12 resultados para SEQUENCING REVEALS

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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As one of the most abundant polysaccharides on Earth, xylan will provide more than a third of the sugars for lignocellulosic biofuel production when using grass or hardwood feedstocks. Xylan is characterized by a linear β(1,4)-linked backbone of xylosyl residues substituted by glucuronic acid, 4-O-methylglucuronic acid or arabinose, depending on plant species and cell types. The biological role of these decorations is unclear, but they have a major influence on the properties of the polysaccharide. Despite the recent isolation of several mutants with reduced backbone, the mechanisms of xylan synthesis and substitution are unclear. We identified two Golgi-localized putative glycosyltransferases, GlucUronic acid substitution of Xylan (GUX)-1 and GUX2 that are required for the addition of both glucuronic acid and 4-O-methylglucuronic acid branches to xylan in Arabidopsis stem cell walls. The gux1 gux2 double mutants show loss of xylan glucuronyltransferase activity and lack almost all detectable xylan substitution. Unexpectedly, they show no change in xylan backbone quantity, indicating that backbone synthesis and substitution can be uncoupled. Although the stems are weakened, the xylem vessels are not collapsed, and the plants grow to normal size. The xylan in these plants shows improved extractability from the cell wall, is composed of a single monosaccharide, and requires fewer enzymes for complete hydrolysis. These findings have implications for our understanding of the synthesis and function of xylan in plants. The results also demonstrate the potential for manipulating and simplifying the structure of xylan to improve the properties of lignocellulose for bioenergy and other uses.


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Campylobacter jejuni is a prevalent cause of food-borne diarrhoeal illness in humans. Understanding of the physiological and metabolic capabilities of the organism is limited. We report a detailed analysis of the C. jejuni growth cycle in batch culture. Combined transcriptomic, phenotypic and metabolic analysis demonstrates a highly dynamic 'stationary phase', characterized by a peak in motility, numerous gene expression changes and substrate switching, despite transcript changes that indicate a metabolic downshift upon the onset of stationary phase. Video tracking of bacterial motility identifies peak activity during stationary phase. Amino acid analysis of culture supernatants shows a preferential order of amino acid utilization. Proton NMR (1H-NMR) highlights an acetate switch mechanism whereby bacteria change from acetate excretion to acetate uptake, most probably in response to depletion of other substrates. Acetate production requires pta (Cj0688) and ackA (Cj0689), although the acs homologue (Cj1537c) is not required. Insertion mutants in Cj0688 and Cj0689 maintain viability less well during the stationary and decline phases of the growth cycle than wild-type C. jejuni, suggesting that these genes, and the acetate pathway, are important for survival.


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Transposon mutagenesis has been applied to a hyper-invasive clinical isolate of Campylobacter jejuni, 01/51. A random transposon mutant library was screened in an in vitro assay of invasion and 26 mutants with a significant reduction in invasion were identified. Given that the invasion potential of C. jejuni is relatively poor compared to other enteric pathogens, the use of a hyper-invasive strain was advantageous as it greatly facilitated the identification of mutants with reduced invasion. The location of the transposon insertion in 23 of these mutants has been determined; all but three of the insertions are in genes also present in the genome-sequenced strain NCTC 11168. Eight of the mutants contain transposon insertions in one region of the genome (approximately 14 kb), which when compared with the genome of NCTC 11168 overlaps with one of the previously reported plasticity regions and is likely to be involved in genomic variation between strains. Further characterization of one of the mutants within this region has identified a gene that might be involved in adhesion to host cells.


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DNA cytosine methylation is a conserved epigenetic modification frequently correlating with transcriptional silencing in a wide variety of eukaryotic organisms. Sodium bisulfite treatment of DNA converts unmethylated cytosine to uracil, while 5-methylated cytosine is protected. We describe techniques that ensure reliable sequencing data following sodium bisulfite conversion and to avoid common pitfalls such as amplification of unconverted DNA and inclusion of sibling clones.


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The autonomous pathway functions to promote flowering in Arabidopsis by limiting the accumulation of the floral repressor FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC). Within this pathway FCA is a plant-specific, nuclear RNA-binding protein, which interacts with FY, a highly conserved eukaryotic polyadenylation factor. FCA and FY function to control polyadenylation site choice during processing of the FCA transcript. Null mutations in the yeast FY homologue Pfs2p are lethal. This raises the question as to whether these essential RNA processing functions are conserved in plants. Characterisation of an allelic series of fy mutations reveals that null alleles are embryo lethal. Furthermore, silencing of FY, but not FCA, is deleterious to growth in Nicotiana. The late-flowering fy alleles are hypomorphic and indicate a requirement for both intact FY WD repeats and the C-terminal domain in repression of FLC. The FY C-terminal domain binds FCA and in vitro assays demonstrate a requirement for both C-terminal FY-PPLPP repeats during this interaction. The expression domain of FY supports its roles in essential and flowering-time functions. Hence, FY may mediate both regulated and constitutive RNA 3'-end processing.


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Humans develop rich mental representations that guide their behavior in a variety of everyday tasks. However, it is unknown whether these representations, often formalized as priors in Bayesian inference, are specific for each task or subserve multiple tasks. Current approaches cannot distinguish between these two possibilities because they cannot extract comparable representations across different tasks [1-10]. Here, we develop a novel method, termed cognitive tomography, that can extract complex, multidimensional priors across tasks. We apply this method to human judgments in two qualitatively different tasks, "familiarity" and "odd one out," involving an ecologically relevant set of stimuli, human faces. We show that priors over faces are structurally complex and vary dramatically across subjects, but are invariant across the tasks within each subject. The priors we extract from each task allow us to predict with high precision the behavior of subjects for novel stimuli both in the same task as well as in the other task. Our results provide the first evidence for a single high-dimensional structured representation of a naturalistic stimulus set that guides behavior in multiple tasks. Moreover, the representations estimated by cognitive tomography can provide independent, behavior-based regressors for elucidating the neural correlates of complex naturalistic priors. © 2013 The Authors.