of the film properties and microstructure as well as reducing film stress. The effect of deposition parameters, including oxygen flow rate, plasma power and target power, on the properties of Cu2O films are reported. It is known from previously published work that the formation of pure Cu2O film is often difficult, due to the more ready formation or co-formation of cupric oxide (CuO). From our investigation, we established two key concurrent criteria needed for attaining Cu2O thin films (as opposed to CuO or mixed phase CuO/Cu2O films). First, the oxygen flow rate must be kept low to avoid over-oxidation of Cu2O to CuO and to ensure a non-oxidised/non-poisoned metallic copper target in the reactive sputtering environment. Secondly, the energy of the sputtered copper species must be kept low as higher reaction energy tends to favour the formation of CuO. The unique design of the HiTUS system enables the provision of a high density of low energy sputtered copper radicals/ions, and when combined with a controlled amount of oxygen, can produce good quality p-type transparent Cu2O films with electrical resistivity ranging from 102 to 104 Ω-cm, hole mobility of 1-10 cm2/V-s, and optical band-gap of 2.0-2.6 eV. These material properties make this low temperature deposited HiTUS Cu 2O film suitable for fabrication of p-type metal oxide thin film transistors. Furthermore, the capability to deposit Cu2O films with low film stress at low temperatures on plastic substrates renders this approach favourable for fabrication of flexible p-n junction solar cells. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The properties of amorphous carbon (a-C) deposited using a filtered cathodic vacuum arc as a function of the ion energy and substrate temperature are reported. The sp3 fraction was found to strongly depend on the ion energy, giving a highly sp3 bonded a-C denoted as tetrahedral amorphous carbon (ta-C) at ion energies around 100 eV. The optical band gap was found to follow similar trends to other diamondlike carbon films, varying almost linearly with sp2 fraction. The dependence of the electronic properties are discussed in terms of models of the electronic structure of a-C. The structure of ta-C was also strongly dependent on the deposition temperature, changing sharply to sp2 above a transition temperature, T1, of ≈200°C. Furthermore, T1 was found to decrease with increasing ion energy. Most film properties, such as compressive stress and plasmon energy, were correlated to the sp3 fraction. However, the optical and electrical properties were found to undergo a more gradual transition with the deposition temperature which we attribute to the medium range order of sp2 sites. We attribute the variation in film properties with the deposition temperature to diffusion of interstitials to the surface above T1 due to thermal activation, leading to the relaxation of density in context of a growth model. © 1997 American Institute of Physics.


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The properties of a highly sp3 bonded form of amorphous carbon denoted ta-C deposited from a filtered cathodic vacuum arc (FCVA) are described as a function of ion energy and deposition temperature. The sp3 fraction depends strongly on ion energy and reaches 85% at an ion energy of 100 eV. Other properties such as density and band gap vary in a similar fashion, with the optical gap reaching a maximum of 2.3 eV. These films are very smooth with area roughness of order 1 nm. The sp3 fraction falls suddenly to almost zero for deposition above about 200 °C.


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A compact electron cyclotron wave resonance (ECWR) source has been developed for the high rate deposition of hydrogenated tetrahedral amorphous carbon (ta-C:H). The ECWR provides growth rates of up to 900 Å/min over a 4″ diameter and an independent control of the deposition rate and ion energy. The ta-C:H was deposited using acetylene as the source gas and was characterized in terms of its sp3 content, mass density, intrinsic stress, hydrogen content, C-H bonding, Raman spectra, optical gap, surface roughness and friction coefficient. The results obtained indicated that the film properties were maximized at an ion energy of approximately 167 eV, corresponding to an energy per daughter carbon ion of 76 eV. The relationship between the incident ion energy and film densification was also explained in terms of the subsurface implantation of carbon ions into the growing film.


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An electron cyclotron wave resonant methane plasma discharge was used for the high rate deposition of hydrogenated amorphous carbon (a-C:H). Deposition rates of up to ∼400 Å/min were obtained over substrates up to 2.5 in. in diameter with a film thickness uniformity of ∼±10%. The deposited films were characterised in terms of their mass density, sp3 and hydrogen contents, C-H bonding, intrinsic stress, scratch resistance and friction properties. The deposited films possessed an average sp3 content, mass density and refractive index of ∼58%, 1.76 g/cm3 and 2.035 respectively.Mechanical characterisation indicated that the films possessed very low steady-state coefficients of friction (ca. 0.06) and a moderate shear strength of ∼141 MPa. Nano-indentation measurements also indicated a hardness and elastic modulus of ∼16.1 and 160 GPa respectively. The critical loads required to induce coating failure were also observed to increase with ion energy as a consequence of the increase in degree of ion mixing at the interface. Furthermore, coating failure under scratch test conditions was observed to take place via fracture within the silicon substrate itself, rather than either in the coating or at the film/substrate interface. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A systematic study has been made of the growth of both hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) and silicon nitride (a-SiN) by electron cyclotron resonance plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (ECR-PECVD). In the case of a-SiN, helium and nitrogen gas is injected into the system such that it passes through the resonance zone. These highly ionised gases provide sufficient energy to ionise the silane gas, which is injected further downstream. It is demonstrated that a gas phase reaction occurs between the silane and nitrogen species. It is control of the ratio of silane to nitrogen in the plasma which is critical for the production of stoichiometric a-SiN. Material has been produced at 80°C with a Si:N ratio of 1:1.3 a breakdown strength of ∼6 MV cm-1 and resistivity of > 1014 Ω cm. In the case of a-Si:H, helium and hydrogen gas is injected into the ECR zone and silane is injected downstream. It is shown that control of the gas phase reactions is critical in this process also. a-Si:H has been deposited at 80 °C with a dark conductivity of 10-11 Ω-1 cm-1 and a photosensitivity of justbelowl 4×104. Such materials are suitable for use in thin film transistors on plastic substrates.