11 resultados para application monitoring

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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The paper describes the use of optical fiber Brillouin Optical Time Domain Reflectometry (BOTDR) to monitor the strain distribution in an existing tunnel while a twin tunnel was bored at close-proximity. The twin circular bored tunnels between Serangoon and Bartley stations on the new Circle Line Stage 3 subway in Singapore were constructed at close-proximity to avoid underpinning the foundations of adjacent buildings. The minimum clear separation of the two tunnels is 2.3m (0.4 times the tunnel diameter). The Outer Tunnel was constructed first, followed by the Inner Tunnel, with the earth-pressure balance tunnel boring machines maintained at a minimum of 100m apart. In this trial application of BOTDR, the strain distribution along the Outer Tunnel was measured, in order to monitor its deformation due to the boring of the Inner Tunnel at close-proximity. The aim of the trial application was to determine the practicality of this monitoring method for future use in 'live' tunnels. This paper compares the measurements obtained from optical fiber BOTDR with conventional methods of tunnel monitoring and describes preliminary installation and workmanship guidelines derived from lessons learnt during this trial. © 2007 ASCE.


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BACKGROUND: Routine assessment of dry weight in chronic hemodialysis patients relies primarily on clinical evaluation of patient fluid status. We evaluated whether measurement of postdialytic vascular refill could assist in the assessment of dry weight. METHODS: Twenty-eight chronic, stable hemodialysis patients were studied during routine treatment sessions using constant dialysate temperature and dialysate sodium concentration, and relative changes in blood volume were monitored using Crit-Line III monitors throughout this study. The study was divided into three phases. Phase 1 studies evaluated the time-dependence of vascular compartment refill after completion of hemodialysis. Phase 2 studies evaluated the relationships in patient subgroups between intradialytic changes in blood volume and the presence of postdialytic vascular compartment refill during that last 10 minutes of hemodialysis after stopping ultrafiltration. Phase 3 studies evaluated the extent of dry weight changes following the application of a protocol for blood volume reduction, postdialytic vascular compartment refill, and correlation with clinical evidence of intradialytic hypovolemia and/or postdialytic fatigue. Phase 3 included anywhere from three to five treatments. RESULTS: Phase 1 studies demonstrated that despite interpatient variability in the magnitude of postdialytic vascular compartment refill, when significant refill was evident, it always continued for at least 30 minutes. However, the majority of refill took place within 10 minutes postdialysis. Phase 2 studies identified 3 groups of patients: those who exhibited intradialytic reductions in blood volume but not postdialytic vascular compartment refill (group 1), those who exhibited intradialytic reductions in blood volume and postdialytic vascular compartment refill (group 2), and those whose blood volume did not change substantially during hemodialysis treatment (group 3). In phase 3 studies, use of an ultrafiltration protocol for blood volume reduction and monitoring of postdialytic vascular compartment refill combined with clinical assessment of hypovolemia and postdialytic fatigue demonstrated that patients often had a clinical dry weight assessment which was too low or too high. In all 28 patients studied, dry weight was either increased or decreased following use of this protocol. CONCLUSION: Determination of the extent of both intradialytic decreases in blood volume and postdialytic vascular compartment refill, combined with clinical assessment of intradialytic hypovolemia and postdialytic fatigue, can help assess patient dry weight and optimize volume status while reducing dialysis associated morbidity. The number of hospital admissions due to fluid overload may be reduced.


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In the central part of the Delft railway tunnel project, an underground railway station is being built at very close distance to the existing station building, which is still in operation. Although elaborate sensitivity analyses were made, some unforeseen deformations were encountered during the first phases of the execution process. Especially the installation of temporary sheet pile walls as well as the installation of a huge amount of grout anchor piles resulted in deformations exceeding the predicted final deformations as well as the boundary values defined by a level I limiting tensile strain method (LTSM) approach. In order to ensure the execution process, supplementary analyses were made to predict future deformations, and this for multiple cross sections. These deformations were implemented into a finite element model of the masonry of the building in order to define probable crack formation. This Level II LTSM approach made it possible to increase the initially foreseen deformation criteria and the continuation of the works. Design steps, design models and monitoring results will be explained within this paper.


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Previous studies have reported that different schemes for coupling Monte Carlo (MC) neutron transport with burnup and thermal hydraulic feedbacks may potentially be numerically unstable. This issue can be resolved by application of implicit methods, such as the stochastic implicit mid-point (SIMP) methods. In order to assure numerical stability, the new methods do require additional computational effort. The instability issue however, is problem-dependent and does not necessarily occur in all cases. Therefore, blind application of the unconditionally stable coupling schemes, and thus incurring extra computational costs, may not always be necessary. In this paper, we attempt to develop an intelligent diagnostic mechanism, which will monitor numerical stability of the calculations and, if necessary, switch from simple and fast coupling scheme to more computationally expensive but unconditionally stable one. To illustrate this diagnostic mechanism, we performed a coupled burnup and TH analysis of a single BWR fuel assembly. The results indicate that the developed algorithm can be easily implemented in any MC based code for monitoring of numerical instabilities. The proposed monitoring method has negligible impact on the calculation time even for realistic 3D multi-region full core calculations. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.