150 resultados para SILICA SURFACES

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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We have developed a classical two- and three-body interaction potential to simulate the hydroxylated, natively oxidized Si surface in contact with water solutions, based on the combination and extension of the Stillinger-Weber potential and of a potential originally developed to simulate SiO(2) polymorphs. The potential parameters are chosen to reproduce the structure, charge distribution, tensile surface stress, and interactions with single water molecules of a natively oxidized Si surface model previously obtained by means of accurate density functional theory simulations. We have applied the potential to the case of hydrophilic silicon wafer bonding at room temperature, revealing maximum room temperature work of adhesion values for natively oxidized and amorphous silica surfaces of 97 and 90 mJm(2), respectively, at a water adsorption coverage of approximately 1 ML. The difference arises from the stronger interaction of the natively oxidized surface with liquid water, resulting in a higher heat of immersion (203 vs 166 mJm(2)), and may be explained in terms of the more pronounced water structuring close to the surface in alternating layers of larger and smaller densities with respect to the liquid bulk. The computed force-displacement bonding curves may be a useful input for cohesive zone models where both the topographic details of the surfaces and the dependence of the attractive force on the initial surface separation and wetting can be taken into account.


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The usage of semiconductor nanostructures is highly promising for boosting the energy conversion efficiency in photovoltaics technology, but still some of the underlying mechanisms are not well understood at the nanoscale length. Ge quantum dots (QDs) should have a larger absorption and a more efficient quantum confinement effect than Si ones, thus they are good candidate for third-generation solar cells. In this work, Ge QDs embedded in silica matrix have been synthesized through magnetron sputtering deposition and annealing up to 800°C. The thermal evolution of the QD size (2 to 10 nm) has been followed by transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction techniques, evidencing an Ostwald ripening mechanism with a concomitant amorphous-crystalline transition. The optical absorption of Ge nanoclusters has been measured by spectrophotometry analyses, evidencing an optical bandgap of 1.6 eV, unexpectedly independent of the QDs size or of the solid phase (amorphous or crystalline). A simple modeling, based on the Tauc law, shows that the photon absorption has a much larger extent in smaller Ge QDs, being related to the surface extent rather than to the volume. These data are presented and discussed also considering the outcomes for application of Ge nanostructures in photovoltaics.PACS: 81.07.Ta; 78.67.Hc; 68.65.-k.


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Dense arrays of high aspect ratio Si micro-pyramids have been formed by cumulative high intensity laser irradiation of doped Si wafers in an SF6 environment. A comparative study using nanosecond (XeCl, 308 nm) and femtosecond (Ti: Sapphire, 800 nm and KrF, 248 nm) laser pulses has been performed in this work. The influence of pulse duration and ambient gas pressure (SF6) is also presented. Scanning electron microscopy has shown that upon laser irradiation conical features appear on the Si surface in a rather homogenous distribution and with a spontaneous self alignment into arrays. Their lowest tip diameter is 800 nm; while their height reaches up to 90 mum. Secondary tip decoration appears on the surface of the formed spikes. Areas of 2 X 2 mm(2) covered with Si cones have been tested as cold cathode field emitters. After several conditioning cycles, the field emission threshold for the studied Si tips is as low as 2 V/mum, with an emission current of 10(-3) A/cm(2) at 4 V/mum. Even though these structures have smaller aspect ratios than good quality carbon nanotubes, their field emission properties are similar. The simple and direct formation of field emission Si arrays over small pre-selected areas by laser irradiation could lead to a novel approach for the development of electron sources. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A novel method for obtaining information on the charge density of an immersed surface is presented. The technique uses focused ultrasound to excite oscillatory fluid motion in the plane of the solid-liquid interface, over a localised area. The displacement current (resulting from the motion of fluid-borne ions in the outer double-layer) is detected by electrodes in the liquid. The method is demonstrated as a means for monitoring protein adsorption, and for monitoring interactions between two different proteins. A second electrokinetic effect at the interface is identified, isolated from the first, and shown to provide additional information on the compressibility and charge density of the double-layer. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The slurry erosion-corrosion behaviour of aluminium in aqueous silica slurries containing 0.5 M NaCl, acetic acid and 0.1 M Na2CO3 at open circuit has been investigated using a modified slurry erosion rig. The erosion rates of aluminium in the NaCl and acetic acid slurries were much higher than those in an aqueous slurry without electrolyte additives even though the pure corrosion component was very small. Eroded specimens were examined by scanning electron and optical microscopy. In pure aqueous slurry erosion, the basic mechanism leading to mass loss was the ductile fracture of flakes formed on the eroded surface. In corrosive slurries, however, the mass loss was enhanced by cracking of the flakes induced by stress and corrosion. © 1995.


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Experiments with N//2O were carried out with a view to obtaining additional information about the reactivity of oxygen surface species. On clean Ag, N//2O decomposition was found to be an activated process which led exclusively to the deposition of O(a) species. The presence of preadsorbed oxygen or subsurface oxygen served to enhance the deposition rate of O(a). Subsequent dosing with ethylene at 300 K of such an oxygen-populated surface followed by TPR examination showed it to be active for ethylene oxide formation. Control experiments established that adventitious decomposition of N//2O at the reactor walls or specimen supports followed by possible re-absorption of O//2(a) was an entirely negligible process. ) The oxidation activity of N//2O was also investigated at elevated pressures in the batch reactor.