79 resultados para Ventilation Distribution

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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We compare natural ventilation flows established by a range of heat source distributions at floor level. Both evenly distributed and highly localised line and point source distributions are considered. We demonstrate that modelling the ventilation flow driven by a uniformly distributed heat source is equivalent to the flow driven by a large number of localised sources. A model is developed for the transient flow development in a room with a uniform heat distribution and is compared with existing models for localised buoyancy inputs. For large vent areas the flow driven by localised heat sources reaches a steady state more rapidly than the uniformly distributed case. For small vent areas there is little difference in the transient development times. Our transient model is then extended to consider the time taken to flush a neutrally buoyant pollutant from a naturally ventilated room. Again comparisons are drawn between uniform and localised (point and line) heat source geometries. It is demonstrated that for large vent areas a uniform heat distribution provides the fastest flushing. However, for smaller vent areas, localised heat sources produce the fastest flushing. These results are used to suggest a definition for the term 'natural ventilation efficiency', and a model is developed to estimate this efficiency as a function of the room and heat source geometries. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We examine the time taken to flush pollutants from a naturally ventilated room. A simple theoretical model is developed to predict the time taken for neutrally-buoyant pollutants to be removed from a room by a flow driven by localised heat inputs; both line and point heat sources are considered. We show that the rate of flushing is a function of the room volume, vent areas ( A) and the distribution, number (n) and strength (B) of the heat sources. We also show that the entire problem can be reduced to a single parameter ( μ) that is a measure of the vent areas, and a dimensionless time ( τ) that is a function of B, V and μ. Small-scale salt-bath experiments were conducted to measure the flushing rates in order to validate our modelling assumptions and predictions. The predicted flushing times show good agreement with the experiments over a wide range of μ. We apply our model to a typical open plan office and lecture theatre and discuss some of the implications of our results. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Using a simplified mathematical model, a preliminary design strategy for steady stack ventilation in multi-storey atrium buildings is developed. By non-dimensionalising the governing equations of flow, two key dimensionless parameters are identified - a ventilation performance indicator, λ, and atrium enhancement parameter, E - which quantify the performance of the ventilation system and the effectiveness of the atrium in assisting flows. Analytical expressions are determined to inform the vent sizes needed to provide the desired balance between indoor air temperature, ventilation flow rate and heat inputs for any distribution of occupants within the building, and also to ensure unidirectional flow. Dimensionless charts for determining the required combination of design variables are presented with a view to informing first-order design guidance for naturally ventilated buildings. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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The events that determine the dynamics of proliferation, spread and distribution of microbial pathogens within their hosts are surprisingly heterogeneous and poorly understood. We contend that understanding these phenomena at a sophisticated level with the help of mathematical models is a prerequisite for the development of truly novel, targeted preventative measures and drug regimes. We describe here recent studies of Salmonella enterica infections in mice which suggest that bacteria resist the antimicrobial environment inside host cells and spread to new sites, where infection foci develop, and thus avoid local escalation of the adaptive immune response. We further describe implications for our understanding of the pathogenic mechanism inside the host.


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The natural ventilation of a well-mixed, pre-heated room with a point source of heating, and openings at the base and roof is investigated. The transient draining associated with the room being warmer than the exterior combined with the convective ow produced by the point source of heat leads to a fascinating series of transient ow regimes as the system evolves to the two-layer steady-state regime described by Linden, Lane-Ser_ and Smeed [1]. As the room begins to ventilate, a turbulent plume rises from the point source of heat to the ceiling, and typically forms a deepening layer of hot air. However, with a weak heat source, then at some point the ascending plume will intrude beneath the layer of original uid. Otherwise, the ascending plume always reaches the top of the room as the system evolves to a steady state. We develop a simpli_ed model of the transient evolution and test this with some new laboratory experiments. We conclude with a discussion of the implications of our results for real buildings.


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In winter, natural ventilation can be achieved either through mixing ventilation or upward displacement ventilation (P.F. Linden, The fluid mechanics of natural ventilation, Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 31 (1999) pp. 201-238). We show there is a significant energy saving possible by using mixing ventilation, in the case that the internal heat gains are significant, and illustrate these savings using an idealized model, which predicts that with internal heat gains of order 0.1 kW per person, mixing ventilation uses of a fraction of order 0.2-0.4 of the heat load of displacement ventilation assuming a well-insulated building. We then describe a strategy for such mixing natural ventilation in an atrium style building in which the rooms surrounding the atrium are able to vent directly to the exterior and also through the atrium to the exterior. The results are motivated by the desire to reduce the energy burden in large public buildings such as hospitals, schools or office buildings centred on atria. We illustrate a strategy for the natural mixing ventilation in order that the rooms surrounding the atrium receive both pre-heated but also sufficiently fresh air, while the central atrium zone remains warm. We test the principles with some laboratory experiments in which a model air chamber is ventilated using both mixing and displacement ventilation, and compare the energy loads in each case. We conclude with a discussion of the potential applications of the approach within the context of open plan atria type office buildings.


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We investigate the steady state natural ventilation of an enclosed space in which vent A, located at height hA above the floor, is connected to a vertical stack with a termination at height H, while the second vent, B, at height hB above the floor, connects directly to the exterior. We first examine the flow regimes which develop with a distributed source of heating at the base of the space. If hBhB>hA, then two different flow regimes may develop. Either (i) there is inflow through vent B and outflow through vent A, or (ii) the flow reverses, with inflow down the stack into vent A and outflow through vent B. With inflow through vent A, the internal temperature and ventilation rate depend on the relative height of the two vents, A and B, while with inflow through vent B, they depend on the height of vent B relative to the height of the termination of the stack H. With a point source of heating, a similar transition occurs, with a unique flow regime when vent B is lower than vent A, and two possible regimes with vent B higher than vent A. In general, with a point source of buoyancy, each steady state is characterised by a two-layer density stratification. Depending on the relative heights of the two vents, in the case of outflow through vent A connected to the stack, the interface between these layers may lie above, at the same level as or below vent A, leading to discharge of either pure upper layer, a mixture of upper and lower layer, or pure lower layer fluid. In the case of inflow through vent A connected to the stack, the interface always lies below the outflow vent B. Also, in this case, if the inflow vent A lies above the interface, then the lower layer becomes of intermediate density between the upper layer and the external fluid, whereas if the interface lies above the inflow vent A, then the lower layer is composed purely of external fluid. We develop expressions to predict the transitions between these flow regimes, in terms of the heights and areas of the two vents and the stack, and we successfully test these with new laboratory experiments. We conclude with a discussion of the implications of our results for real buildings.


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We investigate the transient ventilation flow within a confined ventilated space, with high- and low-level openings, when the strength of a low-level point source of heat is changed instantaneously. The steady-flow regime in the space involves a turbulent buoyant plume, which rises from the point source to a well-mixed warm upper layer. The steady-state height of the interface between this layer and the lower layer of exterior fluid is independent of the heat flux, but the upper layer becomes progressively warmer with heat flux. New analogue laboratory experiments of the transient adjustment between steady states identify that if the heat flux is increased, the continuing plume propagates to the top of the room forming a new, warmer layer. This layer gradually deepens, and as the turbulent plume entrains fluid from the original warm layer, the original layer is gradually depleted and disappears, and a new steady state is established. In contrast, if the source buoyancy flux is decreased, the continuing plume is cooler than the original plume, so that on reaching the interface it is of intermediate density between the original warm layer and the external fluid. The plume supplies a new intermediate layer, which gradually deepens with the continuing flow. In turn, the original upper layer becomes depleted, both as a result of being vented through the upper opening of the space, but also due to some penetrative entrainment of this layer by the plume, as the plume overshoots the interface before falling back to supply the new intermediate layer. We develop quantitative models which are in good accord with our experimental data, by combining classical plume theory with models of the penetrative entrainment for the case of a decrease in heating. Typically, we find that the effect of penetrative entrainment on the density of the intruding layer is relatively weak, provided the change in source strength is sufficiently large. However, penetrative entrainment measurably increases the rate at which the depth of the draining layer decreases. We conclude with a discussion of the importance of these results for the control of naturally ventilated spaces.