32 resultados para Terahertz (THz)

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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We bring together two areas of terahertz (THz) technology that have benefited from recent advancements in research, i.e., graphene, a material that has plasmonic resonances in the THz frequency, and quantum cascade lasers (QCLs), a compact electrically driven unipolar source of THz radiation. We demonstrate the use of single-layer large-area graphene to indirectly modulate a THz QCL operating at 2.0 THz. By tuning the Fermi level of the graphene via a capacitively coupled backgate voltage, the optical conductivity and, hence, the THz transmission can be varied. We show that, by changing the pulsing frequency of the backgate, the THz transmission can be altered. We also show that, by varying the pulsing frequency of the backgate from tens of Hz to a few kHz, the amplitude-modulated THz signal can be switched by 15% from a low state to a high state. © 2009-2012 IEEE.


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Plasmonic resonance at terahertz (THz) frequencies can be achieved by gating graphene grown via chemical vapour deposition (CVD) to a high carrier concentration. THz time domain spectroscopy of such gated monolayer graphene shows resonance features around 1.6 THz, which appear as absorption peaks when the graphene is electrostatically p-doped and change to enhanced transmission when the graphene is n-doped. Superimposed on the Drude-like frequency response of graphene, these resonance features are related to the inherent poly-crystallinity of CVD graphene. An understanding of these features is necessary for the development of future THz optical elements based on CVD graphene. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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© 2014 AIP Publishing LLC. We report bilayer-graphene field effect transistors operating as Terahertz (THz) broadband photodetectors based on plasma-waves excitation. By employing wide-gate geometries or buried gate configurations, we achieve a responsivity ∼1.2 V/W (1.3 mA/W) and a noise equivalent power ∼2 × 10-9 W/√Hz in the 0.29-0.38 THz range, in photovoltage and photocurrent mode. The potential of this technology for scalability to higher frequencies and the development of flexible devices makes our approach competitive for a future generation of THz detection systems.


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We demonstrate a parameter extraction algorithm based on a theoretical transfer function, which takes into account a converging THz beam. Using this, we successfully extract material parameters from data obtained for a quartz sample with a THz time domain spectrometer. © 2010 IEEE.


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We report on a high peak power femtosecond modelocked VECSEL and its application as a drive laser for an all semiconductor terahertz time domain spectrometer. The VECSEL produced near-transform-limited 335 fs sech2 pulses at a fundamental repetition rate of 1 GHz, a centre wavelength of 999 nm and an average output power of 120 mW. We report on the effect that this high peak power and short pulse duration has on our generated THz signal.


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The unique optoelectronic properties of graphene make it an ideal platform for a variety of photonic applications, including fast photodetectors, transparent electrodes in displays and photovoltaic modules, optical modulators, plasmonic devices, microcavities, and ultra-fast lasers. Owing to its high carrier mobility, gapless spectrum and frequency-independent absorption, graphene is a very promising material for the development of detectors and modulators operating in the terahertz region of the electromagnetic spectrum (wavelengths in the hundreds of micrometres), still severely lacking in terms of solid-state devices. Here we demonstrate terahertz detectors based on antenna-coupled graphene field-effect transistors. These exploit the nonlinear response to the oscillating radiation field at the gate electrode, with contributions of thermoelectric and photoconductive origin. We demonstrate room temperature operation at 0.3 THz, showing that our devices can already be used in realistic settings, enabling large-area, fast imaging of macroscopic samples. © 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.


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Antenna-coupled field effect transistors have been developed as plasma-wave THz detectors in both InAs nanowire and graphene channel material. Room temperature operation has been achieved up to frequencies of 1.5 THz, with noise equivalent powers as low as a few 10-11 W/Hz1/2, and high-speed response. © 2012 IEEE.


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Chemical vapour deposition (CVD) grown graphene sheets were investigated using optical-pump terahertz-probe spectroscopy, revealing a dramatic variation in the photoinduced terahertz conductivity of graphene in different atmospheres. © 2012 IEEE.


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Optical pump-terahertz probe spectroscopy was used to study the key electronic properties of GaAs, InAs and InP nanowires at room temperature. Of all nanowires studied, InAs nanowires exhibited the highest mobilities of 6000 cm2V-1s-1. InP nanowires featured the longest photoconductivity lifetimes and an exceptionally low surface recombination velocity of 170 cm/s. © 2013 IEEE.


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Molybdenum disulpide, a novel two-dimensional semiconductor, was studied using optical-pump terahertz-probe spectroscopy. Mono and trilayer samples grown by chemical vapour deposition were compared to reveal their dynamic electrical response. © 2013 IEEE.


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Antenna-coupled field effect transistors have been developed as plasma-wave THz detectors in both InAs nanowire and graphene channel materials. Room temperature operation has been achieved up to 3 THz, with noise equivalent power levels < 10-10 W/Hz1/2, and high-speed response already suitable for large area THz imaging applications. © 2013 IEEE.


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Split-ring resonators represent the ideal route to achieve optical control of the incident light at THz frequencies. These subwavelength metamaterial elements exhibit broad resonances that can be easily tuned lithographically. We have realized a design based on the interplay between the resonances of metallic split rings and the electronic properties of monolayer graphene integrated in a single device. By varying the major carrier concentration of graphene, an active modulation of the optical intensity was achieved in the frequency range between 2.2 and 3.1 THz, achieving a maximum modulation depth of 18%, with a bias as low as 0.5 V.


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A technique enabling 10 Gbps data to be directly modulated onto a monolithic sub-THz dual laser transmitter is proposed. As a result of the laser chirp, the logical zeros of the resultant sub-THz signal have a different peak frequency from that of the logical ones. The signal extinction ratio is therefore enhanced by suppressing the logical zeros with a filter stage at the receiver. With the aid of the chirp-enhanced filtering, an improved extinction ratio can be achieved at moderate modulation current. Hence, 10 GHz modulation bandwidth of the transmitter is predicted without the need for external modulators. In this paper, we demonstrate the operational principle by generating an error-free (bit error rate less than 10-9) 100 Mbps Manchester encoded signal with a centre frequency of 12 GHz within the bandwidth of an envelope detector, whilst direct modulation of a 100 GHz signal at data rates of up to 10 Gbps is simulated by using a transmission line model. This work could be a key technique for enabling monolithic sub-THz transmitters to be readily used in high speed wireless links. © 2013 IEEE.


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A monolithic design is proposed for low-noise sub-THz signal generation by integrating a reflector onto a dual laser source. The reflectivity and the position of such a reflector can be adjusted to obtain constructive feedback from the reflector to both lasers, thus causing a Vernier feedback effect. As a result, 10-fold line narrowing, the narrowing being limited by the resolution of the simulation, is predicted using a transmission line model. Finally, a simple control scheme using an electrical feedback loop to adjust laser biases is proposed to maintain the line narrowing performance. This line narrowing technique, comprising a passive integrated reflector, could allow the development of a low-cost, compact and energy-efficient solution for high-purity sub-THz signal generation. © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2014.


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The integration of quantum cascade lasers with devices capable of efficiently manipulating terahertz light represents a fundamental step for many different applications. Split-ring resonators, subwavelength metamaterial elements exhibiting broad resonances that are easily tuned lithographically, represent the ideal route to achieve such optical control of the incident light. We have realized a design based on the interplay between metallic split rings and the electronic properties of a graphene monolayer integrated into a single device. By acting on the doping level of graphene, an active modulation of the optical intensity was achieved in the frequency range between 2.2 and 3.1 THz, with a maximum modulation depth of 18%. © 2014 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.