19 resultados para Rotation of crops

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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The constrained deformation of an aluminium alloy foam sandwiched between steel substrates has been investigated. The sandwich plates are subjected to through-thickness shear and normal loading, and it is found that the face sheets constrain the foam against plastic deformation and result in a size effect: the yield strength increases with diminishing thickness of foam layer. The strain distribution across the foam core has been measured by a visual strain mapping technique, and a boundary layer of reduced straining was observed adjacent to the face sheets. The deformation response of the aluminium foam layer was modelled by the elastic-plastic finite element analysis of regular and irregular two dimensional honeycombs, bonded to rigid face sheets; in the simulations, the rotation of the boundary nodes of the cell-wall beam elements was set to zero to simulate full constraint from the rigid face sheets. It is found that the regular honeycomb under-estimates the size effect whereas the irregular honeycomb provides a faithful representation of both the observed size effect and the observed strain profile through the foam layer. Additionally, a compressible version of the Fleck-Hutchinson strain gradient theory was used to predict the size effect; by identifying the cell edge length as the relevant microstructural length scale the strain gradient model is able to reproduce the observed strain profiles across the layer and the thickness dependence of strength. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In the 'free-ball' version of the micro-scale abrasion or ball-cratering test the rotating ball rests against a tilted sample and a grooved drive shaft. Tests under nominally identical conditions with different apparatus commonly show small but significant differences in measured wear rate. An indirect method has been developed and demonstrated for continuous on-line measurement of the coefficient of friction in the free-ball test. Experimental investigation of the effects of sample tilt angle and drive shaft groove width shows that both these factors influence the stability of the rotation of the ball, and the shape of the abrasive slurry pool, which in turn affect the coefficient of friction in the wear scar area and the measured wear rate. It is suggested that in order to improve the reproducibility of this method the geometry of the apparatus should be specified. For the apparatus used in this work with a steel ball of 25 mm diameter, a sample tilt angle of 60-75° and a shaft groove width of about 10mm provided the most stable ball motion and a wear rate which showed least variability. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The flexoelectro-optic effect describes the rotation of the optic axis of a short-pitch chiral nematic liquid crystal under the application of an electric field. We investigate the effect in the uniform standing helix, or "Grandjean" configuration. An in-plane electric field is applied. The director profile is determined numerically using a static one-dimensional continuum model with strong surface anchoring. The Berreman method is used to solve for plane-wave solutions to Maxwell's equations, and predict the optical properties of the resulting structure in general cases. By using a chiral nematic with short pitch between crossed polarizers an optical switch may be generated. With no applied field the configuration is nontransmissive at normal incidence, but becomes transmissive with an applied field. For this case, numerical results using the Berreman method are supplemented with an analytic theory and found to be in good agreement. The transmitted intensity as a function of tilt, the contrast ratio, and the tilt required for full intensity modulation are presented. The angular dependence of the transmission is calculated and the isocontrast curves are plotted. For typical material and cell parameters a switching speed of 0.017 ms and contrast ratio of 1500:1 at normal incidence are predicted, at a switch-on tilt of 41.5 degrees. Experimental verification of the analytic and numerical models is provided.


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In multi-spool engines, rotating stall in an upstream compressor will impose a rotating distortion on the downstream compressor, thereby affecting its stability margin. In this paper experiments are described in which this effect was simulated by a rotating screen upstream of several multistage low-speed compressors. The measurements are complemented by, and compared with, a theoretical model of multistage compressor response to speed and direction of rotation of an inlet distortion. For co-rotating distortions (i.e., distortions rotating in the same direction as rotor rotation), experiments show that the compressors exhibited significant loss in stability margin and that they could be divided into two groups according to their response. The first group exhibited a single peak in stall margin degradation when the distortion speed corresponded to roughly 50% of rotor speed. The second group showed two peaks in stall margin degradation corresponding to distortion speeds of approximately 25-35% and 70-75% of rotor speed. These new results demonstrate that multistage compressors can have more than a single resonant response. Detailed measurements suggest that the two types of behavior are linked to differences between the stall inception processes observed for the two groups of compressors and that a direct connection thus exists between the observed forced response and the unsteady flow phenomena at stall onset. For counter-rotational distortions, all the compressors tested showed minimal loss of stability margin. The results imply that counter-rotation of the fan and core compressor, or LP and HP compressors, could be a worthwhile design choice. Calculations based on the two-dimensional theoretical model show excellent agreement for the compressors which had a single peak for stall margin degradation. We take this first-of-a-kind comparison as showing that the model, though simplified, captures the essential fluid dynamic features of the phenomena. Agreement is not good for compressors which had two peaks in the curve of stall margin shift versus distortion rotation speed. The discrepancy is attributed to the three-dimensional and short length scale nature of the stall inception process in these machines; this includes phenomena that have not yet been addressed in any model.


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Submarines are efficient sources of low frequency radiated noise due to the vibrations induced by the rotation of the propeller in a non uniform wake. In this work the possibility of using inertial actuators to reduce the far field sound pressure is investigated. The submerged vessel is modelled as a cylindrical shell with two conical end caps. Complicating effects such as ring stiffeners, bulkheads and the fluid loading are taken into account. A harmonic radial force is transmitted from the propeller to the hull through the stern end cone and it is tonal at the blade passing frequency (rotational speed of the shaft multiplied by the number of blades). The actuators are attached at the inside of the prow end cone to form a circumferential array. Both Active Vibration Control (AVC) and Active Structural Acoustic Control (ASAC) are analysed and it is shown that the inertial actuators can significantly reduce the far field sound pressure.


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The effect of size and slip system configuration on the tensile stress-strain response of micron-sized planar crystals as obtained from discrete dislocation plasticity simulations is presented. The crystals are oriented for either single or symmetric double slip. With the rotation of the tensile axis unconstrained, there is a strong size dependence, with the flow strength increasing with decreasing specimen size. Below a certain specimen size, the flow strength of the crystals is set by the nucleation strength of the initially present Frank-Read sources. The main features of the size dependence are the same for both the single and symmetric double slip configurations.


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Water front structures have suffered significant damage in many of the recent earthquakes. These include gravity type quay walls, vertically composite walls, cantilever retaining walls, anchored bulkheads and similar structures. One of the primary causes for the poor performance of these classes of structures is the liquefaction of the foundation soil and in some instances liquefaction of the backfill soil. The liquefaction of the soil in-front of the quay wall tends to cause large lateral displacements and rotation of the wall. Often such gravity walls are placed on rubble mound deposited onto the sea bed.This paper presents finite element analyses of such a problem in which strength degradation of the foundation soil and the backfill material will be modelled using PZ mark III constitutive model. The performance of the wall in terms of its lateral displacement, vertical settlement and/or the rotation suffered by the wall will be presented. In addition, the contours of the horizontal and vertical effective stresses and the excess pore pressure ratio will be presented at different time instants together with hyrdraulic gradients. Immediately after the earthquake, the hydraulic gradients indicate migration of pore water into the region below the wall, suggesting further softening of the foundation soil below the wall.


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Active vibration control of a submerged hull is presented. A submarine hull can be idealised as a ring stiffened finite cylinder with applied fluid loading. At low frequencies, rotation of the propeller results in discrete tones at the blade passing frequency and its harmonics. The low frequency axial and radial vibration modes of the submerged body can result in a high level of radiated noise. Global hull modes are difficult to attenuate since passive control techniques such as damping materials are not practical due to size and weight constraints. This work investigates active vibration control of a submarine hull for attenuation of the structural and acoustic responses. Based on a feedforward algorithm at tonal frequencies, active vibration suppression of the axial and radial hull displacements are investigated. The effect of the various control arrangements on the structure-borne radiated noise is examined. Numerical simulations of the control performance are presented.


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This paper presents a Lyapunov design for the stabilization of collective motion in a planar kinematic model of N particles moving at constant speed. We derive a control law that achieves asymptotic stability of the splay state formation, characterized by uniform rotation of N evenly spaced particles on a circle. In designing the control law, the particle headings are treated as a system of coupled phase oscillators. The coupling function which exponentially stabilizes the splay state of particle phases is combined with a decentralized beacon control law that stabilizes circular motion of the particles. © 2005 IEEE.


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Collective behavior refers to the emergence of complex migration patterns over scales larger than those of the individual elements constituting a system. It plays a pivotal role in biological systems in regulating various processes such as gastrulation, morphogenesis and tissue organization. Here, by combining experimental approaches and numerical modeling, we explore the role of cell density ('crowding'), strength of intercellular adhesion ('cohesion') and boundary conditions imposed by extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins ('constraints') in regulating the emergence of collective behavior within epithelial cell sheets. Our results show that the geometrical confinement of cells into well-defined circles induces a persistent, coordinated and synchronized rotation of cells that depends on cell density. The speed of such rotating large-scale movements slows down as the density increases. Furthermore, such collective rotation behavior depends on the size of the micropatterned circles: we observe a rotating motion of the overall cell population in the same direction for sizes of up to 200 μm. The rotating cells move as a solid body, with a uniform angular velocity. Interestingly, this upper limit leads to length scales that are similar to the natural correlation length observed for unconfined epithelial cell sheets. This behavior is strongly altered in cells that present a downregulation of adherens junctions and in cancerous cell types. We anticipate that our system provides a simple and easy approach to investigate collective cell behavior in a well-controlled and systematic manner.


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A series of strong earthquakes near Christchurch, New Zealand, occurred between September 2010 and December 2011, causing widespread liquefaction throughout the city's suburbs. Lateral spreading developed along the city's Avon River, damaging many of the bridges east of the city centre. The short-to medium-span bridges exhibited a similar pattern of deformation, involving back-rotation of their abutments and compression of their decks. By explicitly considering the rotational equilibrium of the abutments about their point of contact with the rigid bridge decks, it is shown that relatively small kinematic demands from the laterally spreading backfill soil are needed to initiate pile yielding, and that this mode of deformation should be taken into account in the design of the abutments and abutment piles.


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Liquid crystal variable phase retarders have been incorporated into prototype devices for optical communications system applications, both as endless polarization controllers 1,2,3, and as holographic beam steerers 4. Nematic liquid crystals allow continuous control of the degree of retardation induced at relatively slow switching speeds, while ferroelectric liquid crystal based devices allow fast (sub millisecond) switching, but only between two bistable states. The flexoelectro-optic effect 5,6 in short-pitch chiral nematic liquid crystals allows both fast switching of the optic axis and continuous, electric field dependent control of the degree of rotation of the optic axis. A novel geometry for the flexoelectro-optic effect is presented here, in which the helical axis of the chiral nematic is perpendicular to the cell walls (grandjean texture) and the electric field is applied in the plane of the cell. This facilitates deflection of the optic axis of the uniaxial negatively birefringent material from lying along the direction of propagation to having some component in the polarization plane of the light. The device is therefore optically neutral at zero field for telecommunications wavelengths (1550nm), and allows a continuously variable degree of phase excursion to be induced, up to 2π/3 radians achieved so far in a 40μm thick cell. The retardation has been shown both to appear, on application of the field, and disappear on removal, at speeds of 100-500 μs. The direction of deflection of the optic axis is also dependent on the direction of the field, allowing the possibility, in a converging electrode "cartwheel cell", of endless rotation of the liquid crystal waveplate at a higher rate than achievable through dielectric coupling to plain nematic materials.