15 resultados para Single-Stage Converters

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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Shear layers shed by aircraft wings roll up into vortices. A similar, though far less common, phenomenon can occur in the wake of a turbomachine blade. This paper presents experimental data from a new single stage turbine that has been commissioned at the Whittle Laboratory. Two low aspect ratio stators have been tested with the same rotor row. Surface flow visualisation illustrates the extremely strong secondary flows present in both NGV designs. These secondary flows lead to conventional passage vortices but also to an intense vortex sheet which is shed from the trailing edge of the blades. Pneumatic probe traverse show how this sheet rolls up into a concentrated vortex in the second stator design, but not in the first. A simple numerical experiment is used to model the shear layer instability and the effects of trailing edge shape and exit yaw angle distribution are investigated. It is found that the latter has a strong influence on shear layer rollup: inhibiting the formation of a vortex downstream of NGV 1 but encouraging it behind NGV 2.


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Part 1 of this paper reanalyzed previously published measurements from the rotor of a low-speed, single-stage, axial-flow turbine, which highlighted the unsteady nature of the suction surface transition process. Part 2 investigates the significance of the wake jet and the unsteady frequency parameter. Supporting experiments carried out in a linear cascade with varying inlet turbulence are described, together with a simple unsteady transition model explaining the features of seen in the turbine.


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Previously published measurements in a low-speed, single-stage, axial-flow turbine have been reanalyzed in the light of more recent understanding. The measurements include time-resolved hot-wire traverses and surface hot film gage measurements at the midspan of the rotor suction surface with three different rotor-stator spacings. This paper investigates the suction surface boundary layer transition process, using surface-distance time plots and boundary layer cross sections to demonstrate the unsteady and two-dimensional nature of the process.


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In turbomachinery, a considerable proportion of the blade surface area can be covered by transitional boundary layers. This means that accurate prediction of the profile loss and boundary layer behavior in general depends on the accurate modeling of the transitional boundary layers, especially at low Reynolds numbers. This paper presents a model for determining the intermittency resulting from the unsteady transition caused by the passage of wakes over a blade surface. The model is founded on work by Emmons (1951) who showed that the intermittency could be calculated from a knowledge of the behavior of randomly formed turbulent spots. The model is used to calculate the development of the boundary layer on the rotor of a low Reynolds number single-stage turbine. The predictions are compared with experimental results obtained using surface-mounted hot-film anemometers and hot-wire traverses of the rotor midspan boundary layer at two different rotor-stator gaps. The validity and limitations of the model are discussed.


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Condition-based maintenance is concerned with the collection and interpretation of data to support maintenance decisions. The non-intrusive nature of vibration data enables the monitoring of enclosed systems such as gearboxes. It remains a significant challenge to analyze vibration data that are generated under fluctuating operating conditions. This is especially true for situations where relatively little prior knowledge regarding the specific gearbox is available. It is therefore investigated how an adaptive time series model, which is based on Bayesian model selection, may be used to remove the non-fault related components in the structural response of a gear assembly to obtain a residual signal which is robust to fluctuating operating conditions. A statistical framework is subsequently proposed which may be used to interpret the structure of the residual signal in order to facilitate an intuitive understanding of the condition of the gear system. The proposed methodology is investigated on both simulated and experimental data from a single stage gearbox. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents a study of stall inception mechanisms a in low-speed axial compressor. Previous work has identified two common flow breakdown sequences, the first associated with a short lengthscale disturbance known as a `spike', and the second with a longer lengthscale disturbance known as a `modal oscillation'. In this paper the physical differences between these two mechanisms are illustrated with detailed measurements. Experimental results are also presented which relate the occurrence of the two stalling mechanisms to the operating conditions of the compressor. It is shown that the stability criteria for the two disturbances are different: long lengthscale disturbances are related to a two-dimensional instability of the whole compression system, while short lengthscale disturbances indicate a three-dimensional breakdown of the flow-field associated with high rotor incidence angles. Based on the experimental measurements, a simple model is proposed which explains the type of stall inception pattern observed in a particular compressor. Measurements from a single stage low-speed compressor and from a multistage high-speed compressor are presented in support of the model.


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This paper presents new experimental measurements of spike-type stall inception. The measurements were carried out in the single stage Deverson compressor at the Whittle Laboratory. The primary objective was to characterize the flow field in the tip clearance gap during stall inception using sufficient instrumentation to give high spatial and temporal resolution. Measurements were recorded using arrays of unsteady pressure transducers over the rotor tips and hot-wires in the tip gap. Pre-stall ensemble averaged velocity and pressure maps were obtained as well as pressure contours of the stall event. In order to study the transient inception process in greater detail, vector maps were built up from hundreds of stalling events using a triggering system based on the stalling event itself. The results show an embryonic disturbance starting within the blade passage and leading to the formation of a clear spike. The origins of the spike and its relation to the tip leakage vortex are discussed. It has also been shown that before stall the flow in the blade passage which is most likely to stall is generally more unsteady, from revolution to revolution, than the other passages in the annulus. Copyright © 2012 by ASME.


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This paper presents new experimental measurements of spike-type stall inception. The measurements were carried out in the single stage Deverson compressor at the Whittle Laboratory. The primary objective was to characterize the flow field in the tip clearance gap during stall inception using sufficient instrumentation to give high spatial and temporal resolution. Measurements were recorded using arrays of unsteady pressure transducers over the rotor tips and hot-wires in the tip gap. Prestall ensemble averaged velocity and pressure maps were obtained as well as pressure contours of the stall event. In order to study the transient inception process in greater detail, vector maps were built up from hundreds of stalling events using a triggering system based on the stalling event itself. The results show an embryonic disturbance starting within the blade passage and leading to the formation of a clear spike. The origins of the spike and its relation to the tip leakage vortex are discussed. It has also been shown that before stall, the flow in the blade passage which is most likely to stall is generally more unsteady, from revolution to revolution, than the other passages in the annulus. © 2014 by ASME.


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Large digital chips use a significant amount of energy to distribute a multi-GHz clock. By discharging the clock network to ground every cycle, the energy stored in this large capacitor is wasted. Instead, the energy can be recovered using an on-chip DC-DC converter. This paper investigates the integration of two DC-DC converter topologies, boost and buck-boost, with a high-speed clock driver. The high operating frequency significantly shrinks the required size of the L and C components so they can be placed on-chip; typical converters place them off-chip. The clock driver and DC-DC converter are able to share the entire tapered buffer chain, including the widest drive transistors in the final stage. To achieve voltage regulation, the clock duty cycle must be modulated; implying only single-edge-triggered flops should be used. However, this minor drawback is eclipsed by the benefits: by recovering energy from the clock, the output power can actually exceed the additional power needed to operate the converter circuitry, resulting in an effective efficiency greater than 100%. Furthermore, the converter output can be used to operate additional power-saving features like low-voltage islands or body bias voltages. ©2008 IEEE.


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Large digital chips use a significant amount of energy to broadcast a low-skew, multigigahertz clock to millions of latches located throughout the chip. Every clock cycle, the large aggregate capacitance of the clock network is charged from the supply and then discharged to ground. Instead of wasting this stored energy, it is possible to recycle the energy by controlling its delivery to another part of the chip using an on-chip dc-dc converter. The clock driver and switching converter circuits share many compatible characteristics that allow them to be merged into a single design and fully integrated on-chip. Our buck converter prototype, manufactured in 90-nm CMOS, provides a proof-of-concept that clock network energy can be recycled to other parts of the chip, thus lowering overall energy consumption. It also confirms that monolithic multigigahertz switching converters utilizing zero-voltage switching can be implemented in deep-submicrometer CMOS. With multigigahertz operation, fully integrated inductors and capacitors use a small amount of chip area with low losses. Combining the clock driver with the power converter can share the large MOSFET drivers necessary as well as being energy and space efficient. We present an analysis of the losses which we confirm by experimentally comparing the merged circuit with a conventional clock driver. © 2012 IEEE.