49 resultados para deposition temperature

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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The properties of amorphous carbon (a-C) deposited using a filtered cathodic vacuum arc as a function of the ion energy and substrate temperature are reported. The sp3 fraction was found to strongly depend on the ion energy, giving a highly sp3 bonded a-C denoted as tetrahedral amorphous carbon (ta-C) at ion energies around 100 eV. The optical band gap was found to follow similar trends to other diamondlike carbon films, varying almost linearly with sp2 fraction. The dependence of the electronic properties are discussed in terms of models of the electronic structure of a-C. The structure of ta-C was also strongly dependent on the deposition temperature, changing sharply to sp2 above a transition temperature, T1, of ≈200°C. Furthermore, T1 was found to decrease with increasing ion energy. Most film properties, such as compressive stress and plasmon energy, were correlated to the sp3 fraction. However, the optical and electrical properties were found to undergo a more gradual transition with the deposition temperature which we attribute to the medium range order of sp2 sites. We attribute the variation in film properties with the deposition temperature to diffusion of interstitials to the surface above T1 due to thermal activation, leading to the relaxation of density in context of a growth model. © 1997 American Institute of Physics.


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The properties of a highly sp3 bonded form of amorphous carbon denoted ta-C deposited from a filtered cathodic vacuum arc (FCVA) are described as a function of ion energy and deposition temperature. The sp3 fraction depends strongly on ion energy and reaches 85% at an ion energy of 100 eV. Other properties such as density and band gap vary in a similar fashion, with the optical gap reaching a maximum of 2.3 eV. These films are very smooth with area roughness of order 1 nm. The sp3 fraction falls suddenly to almost zero for deposition above about 200 °C.


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Nitrogen can have numerous effects on diamond-like carbon: it can dope, it can form the hypothetical superhard compound C3N4, or it can create fullerene-like bonding structures. We studied amorphous carbon nitrogen films deposited by a filtered cathodic vacuum arc as a function of nitrogen content, ion energy and deposition temperature. The incorporation of nitrogen from 10-2 to 10 at% was measured by secondary ion mass spectrometry and elastic recoil detection analysis and was found to vary slightly sublinearly with N2 partial pressure during deposition. In the doping regime from 0 to about 0.4% N, the conductivity changes while the sp3 content and optical gap remain constant. From 0.4 to approximately 10% N, existing sp2 sites condense into clusters and reduce the band gap. Nitrogen contents over 10% change the bonding from mainly sp3 to mainly sp2. Ion energies between 20 and 250 eV do not greatly modify this behaviour. Deposition at higher temperatures causes a sudden loss of sp3 bonding above about 150 °C. Raman spectroscopy and optical gap data show that existing sp2 sites begin to cluster below this temperature, and the clustering continues above this temperature. This transition is found to vary only weakly with nitrogen addition, for N contents below 10%.


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The growth of vertically aligned zinc oxide nanowires (ZnO NW) using a simple vapor deposition method system is reported. The growth properties are studied as a function of the Au catalyst layer thickness, pressure, deposition temperature, and oxygen ratio. It was found that the diameter and density of the nanowires is controlled mostly by the growth temperature and pressure. The alignment of the nanowires depends on a combination of three factors including the pressure, temperature and the oxygen ratio. Our results implicates the growth occurs by a vapor liquid solid (VLS) process [1].


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Vertically aligned carbon nanotubes were grown at temperatures as low as 120degreesC by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition. A systematic study of the temperature dependence of the growth rate and the structure of the as-grown nanotubes is presented using a C2H2/NH3 system and nickel as the catalyst. The activation energy for the growth rate was found to be 0.23 eV, much less than for thermal chemical vapor deposition (1.2-1.5 eV). This suggests growth occurs by surface diffusion of carbon on nickel. The result could allow direct growth of nanotubes onto low-temperature substrates like plastics, and facilitate the integration in sensitive nanoelectronic devices. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.