50 resultados para composite liquid nano-particles, thermal fragmentation, busy road, hydrodynamic, Gibbs free energy, ternary system, thermal fluctuation, Brownian motion, mean free path, length of fragmentation

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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Thin films of nano-composite Y-Ba-Cu-O (YBCO) superconductors containing nano-sized, non-superconducting particles of Y2Ba 4CuMOx (M-2411 with M = Ag and Nb) have been prepared by the PLD technique. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) has been used to analyze the crystallographic orientation of nano-particles embedded in the film microstructure. The superconducting YBa2Cu3O7 (Y-123) phase matrix is textured with a dominant (001) orientation for all samples, whereas the M-2411 phase exhibits a random orientation. Angular critical current measurements at various temperature (T) and applied magnetic field (B) have been performed on thin films containing different concentration of the M-2411 second phase. An increase in critical current density J c at T < 77 K and B < 6 T is observed for samples with low concentration of the second phase (2 mol % M-2411). Films containing 5 mol % Ag-2411 exhibit lower Jc than pure Y-123 thin films at all fields and temperatures. Samples with 5 mol % Nb-2411 show higher Jc(B) than phase pure Y-123 thin films for T < 77 K. © 2010 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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A new type of chemi-resistor based on a novel metal-polymer composite is described. The composite contains nickel particles with sharp nano-scale surface features, which are intimately coated by the polymer matrix so that they do not come into direct physical contact. No conductive chains of filler particles are formed even at loadings above the percolation threshold and the composite is intrinsically insulating. However, when subjected to compression the composite becomes conductive, with sample resistance falling from ≥ 1012 Ω to < 0.01 Ω. The composite can be formed into insulating granules, which display similar properties to the bulk form. A bed of granules compressed between permeable frits provides a porous structure with a start resistance set by the degree of compression while the granules are free to swell when exposed to volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The granular bed presents a large surface area for the adsorption of VOCs from the gas stream flowing through it. The response of this system to a variety of vapours has been studied for two different sizes of the granular bed and for different matrix polymers. Large responses, ΔR/R0 ≥ 10^7, are observed when saturated vapours are passed through the chemi-resistor. Rapid response allows real time sensing of VOCs and the initial state is recovered in a few seconds by purging with an inert gas stream. The variation in response as a function of VOC concentration is determined.


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High brightness trans-reflective bi-stable displays based on smectic A (SmA) liquid crystals (LCs) can have nearly perfect transparency in the clear state and very high reflection in the scattered state. Because the LC material in use is stable under UV radiation, this kind of displays can stand for strong day-light and therefore be ideal for outdoor applications from e-books to public signage and advertisement. However, the colour application has been limited because the traditional colourants in use are conventional dyes which are lack of UV stability and that their colours are easily photo bleached. Here we present a colour SmA display demonstrator using pigments as colourant. Mixing pigments with SmA LCs and maintain the desirable optical switching performance is not straightforward. We show here how it can be done, including how to obtain fine sized pigment nano-particles, the effects of particle size and size distribution on the display performance. Our optimized pigments/SmA compositions can be driven by a low frequency waveform (∼101Hz) to a scattered state to exhibit colour while by a high frequency waveform (∼103Hz) to a cleared state showing no colour. Finally, we will present its excellent UV life-time (at least >7.2 years) in comparison with that of dye composition (∼2.4 years). The complex interaction of pigment nano-particles with LC molecules and the resulting effects on the LC electro-optical performances are still to be fully understood. We hope this work will not only demonstrate a new and practical approach for outdoor reflective colour displays but also provide a new material system for fundamental liquid crystal colloid research work. © 2012 SPIE.


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Scalable and cost effective patterning of polymer structures and their surface textures is essential to engineer material properties such as liquid wetting and dry adhesion, and to design artificial biological interfaces. Further, fabrication of high-aspect-ratio microstructures often requires controlled deep-etching methods or high-intensity exposure. We demonstrate that carbon nanotube (CNT) composites can be used as master molds for fabrication of high-aspect-ratio polymer microstructures having anisotropic nanoscale textures. The master molds are made by growth of vertically aligned CNT patterns, capillary densification of the CNTs using organic solvents, and capillary-driven infiltration of the CNT structures with SU-8. The composite master structures are then replicated in SU-8 using standard PDMS transfer molding methods. By this process, we fabricated a library of replicas including vertical micro-pillars, honeycomb lattices with sub-micron wall thickness and aspect ratios exceeding 50:1, and microwells with sloped sidewalls. This process enables batch manufacturing of polymer features that capture complex nanoscale shapes and textures, while requiring only optical lithography and conventional thermal processing. © 2011 The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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An infiltration and growth process is here used as an alternative to the classical top-seeded melt-textured growth process for the production of Dy-123 single-domains with finely dispersed small size Dy-211 particles. The starting materials are the 211-particles and a barium and copper rich liquid phase precursor. The infiltration and growth process allows for controlling both the spatial and size distribution of the 211-particles in the final superconducting 123-single-domain. The main parameters (set-ups, maximum processing temperature with respect to the peritectic temperature, nature of reactant, porosity of the 211-preform) of the infiltration and growth process are discussed. Moreover, different processes of chimie douce are shown in order to produce Dy-211 particles with controlled shape and size, particles that can be used as precursors for the infiltration and growth process. © 2005 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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© 2004 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. In piston engines and in gas turbines, the injection of liquid fuel often leads to the formation of a liquid film on the combustor wall. If a flame reaches this zone, undesired phenomena such as coking may occur and diminish the lifetime of the engine. Moreover, the effect of such an interaction on maximum wall heat fluxes, flame quenching, and pollutant formation is largely unknown. This paper presents a numerical study of the interaction of a premixed flame with a cold wall covered with a film of liquid fuel. Simulations show that the presence of the film leads to a very rich zone at the wall in which the flame cannot propagate. As a result, the flame wall distance remains larger with liquid fuel than it is for a dry wall, and maximum heat fluxes are smaller. The nature of the interaction of flame wall interaction with a liquid fuel is also different from the classical flame/dry wall interaction: it is controlled mainly by chemical mechanisms and not by the thermal quenching effect observed for flames interacting with dry walls: the existence of a very rich zone created above the liquid film is the main mechanism controlling quenching.


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In this paper, we demonstrate strong flexoelectric coupling in bimesogenic liquid crystals. This strong coupling is determined via the flexoelectro-optic effect in chiral nematic liquid crystals based on bimesogenic mixtures that are doped with low concentrations of high twisting power chiral additive. Two mixtures were examined: one had a pitch length of p∼300nm, the other had a pitch length of p∼600nm. These mixtures exhibit enantiotropic chiral nematic phases close to room temperature. We found that full-intensity modulation, that is, a rotation of the optic axis of 45° between crossed polarizers, could be achieved at significantly lower applied electric fields (E<5Vμm -1) than previously reported. In fact, for the condition of full-intensity modulation, the lowest electric-field strength recorded was E=2Vμm-1. As a result of a combination of the strong flexoelectric coupling and a divergence in the pitch, tilt angles of the optic axis up to 87°, i.e., a rotation of the optic axis through 174°, were observed. Furthermore, the flexoelastic ratios, which may be considered as a figure-of-merit parameter, were calculated from the results and found to be large, ranging from 1.3to2C/Nm for a temperature range of up to 40°C. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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In this paper, we report on the flexoelastic and viscoelastic ratios for a number of bimesogens compounds with the same generic structure. Values are obtained indirectly by measuring the flexoelectro-optic response in the chiral nematic phase. By varying the molecular structure we alter the bend angle, transverse dipole moment, and length of the molecule. First, to examine the influence of the bend angle we use a homologous series whereby the only alteration in the molecular structure is the number of methylene units in the aliphatic spacer, n. Results show that the flexoelastic ratio, e K, and the effective flexoelectric coefficient, e, both exhibit an odd-even effect with values for n=odd being greater than that for n=even. This is understood in terms of an increase in the bend angle of the molecule and an increase in the transverse dipole moment. Second, in order to investigate the impact of the dipole moment, we have altered the mesogenic units so as to vary the longitudinal dipole moment and used different linkages in the aliphatic spacer in an attempt to alter the transverse dipole moment. Qualitatively, the results demonstrate that the odd-spaced bimesogen with larger transverse dipole moments exhibit larger flexoelastic ratios. © 2007 The American Physical Society.


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The effective thermal conductivity of steel alloy FeCrAlY (Fe-20 wt.% Cr-5 wt.% Al-2 wt.% Y-20 wt.%) foams with a range of pore sizes and porosities was measured between 300 and 800 K, under both vacuum and atmospheric conditions. The results show that the effective thermal conductivity increases rapidly as temperature is increased, particularly in the higher temperature range (500-800 K) where the transport of heat is dominated by thermal radiation. The effective conductivity at temperature 800 K can be three times higher than that at room temperature (300 K). Results obtained under vacuum conditions reveal that the effective conductivity increases with increasing pore size or decreasing porosity. The contribution of natural convection to heat conduction was found to be significant, with the effective thermal conductivity at ambient pressure twice the value of vacuum condition. The results also show that natural convection in metal foams is strongly dependent upon porosity. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.