13 resultados para Synchronized parade

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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Even though synchronization in autonomous systems has been observed for over three centuries, reports of systematic experimental studies on synchronized oscillators are limited. Here, we report on observations of internal synchronization in coupled silicon micromechanical oscillators associated with a reduction in the relative phase random walk that is modulated by the magnitude of the reactive coupling force between the oscillators. Additionally, for the first time, a significant improvement in the frequency stability of synchronized micromechanical oscillators is reported. The concept presented here is scalable and could be suitably engineered to establish the basis for a new class of highly precise miniaturized clocks and frequency references. © 2013 American Physical Society.


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Synchronization is now well established as representing coherent behaviour between two or more otherwise autonomous nonlinear systems subject to some degree of coupling. Such behaviour has mainly been studied to date, however, in relatively low-dimensional discrete systems or networks. But the possibility of similar kinds of behaviour in continuous or extended spatiotemporal systems has many potential practical implications, especially in various areas of geophysics. We review here a range of cyclically varying phenomena within the Earth's climate system for which there may be some evidence or indication of the possibility of synchronized behaviour, albeit perhaps imperfect or highly intermittent. The exploitation of this approach is still at a relatively early stage within climate science and dynamics, in which the climate system is regarded as a hierarchy of many coupled sub-systems with complex nonlinear feedbacks and forcings. The possibility of synchronization between climate oscillations (global or local) and a predictable external forcing raises important questions of how models of such phenomena can be validated and verified, since the resulting response may be relatively insensitive to the details of the model being synchronized. The use of laboratory analogues may therefore have an important role to play in the study of natural systems that can only be observed and for which controlled experiments are impossible. We go on to demonstrate that synchronization can be observed in the laboratory, even in weakly coupled fluid dynamical systems that may serve as direct analogues of the behaviour of major components of the Earth's climate system. The potential implications and observability of these effects in the long-term climate variability of the Earth is further discussed. © 2010 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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In this paper, we demonstrate synchronization of two electrically coupled MEMS oscillators incorporating nearly identical silicon tuning fork microresonators. It is seen that as the output of the oscillators are coupled, they exhibit a synchronized response wherein the output amplitudes and signal-to-noise ratios of the two oscillators are improved relative to the case where the two oscillators are uncoupled. The observed output frequency of each oscillator before coupling is 219402.4 Hz and 219403.6 Hz respectively. In contrast, when the oscillators are driven simultaneously, they lock at a common output frequency of 219401.3 Hz and their outputs are found to be out-of-phase with respect to each other. A 6 dBm gain in output power and a reduction in the phase fluctuations of the output signal are observed for the coupled oscillators compared to the case when the oscillators are uncoupled. © 2011 IEEE.


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This paper analyzes the forced response of swirl-stabilized lean-premixed flames to high-amplitude acoustic forcing in a laboratory-scale stratified burner operated with CH4 and air at atmospheric pressure. The double-swirler, double-channel annular burner was specially designed to generate high-amplitude acoustic velocity oscillations and a radial equivalence ratio gradient at the inlet of the combustion chamber. Temporal oscillations of equivalence ratio along the axial direction are dissipated over a long distance, and therefore the effects of time-varying fuel/air ratio on the response are not considered in the present investigation. Simultaneous measurements of inlet velocity and heat release rate oscillations were made using a constant temperature anemometer and photomultiplier tubes with narrow-band OH*/CH* interference filters. Time-averaged and phase-synchronized CH* chemiluminescence intensities were measured using an intensified CCD camera. The measurements show that flame stabilization mechanisms vary depending on equivalence ratio gradients for a constant global equivalence ratio (φg=0.60). Under uniformly premixed conditions, an enveloped M-shaped flame is observed. In contrast, under stratified conditions, a dihedral V-flame and a toroidal detached flame develop in the outer stream and inner stream fuel enrichment cases, respectively. The modification of the stabilization mechanism has a significant impact on the nonlinear response of stratified flames to high-amplitude acoustic forcing (u'/U∼0.45 and f=60, 160Hz). Outer stream enrichment tends to improve the flame's stiffness with respect to incident acoustic/vortical disturbances, whereas inner stream stratification tends to enhance the nonlinear flame dynamics, as manifested by the complex interaction between the swirl flame and large-scale coherent vortices with different length scales and shedding points. It was found that the behavior of the measured flame describing functions (FDF), which depend on radial fuel stratification, are well correlated with previous measurements of the intensity of self-excited combustion instabilities in the stratified swirl burner. The results presented in this paper provide insight into the impact of nonuniform reactant stoichiometry on combustion instabilities, its effect on flame location and the interaction with unsteady flow structures. © 2011 The Combustion Institute.


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Stereoscopic displays present different images to the two eyes and thereby create a compelling three-dimensional (3D) sensation. They are being developed for numerous applications including cinema, television, virtual prototyping, and medical imaging. However, stereoscopic displays cause perceptual distortions, performance decrements, and visual fatigue. These problems occur because some of the presented depth cues (i.e., perspective and binocular disparity) specify the intended 3D scene while focus cues (blur and accommodation) specify the fixed distance of the display itself. We have developed a stereoscopic display that circumvents these problems. It consists of a fast switchable lens synchronized to the display such that focus cues are nearly correct. The system has great potential for both basic vision research and display applications. © 2009 Optical Society of America.


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Stereoscopic displays present different images to the two eyes and thereby create a compelling three-dimensional (3D) sensation. They are being developed for numerous applications including cinema, television, virtual prototyping, and medical imaging. However, stereoscopic displays cause perceptual distortions, performance decrements, and visual fatigue. These problems occur because some of the presented depth cues (i.e., perspective and binocular disparity) specify the intended 3D scene while focus cues (blur and accommodation) specify the fixed distance of the display itself. We have developed a stereoscopic display that circumvents these problems. It consists of a fast switchable lens synchronized to the display such that focus cues are nearly correct. The system has great potential for both basic vision research and display applications.


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In stereo displays, binocular disparity creates a striking impression of depth. However, such displays present focus cues - blur and accommodation - that specify a different depth than disparity, thereby causing a conflict. This conflict causes several problems including misperception of the 3D layout, difficulty fusing binocular images, and visual fatigue. To address these problems, we developed a display that preserves the advantages of conventional stereo displays, while presenting correct or nearly correct focus cues. In our new stereo display each eye views a display through a lens that switches between four focal distances at very high rate. The switches are synchronized to the display, so focal distance and the distance being simulated on the display are consistent or nearly consistent with one another. Focus cues for points in-between the four focal planes are simulated by using a depth-weighted blending technique. We will describe the design of the new display, discuss the retinal images it forms under various conditions, and describe an experiment that illustrates the effectiveness of the display in maximizing visual performance while minimizing visual fatigue. © 2009 SPIE-IS&T.


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Detailed experimental investigations of the amplitude dependence of flame describing functions (FDF) were performed using a stratified swirl-stabilized combustor, in order to understand the combustion-acoustic interactions of CH4/air flames propagating into nonhomogeneous reactant stoichiometry. Phase-synchronized OH planar laser induced fluorescence (OH PLIF) measurements were used to investigate local reaction zone structures of forced flames. To determine the amplitude-and frequency-dependent forced flame response, simultaneous measurements of inlet velocity and heat release rate oscillations were made using a constant temperature anemometer and photomultiplier tubes with narrow-band OH*/CH* interference filters. The measurements were made over a wide range of stratification ratios, including inner stream enrichment ( θ o>θ i) and outer stream enrichment ( θ o>θ i)) conditions, and compared to the baseline condition of spatially and temporally homogeneous cases ( θ o=θ i)). Results show that for the inlet conditions investigated, fuel stratification has a significant influence on local and global flame structures of unforced and forced flames. Under stratified conditions, length scales of local contours were found to be much larger than the homogeneous case due to high kinematic viscosities associated with high temperature. Stratification has a remarkable effect on flame-vortex interactions when the flame is subjected to high-amplitude acoustic forcing, leading to different evolution patterns of FDF (amplitude and disturbance convective time) in response to the amplitude of the imposed inlet velocity oscillation. The present experimental investigation reveals that intentional stratification has the potential to eliminate or suppress the occurrence of detrimental combustion instability problems in lean-premixed gas turbine combustion systems. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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A combination of singular systems analysis and analytic phase techniques are used to investigate the possible occurrence in observations of coherent synchronization between quasi-biennial and semi-annual oscillations (QBOs; SAOs) in the stratosphere and troposphere. Time series of zonal mean zonal winds near the Equator are analysed from the ERA-40 and ERA-interim reanalysis datasets over a ∼ 50-year period. In the stratosphere, the QBO is found to synchronize with the SAO almost all the time, but with a frequency ratio that changes erratically between 4:1, 5:1 and 6:1. A similar variable synchronization is also evident in the tropical troposphere between semi-annual and quasi-biennial cycles (known as TBOs). Mean zonal winds from ERA-40 and ERA-interim, and also time series of indices for the Indian and West Pacific monsoons, are commonly found to exhibit synchronization, with SAO/TBO ratios that vary between 4:1 and 7:1. Coherent synchronization between the QBO and tropical TBO does not appear to persist for long intervals, however. This suggests that both the QBO and tropical TBOs may be separately synchronized to SAOs that are themselves enslaved to the seasonal cycle, or to the annual cycle itself. However, the QBO and TBOs are evidently only weakly coupled between themselves and are frequently found to lose mutual coherence when each changes its frequency ratio to its respective SAO. This suggests a need to revise a commonly cited paradigm that advocates the use of stratospheric QBO indices as a predictor for tropospheric phenomena such as monsoons and hurricanes. © 2012 Royal Meteorological Society.


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The paper proposes a synchronization mechanism in a set of nonlinear oscillators interconnected through a communication network. In contrast to many existing results, we do not employ strong, diffusive couplings between the individual oscillators. Instead, each individual oscillator is weakly forced by a linear resonator system. The resonator systems are synchronized using results from consensus theory. The synchronized resonator systems force the frequencies of the nonlinear oscillators to a constant frequency and thereby yield synchronization of the oscillators. We prove this result using the theory of small forcings of stable oscillators. This synchronization scheme allows for synchronization of nonlinear oscillators over uniformly connected communication graphs. ©2010 IEEE.


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Collective behavior refers to the emergence of complex migration patterns over scales larger than those of the individual elements constituting a system. It plays a pivotal role in biological systems in regulating various processes such as gastrulation, morphogenesis and tissue organization. Here, by combining experimental approaches and numerical modeling, we explore the role of cell density ('crowding'), strength of intercellular adhesion ('cohesion') and boundary conditions imposed by extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins ('constraints') in regulating the emergence of collective behavior within epithelial cell sheets. Our results show that the geometrical confinement of cells into well-defined circles induces a persistent, coordinated and synchronized rotation of cells that depends on cell density. The speed of such rotating large-scale movements slows down as the density increases. Furthermore, such collective rotation behavior depends on the size of the micropatterned circles: we observe a rotating motion of the overall cell population in the same direction for sizes of up to 200 μm. The rotating cells move as a solid body, with a uniform angular velocity. Interestingly, this upper limit leads to length scales that are similar to the natural correlation length observed for unconfined epithelial cell sheets. This behavior is strongly altered in cells that present a downregulation of adherens junctions and in cancerous cell types. We anticipate that our system provides a simple and easy approach to investigate collective cell behavior in a well-controlled and systematic manner.


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Polymer composites comprising ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHWMPE) fibers in a compliant matrix are now widely used in ballistic applications with varying levels of success. This is primarily due to a poor understanding of the mechanics of penetration of these composites in ballistic protection systems. In this study, we report experimental observations of the penetration mechanisms in four model systems impacted by a 12.7 mm diameter spherical steel projectile. The four model targets designed to highlight different penetration mechanisms in Dyneema® UHWMPE composites were: (i) a bare aluminum plate; (ii) the same plate fully encased in a 5.9 mm thick casing of Dyneema®; (iii) the fully encased plate with a portion of the Dyneema® removed from the front face so that the projectile impacts directly the Al plate; and (iv) the fully encased plate with a portion of the Dyneema® removed from the rear face so that the projectile can exit the Al plate without again interacting with the Dyneema®. A combination of synchronized high speed photography with three cameras, together with post-test examination of the targets via X-ray tomography and optical microscopy was used to elucidate the deformation and perforation mechanisms. The measurements show that the ballistic resistance of these targets increases in the order: bare Al plate, rear face cutout target, fully encased target and front face cutout target. These findings are explained based on the following key findings: (a) the ballistic performance of Dyneema® plates supported on a foundation is inferior to Dyneema® plates supported along their edges; (b) the apparent ballistic resistance of Dyneema® plates increases if the plates are given an initial velocity prior to the impact by the projectile, thereby reducing the relative velocity between the Dyneema® plate and projectile; and (c) when the projectile is fragmented prior to impact, the spatially and temporally distributed loading enhances the ballistic resistance of the Dyneema®. The simple model targets designed here have elucidated mechanisms by which Dyneema® functions in multi-material structures. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.


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There has been much recent interest in engineering the phenomenon of synchronization in coupled micro-/nano-scale oscillators for applications ranging from precision time and frequency references to new approaches to information processing. This paper presents descriptive modelling detail and further experimental validation of the phenomenon of mutual synchronization in coupled MEMS oscillators building upon recent experimental validation of this concept by the present authors. In particular, the underlying dependence of the observation of synchronization on system parameters is studied through numerical and analytical modelling while considering essential nonlinearities in both the resonator and circuit domain. Experimental results demonstrating synchronized response are elaborated based on the realization of electrically coupled MEMS resonator based square-wave oscillators. The experimental results on frequency entrainment are found to be in general agreement with results obtained through analytical modeling and numerical simulation. The concept presented here is scalable and could be used to investigate the dynamics of large-arrays of coupled MEMS oscillators. © 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.