16 resultados para Training and pruning

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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Confronted with high variety and low volume market demands, many companies, especially the Japanese electronics manufacturing companies, have reconfigured their conveyor assembly lines and adopted seru production systems. Seru production system is a new type of work-cell-based manufacturing system. A lot of successful practices and experience show that seru production system can gain considerable flexibility of job shop and high efficiency of conveyor assembly line. In implementing seru production, the multi-skilled worker is the most important precondition, and some issues about multi-skilled workers are central and foremost. In this paper, we investigate the training and assignment problem of workers when a conveyor assembly line is entirely reconfigured into several serus. We formulate a mathematical model with double objectives which aim to minimize the total training cost and to balance the total processing times among multi-skilled workers in each seru. To obtain the satisfied task-to-worker training plan and worker-to-seru assignment plan, a three-stage heuristic algorithm with nine steps is developed to solve this mathematical model. Then, several computational cases are taken and computed by MATLAB programming. The computation and analysis results validate the performances of the proposed mathematical model and heuristic algorithm. © 2013 Springer-Verlag London.


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In speech recognition systems language model (LMs) are often constructed by training and combining multiple n-gram models. They can be either used to represent different genres or tasks found in diverse text sources, or capture stochastic properties of different linguistic symbol sequences, for example, syllables and words. Unsupervised LM adaptation may also be used to further improve robustness to varying styles or tasks. When using these techniques, extensive software changes are often required. In this paper an alternative and more general approach based on weighted finite state transducers (WFSTs) is investigated for LM combination and adaptation. As it is entirely based on well-defined WFST operations, minimum change to decoding tools is needed. A wide range of LM combination configurations can be flexibly supported. An efficient on-the-fly WFST decoding algorithm is also proposed. Significant error rate gains of 7.3% relative were obtained on a state-of-the-art broadcast audio recognition task using a history dependently adapted multi-level LM modelling both syllable and word sequences. ©2010 IEEE.


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This paper reports our experiences with a phoneme recognition system for the TIMIT database which uses multiple mixture continuous density monophone HMMs trained using MMI. A comprehensive set of results are presented comparing the ML and MMI training criteria for both diagonal and full covariance models. These results using simple monophone HMMs show clear performance gains achieved by MMI training, and are comparable to the best reported by others including those which use context-dependent models. In addition, the paper discusses a number of performance and implementation issues which are crucial to successful MMI training.


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Model based compensation schemes are a powerful approach for noise robust speech recognition. Recently there have been a number of investigations into adaptive training, and estimating the noise models used for model adaptation. This paper examines the use of EM-based schemes for both canonical models and noise estimation, including discriminative adaptive training. One issue that arises when estimating the noise model is a mismatch between the noise estimation approximation and final model compensation scheme. This paper proposes FA-style compensation where this mismatch is eliminated, though at the expense of a sensitivity to the initial noise estimates. EM-based discriminative adaptive training is evaluated on in-car and Aurora4 tasks. FA-style compensation is then evaluated in an incremental mode on the in-car task. © 2011 IEEE.


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For speech recognition, mismatches between training and testing for speaker and noise are normally handled separately. The work presented in this paper aims at jointly applying speaker adaptation and model-based noise compensation by embedding speaker adaptation as part of the noise mismatch function. The proposed method gives a faster and more optimum adaptation compared to compensating for these two factors separately. It is also more consistent with respect to the basic assumptions of speaker and noise adaptation. Experimental results show significant and consistent gains from the proposed method. © 2011 IEEE.


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Motor task variation has been shown to be a key ingredient in skill transfer, retention, and structural learning. However, many studies only compare training of randomly varying tasks to either blocked or null training, and it is not clear how experiencing different nonrandom temporal orderings of tasks might affect the learning process. Here we study learning in human subjects who experience the same set of visuomotor rotations, evenly spaced between -60° and +60°, either in a random order or in an order in which the rotation angle changed gradually. We compared subsequent learning of three test blocks of +30°→-30°→+30° rotations. The groups that underwent either random or gradual training showed significant (P < 0.01) facilitation of learning in the test blocks compared with a control group who had not experienced any visuomotor rotations before. We also found that movement initiation times in the random group during the test blocks were significantly (P < 0.05) lower than for the gradual or the control group. When we fit a state-space model with fast and slow learning processes to our data, we found that the differences in performance in the test block were consistent with the gradual or random task variation changing the learning and retention rates of only the fast learning process. Such adaptation of learning rates may be a key feature of ongoing meta-learning processes. Our results therefore suggest that both gradual and random task variation can induce meta-learning and that random learning has an advantage in terms of shorter initiation times, suggesting less reliance on cognitive processes.


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Perceptual learning improves perception through training. Perceptual learning improves with most stimulus types but fails when . certain stimulus types are mixed during training (roving). This result is surprising because classical supervised and unsupervised neural network models can cope easily with roving conditions. What makes humans so inferior compared to these models? As experimental and conceptual work has shown, human perceptual learning is neither supervised nor unsupervised but reward-based learning. Reward-based learning suffers from the so-called unsupervised bias, i.e., to prevent synaptic " drift" , the . average reward has to be exactly estimated. However, this is impossible when two or more stimulus types with different rewards are presented during training (and the reward is estimated by a running average). For this reason, we propose no learning occurs in roving conditions. However, roving hinders perceptual learning only for combinations of similar stimulus types but not for dissimilar ones. In this latter case, we propose that a critic can estimate the reward for each stimulus type separately. One implication of our analysis is that the critic cannot be located in the visual system. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.


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In spite of over two decades of intense research, illumination and pose invariance remain prohibitively challenging aspects of face recognition for most practical applications. The objective of this work is to recognize faces using video sequences both for training and recognition input, in a realistic, unconstrained setup in which lighting, pose and user motion pattern have a wide variability and face images are of low resolution. The central contribution is an illumination invariant, which we show to be suitable for recognition from video of loosely constrained head motion. In particular there are three contributions: (i) we show how a photometric model of image formation can be combined with a statistical model of generic face appearance variation to exploit the proposed invariant and generalize in the presence of extreme illumination changes; (ii) we introduce a video sequence re-illumination algorithm to achieve fine alignment of two video sequences; and (iii) we use the smoothness of geodesically local appearance manifold structure and a robust same-identity likelihood to achieve robustness to unseen head poses. We describe a fully automatic recognition system based on the proposed method and an extensive evaluation on 323 individuals and 1474 video sequences with extreme illumination, pose and head motion variation. Our system consistently achieved a nearly perfect recognition rate (over 99.7% on all four databases). © 2012 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved.


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This paper discusses innovations in curriculum development in the Department of Engineering at the University of Cambridge as a participant in the Teaching for Learning Network (TFLN), a teaching and learning development initiative funded by the Cambridge-MIT Institute a pedagogic collaboration and brokerage network. A year-long research and development project investigated the practical experiences through which students traditionally explore engineering disciplines, apply and extend the knowledge gained in lectures and other settings, and begin to develop their professional expertise. The research project evaluated current practice in these sessions and developed an evidence-base to identify requirements for new activities, student support and staff development. The evidence collected included a novel student 'practice-value' survey highlighting effective practice and areas of concern, classroom observation of practicals, semi-structured interviews with staff, a student focus group and informal discussions with staff. Analysis of the data identified three potentially 'high-leverage' strategies for improvement: development of a more integrated teaching framework, within which practical work could be contextualised in relation to other learning; a more transparent and integrated conceptual framework where theory and practice were more closely linked; development of practical work more reflective of the complex problems facing professional engineers. This paper sets out key elements of the evidence collected and the changes that have been informed by this evidence and analysis, leading to the creation of a suite of integrated practical sessions carefully linked to other course elements and reinforcing central concepts in engineering, accompanied by a training and support programme for teaching staff.


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Healthcare systems worldwide face a wide range of challenges, including demographic change, rising drug and medical technology costs, and persistent and widening health inequalities both within and between countries. Simultaneously, issues such as professional silos, static medical curricula, and perceptions of "information overload" have made it difficult for medical training and continued professional development (CPD) to adapt to the changing needs of healthcare professionals in increasingly patient-centered, collaborative, and/or remote delivery contexts. In response to these challenges, increasing numbers of medical education and CPD programs have adopted e-learning approaches, which have been shown to provide flexible, low-cost, user-centered, and easily updated learning. The effectiveness of e-learning varies from context to context, however, and has also been shown to make considerable demands on users' motivation and "digital literacy" and on providing institutions. Consequently, there is a need to evaluate the effectiveness of e-learning in healthcare as part of ongoing quality improvement efforts. This article outlines the key issues for developing successful models for analyzing e-health learning.