em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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The dynamics of free electron-hole pairs and excitons in GaAs-AlGaAs-GaAs core-shell-skin nanowires is investigated using femtosecond transient photoluminescence spectroscopy at 10 K. Following nonresonant excitation, a bimolecular interconversion of the initially generated electron-hole plasma into an exciton population is observed. This conducting-to-insulating transition appears to occur gradually over electron-hole charge pair densities of 2-4 × 10(16) cm(-3) . The smoothness of the Mott transition is attributed to the slow carrier-cooling during the bimolecular interconversion of free charge carriers into excitons and to the presence of chemical-potential fluctuations leading to inhomogeneous spectral characteristics. These results demonstrate that high-quality nanowires are model systems for investigating fundamental scientific effects in 1D heterostructures.


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Semiconductor nanowires have recently emerged as a new class of materials with significant potential to reveal new fundamental physics and to propel new applications in quantum electronic and optoelectronic devices. Semiconductor nanowires show exceptional promise as nanostructured materials for exploring physics in reduced dimensions and in complex geometries, as well as in one-dimensional nanowire devices. They are compatible with existing semiconductor technologies and can be tailored into unique axial and radial heterostructures. In this contribution we review the recent efforts of our international collaboration which have resulted in significant advances in the growth of exceptionally high quality IIIV nanowires and nanowire heterostructures, and major developments in understanding the electronic energy landscapes of these nanowires and the dynamics of carriers in these nanowires using photoluminescence, time-resolved photoluminescence and terahertz conductivity spectroscopy. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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GaAs and InP based III-V compound semiconductor nanowires were grown epitaxially on GaAs (or Si) (111)B and InP (111)B substrates, respectively, by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition using Au nanoparticles as catalyst. In this paper, we will give an overview of nanowire research activities in our group. In particular, the effects of growth parameters on the crystal structure and optical properties of various nanowires were studied in detail. We have successfully obtained defect-free GaAs nanowires with nearly intrinsic exciton lifetime and vertical straight nanowires on Si (111)B substrates. The crystal structure of InP nanowires, i.e., WZ or ZB, can also be engineered by carefully controlling the V/III ratio and catalyst size. © 2011 World Scientific Publishing Company.


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InP and GaAs based nanowires were grown epitaxially on InP or GaAs (111)B substrates by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition via vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) mechanism. In this report, I will give an overview of nanowire research activities in our group. In particular, the effects of growth parameters for InP and GaAs nanowires on the crystal quality have been studied in detail. We demonstrated the ability to obtain defect-free GaAs nanowires and control the crystal structure of InP nanowires, ie, WZ or ZB, by choosing a combination of growth parameters, such as temperature, V/III ratio and nanowire diameter. © 2009 IEEE NANO Organizers.


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GaAs and InP based nanowires were grown epitaxially on GaAs or InP (111)B substrates by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition using Au nanoparticles as catalyst. In this talk, I will give an overview of nanowire research activities in our group. Especially, the effects of growth parameters for GaAs and InP nanowires on the crystal quality have been studied in detail. We demonstrated the ability to obtain defect-free GaAs nanowires and control the crystal structure of InP nanowires, ie, WZ or ZB, by choosing a combination of growth parameters, such as temperature, V/III ratio and nanowire diameter. © 2009 IEEE.


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GaAs and InP based nanowires were grown epitaxially on GaAs or InP (111)B substrates by MOCVD via VLS mechanism. In this paper, I will give an overview of nanowire research activities in our group. © 2009 IEEE.


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Accurately measuring the electronic properties of nanowires is a crucial step in the development of novel semiconductor nanowire-based devices. With this in mind, optical pump-terahertz probe (OPTP) spectroscopy is ideally suited to studies of nanowires: it provides non-contact measurement of carrier transport and dynamics at room temperature. OPTP spectroscopy has been used to assess key electrical properties, including carrier lifetime and carrier mobility, of GaAs, InAs and InP nanowires. The measurements revealed that InAs nanowires exhibited the highest mobilities and InP nanowires exhibited the lowest surface recombination velocity. © 2013 Copyright SPIE.


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Surface states in semiconductor nanowires (NWs) are detrimental to the NW optical and electronic properties and to their light emission-based applications, due to the large surface-to-volume ratio of NWs and the congregation of defects states near surfaces. In this paper, we demonstrated an effective approach to eliminate surface states in InAs NWs of zinc-blende (ZB) and wurtzite (WZ) structures and a dramatic recovery of band edge emission through surface passivation with organic sulfide octadecylthiol (ODT). Microphotoluminescence (PL) measurements were carried out before and after passivation to study the dominant recombination mechanisms and surface state densities of the NWs. For WZ-NWs, we show that the passivation removed the surface states and recovered the band-edge emission, leading to a factor of ∼19 reduction of PL linewidth. For ZB-NWs, the deep surface states were removed and the PL peaks width became as narrow as ∼250 nm with some remaining emission of near band-edge surface states. The passivated NWs showed excellent stability in atmosphere, water, and heat environments. In particular, no observable changes occurred in the PL features from the passivated NWs exposed in air for more than five months.


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We have used terahertz spectroscopy to measure the conductivity and time-resolved photoconductivity of a range of semiconducting nanostructures. This article focuses on our recent terahertz conductivity studies on semiconductor nanowires and single walled carbon nanotubes. © 2010 IEEE.


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One of the main motivations for the great interest in semiconductor nanowires is the possibility of easily growing advanced heterostructures that might be difficult or even impossible to achieve in thin films. For III-V semiconductor nanowires, axial heterostructures with an interchange of the group III element typically grow straight in only one interface direction. In the case of InAs-GaAs heterostructures, straight nanowire growth has been demonstrated for growth of GaAs on top of InAs, but so far never in the other direction. In this article, we demonstrate the growth of straight axial heterostructures of InAs on top of GaAs. The heterostructure interface is sharp and we observe a dependence on growth parameters closely related to crystal structure as well as a diameter dependence on straight nanowire growth. The results are discussed by means of accurate first principles calculations of the interfacial energies. In addition, the role of the gold seed particle, the effect of its composition at different stages during growth, and its size are discussed in relation to the results observed.


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We have investigated the dynamics of hot charge carriers in InP nanowire ensembles containing a range of densities of zinc-blende inclusions along the otherwise wurtzite nanowires. From time-dependent photoluminescence spectra, we extract the temperature of the charge carriers as a function of time after nonresonant excitation. We find that charge-carrier temperature initially decreases rapidly with time in accordance with efficient heat transfer to lattice vibrations. However, cooling rates are subsequently slowed and are significantly lower for nanowires containing a higher density of stacking faults. We conclude that the transfer of charges across the type II interface is followed by release of additional energy to the lattice, which raises the phonon bath temperature above equilibrium and impedes the carrier cooling occurring through interaction with such phonons. These results demonstrate that type II heterointerfaces in semiconductor nanowires can sustain a hot charge-carrier distribution over an extended time period. In photovoltaic applications, such heterointerfaces may hence both reduce recombination rates and limit energy losses by allowing hot-carrier harvesting.


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Optical trapping and manipulation of micrometre-sized particles was first reported in 1970. Since then, it has been successfully implemented in two size ranges: the subnanometre scale, where light-matter mechanical coupling enables cooling of atoms, ions and molecules, and the micrometre scale, where the momentum transfer resulting from light scattering allows manipulation of microscopic objects such as cells. But it has been difficult to apply these techniques to the intermediate-nanoscale-range that includes structures such as quantum dots, nanowires, nanotubes, graphene and two-dimensional crystals, all of crucial importance for nanomaterials-based applications. Recently, however, several new approaches have been developed and demonstrated for trapping plasmonic nanoparticles, semiconductor nanowires and carbon nanostructures. Here we review the state-of-the-art in optical trapping at the nanoscale, with an emphasis on some of the most promising advances, such as controlled manipulation and assembly of individual and multiple nanostructures, force measurement with femtonewton resolution, and biosensors.


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We investigate the dependency of electrostatic interaction forces on applied potentials in electrostatic force microscopy (EFM) as well as in related local potentiometry techniques such as Kelvin probe microscopy (KPM). The approximated expression of electrostatic interaction between two conductors, usually employed in EFM and KPM, may loose its validity when probe-sample distance is not very small, as often realized when realistic nanostructured systems with complex topography are investigated. In such conditions, electrostatic interaction does not depend solely on the potential difference between probe and sample, but instead it may depend on the bias applied to each conductor. For instance, electrostatic force can change from repulsive to attractive for certain ranges of applied potentials and probe-sample distances, and this fact cannot be accounted for by approximated models. We propose a general capacitance model, even applicable to more than two conductors, considering values of potentials applied to each of the conductors to determine the resulting forces and force gradients, being able to account for the above phenomenon as well as to describe interactions at larger distances. Results from numerical simulations and experiments on metal stripe electrodes and semiconductor nanowires supporting such scenario in typical regimes of EFM investigations are presented, evidencing the importance of a more rigorous modeling for EFM data interpretation. Furthermore, physical meaning of Kelvin potential as used in KPM applications can also be clarified by means of the reported formalism. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.