20 resultados para Sub-2nd Harmonic-generation

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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This paper presents an investigation of the mode-locking performance of a two-section external-cavity mode-locked InGaAs quantum-dot laser diode, focusing on repetition rate, pulse duration and pulse energy. The lowest repetition rate to-date of any passively mode-locked semiconductor laser diode is demonstrated (310 MHz) and a restriction on the pulse energy (at 0.4 pJ) for the shortest pulse durations is identified. Fundamental mode-locking from 310 MHz to 1.1 GHz was investigated, and harmonic mode-locking was achieved up to a repetition rate of 4.4 GHz. Fourier transform limited subpicosecond pulse generation was realized through implementation of an intra-cavity glass etalon, and pulse durations from 930fs to 8.3ps were demonstrated for a repetition rate of 1 GHz. For all investigations, mode-locking with the shortest pulse durations yielded constant pulse energies of ∼0.4 pJ, revealing an independence of the pulse energy on all the mode-locking parameters investigated (cavity configuration, driving conditions, pulse duration, repetition rate, and output power). © 2011 IEEE.


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We report an ultrafast fiber laser based on carbon nanotube saturable absorber. 84 fs pulses are generated directly from the fiber oscillator with 61.2 nm spectral width. © 2011 Optical Society of America.


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Far-field optimized photonic crystal nanocavities are used to strongly increase light generation from crystalline silicon. Low-power continuous-wave harmonic generation as well as efficient room temperature light-emission from optically-active defects are demonstrated in these devices. © 2011 IEEE.


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A monolithic design is proposed for low-noise sub-THz signal generation by integrating a reflector onto a dual laser source. The reflectivity and the position of such a reflector can be adjusted to obtain constructive feedback from the reflector to both lasers, thus causing a Vernier feedback effect. As a result, 10-fold line narrowing, the narrowing being limited by the resolution of the simulation, is predicted using a transmission line model. Finally, a simple control scheme using an electrical feedback loop to adjust laser biases is proposed to maintain the line narrowing performance. This line narrowing technique, comprising a passive integrated reflector, could allow the development of a low-cost, compact and energy-efficient solution for high-purity sub-THz signal generation. © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2014.


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Silicon is known to be a very good material for the realization of high-Q, low-volume photonic cavities, but at the same it is usually considered as a poor material for nonlinear optical functionalities like second-harmonic generation, because its second-order nonlinear susceptibility vanishes in the dipole approximation. In this work we demonstrate that nonlinear optical effects in silicon nanocavities can be strongly enhanced and even become macroscopically observable. We employ photonic crystal nanocavities in silicon membranes that are optimized simultaneously for high quality factor and efficient coupling to an incoming beam in the far field. Using a low-power, continuous-wave laser at telecommunication wavelengths as a pump beam, we demonstrate simultaneous generation of second- and third harmonics in the visible region, which can be observed with a simple camera. The results are in good agreement with a theoretical model that treats third-harmonic generation as a bulk effect in the cavity region, and second-harmonic generation as a surface effect arising from the vertical hole sidewalls. Optical bistability is also observed in the silicon nanocavities and its physical mechanisms (optical, due to two-photon generation of free carriers, as well as thermal) are investigated. © 2011 IEEE.


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Quantum-dot active material systems are proving to be an excellent choice for mode-locked laser applications. High-power, high repetition-rate picosecond and sub-picosecond pulse generation is now readily achievable with promising results for ultra-low jitter performance. © 2006 Optical Society of America.