11 resultados para Temperature increase

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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When bulk RE-BCO superconductors are used as permanent magnets in engineering applications, they are likely to experience transient variations of the applied magnetic field. The resulting vortex motion may cause a significant temperature increase. As a consequence the initial trapped flux is reduced. In the present work, we first focus on the cause of a temperature increase. The temperature distribution within a superconducting finite cylinder subjected to an alternating magnetic field is theoretically predicted. Results are compared to experimental data obtained by two temperature sensors attached to a bulk YBCO pellet. Second, we consider curative methods for reducing the effect of heat flux on the temperature increase. Hall-probe mappings on YBCO samples maintained out of the thermal equilibrium are performed for two different morphologies : a plain single domain and a single domain with a regularly spaced hole array. The drilled single-domain displays a trapped induction which is weakly affected by the local heating while displaying a high trapped field. © 2006 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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All computers process information electronically. A processing method based on magnetism is reported here, in which networks of interacting submicrometer magnetic dots are used to perform logic operations and propagate information at room temperature. The logic states are signaled by the magnetization direction of the single-domain magnetic dots; the dots couple to their nearest neighbors through magnetostatic interactions. Magnetic solitons carry information through the networks, and an applied oscillating magnetic field feeds energy into the system and serves as a clock. These networks offer a several thousandfold increase in integration density and a hundredfold reduction in power dissipation over current microelectronic technology.


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The potential of 1.3-μm AlGaInAs multiple quantum-well (MQW) laser diodes for uncooled operation in high-speed optical communication systems is experimentally evaluated by characterizing the temperature dependence of key parameters such as the threshold current, transparency current density, optical gain and carrier lifetime. Detailed measurements performed in the 20°C-100°C temperature range indicate a localized T0 value of 68 K at 98°C for a device with a 2.8μm ridge width and 700-μm cavity length. The transparency current density is measured for temperatures from 20°C to 60°C and found to increase at a rate of 7.7 A·cm -2 · °C-1. Optical gain characterizations show that the peak modal gain at threshold is independent of temperature, whereas the differential gain decreases linearly with temperature at a rate of 3 × 10-4 A-1·°C-1. The differential carrier lifetime is determined from electrical impedance measurements and found to decrease with temperature. From the measured carrier lifetime we derive the monomolecular (A), radiative (B), and nonradiative Auger (C) recombination coefficients and determine their temperature dependence in the 20 °C-80 °C range. Our study shows that A is temperature independent, B decreases with temperature, and C exhibits a less pronounced increase with temperature. The experimental observations are discussed and compared with theoretical predictions and measurements performed on other material systems. © 2005 IEEE.


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In this paper, the static and dynamic performance of multi quantum-well (MQW) 1.3 μm InGaAsP Fabry Perot lasers is assessed experimentally and theoretically to identify the mechanisms responsible for impaired high speed performance at elevated temperature. Initially, threshold currents and spontaneous emission spectra are characterized for a range of temperatures from room temperature to 85 °C to indicate a significant increase in non-radiative current contributions. Preliminary estimates are made for the contributions of leakage and Auger recombination rates, found from the dependence of integrated spontaneous emission with carrier density. Drift-diffusion modelling is found to accurately predict the trend of threshold currents over temperature. Using gain modelling good agreement is found between the measured and predicted integrated spontaneous emission intensity. Gain measurements at 85 °C indicate a reduction in RIN frequency to 63% of the 25 °C value which matches well with experimental small signal performance.


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Single electron transistors are fabricated on single Si nanochains, synthesised by thermal evaporation of SiO solid sources. The nanochains consist of one-dimensional arrays of ~10nm Si nanocrystals, separated by SiO 2 regions. At 300 K, strong Coulomb staircases are seen in the drain-source current-voltage (I ds-V ds) characteristics, and single-electron oscillations are seen in the drain-source current-gate voltage (I ds-V ds) characteristics. From 300-20 K, a large increase in the Coulomb blockade region is observed. The characteristics are explained using singleelectron Monte Carlo simulation, where an inhomogeneous multiple tunnel junction represents a nanochain. Any reduction in capacitance at a nanocrystal well within the nanochain creates a conduction " bottleneck", suppressing current at low voltage and improving the Coulomb staircase. The single-electron charging energy at such an island can be very high, ~20k BT at 300 K. © 2012 The Japan Society of Applied Physics.


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Highly c-axis oriented ZnO films have been deposited at room temperature with high rates (∼50 nm·min -1) using an innovative remote plasma sputtering configuration, which allows independent control of the plasma density and the sputtering ion energy. The ZnO films deposited possess excellent crystallographic orientation, high resistivity (>10 9 Ω·m), and exhibit very low surface roughness. The ability to increase the sputtering ion energy without causing unwanted Ar + bombardment onto the substrate has been shown to be crucial for the growth of films with excellent c-axis orientation without the need of substrate heating. In addition, the elimination of the Ar + bombardment has facilitated the growth of films with very low defect density and hence very low intrinsic stress (100 MPa for 3 μm-thick films). This is over an order of magnitude lower than films grown with a standard magnetron sputtering system. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.


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Two near-ultraviolet (UV) sensors based on solution-grown zinc oxide (ZnO) nanowires (NWs) which are only sensitive to photo-excitation at or below 400 nm wavelength have been fabricated and characterized. Both devices keep all processing steps, including nanowire growth, under 100 °C for compatibility with a wide variety of substrates. The first device type uses a single optical lithography step process to allow simultaneous in situ horizontal NW growth from solution and creation of symmetric ohmic contacts to the nanowires. The second device type uses a two-mask optical lithography process to create asymmetric ohmic and Schottky contacts. For the symmetric ohmic contacts, at a voltage bias of 1 V across the device, we observed a 29-fold increase in current in comparison to dark current when the NWs were photo-excited by a 400 nm light-emitting diode (LED) at 0.15 mW cm(-2) with a relaxation time constant (τ) ranging from 50 to 555 s. For the asymmetric ohmic and Schottky contacts under 400 nm excitation, τ is measured between 0.5 and 1.4 s over varying time internals, which is ~2 orders of magnitude faster than the devices using symmetric ohmic contacts.


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It is shown that filling the holes of a drilled bulk high-temperature superconductor (HTS) with a soft ferromagnetic powder enhances its trapping properties. The magnetic properties of the trapped field magnet are characterized by Hall probe mapping and magnetization measurements. This analysis is completed by a numerical model based on a 3D finite-element method where the conductivity of the superconducting material is described by a power law while the permeability of the ferromagnetic material is fixed to a given value and is considered uniform. Numerical results support the experimental observations. In particular, they confirm the increase of trapped flux that is observed with Hall probe mapping after impregnation. © 2011 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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The efficiency of the injection and recombination processes in InGaN/GaN LEDs is governed by the properties of the active region of the devices, which strongly depend on the conditions used for the growth of the epitaxial material. To improve device quality, it is very important to understand how the high temperatures used during the growth process can modify the quality of the epitaxial material. With this paper we present a study of the modifications in the properties of InGaN/GaN LED structures induced by high temperature annealing: thermal stress tests were carried out at 900 °C, in nitrogen atmosphere, on selected samples. The efficiency and the recombination dynamics were evaluated by photoluminescence measurements (both integrated and time-resolved), while the properties of the epitaxial material were studied by Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy (SIMS) and Rutherford Backscattering (RBS) channeling measurements. Results indicate that exposure to high temperatures may lead to: (i) a significant increase in the photoluminescence efficiency of the devices; (ii) a decrease in the parasitic emission bands located between 380 nm and 400 nm; (iii) an increase in carrier lifetime, as detected by time-resolved photoluminescence measurements. The increase in device efficiency is tentatively ascribed to an improvement in the crystallographic quality of the samples. © 2013 SPIE.


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Following the miniaturization of photonic devices and the increase in data rates, the issues of self heating and heat removal in active nanophotonic devices should be considered and studied in more details. In this paper we use the approach of Scanning Thermal Microscopy (SThM) to obtain an image of the temperature field of a silicon micro ring resonator with sub-micron spatial resolution. The temperature rise in the device is a result of self heating which is caused by free carrier absorption in the doped silicon. The temperature is measured locally and directly using a temperature sensitive AFM probe. We show that this local temperature measurement is feasible in the photonic device despite the perturbation that is introduced by the probe. Using the above method we observed a significant self heating of about 10 degrees within the device.