15 resultados para Viscoelasticity

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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Bone is an anisotropic material, and its mechanical properties are determined by its microstructure as well as its composition. Mechanical properties of bone are a consequence of the proportions of, and the interactions between, mineral, collagen and water. Water plays an important role in maintaining the mechanical integrity of the composite, but the manner in which water interacts within the ultrastructure is unclear. Dentine being an isotropic two-dimensional structure presents a homogenous composite to examine the dehydration effects. Nanoindentation methods for determining the viscoelastic properties have recently been developed and are a subject of great interest. Here, one method based on elastic-viscoelastic correspondence for 'ramp and hold' creep testing (Oyen, J. Mater. Res., 2005) has been used to analyze viscoelastic behavior of polymeric and biological materials. The method of 'ramp and hold' allows the shear modulus at time zero to be determined from fitting of the displacement during the maximum load hold. Changes in the viscoelastic properties of bone and dentine were examined as the material was systematically dehydrated in a series of water:solvent mixes. Samples of equine dentine were sectioned and cryo-polished. Shear modulus was obtained by nanoindentation using spherical indenters with a maximum load hold of 120s. Samples were tested in different solvent concentrations sequentially, 70% ethanol to 50% ethanol, 70 % ethanol to 100% ethanol, 70% ethanol to 70% methanol to 100% methanol, and 70% ethanol to 100% acetone, after storage in each condition for 24h. By selectively removing and then replacing water from the composite, insights in to the ultrastructure of the tissue can be gained from the corresponding changes in the experimentally determined moduli, as well as an understanding of the complete reversibility of the dehydration process. © 2006 Materials Research Society.


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A generalized theory for the viscoelastic behavior of idealized bituminous mixtures (asphalts) is presented. The mathematical model incorporates strain rate and temperature dependency as well as nonmonotonic loading and unloading with shape recovery. The stiffening effect of the aggregate is included. The model is of phenomenological nature. It can be calibrated using a relatively limited set of experimental parameters, obtainable by uniaxial tests. It is shown that the mathematical model can be represented as a special nonlinear form of the Burgers model. This facilitates the derivation of numerical algorithms for solving the constitutive equations. A numerical scheme is implemented in a user material subroutine (UMAT) in the finite-element analysis (FEA) code ABAQUS. Simulation results are compared with uniaxial and indentation tests on an idealized asphalt mix. © 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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Viscoelasticity and poroelasticity commonly coexist as time-dependent behaviors in polymer gels. Engineering applications often require knowledge of both behaviors separated; however, few methods exist to decouple viscoelastic and poroelastic properties of gels. We propose a method capable of separating viscoelasticity and poroelasticity of gels in various mechanical tests. The viscoelastic characteristic time and the poroelastic diffusivity of a gel define an intrinsic material length scale of the gel. The experimental setup gives a sample length scale, over which the solvent migrates in the gel. By setting the sample length to be much larger or smaller than the material length, the viscoelasticity and poroelasticity of the gel will dominate at different time scales in a test. Therefore, the viscoelastic and poroelastic properties of the gel can be probed separately at different time scales of the test. We further validate the method by finite-element models and stress-relaxation experiments. © 2014 The Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics; Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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We review the current state of the polymer-carbon nanotube composites field. The article first covers key points in dispersion and stabilization of nanotubes in a polymer matrix, with particular attention paid to ultrasonic cavitation and shear mixing. We then focus on the emerging trends in nanocomposite actuators, in particular, photo-stimulated mechanical response. The magnitude and even the direction of this actuation critically depend on the degree of tube alignment in the matrix; in this context, we discuss the affine model predicting the upper bound of orientational order of nanotubes, induced by an imposed strain. We review how photo-actuation in nanocomposites depend on nanotube concentration, alignment and entanglement, and examine possible mechanisms that could lead to this effect. Finally, we discuss properties of pure carbon nanotube networks, in form of mats or fibers. These systems have no polymer matrix, yet demonstrate pronounced viscoelasticity and also the same photomechanical actuation as seen in polymer-based composites. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Experimental observations of the time-dependent mechanical responses of collagenous tissues have demonstrated behavior that deviates from standard treatments of linear or quasi-linear viscoelasticity. In particular, time-dependent deformation can be strongly coupled to strain level, and strain-rate independence can be observed under monotonic loading, even for a tissue with dramatic stress relaxation. It was postulated that this nonlinearity is fundamentally associated with gradual recruitment of individual collagen fibrils during applied mechanical loading. Based on previously observed experimental results for the time-dependent response of collagenous soft tissues, a model is developed to describe the mechanical behavior of these tissues under uniaxial loading. Tissue stresses, under applied strain-controlled loading, are assumed to be a sum of elastic and viscoelastic stress contributions. The relative contributions of elastic and viscoelastic stresses is assumed to vary with strain level, leading to strain- and time-dependent mechanical behavior. The model formulation is examined under conditions of monotonic loading at varying constant strain rates and stress-relaxation at different applied strain levels. The model is compared with experimental data for a membranous biological soft tissue, the amniotic sac, and is found to agree well with experimental results. The limiting behavior of the novel model, at large strains relative to the collagen recruitment, is consistent with the quasi-linear viscoelastic approach. © 2006 Materials Research Society.


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Indentation techniques are employed for the measurement of mechanical properties of a wide range of materials. In particular, techniques focused at small length-scales, such as nanoindentation and AFM indentation, allow for local characterization of material properties in heterogeneous materials including natural tissues and biomimetic materials. Typical elastic analysis for spherical indentation is applicable in the absence of time-dependent deformation, but is inappropriate for materials with time-dependent responses. Recent analyses for the viscoelastic indentation problem, based on elastic-viscoelastic correspondence, have begun to address the issue of time-dependent deformation during an indentation test. The viscoelastic analysis has been shown to fit experimental indentation data well, and has been demonstrated as useful for characterization of viscoelasticity in polymeric materials and in hydrated mineralized tissues. However, a viscoelastic analysis is not necessarily sufficient for multi-phase materials with fluid flow. In the current work, a poroelastic analysis-based on fluid motion through a porous elastic network-is used to examine spherical indentation creep responses of hydrated biological materials. Both analytical and finite element approaches are considered for the poroelastic Hertzian indentation problem. Modeling results are compared with experimental data from nanoindentation of hydrated bone immersed in water and polar solvents (ethanol, methanol, acetone). Baseline (water-immersed) bone responses are characterized using the poroelastic model and numerical results are compared with altered hydration states due to polar solvents. © 2007 Materials Research Society.


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In the field of motor control, two hypotheses have been controversial: whether the brain acquires internal models that generate accurate motor commands, or whether the brain avoids this by using the viscoelasticity of musculoskeletal system. Recent observations on relatively low stiffness during trained movements support the existence of internal models. However, no study has revealed the decrease in viscoelasticity associated with learning that would imply improvement of internal models as well as synergy between the two hypothetical mechanisms. Previously observed decreases in electromyogram (EMG) might have other explanations, such as trajectory modifications that reduce joint torques. To circumvent such complications, we required strict trajectory control and examined only successful trials having identical trajectory and torque profiles. Subjects were asked to perform a hand movement in unison with a target moving along a specified and unusual trajectory, with shoulder and elbow in the horizontal plane at the shoulder level. To evaluate joint viscoelasticity during the learning of this movement, we proposed an index of muscle co-contraction around the joint (IMCJ). The IMCJ was defined as the summation of the absolute values of antagonistic muscle torques around the joint and computed from the linear relation between surface EMG and joint torque. The IMCJ during isometric contraction, as well as during movements, was confirmed to correlate well with joint stiffness estimated using the conventional method, i.e., applying mechanical perturbations. Accordingly, the IMCJ during the learning of the movement was computed for each joint of each trial using estimated EMG-torque relationship. At the same time, the performance error for each trial was specified as the root mean square of the distance between the target and hand at each time step over the entire trajectory. The time-series data of IMCJ and performance error were decomposed into long-term components that showed decreases in IMCJ in accordance with learning with little change in the trajectory and short-term interactions between the IMCJ and performance error. A cross-correlation analysis and impulse responses both suggested that higher IMCJs follow poor performances, and lower IMCJs follow good performances within a few successive trials. Our results support the hypothesis that viscoelasticity contributes more when internal models are inaccurate, while internal models contribute more after the completion of learning. It is demonstrated that the CNS regulates viscoelasticity on a short- and long-term basis depending on performance error and finally acquires smooth and accurate movements while maintaining stability during the entire learning process.


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This paper describes a new approach to model the forces on a tread block for a free-rolling tyre in contact with a rough road. A theoretical analysis based on realistic tread mechanical properties and road roughness is presented, indicating partial contact between a tread block and a rough road. Hence an asperity-scale indentation model is developed using a semi-empirical formulation, taking into account both the rubber viscoelasticity and the tread block geometry. The model aims to capture the essential details of the contact at the simplest level, to make it suitable as part of a time-domain dynamic analysis of the coupled tyre-road system. The indentation model is found to have a good correlation with the finite element (FE) predictions and is validated against experimental results using a rolling contact rig. When coupled to a deformed tyre belt profile, the indentation model predicts normal and tangential force histories inside the tyre contact patch that show good agreement with FE predictions. © 2012 Elsevier B.V..


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Satellite droplets are unwanted in inkjet printing and various approaches have been suggested for their reduction. Low jetting speeds limit applications of the process. Added surfactants for wetting and conductivity enhancement may help but dynamic surface tension effects may counteract improvements. A higher fluid viscosity delays ligament break-up, but also leads to slower jets, while viscoelasticity reduces satellite formation only in certain cases. We show here that aqueous solutions of PEDOT:PSS (1:2.5 by weight) are strongly shear-thinning. They exhibit low viscosity within the printing nozzle over a wide range of jet speeds, yet rapidly (<100 μs) recover a higher viscosity at the low shear rates applicable once the jet has formed, which give the benefit of delayed satellite formation. The delay over a 0.8 mm stand-off distance can be sufficient to completely suppress satellites, which is significant for many printing applications. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Hydrogels have applications in drug delivery, mechanical actuation, and regenerative medicine. When hydrogels are deformed, load-relaxation arising from fluid flow - poroelasticity - and from rearrangement of the polymer network - viscoelasticity - is observed. The physical mechanisms are different in that poroelastic relaxation varies with experimental length-scale while viscoelastic does not. Here, we show that poroviscoelastic load-relaxation is the product of the two individual responses. The difference in length-scale dependence of the two mechanisms can be exploited to uniquely determine poroviscoelastic properties from simultaneous analysis of multi-scale indentation experiments, providing insight into hydrogel physical behavior. © 2013 American Institute of Physics.